HIV testing

If you think you have had very recent exposure to HIV (ie within the last 72 hours) you should call the PEP hotline.

HIV tests look for HIV antibodies in the blood. Antibodies are produced after exposure to HIV infection and can take up to 12 weeks to appear, but most people will produce them within 6 weeks of exposure. This delay between exposure and production of antibodies is known as the Window Period.

Getting tested

There are currently two ways you can get tested for HIV in Victoria – a rapid test or a conventional blood test.

Either way, getting an HIV test in Victoria currently involves giving a blood sample. In the case of a rapid HIV test – by a quick fingerprick with a result available 10-20  minutes later. The second option is a conventional blood test which involves blood being taken from a vein in your arm which is then sent off to a laboratory for  testing – this can involve you waiting for up to one week to get your result.

In order to get a result that covers all risks you may have had, we advise waiting at least 6 weeks after your last risk before you test – either by rapid or conventional blood tests. This is the minimum window period for testing after suspected exposure to HIV. The person testing you will advise you when to test and also how often you should consider testing.

Testing services

We provide free, confidential HIV and STI testing through the Centre Clinic at Rear 77 Fitzroy Street St Kilda, phone:

(03) 9525 5866.

We provide free, confidential rapid HIV testing at PRONTO! 175 Rose Street, Fitzroy, phone: (03) 9416 2889.

For other testing service locations see: Melbourne Sexual Health Centre.

It is a good idea to get tested for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) at the same time as having an HIV test. Most people with an STI show no symptoms.

You cannot be tested for HIV without your permission.

Testing positive

If your initial test is positive for HIV antibodies, you must then get a second test to confirm that the first one was accurate.

This is the case whether you have had a rapid test or a conventional blood test and is standard practice. The rate of false positive results is very low. Once your diagnosis is confirmed your Doctor will discuss with you the way forward.

Support and information for people newly diagnosed with HIV or who have been living with the infection for some time is available from the following VAC/GMHC services:

Support is also available from: