The Bad Girls Club or stylized as BGC (Bad Girls Club) is an American reality television series that has been airing on Oxygen since December 6, 2006. The show was created by Jonathan Murray and is produced by Bunim/Murray Productions (the same company that produces the reality series The Real World). The show's premise follows seven women with a number of personal, behavioral, and psychological problems, deemed "bad girls", as they live together for three months. Cameras record their relationships and their attempts to accomplish specific goals. There have been six complete aired seasons of the show.
On January 10, 2011, the sixth season aired at its new time slot. The show has been a ratings success for Oxygen since it began; it is the first show aired on Oxygen to reach one million viewers. Each season has helped boost ratings, viewership, and awareness for Oxygen. Season four's episode "Go With The Flo" is its most watched episode, achieving 2.27 million viewers. During the premiere of Bad Girls Club Miami recorded a record high view of 1.34 million viewers, The eighth season began casting in April 2011.
Bad Girls Club format and rules
A group of seven rebellious women who are between the ages of 21 and 27 moves in a mansion who try to co-exist with different personalities, lives, race and sexual orientations and above all they must try to adapt to the frequent changes of moods and behaviors of their roommates. In each season, when a "bad girl" is removed or leaves on her own terms, a collage of memorable videos of that "bad girl" is played shortly after her leave. The memorable videos are a collage of situations that the "bad girl" was in or was most notable as. A "replacement" bad girl is then brought onto the show.
Seasons 1 and 2
The format for the
first season of the
Bad Girls Club was largely different from subsequent seasons. A total of seven rebellious women, between the ages of 21 and 31, moved in as groups into a luxurious mansion in Los Angeles, California. The seven girls were also given contracts to maintain their good behaviors during the production of the show, along with a number one rule of the house, no physical violence towards roommates and producers. Season's one and
season two "Bad Girls" were not given nicknames, unlike future seasons where producers gave nicknames to all the bad girls who entered the show. During the process of season 1, a record number of "replacements" (who helped filled in, when an original bad girl is removed or left on her own terms) entered the show. On average, around one or two "bad girls" enters the show, season 1, however, had multiple replacements, which wasn't seen until
season 5. In the first episode aired, the producers first showed a physical fight that led up to
Ripsi's removal from the show, this demonstration became a pinpoint for every season of the Bad Girls Club. Season 1 was the first season to have 30 minute episodes and a total of 24 episodes in a season.
Season 2's format changed drastically when the maximum age requirements dropped from 35 to 27, compared from season one. The "bad girls" of season 2 moved into the remodeled mansion that was given to season one girls in Los Angeles. The changing of mansion style, size, and structure became an incessant change in subsequent seasons. The seven girls were given mandatory non-profit jobs to help them build a work ethic along with stability of being dependent on others, such as teamwork and commitment for success in later life. Quitting the job or failure to attend resulted in mandatory removal from the show. The girls were given the jobs of planning, decision making, and build cooperation. Season 2 became the first and only season of the Bad Girls Club to give jobs for the "bad girls" and season 2 also became the final season to air 30 minute episodes.
Airings and locations of the show
!Season premiere
!Season finale/Reunion Specials
Season 1
|December 5, 2006
|April 24, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Season 2
|December 4, 2007
|May 13, 2008
Season 3
|December 2, 2008
|March 24, 2009
Season 4
|December 1, 2009
|March 9, 2010/March 16&23 2010
Season 5: Miami
|August 3, 2010
|November 9,2010/November 16&23, 2010
Miami, Florida
Season 6
|January 10, 2011
|April 25, 2011/May 2& 9, 2011
Los Angeles, California
Season 7: New Orleans
|July 11, 2011
New Orleans,
U.S. television ratings
"Viewers" is the estimated number viewers that watched a program either while it was broadcast or watched via
DVR on the same day the program was broadcast.
A series of collections called "The Bad Girls Club collection", which began in 2008 with the start of
season 3, is an
online boutique that fans of the show can order via
Oxygen's website, Oxygen has released a series of pants, shirts and sweaters, mostly decor of the Bad Girls Club logo attached. The series of jewelery, kitchen utensils, beach wear, pillows, blankets, and women underwear also includes the
Bad Girls Club logo design. The store, mostly women accessories, also has a line of boxers for men
Season 1
In episode 18, "
Chicken Scratch", after a night partying with roommates, Zara feels as though the rest of the girls have been picking on her and made comments causing her to feel insecure. Once home, several girls are outside smoking while Zara locks herself in the bathroom. Moments later, Zara exits the bathroom and joins the girls outside, where she then expresses interest in leaving the house. The girls then notice scratches on Zara's arm which she acknowledges as being self-inflicted. The girls then have a very serious discussion with Zara about the reality of the situation and the seriousness of what she had done, resulting in Zara's decision to stay in the house and continue working on her issues. A PSA about self-mutilation and harm to oneself is posted at the end of the episode.
