Competition winners

The winners of the inaugural VAC/GMHC World AIDS Day Poster Competition were announced on Wednesday 14 September

The judges - Rat Simpson, Virginia Cummins, Colin Batrouney, Warren Taylor, Chrissie Feagins and VAC/GMHC Executive Director Matt Dixon shortlisted 20 entrants last week and made the final decision on the three winners last night.

The prizes are awarded as follows:

  • First prize of a $2, 500 Mac store voucher goes to Nicolas Sharp of RMIT TAFE.
  • Second prize of a $2, 000 Mac store voucher goes to Akriti Rana Malhotra of Monash University.
  • Third prize of a $1,000 Mac store voucher goes to Javed de Costa of RMIT University.

The judges had the following comments to make about Nicolas' entry:

We selected this poster for the following reasons:

  • It has a dynamic layout.
  • It complements the existing World AIDS Day brand.
  • It clearly states the copy line as the major graphic element.
  • It includes playful and light-hearted elements.

Congratulations Nicolas, and to the other winners!

The prizes will be awarded at the launch of our World AIDS Day Poster Exhibition:

Where: The Atrium, Federation Square, Melbourne
When: 6 - 8pm, 29 November

All competition entrants are welcome to attend - thank you for all your hard work!

First Prize: Nicolas Sharp

First prize in the World AIDS Day Poster competition - Nicolas Sharp

Second prize: Akriti Rana Malhotra

Second prize in the World AIDS Day Poster competition - Akriti Rana Malhotra

Third prize: Javed de Costa

Third prize in the World AIDS Day Poster competition - Javed