- published: 04 Oct 2016
- views: 146
Richard G. Swinburne (/ˈswɪnbərn/; born 26 December 1934) is a British philosopher. He is an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. Over the last 50 years Swinburne has been an influential proponent of philosophical arguments for the existence of God. His philosophical contributions are primarily in the philosophy of religion and philosophy of science. He aroused much discussion with his early work in the philosophy of religion, a trilogy of books consisting of The Coherence of Theism, The Existence of God, and Faith and Reason.
Swinburne received an Open Scholarship to study classics at Exeter College, Oxford, but in fact graduated with a first class BA in philosophy, politics, & economics. Swinburne has held various professorships through his career in academia. From 1972 to 1985 he taught at Keele University. During part of this time, he gave the Gifford lectures at Aberdeen from 1982 to 1984, resulting in the book The Evolution of the Soul. From 1985 until his retirement in 2002 he was Nolloth Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion at the University of Oxford (his successor in this chair is Brian Leftow). He has continued to publish regularly since his retirement.
William Lane Craig (/kreɪɡ/; born August 23, 1949) is an American Christian apologist, analytic Christian philosopher, and theologian. Craig's philosophical work focuses primarily on philosophy of religion, but also on metaphysics and philosophy of time. His theological interests are in historical Jesus studies and philosophical theology. He is known for his debates on the existence of God with public figures such as Christopher Hitchens and Lawrence Krauss.
Craig established an online apologetics ministry, ReasonableFaith.org. His current research deals with divine aseity and the challenge posed by Platonist accounts of abstract objects. Craig is also an author of several books, including Reasonable Faith, which began as a set of lectures for his apologetics classes.
Craig is the second of three children born to Mallory and Doris Craig in Peoria, Illinois. His father's work with the T. P. & W. railroad took the family to Keokuk, Iowa, until his transfer to the home office in East Peoria in 1960. While a student at East Peoria Community High School (1963–67) Craig became a championship debater and public speaker, being named his senior year to the all-state debate team and winning the state championship in oratory. In September 1965, his junior year, he converted to Christianity, and after graduating from high school, attended Wheaton College, a Christian college, majoring in communications. Craig graduated in 1971 and the following year married his wife Jan, whom he met on the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ. In 2014, he was named alumnus of the year by Wheaton.
Dr. Richard Swinburne: Christian Moral Teaching on Sex, Family, and Life
Richard Swinburne on arguments for Atheism
Richard Swinburne - Did the Universe Begin? (Closer to Truth)
Richard Swinburne and William Lane Craig | An Exchange on the Kalam
Is There a God? Richard Swinburne vs. Herman Philipse
Richard Swinburne - The Probability of the Resurrection of Jesus
Richard Swinburne - Can Many Religions All Be True?
Swinburne: On Arguments for God's Existence
Religion Helps Society | Richard Swinburne | Oxford Union
Richard Swinburne: Implausibility of Physical Determinism
Notes for the lecture can be found here: http://bit.ly/2dnLorO. Dr. Swinburne is a distinguished professor at the University of Oxford and author of a number of books including The Existence of God (2004), Faith & Reason (2005), Revelation (2007), Was Jesus God? (2008) and Mind, Brain, and Free Will (2013). Dr. Swinburne gave a keynote address at the 2016 Society of Christian Philosophers Conference at Evangel University. The views, opinions and positions expressed by Dr. Swinburne are his alone and do not necessarily represent the views, opinions or positions of Evangel University. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Robert Kuhn interviews Richard Swinburne, Professor of the Philosophy of the Christian Religion at Oxford, who here has a try at the basic arguments for Atheism. This is a mirror which allows discussion. You may think my own questions are biased, but give them a read if you want - they are simply follow-up questions taking Richard's answers at face value. (And by all means ask your own questions of the professor in comments!) I would have liked to ask: 0:11 Problem of Evil - Would the absence of a God also allow evil, does it also let good things happen to evil people, and do you think a folded arms God like yours is identical to the absence of a God? - Playing with the thought that there is no God, would we still be responsible for each other? - Did God create our immune defense, and ca...
Some scientists claim that the universe did not have a beginning. Some theologians contend that the universe did not need a beginning. Yet the universe is expanding, and so run the movie in reverse and there seems to be a beginning. What stakes are riding on whether the universe had a beginning? From the PBS series 'Closer to Truth', presented by Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Click here to buy episodes/seasons of Closer To Truth and show your support: http://bit.ly/cttmaximus
For more resources visit: http://www.reasonablefaith.org For more information about the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor University visit: http://www.baylorisr.org/2014/11/06/p... In November 2014, Dr William Lane Craig participated in a conference at Baylor University in honor of Alvin Plantinga, widely regarded as the world’s most important living Christian philosopher. In the early ’80s, as a young philosopher, Dr Craig heard Plantinga deliver a lecture entitled “Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God’s Existence” at a Wheaton College philosophy conference. Now some 30 years later, this Baylor conference was dedicated to the extrapolation of the arguments Plantinga had surveyed. The Kalam Cosmological Argument was not one of the two dozen listed by Plantinga. But he had incl...
Date: May 21, 2012 Location: Main Hall, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Amsterdam, Netherlands Christian debater: Richard G. Swinburne Atheist debater: Herman Philipse For Richard Swinburne: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie0087/
God has major reasons for intervening in human history by becoming incarnate himself – to identify with our suffering, to provide atonement for our sins, and to reveal truths. Given there is at least a significant probability that there is a God, there is at least a modest probability that he would become incarnate and live a life and provide teaching appropriate to one who sought thereby to realise these goals. Jesus lived and taught in the appropriate way. If it was God incarnate who did so live and teach, he would need to show us that it was God who had done so, and so could be expected to put his signature on that life and teaching by a super-miracle, such as the Resurrection. So there is a modest prior probability in advance of considering the direct historical evidence of the Resurre...
Conflicting religions fill the world. Doctrines about God contradict one another. Click here to watch more interviews with Richard Swinburne http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp Click here to watch more interviews about whether many religions can all be true http://bit.ly/1XcoeY0 Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1XcoeY0 For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
Visiting Scholar Richard Swinburne discusses God's Existence with CCT Associate Director Steve Porter.
Richard Swinburne argues that religion helps society. SUBSCRIBE for more speakers ► http://is.gd/OxfordUnion Filmed on Thursday 7th November 2013 MOTION: This House Believe That Religion Harms Society. RESULT: Motion Carried. STAY CONNECTED: Facebook @ http://fb.me/theoxfordunion Twitter @ http://www.twitter.com/OxfordUnion Oxford Union Website @ http://www.oxford-union.org/ ABOUT RICHARD SWINBURNE: Richard G. Swinburne is a British philosopher of religion. He is an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. Over the last 50 years Swinburne has been a very influential proponent of philosophical arguments for the existence of God. His philosophical contributions are primarily in philosophy of religion and philosophy of science. He aroused much discussion with his earl...
Visiting Scholar Richard Swinburne gives a lecture to the student body, Implausibility of Physical Determinism. September 6, 2012
In part 1 Richard Swinburne talks about his earlier career and his latest works.
In part 2 Richard Swinburne talks about Dualism and the existence of the soul.
In this final part of the interview, Richard Swinburne talks about miracles and quantum mechanics.
Today's interview is with Christian philosopher of religion Richard Swinburne. He is an Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oxford. Over the last 50 years Swinburne has been a proponent of philosophical arguments for the existence of God. He talks about his background, the changes in Christian philosophy in the past decades, the goal for the Christian philosopher, defending and advocating Christianity, his approach to arguing for the existence of God, challenges to Christianity, answering the problem of evil & suffering, his advice to Christian defenders, and more. More resources at http://www.apologetics315.com
CCT Associate Director Steve Porter interviews Richard Swinburne (Emeritus Nolloth Professor of the Christian Religion, Oxford University) and Tim O'Connor (Professor of Philosophy, Indiana University) on neuroscience and the soul. This video is provided by Biola University's Center for Christian Thought. Learn more at http://cct.biola.edu.
Professor Swinburne retired from his post as Professor of Philosophy at Oxford University in 2002 but never stopped publishing books and articles or delivering lectures. Don't forget to ask any questions that you may have for the Professor. The best questions will be picked out for the Q/A part of the interview. Links: The Possibility of Life after Death - http://people.ds.cam.ac.uk/dhm11/Swinburne.html Problem of Evil - http://mind.ucsd.edu/syllabi/02-03/01w/readings/swinburne-evil.pdf Possibility of Miracles - http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/articles2/SwinburneMiracles.php The Argument from Design - http://www.mrrena.com/misc/swinburne.php Swinburne's Oxford portal (with several downloadable essays) http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie0087/framesetpdfs.shtml Critique Links: An Analysis o...
What does it mean for God to be perfect? For more on information and video interviews with Richard Swinburne click here http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp For more videos on whether God is perfect click here http://bit.ly/1xZvdaT For more Closer to Truth interview videos, please visit http://www.closertotruth.com
Interview with Richard Swinburne, was recorded on Saturday, 2/13/16, via Skype, using Litecam. All copyrights for questions and answers belong to Dan Schneider, Cosmoetica, and the Interviewees. Further Information: Richard Swinburne: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie0087/ Dan Schneider Video Interview #60: On Evil: Philosopher Susan Neiman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnwW0qd4UAM Dan Schneider Video Interview #70: On Evil: Psychologist Ervin Staub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U7c1a-2d58 Interview subjects: 0:17 - Introduction 0:30 - Evil In Deed and Concept 20:29 - Evils Big and Small, Sins and Crimes 59:16 - Closing Remarks
The Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies arranged an interview with Richard G. Swinburne on May 31, 2010. The interview was conducted by Vadim Vasilyev and Dmitry Volkov
Can we argue from morality to God? Can we construct an explanatory path from the existence of human morality to the existence of a Creator God? As with much about God, this seems obvious to some and ludicrous to others. What arguments do each side muster? Click here to watch more interviews on God and morality http://bit.ly/2eLkny9 Click here to watch more interviews with Richard Swinburne http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
Think back 5, 10, 20 years—50 if you're old enough. Physically, you are completely different. Mentally, you feel pretty much the same. Decades roll by and every molecule of your body changes many times over. Yet you sense yourself the same—continuous, a unity. How can this be? Click here to watch more interviews on personal identity http://bit.ly/2d7pXNI Click here to watch more interviews with Richard Swinburne http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
Interesting moment 11:18 - 12:02 Debate starts, Richard Swinburne 14:38 & Herman Philipse 35:25 I do not own any content published on this channel, nor do I make any money out this channel. This video, same as all videos on this channel are only for educational purposes. Visit the Official Site: http://www.veritas.org/
Debate topic: Is There a God? Date of debate: May 21, 2012 Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Amsterdam, Netherlands
What does it mean for God to be perfect? Perfectly knowledgeable? Perfectly powerful? Perfectly good? Perfectly free? Did God create the 'perfect world'? That'd be hard to believe. Click here to watch more interviews on God's perfection http://bit.ly/2b3r2BW Click here to watch more interviews with Richard Swinburne http://bit.ly/1DwpGcp Click here to buy episodes or complete seasons of Closer To Truth http://bit.ly/1LUPlQS For all of our video interviews please visit us at www.closertotruth.com
The universe works for us because deep physical laws seem to work. But if the values of these laws would much change, in either direction, then all we see and know could not exist. No galaxies. No stars. No planets. No people. Do such special physical laws cry out for explanation? From the PBS series 'Closer to Truth', presented by Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Click here to buy episodes/seasons of Closer To Truth and show your support: http://bit.ly/cttmaximus
May 21, 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands *Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MatthewJudge?ty=h *Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/darkviper88 *Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MattTheJudge *Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/darkviper8888 *Video Debate Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AtheistTheistDebates *My Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DarkviperGameChannel
Date: February 21, 2012 Location: Magdalen College Christian debater (1): Richard G. Swinburne Christian debater (2): Ard Louis Atheist debater (1): Peter W. Atkins Atheist debater (2): Stephen Law For Richard Swinburne: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie0087/ For Ard Louis: http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/people/ArdLouis/louis.shtml
Date: January 10, 2009 Location: Unbelievable? Premier Christian Radio Christian debater: Richard G. Swinburne Agnostic debater: Bart D. Ehrman For Richard Swinburne: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~orie0087/
http://trinities.org/blog/archives/6575 Professor Richard Swinburne holds that by reason alone, we can show that it’s reasonable to believe that God exists. This is, historically, a popular view, and one which many educated Christians hold today. As he mentioned in our previous episode, it only went out of fashion when the philosopher Immanuel Kant’s opinions (but not his arguments for them!) became educated peoples’ assumptions. (He held that all the arguments were unconvincing, and that in principle no successful argument for God’s existence could be made.) But professor Swinburne has argued that also, we can argue from reason alone that the one God is a Trinity. This, historically, is a small minority view. I’m only aware of similar arguments being accepted by Richard of St. Victor, ...
The Problem of Evil - Prof. Richard Swinburne The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Philosophy www.kul.pl/Richard.Swinburne God is (by definition) omnipotent (that is, can do anything logically possible), omniscient, and perfectly free (and so perfectly good). The world contains much evil – both intrinsically bad states (e.g. suffering) and wrongdoing (e.g. humans causing the suffering of others or allowing it to occur.) I argue that the occurrence of these evils is not a good objection to the existence of God. I suggest that an agent P may allow an evil E to occur, while remaining perfectly good, so long as: 1. There is some good G, such that it is impossible for P to bring about G in any other way except by allowing E (or an evil equally bad) to occur (e.g. God c...
Visiting Scholar Richard Swinburne gives a lecture to the student body asking the question, What Kind of Necessary Being Could God Be?