- published: 03 Jan 2014
- views: 78880
Ron Ng Cheuk-hei (born 2 September 1979) is a Hong Kong TVB actor, singer, professional dancer and model.
Ron Ng was born on 2 September 1979. He was highly influenced by his sister’s love for dancing. Hence, he decided to take a risk and turn his hobbies into his career. In 1999, he enrolled into TVB’s 7th Entry Dancers Class.
Ron Ng graduated from TVB's "7th Entry" Dance Training Class in 1999 and "1st Entry" Artist Training Class in 2000. Officially becoming a TVB artist after signing a contract with the company in 2000, Ron has worked with TVB ever since.
In 2000, Ron’s actor career commenced as Louis Koo recommended him to enlist in the acting classes. After graduating from acting classes, he began his career in minor roles.
After his transition from dancer to television actor in 2000, Ron was featured in minor roles until later. His breakout role was that of Issac in the 2003 TVB drama series Triumph in the Skies, which gained him his popularity with the audience. Ron then won TVB's Most Improved Actor Award in 2004 with his performance in the drama Twin of Brothers at the 37th TVB Anniversary Awards.
吳卓羲 胡杏兒 - Issac Summer : 有時
[完整版 Full + DL] 團圓-吳卓羲 (Ron Ng) [團圓 主題曲]
[兒歌回憶] - "吳卓羲 - 太極千字文 (動畫《太極千字文》主題曲"
吳卓羲 ﹣ 紅蝴蝶 (TVB劇集"巾幗梟雄"主題曲)
吳卓羲自力更生交女友 力證跟陳建鋒乃好哥們
《天天向上》20160819期: 舌尖上的烤串 杨怡吴卓羲、沙溢夫妇的吃货表情包 “秀色可餐”约吗? Day Day Up【湖南卫视官方版1080P】
吳卓羲 - 別怪她 + 吳卓羲/陳展鵬 - 友情歲月
無綫御用差人 吳卓羲做足11年警察 邊個接更?
[完整先行版 Full] 有時 - 吳卓羲 [ 名媛望族 片尾曲 ]
结婚为什么 02 主演:吴卓羲/姚笛/任重/郑雅文/种丹妮
《團圓》,《團圓》完整版主題曲,由吳卓羲主唱。 "Reunion", the theme song of "Wax and Wane", by Ron Ng. 下載 DL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/27vl1x 歌詞 | Lyrics: 我說過 明晨風雨或天晴 伴你走 追索幸福這路徑 雖不固定 沿路欣賞優美風景 我與你 從前相約無憑證 鏗鏘歡笑與夜星 拼貼最好光景 前行什麼的試煉 讓滄海變做桑田 任世間驟變 我的將來已留位置 跟你說舊年 成全未改的志願 曾離別過相信可團圓 無論心底的理想 有多遠 我聽說 難求一切是公平 伴你走追索幸福要耐性 不信命 仍是真心等你給反應 我見過 前頭懸崖和絕嶺 跨出邊界與絕境 便成熟了 交出了真誠 擦亮眼睛 前行什麼的試煉 讓滄海變做桑田 任世間驟變 我的將來已留位置 跟你話當年 成全未改的志願 曾離別過相信可團圓 留在心底的理想 誰也未變 前行什麼的試煉 讓滄海變做桑田 任世間驟變 我的將來已留位置 跟你話當年 成全未改的志願 曾離別過相信可團圓 來讓心底的理想 實現 到哪地哪天 只知道 熱燙的心仍未變
夠膽就留言兒歌名! 睇下我一日一片可以去到幾時!
曲:葉肇中/鄧智偉 詞:陳詩慧 雨水冷洗情不會淡 猛風再吹而不散 愁雲和月之間 也不孤~單 妳足以傾城的兩眼 較花與草還璀璨 然而眉目恍惚飄散有一絲慨嘆 流水透徹出我倆 沿路滿佈風霜也雪亮 天空灰暗 愛得到了景仰 世間甚麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶 飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅 世間甚麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫 舉杯暢飲河邊秀美 奏一闋曲傳千里 斜陽隨著清風 已幽幽泛起 妳的美比繁花更美 我心卻只能希冀 紅蝴蝶漫天飛很美我一生銘記
前TVB小生吳卓羲 出席TVB藝人陳曼娜女兒的婚宴 一身全白相當帥氣的吳卓羲= 表示當天自己原本要到內地拍戲 但是行程突然延誤了所以才能到場 但每次到這些場合 肯定都少不免被人問有沒有女朋友呀 什麼時候結婚呀這些 吳卓羲想好怎麼回答了沒?
