
There’s more than one way to get Re-wired...

The VAC Counselling Service now offers three different programs to meet the needs of people who use methamphetamine, their partners, friends, family and interested community members:

1) Re-wired Therapeutic Group: The Re-wired Group is a six week group for men who have sex with men (MSM) with the aim of supporting clients to change their methamphetamine use and better manage their mental health. Topics will include: Stages of Change, motivation to change, identity and methamphetamine, sex and HIV, harm reduction strategies, ways to improve mental health, mindfulness and relapse prevention. This group begins on Wednesday 17 September, 6-7:30PM and is free.

2) Re-wired One-on-One: is a one-off, private conversation with a counsellor. It’s about giving you the information and space you need, to talk about how methamphetamine has impacted on your life or the life of someone close to you.  These single sessions are run weekly and are available to methamphetamine users, partners, friends and family members.

3) Community Forum: will be held periodically for people who use methamphetamine, their partners, their friends, family and interested community members to talk about the impact of methamphetamine and provide information.

Each part of the Re-wired program is free and will be held at the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC), South Yarra. For more information, to make a referral or register your interest, please visit or call us today on 03 9865 6700 and ask to speak to someone from the counselling team.