- published: 17 Sep 2011
- views: 38387
Rufino Tamayo (August 25, 1899 – June 24, 1991) was a Mexican painter of Zapotec heritage, born in Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico. Tamayo was active in the mid-20th century in Mexico and New York, painting figurative abstraction with surrealist influences.
Tamayo's Zapotec heritage is often cited as an early influence.
After his parents' death, Tamayo moved to Mexico City to live with his aunt. While there, he devoted himself to helping his family with their small business. However, after a while, Tamayo’s aunt enrolled him at Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas at San Carlos in 1917 to study art. As a student, he experimented with and was influenced by Cubism, Impressionism and Fauvism, among other popular art movements of the time, but with a distinctly Mexican feel. Although Tamayo studied drawing at the Academy of Art at San Carlos as a young adult, he became dissatisfied and eventually decided to study on his own. That was when he began working for José Vasconcelos at the Department of Ethnographic Drawings (1921); he was later appointed head of the department by Vasconcelos.
Hermosisimo minidocumental sobre la concepcion del arte según Rufino Tamayo
Una selección de la vasta obra de don Rufino Tamayo (Oxaca México 1899-1991), acompañada con canciones del folclore mexicano. Rufino Tamayo nació en Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, el 25 de agosto de 1899. Era hijo de Manuel Arellanes, zapatero y Florentina Tamayo, costurera. Vida.- Era apenas un niño cuando su padre abandonó el hogar y a los once años quedó huérfano de madre. Pocos meses antes había fallecido su abuelo paterno, quien había suplido la figura paterna. La familia materna protegió al niño y al poco tiempo, amparado por su tía Amalia, emprendió la aventura de dejar Oaxaca y trasladarse a la ciudad de México donde vendía fruta en los puestos del mercado. En 1917 a los 18 años, ingreso a la Academia de San Carlos. El adolescente aspirante a pintor se inscribió por primera vez como "Rufino...
proyecto movie maker para rutas educativas casa telmex de neza
¿Estás listo para hacer dTodo? Cada día, en dTodo, Pamela Correa te llevará a vivir toda una aventura por aire, mar y tierra donde podrás disfrutar de deportes extremos, personajes fascinantes y comida exótica cuyos sabores te atraparán.
Sea observa la obra de Rufino Tamayo que se expone en este museo
En este parte de la programa de la television de Pablo Sanchez, la artista famosa Rufino Tamayo esta visitando. The very egotistical late night talk show host Pablo Sanchez, or "Sr. Shancez", takes us through a brief interview with the famous painter Rufino Tamayo (1899-1991). Filmed for the presentation on the brief history of Tamayo and his works for the IB Spanish 400 class of Sra. McCormick, two twins hope to inform and entertain through their smart-ass attitudes, bold acting, and terrible editing skills.
"Rufino Tamayo; The Sources of His Art is first of all itself a work of art: it is a realized formal entity that transcends each of its elements to achieve a true example of that often misused term, synthesis. "The title too is accurate. What was desired was not historical or technical presentation of Tamayo's work, but something far more elusive, an insight into the elements of Tamayo's very life and experience in all the variety and profundity that have found permanent transformation through a continuing series of paintings, graphics, and drawings issuing steadily before a delighted world for the last forty-five years. This has been beautifully achieved through the visual interchange of Tamayo's own work and splendid photographic evocations of the Mexican people, country, color, setting,...
Rufino Tamayo Museum, Mexico City. Jan. 2013
Rufino Tamayo Museum, Mexico City. Jan. 2013 Robert is brilliant, I can just thank him for sharing his experiences in the interview he gave me a couple of years ago.
Paintors Rina LAZO and Arturo GARCÍA BUSTOS talk in Casa Malinche, Coyoacan, about the Mexican School of Painting or "Muralismo" in the 20th Century, and the generation who oposeed to the muralists Diego RIVERA, David Alfaro SIQUEIROS, José Clemente OROZCO, Rufino TAMAYO et al, in the 1960s. Interview with PROCESO magazine reporters Armando PONCE Y PADILLA, Beto PONCE and photographer Miguel DIMAYUGA in Casa Malinche, Coyoacán. Summer 2016.
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Esta exposición que cuenta con una riqueza cultural de diversos orígenes, edades, identidades y posturas, estará disponible al público hasta el 19 de octubre del presente año
After many years at the Museum's Ross Avenue Entrance, Rufino Tamayo's iconic mural El Hombre (Man) is returning to the Atrium, where it was first hung when the Museum's Hamon Building opened in 1993. Tamayo, born of Zapotec heritage in Oaxaca, Mexico, was one of the most prominent Mexican artists of the mid-1900s, and a contemporary of Rivera, Siqueiros, and Orozco. His mural has long been viewed as one of the DMA's most important works. The tumultuous story behind it, however, inspires further appreciation. Read more at http://uncrated.wordpress.com/2013/07/31/moving-day-tamayos-el-hombre-finds-a-new-home/