In memory donations

Donate to VAC/GMHC in memory of a loved one

Donating to VAC in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to celebrate and commemorate their life.

Your donation, which may be in lieu of flowers at a funeral, is a tribute that can assist us with funding our important work, supporting people living with/affected by HIV and targeting those most at risk of HIV transmission.

We are extremely grateful to those who donate to us in memory of a loved one, for demonstrating such generosity during a time of personal sadness.

There are a number of ways you can make an 'In memory' donation:

  • Donating online through the ‘Give now’ section of our website will take you to a secure payment page. When completing the payment form there is an option to provide a special message. Ticking this box will display a number of drop down options, including an option to donate in memory.
  • Call VAC on (03) 9865 6700 to make a payment over the phone with a credit or debit card.
  • Downloading and printing the 'In memory' donation form (195 KB) and forwarding it to us with your donation.

Your gift is tax-deductable and you will receive a receipt shortly after making your donation. Upon request and where contact details are available, the next of kin will be written to, to provide details of donations received in memory of their loved one.

In memory cards and envelopes

If you require in memory donation cards and envelopes to distribute at a funeral, please phone (03) 9865 6700, or ask the funeral director to make these arrangements on your behalf.

Contact us

Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for callers from regional and rural areas)
