
Mike Chang's 10 Minute Workout Challenge
Get ripped abs fast:
What's up everybody!
It's Mike Cha...
published: 02 Jun 2014
Mike Chang's 10 Minute Workout Challenge
Mike Chang's 10 Minute Workout Challenge
Get ripped abs fast: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdkY What's up everybody! It's Mike Chang with SixPackShortcuts and today we are going to do a 10 minute workout challenge! We're going to hit legs and do some intense cardio that is going to push us. Workouts like this will get you strong and cut so you can get one step closer to the ripped body you've always wanted. Workout breakdown: 10 Minutes/ 2 Exercises/ 10 Reps Each/ Maximum Rounds/ Minimum Rest Here are the movements: 1) Dumbbell Front Squats - I'll be using a 50lb. weight, but use whatever weight is most appropriate for you 2) Burpees Let's get it done! This is UNEDITED, so follow me! Video Breakdown: 1:44 Here is a Dumbbell Front Squat: Hold your dumbbell with both hands at one end of the weight right under your chin, keep your chest up and then you just squat. The goal here is to have your elbows touch your knees before pushing through with your heels to stand back up. GET LOW! Video Breakdown: 2:08 And.... GO! 12:14 So you want to burn FAT? You want to get CRAZY RIPPED? You got to step up your game! Comment below and let me know your scores. Try it out, that's all it takes! -- And if you really want to build muscle fast, here you go: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdkY It's designed to get you a ripped, muscular body fast. How do I know it works? Well if you don't know yet, I didn't always have the ripped body I have today. I was born with sub-par genetics and it has always been really hard for me to burn fat. But I didn't let that stop me... I was never going to give up. And everything really changed for me when I found this one "trick" that burns fat fast. Now I have the ripped body of my dreams. Check out that "trick" here: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdkY Train hard, -Mike P.S. -- Use this link to share the video with your friends on Facebook! http://youtu.be/3xqNe4jp8UI- published: 02 Jun 2014
- views: 9147

Mike Chang's Actual Chest And Bicep Workout
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike What's up guys, It's Mike and today...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Mike Chang's Actual Chest And Bicep Workout
Mike Chang's Actual Chest And Bicep Workout
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike What's up guys, It's Mike and today im taking you through my actual chest and bicep workout. In this v...- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 1287987
- author: sixpackshortcuts

Killer Ab Workout: Pro Strongmen vs. Mike Chang!
How I went from FAT to six pack abs: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_...
published: 28 Feb 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Killer Ab Workout: Pro Strongmen vs. Mike Chang!
Killer Ab Workout: Pro Strongmen vs. Mike Chang!
How I went from FAT to six pack abs: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_id=2634&aff;_sub=KillerAbWorkoutProStrongmenvsMikeChang&aff;_sub2=DES...- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 575200
- author: sixpackshortcuts

Mike Chang's INSANE Leg Workout
Get a ripped body fast:
What's up,
It's Mike Chang with...
published: 30 Jun 2014
Mike Chang's INSANE Leg Workout
Mike Chang's INSANE Leg Workout
Get a ripped body fast: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdmG What's up, It's Mike Chang with sixpackshortcuts and today is leg day! We've finally got some nice weather so today we're outside in the sun (I decided to get a little tan) and I'm gonna hit some legs. This is my actual leg routine, so write out the breakdown below and try it for yourself! It's workouts like this one that will get you set up to have the ultimate, ripped body that you've always wanted. Workout Breakdown: I try to do about 4 - 5 sets of each exercise: - Walking Lunges - Squats - Stiff Legs - Calves Ready for this? Let's get started! Video Breakdown: Walking Lunges: 15 one way then 15 back = 1 set 0:39 Set 1 - Warm Up 2:08 Set 2 - Add some weight 3:45 Set 3 4:41 Set 4 4:27 Rest - Whew, that sun feels good, but can really take it out of you! 4:44 Set 5 Squats: 10 - 15 reps 5:23 Set 1 - Light weight 6:01 Set 2 - Add some weight 6:30 Reno 911 in the house! 6:50 Set 3 7:29 Set 4 - Add more weight 7:51 Set 5 8:29 Set 6 Stiff Legs: 10 - 15 reps 8:50 Set 1 - Light weight 9:06 Set 2 - Add some weight 9:37 Set 3 10:02 Set 4 10:30 Set 5 Calves: 15 - 20 reps 10:58 Set 1 11:33 Set 2 11:44 Let's throw a little ab work in there! - Hanging Leg Raises (toes to the bar) 12:06 Set 3 12:32 More hanging leg raises 12:39 Set 4 12:47 More ab work Alright guys, I finished up with a little bit of abs to mix it up and get me through it... I am done with leg day! It's a tough one but leg day always feels great, give this one a try! Leave your comments below and let me know how you did, and as always, keep checking in for more tips on workouts and nutrition. And if you want to know the fastest way to a muscular body, check this out: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdmG I didn't always have the body I have today, I used to think that I would never be one of those guys walking around with their shirts off. It wasn't until I discovered this one, cutting-edge style of training that my life changed. Now I know that I'll have life-long fitness success and am never going back to my old ways. You deserve to know what many others have discovered so you too can have the ripped, muscular body of your dreams. Could this "new style of training" be the one thing that's missing in your workouts? http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdmG Train Hard, -Mike If you enjoyed the video, make sure you share this with your friends on Facebook. http://youtu.be/_XJXkXF7Gsg- published: 30 Jun 2014
- views: 42007

Mike Chang - Pullup King!
Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/subscribetoGWR
Watch as Mike Chang from Six Pack Shortcu...
published: 24 Jan 2014
Mike Chang - Pullup King!
Mike Chang - Pullup King!
Subscribe for more: http://bit.ly/subscribetoGWR Watch as Mike Chang from Six Pack Shortcuts muscles his way to the Guinness World Records title for most pull ups in one minute wearing a 40 lb pack! Encouraging him are Alex and Tyler from SportsManias.com Welcome to the official Guinness World Records YouTube channel! If you're looking for videos featuring the world's tallest, shortest, fastest, longest, oldest and most incredible things on the planet, you're in the right place. LIKE us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/GuinnessWorldRecords FOLLOW us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/gwrnews Find out more: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/ Add us to your G+ circles: http://bit.ly/GWRgplus- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 350

Mike Chang's Chest & Abs Challenge
Get your free audio book here:
Hey it's Mike Chang and today I've...
published: 12 Jun 2014
Mike Chang's Chest & Abs Challenge
Mike Chang's Chest & Abs Challenge
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike Hey it's Mike Chang and today I've got a pushup and ab challenge for you guys! We're going to see how many pushups you can do in 30 seconds then how many bicycles you can do in 30 seconds. How long can you last? Let's push hard and stay focused so we can be that much closer to the body we've always wanted. 0:26 - You need to aim to do a minimum of 10 pushups per each 30 seconds. Now this is going to get harder as you go along, so if you get tired before the timer goes off just hold a plank position. 0:46 - For the 30 second bicycles you should also aim to do a minimum of 10 per each 30 seconds. We'll make this easy and count each side as 1 bicycle. 0:57 - The objective is how many minutes can you last? I'm going to shoot for 10 minutes! 1:11 - So the book I was talking about last month, the audible book of the month, is the "The 4-Hour Body" by Timothy Ferriss. He has a lot of great points and we share a lot of the same concepts. I don't want to spoil anything, but he has some really simple rules that are easy to follow. 1:44 - What's really interesting though is that the book is not just about how to get super lean or ripped doing the minimum effective dose (MED), there's actually other parts: - Rapid Fat Loss - Incredible Sex - Becoming Superhuman 2:15 - He's got some pretty interesting pointers in there as far as the sex part goes! 3:14 - I want y'all to check this part out - It's called the 15 Minute Orgasim, and it's how to take care of your girl in 15 minutes! 4:15 - If you haven't checked it out already check it out this month! 4:26 - Let's now do some pushups! **How long can you last? 4:47 - Round 1 - Let's do this! 14:47 - End of 10 Rounds - That was pretty good and felt great! Pushups and abs are a really great combination to do, keep it simple. 16:01 - Hope you enjoyed this workout and don't forget to check out that book. Oh, by the way I'll say one thing - Chapter 17, definitely Chapter 18, but it's 17 when it starts on that interesting little sex talk. Remember to get the audio book at http://audible.com/mike if you want to get it for free now. And do you you want to build that ripped V-Shape body fast? http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdmk I used to always had trouble getting a ripped body, because I had so much belly fat. I used to have a flabby body that I thought would never get better, but the last thing I was going to do was give up. And it wasn't until I found this one "trick" that I was able to get the body I always wanted. Could this one "trick" be the answer to your fitness problems as well? Watch this video to find out for yourself. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdmk Train Hard, -Mike P.S. Share with your friend with this link on Facebook. http://youtu.be/0itE6yY5SW0 ========================================== Thanks to Audible for supporting Six Pack Shortcuts. Audible has over 150,000 audiobooks that help keep you entertained while you workout. You can get a free audiobook and try their service for free at Audible.com/mike.- published: 12 Jun 2014
- views: 55920

Six Pack Shortcuts: Spring Break Abs & Core Workout- Mike Chang
Six Pack Shortcuts: Spring Break Abs & Core Workout with Mike Chang is an explosive, 15 mi...
published: 16 Apr 2014
Six Pack Shortcuts: Spring Break Abs & Core Workout- Mike Chang
Six Pack Shortcuts: Spring Break Abs & Core Workout- Mike Chang
Six Pack Shortcuts: Spring Break Abs & Core Workout with Mike Chang is an explosive, 15 minute, power-building abdominal workout that was developed to build core strength, burn fat and shred your midsection for intense beach-ready results! Get ready to fight through the burn and obliterate fat as you travel down the road to ripped, six-pack abs with World-Renowned Internet Fitness Sensation, Mike Chang. Learn Mike's secrets that have helped millions sculpt lean muscle, lose weight, and get into top shape as you activate your core and engage all of the muscles of the abs and lower back in this effective, result-driven segment from Mike Chang's top-selling "Six Pack Shortcuts: The Total Body Workout" Fitness DVD. This complete DVD is packed with 4 body-sculpting, core-focused workouts from Mike Chang's signature fitness system that will kick-start your weight loss potential as you tone the arms, legs, chest, shoulders, glutes, abs and back for a full body workout! Crank up the intensity as you blast away calories, melt away love handles and banish belly fat with core-centric ab exercises like seated leg lifts, hip thrust twists, jack knifes, criss-cross punches, knee to elbow planks, butterfly crunches, up and overs, and many more that will carve a slim and sexy midsection and shape the body you are looking for fast. You will need a towel, a Yoga mat and a bottle of water to complete this workout. Adjust intensity to fit your skill level by using the modifications provided throughout the routine's 3 levels. Mike's positive training style will inspire you to give it all you've got and remain focused on the fact that every rep counts. Build strength and boost energy levels, and gain power with one of the best trainers in the business right from your own home with BeFiT! Tune in every weekday for new, free workouts covering many genres from your favorite fitness experts. Click here for more Ab workouts: http://bit.ly/SDLTfC Click here to sign up for the BeFit newsletter for workout tips, recipes and more! http://lionsgatebefit.com/?utm_source=anno&utm;_medium=youtube&utm;_campaign=top10 Click here to purchase Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts: Total Body Workout on DVD: http://www.amazon.com/Mike-Changs-Six-Pack-Shortcuts/dp/B00FKTCYAK/ref=lh_ni_t?ie=UTF8&psc;=1∣=ATVPDKIKX0DER Click here to download the complete Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts: Total Body Workout from iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/tv-season/mike-changs-six-pack-shortcuts/id742439794 Click Here to Subscribe to the BeFit channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Befit For full selection of great workouts like this one, visit the BeFit Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/befit Check out our official website at: http://www.lionsgatebefit.com Check us out on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/lionsgatebefit Follow us on Twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/lionsgatebefit Check us out on Google+ https://plus.google.com/104994741925506474033/posts Check us out on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/lionsgatebefit To purchase DVD's, Check out the Lionsgate Fitness store at: http://www.lionsgateshop.com/search_results.asp?type=fitness&GenreId;=8- published: 16 Apr 2014
- views: 7163

How to buy Lean Protein at the Grocery Store
Get abs eating tasty food.
What's up,
It's Mike Chang a...
published: 17 Dec 2013
How to buy Lean Protein at the Grocery Store
How to buy Lean Protein at the Grocery Store
Get abs eating tasty food. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdcV What's up, It's Mike Chang and today I want to take you shopping with me. My main focus is going to be to get a lot of lean proteins, because I am trying to stay as lean as possible. Knowing this information will bring you one step closer to having the six pack abs you've always wanted. Video breakdown: 1:00 Some meats are actually tricky, because they look lean but they are really full of fat. 2:45 You need to look at the nutrition label to find out how lean something is... don't depend on the advertising on the product. 3:15 We love breasts. Packaged breasts are okay, but they are not the best option to go with. The fresher the meat, the better. 4:15 You don't want to use things like beef that is meant to be made on a BBQ, because a lot of the fat will stay on your body. 4:40 Another thing to look at is the ratio of fat to the amount of protein in your food. You need to make sure the protein is way higher then the fat... and the lower the fat, the better. 5:30 Frozen foods are not too bad but they should only be backups. They really shouldn't be your first source of protein or first choice of a lean meat. 6:30 And you have to watch out for SODIUM. Things like fajita meat will cause bloating and even though they're lean, they have a high amount of sodium. 8:19 Always look at the back of the label, so you can see the actual stats and the serving size. Companies mislead people a lot with the nutritional label. 10:00 Eggs are also a great source of protein and they are extremely lean. There are different types, but there isn't a huge difference between them. I hope this information helps you out! And If you want the know the truth about getting six pack abs, check out this video. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdcV I used to get so frustrated with how sad my body looked. It got so bad that I was even embarrassed to go out in public sometimes. But everything all turned around for me once I discovered how to harness the Afterburn Effect in all my workouts. Now I burn calories for up to 48 hours after my workout... that is pretty powerful. Could the "Afterburn Effect" be the one training style that will help YOU get the body you've always wanted? Watch this video to find out for yourself. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdcV Train Hard, -Mike If you enjoyed the video, make sure you share this with your friends on facebook.- published: 17 Dec 2013
- views: 99018

Mike Chang's Top 5 Workouts of 2013
Build muscle fast:
What's up,
It's Mike Chang with sixp...
published: 23 Jun 2014
Mike Chang's Top 5 Workouts of 2013
Mike Chang's Top 5 Workouts of 2013
Build muscle fast: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdms What's up, It's Mike Chang with sixpackshortcuts and today I've decided to put together the Top 5 Workout Videos of 2013 for my Sixpack Shortcuts channel. I did this because I've noticed that there are a lot of comments from viewers who watch all the videos, but just don't know how to get started. So these are the most engaged, most watched and most completed workouts on the channel. But more importantly, these workouts work GREAT together so you can do them back to back and get a complete workout in everyday! Workouts like this can help you get on your way to the muscular body of your dreams. Video breakdown: 0:36 - We're going to be working all the body parts in this series. You're going to be training 5 days a week, doing 1 video each day, and taking 2 days off. To get ready for this, I want you to write out all the workouts you're about to see here so you can refer back to that, while tracking your progress, rather than coming back to this video each day. And I want you to do these consistently for the next 60 days. 1:07 - Now the key thing here is to be CONSISTENT. Be sure to take your 2 days of rest and don't skip out on any of the workouts, make this your personal 60-day challenge! 1:24 - Go ahead and comment below, let me know if you like how I'm setting these workouts up and if it really makes it easier for you. 1:42 - Let's Train hard and I'll see you in the next video! **Day 1: 1:46 - CannonBall Shoulder Workout Super Sets: - 4 Sets of Military Press / Upright Row (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Drivers / Underhand Press (8-10 reps) Today is shoulder day, watch me do the above workout!: 2:09 - Super Set 1 of Military Press / Upright Row 2:38 - You can rest for about 30 seconds, but no more, you want to keep that heart rate up! 2:46 - Super Set 1 of Drivers / Underhand Press **Day 2: 3:33 - Mike Chang's ACTUAL Chest and Bicep Workout - 4 Sets of Bench Press (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Incline Bench Press (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Dumbbell Pullovers (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Cable Crossovers (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Easy Bar Curls (8-10 reps) - 4 Sets of Alternating Hammer Curls (8-10 reps) Today is chest and biceps, watch a demonstration of the above workout!: 3:37 - Set 1 of Bench Press 4:02 - Set 1 of Incline Bench Press 4:17 - Set 1 of Dumbbell Pullovers 4:43 - Set 1 of Cable Crossovers 4:56 - Set 1 of Easy Bar Curls 5:12 - Alternating Hammer Curls **Day 3: 5:31 - Crazy Leg Workout - Squats (8-10 reps) - Back Lunges (8-10 reps) - Front Lunges (8-10 reps) - Explosive Jumps (8-10 reps) - Stiff Leg Deadlifts (8-10 reps) Repeat all 5 movements for 8 Rounds It's leg day, aaaaand GO!: 5:37 - Squats 5:52 - Back Lunges 6:11 - Front Lunges 6:32 - Explosive Jumps 6:55 - Stiff Leg Deadlifts **Day 4: 7:34 - Mike Chang's Bodybuilding Back Workout - Pull Ups (until failure) - Bent Over Rows (8-10 reps) - One Arm Dumbbell Rows (8-10 reps) - T-Bar Rows (8-10 reps) - Deadlifts (8-10 reps) Today is all back - let's get it done!: 7:39 - Pull Ups 7:53 - Bent Over Rows 8:10 - One Arm Dumbbell Rows 8:54 - T-Bar Rows 9:05 - Deadlifts **Day 5: 9:22 - Monster Mass Tricep Workout - Close Grip Bench (8-12 reps) - Overhead Dumbbell Extension (8-12 reps) - Skull Crushers (8-12 reps) - Kickbacks (8-12 reps) Let's blast those triceps!: 9:28 - Close Grip Bench 9:52 - Overhead Dumbbell Extension 10:20 - Skull Crushers 10:59 - Kickbacks I hope this video helps you out! Make this YOUR 60-day Challenge, and again, leave your comments below and let us know what you think and keep us posted on your progress! And if you want to know how to pack on muscle fast use this "new style of training": http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdms I used to think that building great muscle mass was impossible for me, but there was no way I was giving up on my goal. I decided to push hard and made it my priority to find a way to get it done. Everything changed for me when I found this one "new style of training" that made getting massive gains easy. Now I have the strong, muscular body of my dreams. Could this "new style of training" be the one thing that's missing in your workouts? You deserve to know: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdms Train Hard, -Mike If you enjoyed the video, make sure you share this with your friends on Facebook. http://youtu.be/eFlwodXh3Ck- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 40588

Best 5 Minute Abs Workout - FLEX FRIDAY
Get crazy ripped six pack abs FAST: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_i...
published: 12 Jul 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Best 5 Minute Abs Workout - FLEX FRIDAY
Best 5 Minute Abs Workout - FLEX FRIDAY
Get crazy ripped six pack abs FAST: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_id=2634&aff;_sub=Best5MinuteAbsWorkout&aff;_sub2=DESC&source;=youtube W...- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 214742
- author: sixpackshortcuts

Top 9 Six Pack Shortcuts Workouts - Mike Chang
Do you want to get ripped FAST? Here's how: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id...
published: 01 Apr 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Top 9 Six Pack Shortcuts Workouts - Mike Chang
Top 9 Six Pack Shortcuts Workouts - Mike Chang
Do you want to get ripped FAST? Here's how: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_id=2634&aff;_sub=Top9SPSWorkouts&aff;_sub2=DESC&source;=youtube...- published: 01 Apr 2013
- views: 699916
- author: sixpackshortcuts

Inspirational Workout Video - Mike Chang
This video was made for those who are in a struggle, tra...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Inspirational Workout Video - Mike Chang
Inspirational Workout Video - Mike Chang
http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdc9 This video was made for those who are in a struggle, training hard and doing everything they can everyday to make a better quality of life for themselves. Whether its training your physical body, working hard at your job or school, or just trying to get to another milestone in your life, the path is never easy and there's always obstacles and challenges in your way. This video relates a lot to my personal struggles growing up. It wasn't easy overcoming them, but thru perseverance, will power, and the drive to succeed, I was able to accomplish my goals. I hope this video can help inspire you as it did for me to not give up and continue to chase your dreams till your very last breath. - Mike http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdc9- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 99348

About Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts deleted discussion and debate only!
Strenghtcamp Elliott Hulse positive review of mike chang's shortpackscamshortcuts....
published: 30 Dec 2012
author: bdavisshorty
About Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts deleted discussion and debate only!
About Mike Chang's Six Pack Shortcuts deleted discussion and debate only!
Strenghtcamp Elliott Hulse positive review of mike chang's shortpackscamshortcuts.- published: 30 Dec 2012
- views: 3756
- author: bdavisshorty

Mike Chang's Bodybuilding Back Workout
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike How Mike Chang went from puny to ja...
published: 30 May 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Mike Chang's Bodybuilding Back Workout
Mike Chang's Bodybuilding Back Workout
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike How Mike Chang went from puny to jacked: http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=18&aff;_id=2634...- published: 30 May 2013
- views: 240382
- author: sixpackshortcuts
Youtube results:

Extreme Ripped Body Workout - Do This Workout 5X/Week to get Ripped!
Get your free audio book here:
Hey Y'all,
It's Mike and today we...
published: 02 Oct 2013
Extreme Ripped Body Workout - Do This Workout 5X/Week to get Ripped!
Extreme Ripped Body Workout - Do This Workout 5X/Week to get Ripped!
Get your free audio book here: http://audible.com/mike Hey Y'all, It's Mike and today we are going to do a ten minute workout and all you're going to need is a towel. We are going to work chest, back, arms, abs and get some cardio in this workout. SO yes it is going to be intense! Video breakdown: 0:24 A lot of guys aren't doing the workouts and the workouts are short! Why does this happen? It is a lack of willpower... 0:53 I've been reading a book called "The Willpower Instinct", and it has really helped me understand how we are driven to accomplish our goals. So many things in life depend on willpower and this booked helped me out, so check it out if you want. 1:34 Four reasons that people destroy their willpower: 1) Stress, anxiety, depression and any negative emotion will kill your willpower. 2) Lack of sugar to your brain and a lack of sleep. 3) You simply run out of willpower. 4) Lack of training... yes you have to train your willpower. How to overcome destroying your willpower: 1) Exercise, healthy eating, hang out with friends and don't stress. 2) Eat every two to three hours. 3) When you run out of willpower, try doing things in the morning. 4) Time how many breaths you take in sixty seconds and whatever it is, you want to lower your breaths from 6-10 for every sixty seconds. Work your way up to twenty minutes a day and you will definitely reduce your rash decision making. Follow these steps and take control of your fitness goals and your life. **Note: I personally listen to to audible.com during all my workouts to get mentally prepare for my intense training and also prepare for my daily tasks.... it's not only a game changer, it's a life changer. Now lets get to training: 10 MIN workout...Follow me let's go!!! And if you want to build a ripped V-Shape body fast, watch this video now. http://sixpackshortcuts.com I've always had trouble getting a ripped body. I had a ton of fat that would never go away and I didn't have the willpower to do anything about it... until I found this one "trick" that gave me the ripped six pack abs I had always wanted. Could this one "trick" be the answer to your fitness problems as well? Watch this video to find out for yourself. http://sixpackshortcuts.com Train Hard, -Mike P.S. Share with your friend with this link on Facebook. ========================================== Thanks to Audible for supporting Six Pack Shortcuts. Audible has over 150,000 audiobooks that help keep you entertained while you workout. You can get a free audiobook and try their service for free at Audible.com/mike.- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 61167

The Best Lean Proteins To Eat For A Ripped Body
Get abs eating tasty food.
What's up,
It's Mike Chang a...
published: 18 Dec 2013
The Best Lean Proteins To Eat For A Ripped Body
The Best Lean Proteins To Eat For A Ripped Body
Get abs eating tasty food. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdd2 What's up, It's Mike Chang and today I want to discuss how to buy lean proteins to get ripped. These are gonna be some killer tips for getting or maintaining a ripped body. And if you aren't there yet, these tips will bring you one step closer to having the body you've always wanted. Video breakdown: 1:17 Alright, let's look at lean meats and talk about which ones are good for you and which ones are bad for you. A lot of people think it's just about the meat, but it is also about the cut of the meat. CHICKEN 1:40 Let's talk about breasts. So with chicken breasts there are a few different types, but as you probably already know, regular chicken breasts are the easiest to find. But there are also chicken breast tenders and split breasts. 2:05 #1 Tenderloins and chicken breasts are always about the same price, but when you get split breasts they will be cheaper because they come with the skin on them (you can just peal it off). #2 Split breasts also have bone in them so you have to take the time to take that out as well. *If you spend the time doing these two things, you will save a ton on money, because split breasts are only a dollar a pound 3:11 It is important to save money and get the most amount of protein for the least amount of cost. It is all about the price you pay per pound. 5:06 So honestly it is better to buy in bulk when it comes to chicken breasts, because you are going to get the most bang for your buck. 5:41 Then you have your pre-seasoned meats that are tasty and you literally don't have to do anything to. The only bad thing with pre-seasoned meat is that is that it sometimes is going to have a ton of sodium that causes bloating and it is not good for your body in large doses. BEEF 7:05 There are a lot of different cuts when it comes to beef. But generally speaking, the more red it is and the less white it contains, the more lean the cut of meat. PORK 8:45 You want to watch out for pork, because a lot of the cuts are going to have a ton of fat. And even though you use the same rule of thumb as with beef, sometimes the butcher hides the fatty part to make the meat look better. 9:00 But something like pork center cut pork chops are going to be pretty lean. BACK TO BEEF 10:05 Ground beef is the easiest meat to tell if it is fattening or not. They usually tell you the exact percentage of fat. 11:26 The basic rule of thumb with ground beef is, the less fat the better. The protein content doesn't go down with fat percentage, so you can be healthy and get all the benefits with low fat in your beef. 12:20 And you are going to have to pay a little more for grass fed meat and bison, because they are natural. It is as simple as that. SEAFOOD 13:12 The truth is... 90 percent of the sea food you eat is going to be low in fat. And even if they do, fish fat is good for you!!! OTHER PROTEIN SOURCES 13:36 Eggs are a great protein source and they contain good fats in the whole egg. It is okay to eat the whole thing. 14:15 Cottage cheese can be a good source of protein, but you need to watch out because they can be higher in fat. In conclusion, I want you to remember that eating less calories than your burn is the only way to get lean! I hope this video serves you well. And if you want the know the truth about getting six pack abs, check out this video. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdd2 I used to get so frustrated with the fat I just couldn't get rid of. I honestly almost gave up. But everything all turned around for me once I discovered how to harness the Afterburn Effect in all my workouts. It is the one "trick" that got me the body I have today and it changed my life. Could the "Afterburn Effect" be the answer to your fitness problems as well? Watch this video to find out for yourself. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rdd2 Train Hard, -Mike If you enjoyed the video, make sure you share this with your friends on facebook.- published: 18 Dec 2013
- views: 62708

Why You Should NOT Train Every Day
How to get ripped six pack abs FAST. http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_...
published: 05 Jun 2013
author: sixpackshortcuts
Why You Should NOT Train Every Day
Why You Should NOT Train Every Day
How to get ripped six pack abs FAST. http://go2.sixpackshortcuts.com/aff_c?offer_id=6&aff;_id=2634&aff;_sub=WhyYouShouldNotTrainEveryDay&aff;_sub2=DESC&source;=y...- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 331798
- author: sixpackshortcuts

3 Keys To Building Chest Muscle - Bench Press Techniques
How to build a ripped and muscular chest:
Hey man, it's ...
published: 07 Oct 2013
3 Keys To Building Chest Muscle - Bench Press Techniques
3 Keys To Building Chest Muscle - Bench Press Techniques
How to build a ripped and muscular chest: http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rd9b Hey man, it's Mike Chang and today I'm going to give you the three best tips for building a massive chest. This video is going to give you not only the proper way to train your chest, it's also going to show you what not to do... this way you can get that chest that will get you all the attention when you have that tank top on. Video Breakdown: **3 tips for a massive chest Tip #1 Tuck in your trap muscle and avoid using your deltoids muscles. Most people leave their shoulder up and end up messing up their rotator cuff and never activating the chest muscle. Tip #2 Finish your last rep. A lot of guys are tired by the last rep so they use a shortcut and cheat on the last rep. You don't want to give up when you are fatigued, because when you are at your weakest, you will actually build more muscle. Tip #3 Find the exercise that you find works out your chest the best. Now if you are a guy that is just trying to sculpt his chest, then don't pay attention to this tip... but if you want to go ahead and build a massive chest, find what works for you. And if you want to build huge arms to match that chest you're going to build, check out this video now. http://sixpackshortcuts.com/rd9b Train Hard! Mike If you enjoyed this video, share it with your friends on Facebook. http://youtu.be/LaFVV3y-Fr8#aid=P-WEyeC7fHg- published: 07 Oct 2013
- views: 54607