VAC Strategic Plan 2012-2017


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VAC has a long, rich and diverse history, working with and for communities and people living with or affected by HIV. This is reflected in the principles that govern and underpin the way we work.

Meaningful participation of our communities

We want all people who are a part of the communities we work in to feel that they are part of what we do. We encourage and cultivate the meaningful participation of these communities.

Social justice

We are an organisation founded in the communities we work for, on the principles of social justice. We support people to thrive, express themselves, and to develop skills and capacity.

Honesty and fairness

We treat our clients, members, volunteers, staff and the organisations with whom we work with honesty, fairness and respect.

Working to the highest standards

Our work is evidence-based, drawing on current knowledge, with a thorough understanding of the epidemiological and social context of HIV in Australia, and the needs of our communities.

Working collaboratively

We deliver accessible and responsive programs in collaboration with others in our communities.

Our purpose

To reduce HIV transmissions in Victoria by promoting the health of gay men and of people living with HIV.

To work in partnership to improve health outcomes for the sexually and gender diverse community.

Our vision

A future without HIV.

A world where all sexually and gender diverse people live with dignity, with equal rights, and participate fully in our society.

Our mission

VAC leads the fight against HIV/AIDS in Victoria by providing care and support for people living with HIV, health promotion, and advocacy.

We advocate, with partner organisations, to improve health outcomes for sexually and gender diverse communities.

At VAC we:

  • Deliver HIV prevention, education and health promotion to gay men.
  • Provide services, support and advocacy for all people living with HIV.
  • Respond to emerging needs and developments in HIV prevention and care.
  • Support and promote the health and wellbeing of sexually and gender diverse communities.
  • Promote access to our services for these communities.

Our goals

  • Decrease rates and impact of HIV.
  • Be recognised as a visible and trusted leader for our communities.
  • Lead through innovative and high-quality programs and services.
  • Be a strong, unified organisation.
  • Be a well-governed, financially secure, and sustainably-resourced organisation.

Our strategic objectives

Within the life of this plan VAC will:

Work to decrease rates and impact of HIV

By embracing innovative evidence-based HIV prevention approaches and technologies to respond effectively to changes in the epidemic and;

By strengthening our policy capacity to capitalise on developments in prevention and care.

Provide trusted leadership

By working inclusively with sexually and gender diverse communities, particularly on the improvement of health outcomes, providing capacity development, and using our policy capacity to argue for reforms to laws and policies which undermine good health.

Lead through excellent and innovative programs and services

By addressing a broad range of health issues that affect wellbeing in sexually and gender diverse communities and making the most of our expertise in services and programs delivered by volunteers and staff.

Be a unified and strengthened organisation

VAC will strive to solve the problems associated with having two separate organisations through a process of consultation over the life of this plan.

Ensure financial sustainability

By sharing our expertise and resources to support the capacities of other community organisations and;

By keeping abreast of proposed changes in health reform and collaborating with partners to take advantage of new funding opportunities.

Ensure professional expertise

By maximising the skills and abilities of a committed and competent workforce and of our volunteers, to deliver     services and programs based on need, research and sound evidence.

Our history

We have a proud history of direct action. The many services and programs we offer today grew from unique partnerships between community activists, clinicians and political leaders.

Established in 1983 after a public meeting called to express concern at government inaction over an emerging health issue (then known as Gay Related Immune Deficiency, or GRID), the direction of a community and clinical response was driven by those infected and affected by HIV.

Led essentially by the gay community and its supporters, people were mobilised and engaged directly with governments, hospital administrators and health services to create a world first model of care.  We began as a genuinely community driven and vocal organisation where most tasks were done by people volunteering their time.

Our structure and issues have changed over time, but our volunteers remain fundamental in the delivery of services.  We remain committed to leading the fight against HIV and related social justice issues, so our history is a work in progress.