Federico Heraclio Cantú Garza (b. Cadereyta Jiménez, March 3, 1907 – d. Mexico City, January 29, 1989) was a Mexican painter, engraver and sculptor. Since he was 14 years of age, Cantú studied art at the Air Schools of Painting with Ramos Martínez. He was also cofounder of the Salón de la Plástica Mexicana and the Escuela Nacional de Pintura, Escultura y Grabado "La Esmeralda". Cantú demonstrated uncanny artistic talent in his early years, painting in a realistic manner through his childhood and adolescente “Homenaje a Lord Byron 1929”. His revolutionary artistic accomplishments brought him universal renown.
Federico Cantú Garza (3 de mayo de 1907, Cadereyta Jiménez, México - 29 de enero de 1989, Ciudad de México) fue un pintor, grabador Muralista y escultor mexi...
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (1882- 1948), Preludio, basado en una suite del laudista y compositor alemán Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687- 1750). Mar...
Muerte de Federico Cantú
Muerte de Federico Cantú
Muerte de Federico Cantú
pues aqui la muerte de federico cantu interpretado por alejandro camacho en la telenovela muchachitas (es una de las partes del final de muchachitas)
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
En la voz de - Plano Informativo.com - San Luis Potosí.
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Esta pieza corresponde al final de la telenovela Muchachitas que produjo Emilio Larrosa para Televisa. se desarrolla el despertar de Elena, personaje de Tiar...
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Gilberto de la Fuente Fermando Cantú Carlos Rodríguez 6 Gómez Alanís 6 Plaza Monumental Monterrey Lorenzo Garza.
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
Espacio de opinión "En la voz de...", con las voces expertas de San Luis Potosí. Visita www.PlanoInformativo.com /// La Noticia antes que nadie.
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Copyright s Are owned by Ramex Records U.S.A. otro gran corrido.
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion de A. Piazzolla, en versión del dúo, Federico Díaz (guitarra) y Pablo Woizinski (piano) Grabado en Berlín, 2012 MC Producciones y BLUMEN Studio www....
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
www.periodicolapista.com.mx Pide gobernador esclarecer asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú.
Federico Cantú Garza (3 de mayo de 1907, Cadereyta Jiménez, México - 29 de enero de 1989, Ciudad de México) fue un pintor, grabador Muralista y escultor mexi...
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Federico Cantú Garza 3may 29ene
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Preludio, Federico Cantú
Manuel Ponce, Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (1882- 1948), Preludio, basado en una suite del laudista y compositor alemán Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687- 1750). Mar...
Muerte de Federico Cantú
Muerte de Federico Cantú
Muerte de Federico Cantú
pues aqui la muerte de federico cantu interpretado por alejandro camacho en la telenovela muchachitas (es una de las partes del final de muchachitas)
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
Incubadoras humanas - Federico Garza Herrera
En la voz de - Plano Informativo.com - San Luis Potosí.
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Planilla 100% ciudadana de Othón Ruiz
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
La planilla ciudadana que decidirá con Othón Ruiz
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Esta pieza corresponde al final de la telenovela Muchachitas que produjo Emilio Larrosa para Televisa. se desarrolla el despertar de Elena, personaje de Tiar...
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Faena de Fernando Cantú a Platerito
Gilberto de la Fuente Fermando Cantú Carlos Rodríguez 6 Gómez Alanís 6 Plaza Monumental Monterrey Lorenzo Garza.
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¿Qué es la mediación? - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
Espacio de opinión "En la voz de...", con las voces expertas de San Luis Potosí. Visita www.PlanoInformativo.com /// La Noticia antes que nadie.
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Los Cadetes De Linares El Tartanero canta Rosendo Cantu.wmv
Copyright s Are owned by Ramex Records U.S.A. otro gran corrido.
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion de A. Piazzolla, en versión del dúo, Federico Díaz (guitarra) y Pablo Woizinski (piano) Grabado en Berlín, 2012 MC Producciones y BLUMEN Studio www....
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
Eugenio Hernández Flores, Asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú
www.periodicolapista.com.mx Pide gobernador esclarecer asesinato de Rodolfo Torre Cantú.
¡Obtén tu crédito PYME al 6% anual! - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¡Obtén tu crédito PYME al 6% anual! - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
¡Obtén tu crédito PYME al 6% anual! - Jaime Cantú Sánchez
En la voz de - Plano Informativo.com - San Luis Potosí
Andrea "Jimmy" Cantu' - 2010 Un tranquillo week end da paura
Andrea "Jimmy" Cantu' - 2010 Un tranquillo week end da paura
Andrea "Jimmy" Cantu' - 2010 Un tranquillo week end da paura
Skate Contest - Usmate Velate MB Italy - September 2010
Manual-paty cantú cover
Manual-paty cantú cover
Manual-paty cantú cover
Cover de Paty cantú :)
los 3 hermanos Cantu
los 3 hermanos Cantu
los 3 hermanos Cantu
mis 3 hermanos i llo
cantando la cancion
en epocas navideñas
Dolores Canta - Con los pies en la tierra
Dolores Canta - Con los pies en la tierra
Dolores Canta - Con los pies en la tierra
Autor - Roberto Batrez Interpretación - Dolores Martínez Arreglos - Sergio Martínez Coros - Andrea Rodríguez Marie Rangel Natalia Martínez Marisa Cavazos Pab...
Dip. Marcelo Garza (PRD) - Decretar Anáhuac, Nuevo León, como municipio fronterizo
Dip. Marcelo Garza (PRD) - Decretar Anáhuac, Nuevo León, como municipio fronterizo
Dip. Marcelo Garza (PRD) - Decretar Anáhuac, Nuevo León, como municipio fronterizo
El Dip. Marcelo Garza Ruvalcaba (PRD) para pedir apoyo a la solicitud para convertir al municipio de Anáhuac en municipio fronterizo, que se destaca por su a...
Pegasso (Homenaje a Los que Formaron la Historia)
Pegasso (Homenaje a Los que Formaron la Historia)
Pegasso (Homenaje a Los que Formaron la Historia)
Como es imposible que quepan todos los que formaron la historia de PEGASSO en un solo video, a continuación, y de manera justa, pongo ésta lista de todos los...
ENTREVISTA vía telefónica con Miguel Ángel Vargas
ENTREVISTA vía telefónica con Miguel Ángel Vargas
ENTREVISTA vía telefónica con Miguel Ángel Vargas
Anoche después de una reunión en Los Pinos con el Presidente de la República, estuvo el Gobernador Rodrigo Medina y Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, pero el día de hoy se les citó a los 12 candidatos del PRI a las 07:00 de la noche y están convocados los 12 que se han mencionado y pues esta lista sólo se cerró a dos ya que sólo están dos en la lista y es él o ella, una de ellas es legisladora mujer se habla de Ivonne Álvarez y también se menciona al funcionario federal Ildefonso Guajardo, pero esto es dentro del terreno de la especulación. Pero hay que estar para hoy en la noche, pero ya sólo son dos, y sólo están en la espera del out 27. Algunas f
Federico Cantú Garza (3 de mayo de 1907, Cadereyta Jiménez, México - 29 de enero de 1989, Ciudad de México) fue un pintor, grabador Muralista y escultor mexi...
Federico Cantú Garza (3 de mayo de 1907, Cadereyta Jiménez, México - 29 de enero de 1989, Ciudad de México) fue un pintor, grabador Muralista y escultor mexi...
Manuel Ponce, Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (1882- 1948), Preludio, basado en una suite del laudista y compositor alemán Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687- 1750). Mar...
Manuel Ponce, Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (1882- 1948), Preludio, basado en una suite del laudista y compositor alemán Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687- 1750). Mar...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Esta pieza corresponde al final de la telenovela Muchachitas que produjo Emilio Larrosa para Televisa. se desarrolla el despertar de Elena, personaje de Tiar...
Esta pieza corresponde al final de la telenovela Muchachitas que produjo Emilio Larrosa para Televisa. se desarrolla el despertar de Elena, personaje de Tiar...
Oblivion de A. Piazzolla, en versión del dúo, Federico Díaz (guitarra) y Pablo Woizinski (piano) Grabado en Berlín, 2012 MC Producciones y BLUMEN Studio www....
Oblivion de A. Piazzolla, en versión del dúo, Federico Díaz (guitarra) y Pablo Woizinski (piano) Grabado en Berlín, 2012 MC Producciones y BLUMEN Studio www....
El Dip. Marcelo Garza Ruvalcaba (PRD) para pedir apoyo a la solicitud para convertir al municipio de Anáhuac en municipio fronterizo, que se destaca por su a...
El Dip. Marcelo Garza Ruvalcaba (PRD) para pedir apoyo a la solicitud para convertir al municipio de Anáhuac en municipio fronterizo, que se destaca por su a...
Como es imposible que quepan todos los que formaron la historia de PEGASSO en un solo video, a continuación, y de manera justa, pongo ésta lista de todos los...
Como es imposible que quepan todos los que formaron la historia de PEGASSO en un solo video, a continuación, y de manera justa, pongo ésta lista de todos los...
Anoche después de una reunión en Los Pinos con el Presidente de la República, estuvo el Gobernador Rodrigo Medina y Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, pero el día de hoy se les citó a los 12 candidatos del PRI a las 07:00 de la noche y están convocados los 12 que se han mencionado y pues esta lista sólo se cerró a dos ya que sólo están dos en la lista y es él o ella, una de ellas es legisladora mujer se habla de Ivonne Álvarez y también se menciona al funcionario federal Ildefonso Guajardo, pero esto es dentro del terreno de la especulación. Pero hay que estar para hoy en la noche, pero ya sólo son dos, y sólo están en la espera del out 27. Algunas fuentes consultadas en el Distrito Federal pues dentro del PRI por ahí van la candidatura, pero esto es así la política y pues los otros 10 no se descartan ya que esto puede cambiar, hasta hoy en la noche sale el humo blanco y nadie de descarta ya que nada está dicho, los 12 están convocados y son: Héctor Gutiérrez de la Garza, Pedro Pablo Treviño, Marcela Guerra, Ivonne Álvarez, Cristina Díaz, Adrián de la Garza, Jorge Domene Zambrano, Federico Vargas Rodríguez, Ildefonso Guajardo, Juana Aurora Cavazos, Benjamín Clariond y Jorge Mendoza. Nadie está descartado y pues hoy les dirán quién será el candidato a la Gubernatura del PRI y hoy tienen que salir ya por que el PAN andan muy movidos Margarita Arellanes y Felipe de Jesús Cantú. Estamos al pendiente de qué es lo que pasara en este reunión en la sede del tricolor en la avenida Insurgentes.
Anoche después de una reunión en Los Pinos con el Presidente de la República, estuvo el Gobernador Rodrigo Medina y Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, pero el día de hoy se les citó a los 12 candidatos del PRI a las 07:00 de la noche y están convocados los 12 que se han mencionado y pues esta lista sólo se cerró a dos ya que sólo están dos en la lista y es él o ella, una de ellas es legisladora mujer se habla de Ivonne Álvarez y también se menciona al funcionario federal Ildefonso Guajardo, pero esto es dentro del terreno de la especulación. Pero hay que estar para hoy en la noche, pero ya sólo son dos, y sólo están en la espera del out 27. Algunas fuentes consultadas en el Distrito Federal pues dentro del PRI por ahí van la candidatura, pero esto es así la política y pues los otros 10 no se descartan ya que esto puede cambiar, hasta hoy en la noche sale el humo blanco y nadie de descarta ya que nada está dicho, los 12 están convocados y son: Héctor Gutiérrez de la Garza, Pedro Pablo Treviño, Marcela Guerra, Ivonne Álvarez, Cristina Díaz, Adrián de la Garza, Jorge Domene Zambrano, Federico Vargas Rodríguez, Ildefonso Guajardo, Juana Aurora Cavazos, Benjamín Clariond y Jorge Mendoza. Nadie está descartado y pues hoy les dirán quién será el candidato a la Gubernatura del PRI y hoy tienen que salir ya por que el PAN andan muy movidos Margarita Arellanes y Felipe de Jesús Cantú. Estamos al pendiente de qué es lo que pasara en este reunión en la sede del tricolor en la avenida Insurgentes.
Federico Fellini is being interviewed by Stud Terkel during the actual editing of his masterpiece '8 1/2' !
The director gives insight into his works, his credo, and his faith in man. Terkel probes into the recurring theme of all his films and delves into Fellini’s creation of the character of Steiner from La Dolce Vita. Along with this interview, excerpts from conversations with the following people are included: Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni, French actor Alain Cuny, the writer Nelson Algren, and Fellini’s associate Mario Del Vecchio. All provide their interpretations as to why the character of Steiner did what he did in La Dolce Vit
interview with BBC circa 1965.
Federico Santander: Se det første FCK-interview
Federico Santander: Se det første FCK-interview
Federico Santander: Se det første FCK-interview
F.C. Københavns nye nummer 19 er Federico Santander, der nu har bestået sit lægetjek og underskrevet kontrakten med løverne. Se FCK TVs første interview med den 24-årige angriber fra Paraguay her: Velkommen til, Federico!
Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe.
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Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
In our series "Interviews with the Movers & Shakers in the 3D Realm" we are excited to talk Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl about the device that has become ubiquitous with present day Makers, Inventors, and product developers, and set the stage for a great amount of openness in other large tech companies like Intel and Google.
We are also going to talk about the controversy around the Arduino name and the legal disputes on who really owns the rights to the name and products that continues to this day.
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Une des rares interviews du maestro. Ici avec Christian Defaye, au moment de la sortie du film "Intervista" en 1987
interview with Federico Fellini
interview with Federico Fellini
interview with Federico Fellini
interview with Federico Fellini.
Federico Pistono Interview
Federico Pistono Interview
Federico Pistono Interview
I interviewed the author of "Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK: How to survive the economic collapse and be happy." The book is available for free on...
The Ubuntu Server Project Manager at Canonical sits down for an interview at the 2014 O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Watch more from OSCON: http://goo.gl/H...
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
On October 3, 2014 I delivered a Keynote in front of 700 young students at the Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (EBF Conference). This is an interview right after my speech.
My startup, Konoz: http://konozlearning.com
My book: http://robotswillstealyourjob.com
Read my blog: http://federicopistono.org
Find me on facebook: http://fb.me/federicopistono.page
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/federicopistono
Add me on Google+: http://gplus.to/federicopistono
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
SCEGLIERE HD 1080p per guardare il video alla massima QUALITA') Prima parte dell'intervista con l'amico Federico Malaman! Ci racconterà delle sue esperienze...
Interview Federico Demaria - Degrowth
Interview Federico Demaria - Degrowth
Interview Federico Demaria - Degrowth
Federico Demaria, one of the debaters at Ecopolis, introduces the book 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'.
Do you want to discuss a sustainable future? Come to Ecopolis on 26/05/15 at Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Brusssels.
Federico Demaria, un des orateurs à Ecopolis, introduit le livre 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Voulez-vous discuter d'un avenir durable? Venez à Ecopolis le 26/05/2015 au Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Bruxelles.
Federico Demaria, een van de sprekers op Ecopolis, introduceert het boek 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Wil je mee discussiëren over een duurzame toekomst? Kom naar Ecopolis o
PROFILES Featuring Federico Castelluccio
PROFILES Featuring Federico Castelluccio
PROFILES Featuring Federico Castelluccio
PROFILES host Mickey Burns sits down with actor and artist Federico Castelluccio who became famous for his role as Furio Giunta, imported hitman on the HBO s...
Tony Federico Interview
Tony Federico Interview
Tony Federico Interview
Movie Fail Interview - Fabrizio Federico
Movie Fail Interview - Fabrizio Federico
Movie Fail Interview - Fabrizio Federico
Movie Fail interview
Fabrizio Federico - Director of Pregnant • Interview • Movie Fail website - http://moviefail.com/fabrizio-federico/
UK director Fabrizio Federico aims to challenge norms and the stagnation of modern cinema with his experimental "punk" films, Pregnant and Black Biscuit.
ElectroWild Flowers interviews FEDERICO MILANI Italian DJ & Producer Supported by Richie Hawtin,Dubfire,Wally Lopez,Fabrizio Maurizi & more.. www.myspace.com...
Dubspot Interview: Federico Aubele (ESL) & Jerry Busher (Fugazi)
Dubspot Interview: Federico Aubele (ESL) & Jerry Busher (Fugazi)
Dubspot Interview: Federico Aubele (ESL) & Jerry Busher (Fugazi)
Read more - http://bit.ly/pjKoY0 Dubspot caught up with Aubele at New York City's Gramercy Theatre just before a live performance. He was in town celebrating...
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014 Discussing the new film Pregnant. http://pregnantmovie.moonfruit.com/ http://fabriziofederico.moonfruit.com/ http:...
Federico Zampaglione Interview on Tulpa
Federico Zampaglione Interview on Tulpa
Federico Zampaglione Interview on Tulpa
Federico Zampaglione talks about directing Tulpa at the FrightFest premiere. More Tulpa interviews Claudia Gerini http://youtu.be/M_4UxVAlj5I Maria Grazia Cu...
Drum Experiment (Bir de Benden Dinle) - Federico Paulovich (Interview)
Drum Experiment (Bir de Benden Dinle) - Federico Paulovich (Interview)
Drum Experiment (Bir de Benden Dinle) - Federico Paulovich (Interview)
"Drum Experiment" ;
1 song, 19 drummers, 19 different approaches.
"Drum Experiment" brought together 19 drummers from all around the world.
"Drum Experiment" is a project where participating drummers record their performances on a song consisting only of a keyboard and a piano without any instructions from producers or hearing other drummers, where they play the way they feel.
Drummers who take part in vary from jazz to rock, from fusion to death metal in their styles.
"Drum Experiment" is a universal project. We'll be able to watch drummers from different countries and cultural backgrounds such as Turkey, Italy, Japan, Cuba and United S
Federico Fellini is being interviewed by Stud Terkel during the actual editing of his masterpiece '8 1/2' !
The director gives insight into his works, his credo, and his faith in man. Terkel probes into the recurring theme of all his films and delves into Fellini’s creation of the character of Steiner from La Dolce Vita. Along with this interview, excerpts from conversations with the following people are included: Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni, French actor Alain Cuny, the writer Nelson Algren, and Fellini’s associate Mario Del Vecchio. All provide their interpretations as to why the character of Steiner did what he did in La Dolce Vita.
Federico Fellini is being interviewed by Stud Terkel during the actual editing of his masterpiece '8 1/2' !
The director gives insight into his works, his credo, and his faith in man. Terkel probes into the recurring theme of all his films and delves into Fellini’s creation of the character of Steiner from La Dolce Vita. Along with this interview, excerpts from conversations with the following people are included: Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni, French actor Alain Cuny, the writer Nelson Algren, and Fellini’s associate Mario Del Vecchio. All provide their interpretations as to why the character of Steiner did what he did in La Dolce Vita.
F.C. Københavns nye nummer 19 er Federico Santander, der nu har bestået sit lægetjek og underskrevet kontrakten med løverne. Se FCK TVs første interview med den 24-årige angriber fra Paraguay her: Velkommen til, Federico!
Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe.
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Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk
F.C. Københavns nye nummer 19 er Federico Santander, der nu har bestået sit lægetjek og underskrevet kontrakten med løverne. Se FCK TVs første interview med den 24-årige angriber fra Paraguay her: Velkommen til, Federico!
Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe.
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Seneste nyheder fra FCK.dk
In our series "Interviews with the Movers & Shakers in the 3D Realm" we are excited to talk Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl about the device that has become ubiquitous with present day Makers, Inventors, and product developers, and set the stage for a great amount of openness in other large tech companies like Intel and Google.
We are also going to talk about the controversy around the Arduino name and the legal disputes on who really owns the rights to the name and products that continues to this day.
In our series "Interviews with the Movers & Shakers in the 3D Realm" we are excited to talk Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl about the device that has become ubiquitous with present day Makers, Inventors, and product developers, and set the stage for a great amount of openness in other large tech companies like Intel and Google.