【欢迎订阅湖南卫视官方频道: http://goo.gl/tl9QpW】 本期精彩 - 暑假撸串儿节 三对明星吃货 疯狂撸串儿 湖南卫视《天天向上》超清全集: http://goo.gl/WVwjsQ ■□ 湖南卫视Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n ■□ 简介: 《天天向上》是由湖南卫视推出的一档大型礼仪脱口秀节目。该节目以礼仪、公德为主题,分为歌舞、访谈、情景戏三段式,氛围欢快轻松幽默。该节目于2008年8月 4日首播《天天向上前传》,8月7日正式播出,节目以传承中华礼仪,公德为主,也经常邀请一些明星、企业知名人士,来讨论礼仪,并有专门环节用搞笑的方式 诠释古代礼仪。主持人由汪涵、欧弟(欧汉声)、田源、钱枫、俞灏明、矢野浩二、小五(金恩圣)组成,采用全国第一支偶像男子团体的概念,用各种形式来传播 中国千年礼仪之邦的礼仪文化。节目氛围欢快轻松幽默,获得高收视率的同时,也受到了广大观众的好评。曾获得《新周刊》2008中国电视节目榜最佳娱乐秀; 第三届"《综艺》年度节目暨电视人"评选年度节目奖、网友最喜爱电视节目奖;第25届中国电视金鹰奖获得优秀文艺节目奖。 更新时间 每周五 ■□ 更多官方资讯 欢迎关注我们社交网络页面 ■□ 我们来了官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/upidol 全员加速中Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/HjzC1n 明星大侦探Facebook粉丝专页:https://goo.gl/7lRiFb 我是歌手Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/SaNhcl 超级女声 Facebook粉丝专页: https://goo.gl/9zdfCH 中国湖南卫视官方 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/...
曾經,大家都話,佢係TVB演得最多次差人角色嘅演員——但直至佢離開為止,都從未有人幫佢做一份完整履歷表。 佢係吳卓羲。 好彩,世上有高登巴打。而原來,由2005年到2016年呢11年間,由學警66336鍾立文,一直捱到依家喺電影《拆彈專家》演爆炸品處理課,呢條晉升之路,確是非常勵志。 根據高登巴打嘅整理,再輔以維基資料整理,吳卓羲晉升表如下: 2005年4月至2005年10月:警察訓練學校(UI66336) (《學警雄心》) 2005年11月至2007年9月:油麻地警署分區巡警/西九龍警察機動部隊第一縱隊(警員編號PC66336) (《學警出更》) 2009年2月至2009年7月:特別職務隊/臥底(警員編號SGT66336) (《學警狙擊》) 2009年8月:軍裝警察 (《Laughing Gor之變節》) 2009年9月至2011年3月:臥底/有組織罪案及三合會調查科警長(Team C11) (《學警狙擊》) 2011年4月至2011年9月:重案組督察/九龍城區警民關係組警察學校聯絡主任/防止罪案科成員 (《點解阿Sir係阿Sir》) 2011年10月至2014年2月:西九龍重案組警長(警員編號SGT63251)(《法證先鋒》) 2014年3月至2014年6月:特別任務連行動組督察/行動組組員/情報調查員(《叛逃》) 2014年7月至2016年5月:重案組/刑事調查隊/有組織罪案及三合會調查科 (《忠奸人》) 2016年6月:爆炸品處理課 (《拆彈專家》) 其實,吳卓羲做過咁多次警察,由學警升到警司,好犀利犀利,有邊個可以同佢比?徐子珊。 同樣已經離開咗大台嘅徐子珊,演過五次警察,但佢條路就冇吳卓羲咁迂迴,又做臥底又做SDU又做番軍裝警再變身O記仲做埋爆炸品處理課;徐子珊,做親幾乎都係督察,咁不得不提當然仲係——「不死子珊」啦! 徐子珊當差五次: 2006年7月:《學警...
