Outreach program

The Outreach program aims to improve the sexual health of gay and other same-sex attracted men who use saunas, 'sex-on-premises' venues, gay cruising websites and smart phone applications.

Our trained volunteers visit:

  • Saunas and other venues to talk to men and provide sexual health information and resources.
  • Gay cruising websites to answer men's sexual health questions.
  • Popular cruising smart phone applications, for example Grindr and Scruff.

Upcoming Outreach Training Dates 2015

Training dates for 2015 are:

  • 14 & 21 March
  • 11 & 18 July
  • 3 & 10 October

On Thursday 10 March 2011, VAC staff, Jason and Jill, interviewed Nathan, a volunteer with the Outreach program on our weekly radio show Well, Well, Well on JOY 94.9. In the interview, Nathan explains how outreach work is undertaken online and in sex-on-premises-venues and the types of issues that men in these spaces ask about sexual health.

Listen to the interview at www.joy.org.au
Note: The interview with Nathan starts 7 minutes into the podcast.


For more information or to arrange a selection interview for the next training session, please contact us at outreach@vac.org.au.

It is essential that potential volunteers for the Outreach project undertake a selection interview prior to the commencement of training.

Contact us

Phone: (03) 9865 6700 or 1800 134 840 (free call for country callers)

Email: outreach@vac.org.au