Season 4
During the premiere episode of
season 4, "
Off The Wall",
Natalie Nunn and Annie Andersen began talking about which
night clubs they should attend. When Natalie asked if Annie liked
Chris Brown, Annie replied "No! - he beat up his girlfriend". Natalie then went on the defense for Brown stating that "Who cares, [she]
Rihanna was a punk bitch, and she got her ass whop for a reason". Natalie then began saying that Rihanna is a crazy "bitch" and told Annie that she doesn't know her, like Natalie does, after Annie told Natalie that she doesn't agree with
domestic violence. When the episode aired, Chris Brown reportedly stated that he doesn't know who Natalie Nunn was, which was questioned by Natalie during the reunion show. Natalie then stated that Brown made that comment, because the cast of the show wasn't unveiled yet.
Perez Hilton then asked Natalie if Rihanna had confronted her after her comment that she had made towards Rihanna. Natalie then answered yes, stating that the two had reportedly been arguing during a dinner party in New York City. During the reunion, Natalie began stating rumors that she and Chris Brown had a fling prior to the show. Shortly before season 4's reunion was over, Natalie Nunn expressed that she doesn't condone domestic violence and apologized if her comment had enraged fans and other people who had gone through domestic violence.
Season 5
During the episode "
The Wicked Witch Of Key West", Kristen Kelly was at a bar with Christina Marie Hopkins. While there, a random guy offered to buy drinks for the two ladies. While doing so, the guy added
PCP hypnotic sleeping pills which made Kristen to be
intoxicated. Kristen claimed she suffered bruises on her body when the guy grabbed her and handled her roughly. Kristen also reported that the producers of the show didn't want to air the guy on television in order to not be sued.
Season 6
During the episode "Broverload" cast member Kori Koether was rushed to the emergency room after her roommate Nicole "Nikki" Galladay sliced Kori's hand with a
hand bag. While being rushed to the ER, Nikki was seen laughing and smiling while Kori was put in the ambulance and rushed to
California Hospital Medical Center. Kori had sustained
trauma and
Class I Hemorrhage. Nikki later apologized to Kori who didn't accept the apology. Nikki later stated that the whole incident was an accident and was allowed to stay in the show for the remainder of her time.
Season 7
On April 12, 2011, cast member Tasha Malek went to an on-duty cop outside the Bad Girls house and told him she would like to make a formal complaint on fellow cast member Nastasia Townsend. Malek told the cop that Townsend was placing her personal belongings into a garbage bag while telling her "she needed to leave the house" which then escalated into a physical fight as they wrestled to the floor. The two were issued summons by the police for disturbing the peace and disorderly conduct.
"Bad Girls"
List of episodes
Season 1 (2006)
Season 2 (2007)
Season 3 (2008)
Season 4 (2009)
Season 5 (2010)
Season 6 (2011)
Season 7 (2011)
Bad Girls Road Trip
Bad Girls Road Trip is a spin-off from Oxygen's original show,
The Bad Girls Club. It premiered June 21, 2007. It starred season one veterans, Zara Sprankle, Aimee Landi, and Leslie Ramsue, who tour their respective hometowns, searching for casting opportunities for
Season 2 of
The Bad Girls Club. While on their roadtrip they also visited their former housemates.
Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too
Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too premiered on March 16, 2010 and features three former
Bad Girls Club stars; Amber Meade, Sarah Michaels (both from
Season 3) and Kendra Jones (
Season 4) "trying to find the man of their dreams" from a selection of 13 eligible bachelors. Comedian
Bret Ernst hosted the , which consisted of eight one-hour with
Tanisha Thomas and Tiffany Torrence-Davis as guest stars in one episode. Oxygen networks have renewed the show for its . It was confirmed that Tanisha Thomas would become the host of season two, replacing Ernst.
Natalie Nunn (Season 4), Amber Buhl (Season 3) and Lea Beaulieu (Season 5) will compete in season two, which will air on
Oxygen in April of 2011.
Bad Girls Club: Flo Gets Married
Bad Girls Club: Flo Gets Married is a one-hour special that centers around season four fan favorite
Florina "Flo" Kaja's marriage at a traditional
Albanian wedding, and pregnancy. It aired on Oxygen on February 28, 2011. It was watched by 859,000 viewers.
Other media
Mobile games
In 2007, Oxygen released a
3G mobile game based on
The Bad Girls Club in partnership with
Artificial Life, Inc. The 3G game featured 3D
avatars based on the Bad Girls, as well as photo-realistic locations based on the actual house.
See also
List of Women interest shows
List of reality television programs
List of reality television programs with LGBT cast members
List of television shows set in Los Angeles
List of programs broadcast by MTV Australia
External links
Press release from Oxygen at The Futon Critic
Interview with Whitney after her departure from Season 3
Category:2006 American television series debuts
Category:American reality television series
Category:Oxygen network shows
Category:2000s American television series
Category:2010s American television series
Category:Television series by Bunim/Murray Productions