《有時》(完整先行版),為台慶劇《名媛望族》片尾曲,由吳卓羲主唱。 "Sometimes", subtheme of "Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles", by Ron Ng. 請讚好我們的Facebook專頁: http://facebook.com/hk.clip Twitter: http://twitter.com/hkclip Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/117255536486849722512/ HKiTunes2 第二台: http://youtube.com/user/HKiTunes2
全集列表:https://goo.gl/dFeUEo 更多节目:http://goo.gl/1rYy7t
a live performance by ron ng singing dont blame her.
Please do Like My video & subsribe me 😃
Live in Toronto! Date: July 1, 2008 - Canada Day Location: Exhibition Place - CHIN Picnic Ron performs "Don't Blame Her" Sorry for the quality and shaking.. It was crowded and I was tired =(
Ron's dance performance at Arena of Stars, Genting Highland. This video is fully owned by www.zannes.tk.
You Favourite Male Leads Live In Singapore Concert - Ron Ng's Part (2 of 3) Venue: Sentosa Resort World- Convention Centre- Compass Ballroom Date: 30 Apr 2011 魅力4色男主角新加坡演唱会 Autograph Session:http://youtu.be/MLXntBKsSIE Concert Opening:http://youtu.be/jfn46Ai1AMs Moses Chan's Part:http://youtu.be/2K9HMYTZMxM Ron Ng's Part 1:http://youtu.be/EUacYN20Q0Y Ron Ng's Part 2:http://youtu.be/iiPictBsVwY Ron Ng's Part 3:http://youtu.be/EhPCpieiDKg Bosco Wong's Part:http://youtu.be/sATvlPJ3-iA Kevin Cheng's Part:http://youtu.be/xHRHxfOjbro Ending:http://youtu.be/2sFUZvqgHRE
You Favourite Male Leads Live In Singapore Concert - Ron Ng's Part (3 of 3) Venue: Sentosa Resort World- Convention Centre- Compass Ballroom Date: 30 Apr 2011 魅力4色男主角新加坡演唱会 Autograph Session:http://youtu.be/MLXntBKsSIE Concert Opening:http://youtu.be/jfn46Ai1AMs Moses Chan's Part:http://youtu.be/2K9HMYTZMxM Ron Ng's Part 1:http://youtu.be/EUacYN20Q0Y Ron Ng's Part 2:http://youtu.be/iiPictBsVwY Ron Ng's Part 3:http://youtu.be/EhPCpieiDKg Bosco Wong's Part:http://youtu.be/sATvlPJ3-iA Kevin Cheng's Part:http://youtu.be/xHRHxfOjbro Ending:http://youtu.be/2sFUZvqgHRE
Be charmed now: bit.ly/becharmed2_YT Four of Hong Kong's finest stars take centrestage—award-winning actresses Nancy Wu and Tavia Yeung, actor and singer Ruco Chan, and singing sensation Ron Ng. Nancy Wu won TVB's Best Supporting Actress award in 2012 and Best Actress Award in 2015. But even before that, she had a string of awards confirming her stardom, including four awards at TVB's 3rd Annual Cover Girl Competition. Tavia Yeung is also a star in her own right—the first actress to win the full set of TVB Anniversary Awards in all major categories including Best Supporting Actress (2008) and Best Actress (2012). In 2012, she continued to shine in three popular series, The Hippocratic Crush, Three Kingdoms RPG and Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles. Ruco Chan, a Best Actor nominee, fir...
