Young and Gay

Under 26?

Want to meet new people?

Want to talk about stuff relating to your sexuality?

If you answer "yes" to the above, then Young & Gay is the right workshop for you!

Young & Gay offers a fun, interactive and supportive environment for you to meet new people and discuss topics relating to sexuality, sex and sexual health. We talk about coming out, self-esteem, homophobia, HIV/AIDS, STIs, relationships and the gay community.

Follow Young & Gay on Facebook:

Some feedback from recent participants:

"This is a fantastic workshop that has been really impactful and valuable. Keep it going! :)."

"I've gained lots of self-growth and self-love, as well as lots of knowledge on HIV - I will recommend Young & Gay to others - too valuable!"

"Young & Gay is very helpful and every gay young person should participate in it."

Next Workshop

The next Young & Gay workshop is on:

Date: 3 March to 7 April 2016 (every Thursday night for 6 weeks)

Location: VAC, Peter Knight Centre, 6 Claremont St, South Yarra.

To register for this workshop contact (03) 9865 6700 or or fill out the form below

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Other Peer Education Workshops: