Alcohol and Other Drug Services (AOD)

To download a copy of VAC's Alcohol and Other Drug Services brochure, click here.

Individual Counselling

Experienced counsellors can meet with you to discuss your concerns and goals around your alcohol or drug use.

You may wish to learn more about the effects of drug use on your health or mental health, find strategies to better control or reduce your drug use or access support to stop using completely and improve your well-being.

Whatever your goals, whether it is to control, reduce or stop your drug use, our counsellors will be able to help you with:

·         Information about the effects of alcohol and drug use on your health and mental health

·         Helping you to reduce the harms associated with alcohol and drug use

·         Developing a plan and practical strategies to control or reduce your use

·         Assisting you to plan to cease your drug use and provide you with strategies to prevent relapse

·         Information and support for families affected by alcohol and other drug use

·         Information and referral to VAC’s therapeutic groups or other treatment services including residential or non-residential withdrawal and/or rehabilitation

Recovery Support

Sometimes, when a person is struggling with drug and alcohol issues, they may need support in other areas of their life like housing, accessing health or mental health services or connecting with community supports like social groups and activities.

Our Care & Recovery Coordinator can work with you to look at the different areas of your life and help you to create a plan and work out goals to help you move forward, not only in relation to changing your drug and alcohol use but in other areas of your life.

Working with our Care & Recovery Coordinator you will supported to:

·         Develop a holistic support plan and develop achievable goals in different areas of your life

·         Access residential and non-residential alcohol and other drug withdrawal services

·         Link in with health and mental health services

·         Access Centrelink services

·         Access employment services

·         Connect with education providers

·         Connect with community supports, including social and living skills groups, to help you in your recovery

Our Care & Recovery Coordinator will be able to help you access services by organising referrals and where needed, take you to appointments and introduce you to other service providers. They will also support you on your journey to help you stay on track and access services as your needs and goals change.

For more information on our Alcohol and other Drugs Service, you can call VAC on 9865 6700.

If you would like to access our Counselling or Care & Recovery Coordination services, please call 1800 906 669 for a free and confidential assessment.

Therapeutic Groups

VAC offers four therapeutic alcohol and other drug groups throughout the year:


Re-wired is a free, six week program for men who have sex with men (MSM) aimed at helping you to learn skills and strategies to change your methamphetamine use and better manage your mental health. The group focuses on topics including relapse prevention, methamphetamine and the brain, sleep and nutrition, HIV & sex, mental health and mindfulness, as well as featuring a guest speaker talking about their story of recovery. In addition to participating in the group, there is also the added option for you to engage in individual face to face or telephone counselling whilst the group is running as an extra support for your recovery.

Drink Limits:

Drink Limits is a free, eight week group for lesbian and bisexual women who are concerned about their drinking. Drink Limits is facilitated by two experienced female counsellors at VAC. It will be a small group of 6 – 8 same-sex attracted women. The group explores the barriers that get in the way of changing your drinking habits. It also offers a space to share techniques that might be useful in your goal to reduce or stop drinking and attain a level of resilience to deal with life’s problems in ways other than alcohol.


Transformed is a free four week group for trans and gender diverse people and their partners are also welcome. It aims to support participants in improving your health and well being and look at ways to better manage mental health, relationship stress and alcohol and other drug use. Transformed covers topics such as mental health including anxiety and depression, nutrition, building positive social networks, interaction of hormones with alcohol and drug use and other areas connected to health and well being.

Over the Limit:

Over the Limit is a free, eight week group for men who have sex with men (MSM). It aims to support you in reducing your alcohol intake and mange your anxiety better. The group offers a safe environment to share experiences of recovery with others, learn new ways of managing triggers and practice strategies to enhance your mental health. Over the Limit covers topics such as motivation to change and goal-setting, sexuality and alcohol use, symptoms of anxiety and anxiety management strategies, alcohol reduction strategies and relapse prevention.

If you are interested in any of the above, please call us today on 03 9865 6700 or click here for more information on our therapeutic groups.

Education & Training

AOD Services currently provide FREE professional development training to mainstream health providers who deliver alcohol and other drug support programs and services. We have a comprehensive training package which is delivered in the format of a 2 hour workshop. We can tailor training to suit your specific needs. Call AOD Services on 03 9865 6700 to find out more, or click here for the information brochure.