The Worst Jobs in History is a British television series hosted by Tony Robinson on Channel 4. The second series was shown in March 2006 on History Television in Canada, then in April 2006 on Channel 4 in the UK. The first season is also shown with some regularity on History International. Tony Robinson tries his hand at each of the jobs, ultimately nominating which one he thought was the worst in each programme.
This was broadcast in 2004 and concentrated on a different historical period per programme: Roman and Anglo-Saxon; Medieval; Tudor; Stuarts; Georgian, and Victorian.
Some of the more repulsive or dangerous jobs included fuller, chimney sweep, executioner, leech collector, Plague burier, rat-catcher, leather tanner, gong farmer, and sin-eater.
There was a one-off special called The Worst Christmas Jobs in History in December 2005.
Broadcast first in March 2006 on The History Channel in Canada, then in April 2006 on Channel 4 in the UK. This series concentrated on particular job settings: urban, royal, industrial, maritime and rural.
(M. Jagger/K. Richards)
Well I said from the first
I am the worst kind of guy
For you to be around
Tear me apart
Including this old heart
That is true
And never ever let you down
You shouldn't stick with me
You trust me too much, you see
Take all the pain
It's yours anyway
Yeah kid...
Oh, put the blame on me
You ought to pass, you see
Somewhere outside
I threw love aside
Now it's a tragedy
I said from the first
I am the worst kind of guy
For you to be around