"Sabi nila, kapag ang isang bagay, nagsimula ng pangit, pangit din ang magiging katapusan. Bakit hindi natin ulitin sa pinaka-umpisa ang lahat? Kalimutan natin ‘yun at palitan ng mga hindi makakalimutang alaala." #DearMORKissAndTell For MORe videos subscribe now: http://bit.ly/MORForLife Check out our livestreaming at: http://www.mor1019.com Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/mor1019 Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/mor1019
We are in Johor Bahru, Malaysia visiting Dr. Steven Phun BDS who graduated in 1990 from Dental School in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Dr. Phun has two dentist associates: Dr. Saw Woon Ling BDS & Dr. Ron Ng BDS. Dr. Steven Phun BDS has taught for www.POSOrtho.com since 2009 which was founded by Dr Don McGann DDS in California. Dr Phun teaches ortho in Bejing, Bangkock, Medan, Singapore, and Kuala Lumpur. Watch on Dentaltown at http://bit.ly/DentistryUncensored363
Isang lalake na biktima ng maling panghuhusga at bunga lang ng kapusukan at pagiging makasarili. Balikan ang kwento Ron sa Dear MOR. For MORe videos subscribe now: http://bit.ly/MORForLife Check out our livestreaming at: http://www.mor1019.com Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/mor1019 Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/mor1019
July 23, 2016
Łowcy mitów - Ron Wyatt i Arka Przymierza. Rozejm Saladina z Ryszardem Lwie Serce był przełomowym momentem wypraw krzyżowych. Dowiemy się, dlaczego do niego doszło w chwili, gdy Saladin . Łowcy mitów - Ron Wyatt i Arka Przymierza Łowcy mitów - Ron Wyatt i Arka Przymierza
Hài Thăng Long - Không Hề Biết Giận Full HD - Xuân Bắc Tự Long Công Lý - Bản Đẹp ► SUBSCRIBE : http://bit.ly/thanglongav ►Đạo diễn : Phạm Đông Hồng - https://fb.com/donghongtlav *Bản Quyền thuộc: Công Ty Cổ Phần Nghe Nhìn Thăng Long ► Website: http://www.thanglongav.vn/ ► Facebook Nghe Nhìn Thăng Long : https://fb.com/thanglong.av ► Kênh YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/c/ThanglongavVn2681
更多高清照片High Resolution pictures - http://bit.ly/1aoLhAn Backstage interview session with 2 winners of 最喜愛TVB電視角色My Favourite Top 15 TVB Drama Characters : 胡定欣 飾 凌卓芝 (衝上雲霄 II) Nancy Wu -- LING CHEUK-CHI, COCO (Triumph In The Skies II) 吳卓羲 飾 唐亦風 (衝上雲霄 II) Ron Ng -- TONG YIK-FUNG, ISSAC (Triumph In The Skies II) TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 (TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼2013) Date: 1 December 2013 Time: 8PM Venue: KWC, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia http://joshuaongys.com https://twitter.com/joshuaongys https://fb.com/joshuaongyscom http://instagram.com/joshuaongys
#吴卓羲902生日快乐# #杨怡830生日快乐# Ron Ng & Yeung Yi @ Birthday Party 2016.08.28 Re-up from yizhibo
ron ng gets a ring from fans
Hong Kong actor Shawn Yue was spotted on the red carpet before the closing show for Men's Fashion Week 2012, clad top to toe in a cult Japanese label; while fellow actor Ron Ng tells us that love is not on his mind right now.
Malaysian actress Cathryn Lee (李元玲) got herself a nasty label 'Xiao Si', or the fourth party in Ron Ng's (吴卓羲) love rectangle scandal when her text exchanges with the TVB actor were leaked to the press. But she maintained that she didn't give a kiss-and-tell interview in a bid for showbiz fame.
TVB actors Ron Ng and Kate Tsui make a lovely pair on-screen. But after having collaborated on dramas like The Brink of Law, Wax and Wane, Forensic Heroes III and most recently, Season of Love, are they sick of romancing each other by now?
更多高清照片High Resolution pictures - http://bit.ly/1aoLhAn Backstage interview session with winners of 最喜愛TVB電視劇集 My Favourite TVB Drama Series : 張智霖 飾 顧夏陽(衝上雲霄 II) Julian Cheung -- KOO HA-YEUNG, JAYDEN (Triumph In The Skies II) 胡杏兒 飾 顧夏晨 (衝上雲霄 II) Myolie Wu -- KOO HA-SUN, SUMMER (Triumph In The Skies II) 吳卓羲 飾 唐亦風 (衝上雲霄 II) Ron Ng -- TONG YIK-FUNG, ISSAC (Triumph In The Skies II) TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 (TVB马来西亚星光荟萃颁奖典礼2013) Date: 1 December 2013 Time: 8PM Venue: KWC, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia http://joshuaongys.com https://twitter.com/joshuaongys https://fb.com/joshuaongyscom http://instagram.com/joshuaongys
Interview after their performance