Become a volunteer

Volunteer profiles

As a not-for-profit organisation, a lot of the work we do and what we set out to achieve depends on the dedication and hard work of volunteers.

Over 250 volunteers help with the day-to-day work of our organisation. We value their energy, enthusiasm and ideas. Volunteering can give you a chance to learn new skills and make a difference to people’s lives.

To discuss the various volunteer positions available, please contact Daniel Bryen:

Phone:  (03) 9865 6700

Volunteer positions and training

All volunteers are required to attend an initial orientation training day after attendance at an information session, which is typically held on a Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm.

There are a variety of roles available for volunteers to get involved within our organisation.

Community Support Program

We offer placements for tertiary students completing a qualification in community services, community development, or social welfare. Students can participate in all aspects of the program, including:

  • Direct care and group activities, which provide social, emotional, and practical support
  • Being a driver to take clients to and from medical appointments (you must have your own vehicle, but we will reimburse travel costs)

Positive Living Centre

You can help out at the Positive Living Centre in a variety of capacities:

  • Pantry — Help coordinate this grocery shopping program.
  • Kitchen hands — Help with food preparation, washing dishes, and general kitchen duties for lunches on Tuesdays and dinners on Thursdays.
  • Operations — Help with day-to-day activities around the centre.
  • Handy persons — Help with general maintenance duties around the centre.
  • Reception — Provide front-of-house customer service.
  • Peer support — Facilitate groups and provide mentoring for people living with HIV (you must be HIV-positive for this program).
  • Complementary therapists — Provide services to people living with HIV/AIDS (you must have an Australian-recognised complementary therapy qualification).
  • Activities — Help with group activities and outings.

HIV/AIDS Legal Centre

Solicitors and law students provide their time in giving legal advice on issues relating to HIV and AIDS.

Counselling Services

Qualified counsellors can provide counselling sessions for clients on a range of issues, including HIV, sexuality, coming out, grief and loss, and safe sex.

Health Promotion

Our health promotion team relies heavily on the work of volunteers for:

  • Packing safe sex packs — Help us prepare to distribute products at venues and special events.
  • Outreach team — volunteer to do outreach online, in sex-on-premises venues or at special events like Pride and Midsumma.
  • Peer education facilitators — facilitate groups and workshops for gay men.

Corporate Services

Volunteers are also encouraged to get involved with us in other areas:

  • Night Managers — Staff VAC reception in the evenings, and provide general administrative support.
  • Fundraising — Help with activities and events including making red ribbons and collecting for World AIDS Day.