We are also going to talk about the controversy around the Arduino name and the legal disputes on who really owns the rights to the name and products that continues to this day.
published:26 May 2015
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
I interviewed the author of "Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK: How to survive the economic collapse and be happy." The book is available for free on...
I interviewed the author of "Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK: How to survive the economic collapse and be happy." The book is available for free on...
The Ubuntu Server Project Manager at Canonical sits down for an interview at the 2014 O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Watch more from OSCON: http://goo.gl/H...
The Ubuntu Server Project Manager at Canonical sits down for an interview at the 2014 O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Watch more from OSCON: http://goo.gl/H...
On October 3, 2014 I delivered a Keynote in front of 700 young students at the Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (EBF Conference). This is an interview right after my speech.
My startup, Konoz: http://konozlearning.com
My book: http://robotswillstealyourjob.com
Read my blog: http://federicopistono.org
Find me on facebook: http://fb.me/federicopistono.page
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/federicopistono
Add me on Google+: http://gplus.to/federicopistono
On October 3, 2014 I delivered a Keynote in front of 700 young students at the Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (EBF Conference). This is an interview right after my speech.
My startup, Konoz: http://konozlearning.com
My book: http://robotswillstealyourjob.com
Read my blog: http://federicopistono.org
Find me on facebook: http://fb.me/federicopistono.page
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/federicopistono
Add me on Google+: http://gplus.to/federicopistono
published:13 Oct 2014
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
SCEGLIERE HD 1080p per guardare il video alla massima QUALITA') Prima parte dell'intervista con l'amico Federico Malaman! Ci racconterà delle sue esperienze...
SCEGLIERE HD 1080p per guardare il video alla massima QUALITA') Prima parte dell'intervista con l'amico Federico Malaman! Ci racconterà delle sue esperienze...
Federico Demaria, one of the debaters at Ecopolis, introduces the book 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'.
Do you want to discuss a sustainable future? Come to Ecopolis on 26/05/15 at Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Brusssels.
Federico Demaria, un des orateurs à Ecopolis, introduit le livre 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Voulez-vous discuter d'un avenir durable? Venez à Ecopolis le 26/05/2015 au Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Bruxelles.
Federico Demaria, een van de sprekers op Ecopolis, introduceert het boek 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Wil je mee discussiëren over een duurzame toekomst? Kom naar Ecopolis op 26/05/2015 in het Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Brussel.
Federico Demaria, one of the debaters at Ecopolis, introduces the book 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'.
Do you want to discuss a sustainable future? Come to Ecopolis on 26/05/15 at Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Brusssels.
Federico Demaria, un des orateurs à Ecopolis, introduit le livre 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Voulez-vous discuter d'un avenir durable? Venez à Ecopolis le 26/05/2015 au Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Bruxelles.
Federico Demaria, een van de sprekers op Ecopolis, introduceert het boek 'Degrowth: a vocabulary for a new era'. Wil je mee discussiëren over een duurzame toekomst? Kom naar Ecopolis op 26/05/2015 in het Kaaitheater, Sainctelettesquare 20, Brussel.
PROFILES host Mickey Burns sits down with actor and artist Federico Castelluccio who became famous for his role as Furio Giunta, imported hitman on the HBO s...
PROFILES host Mickey Burns sits down with actor and artist Federico Castelluccio who became famous for his role as Furio Giunta, imported hitman on the HBO s...
Movie Fail interview
Fabrizio Federico - Director of Pregnant • Interview • Movie Fail website - http://moviefail.com/fabrizio-federico/
UK director Fabrizio Federico aims to challenge norms and the stagnation of modern cinema with his experimental "punk" films, Pregnant and Black Biscuit.
Movie Fail interview
Fabrizio Federico - Director of Pregnant • Interview • Movie Fail website - http://moviefail.com/fabrizio-federico/
UK director Fabrizio Federico aims to challenge norms and the stagnation of modern cinema with his experimental "punk" films, Pregnant and Black Biscuit.
Read more - http://bit.ly/pjKoY0 Dubspot caught up with Aubele at New York City's Gramercy Theatre just before a live performance. He was in town celebrating...
