HIV/STI quiz


Complete the following questions to test your knowledge of HIV and STI's. Make your choice carefully as you are not able to change your selection!

1) Pre-cum carries HIV. TrueFalse
True However, the viral load in pre-cum is generally so low that HIV transmission is very low risk.
2) You can contract HIV through oral sex. TrueFalse
True However, the chances are extremely low and many, many variables have to be in place in order to contract HIV in this way.
3) Having an undetectable viral load means that HIV has been eliminated from the bloodstream. TrueFalse
False Just because the amount of virus in the bloodstream is undetectable, does not mean that the virus has disappeared altogether. A person remains HIV positive regardless of their viral load.
4) A good diet, plenty of rest and regular exercise will help protect a person from HIV infection. TrueFalse
False HIV is transmitted through the blood stream from a HIV positive person to a HIV negative person. Diet, rest and exercise will not protect a person from HIV.
5) Withdrawal immediately before cumming makes intercourse safe. TrueFalse
False Semen discharged as pre-cum prior to ejaculation can contain enough HIV virus cells to infect an unprotected sexual partner during anal or vaginal intercourse.
6) Masturbating using someone else’s cum as lubricant presents no risk of HIV infection. TrueFalse
False It is possible for HIV infected semen to gain entrance to the body through cuts on the penis, through the eye of the penis or even through absorbent cells on the foreskin.
7) You can’t contract HIV from kissing. TrueFalse
True Although saliva can contain extremely small numbers of HIV cells in an infected person, it is never enough to risk infecting another person.
8) The amount of HIV in a positive person’s blood varies at different times. TrueFalse
True HIV drugs can reduce the amount of HIV cells to undetectable amounts; however HIV cells can increase when there are other infections in the body particularly other Sexually Transmissible Infections.
9) Cleaning the syringe before sharing it is the best way to prevent HIV infection when injecting. TrueFalse
False Sharing syringes or other drug injecting equipment with someone else can put you at risk of HIV infection.
10) HIV cannot penetrate unbroken skin. TrueFalse
True To contract HIV, the virus needs a point of entry into our body, which means that blood, semen, vaginal secretions or breast milk from a person living with HIV has to come in contact with broken skin or mucous membrane.
11) HIV can be transmitted by mosquito bites. TrueFalse
False HIV is a fragile virus that does not survive outside the human body easily and it does not reproduce in insects.
12) HIV can remain dormant, in a positive person's blood, for up to 15 years. TrueFalse
True People can have HIV for 10 years or more and never show any symptoms, others can get symptoms within a short time after being infected. The only way you can tell if you have HIV is to get tested.
13) Sharing needles when injecting drugs can put you at risk of HIV infection. TrueFalse
True Sharing needles with someone else can put you at risk of HIV infection.
14) Condoms are the best way to prevent HIV infection during sexual intercourse. TrueFalse
True Using a condom when engaging in sexual intercourse is the best way to prevent HIV.
15) The more sexual partners one has, the more likely they are to contract HIV. TrueFalse
False If condoms are used every time then regardless of how many sexual partners one has the risk of HIV infection remains the same.
16) Having protected sex with someone who is HIV positive is considered high risk. TrueFalse
False Having protected sex is considered low risk regardless of whether the person is HIV positive or HIV negative.