Read more - http://bit.ly/pjKoY0 Dubspot caught up with Aubele at New York City's Gramercy Theatre just before a live performance. He was in town celebrating...
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014 Discussing the new film Pregnant. http://pregnantmovie.moonfruit.com/ http://fabriziofederico.moonfruit.com/ http:...
Fabrizio Federico BBC Radio interview 2014 Discussing the new film Pregnant. http://pregnantmovie.moonfruit.com/ http://fabriziofederico.moonfruit.com/ http:...
Federico Zampaglione talks about directing Tulpa at the FrightFest premiere. More Tulpa interviews Claudia Gerini http://youtu.be/M_4UxVAlj5I Maria Grazia Cu...
Federico Zampaglione talks about directing Tulpa at the FrightFest premiere. More Tulpa interviews Claudia Gerini http://youtu.be/M_4UxVAlj5I Maria Grazia Cu...
"Drum Experiment" ;
1 song, 19 drummers, 19 different approaches.
"Drum Experiment" brought together 19 drummers from all around the world.
"Drum Experiment" is a project where participating drummers record their performances on a song consisting only of a keyboard and a piano without any instructions from producers or hearing other drummers, where they play the way they feel.
Drummers who take part in vary from jazz to rock, from fusion to death metal in their styles.
"Drum Experiment" is a universal project. We'll be able to watch drummers from different countries and cultural backgrounds such as Turkey, Italy, Japan, Cuba and United States meet at the same song!
Also a fun experiment and an instructional one at the same time. Up and coming young drummers will have a chance to hear drummers, who are masters in their own styles.
Music lovers will witness the diverse world of drummers.
The work which we call “Drum Experiment” will be broadcast for 4 weeks with 5 videos each week.
"Drum Experiment" will air on Wednesday, March 4, 2015
The song of the project is called "Yaya", composed by Ata Akdag from the band Yaya.
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"Bir de Benden Dinle" ;
1 parça, 19 farklı davulcu, 19 farklı yorum!
Dünyanın dört bir yanından 19 farklı davulcu aynı projede buluştu.
“Bir de Benden Dinle” , projeye katılan davulcuların, sadece klavye ve piyanodan oluşan bir müzik parçasını, hiçbir prodüktörün etkisi ve yönlendirmesi olmadan, diğer davulcuları dinlemeden, sadece kendi hisleriyle, kendi tarzlarıyla yorumlayıp, kaydettikleri bir projedir.
Projeye katılan davulcular tarz olarak caz'dan rock'a, fusion'dan death metal'e kadar uzanıyor.
Bir de Benden Dinle evrensel bir projedir. Türkiye'den Japonya'ya, İtalya'dan Küba ve Amerika'ya, farklı coğrafya ve kültürden davulcuların, aynı müzik eseri altında buluşmalarının güzelliğini hep beraber izleyeceğiz.
Eğlenceli bir deney olmanın yanı sıra, eğitici ve öğretici bir proje. Genç davulcu adayları, tarzlarında usta davulcuların yorumlarını inceleme fırsatı elde edecekler.
Bu deney ile müzikseverler, davulcuların farklı dünyasına konuk olacaklar.
“Bir Davul Deneyi” olarak tanımladığımız çalışma, 4 hafta boyunca, haftada 5 video gösterimi ile internetten yayınlanacaktır.
"Bir de Benden Dinle" 4 Mart 2015 Çarşamba yayında!
Yorumlanan parça Yaya grubundan Ata Akdağ'ın "Yaya" adlı bestesidir.
Projede yer alan davulcular:
Alen Konakoğlu(Nil Karaibrahimgil, İlhan İrem)
Arbak Dal(DörtxDört, Demir Demirkan, Haluk Levent)
Ari Hoenig (Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Mike Stern, Kenny Werner, Chris Potter )
Burak Gürpınar (Kurban, Melis Danişmend)
Cem Aksel (Bülent Ortaçgil)
Daru Jones (Jack White)
Ediz Hafızoğlu (Independent)
Engin Kaan Günaydın (New York Gypsy All Stars)
Enzo Augello (Independent)
Federico Paulovich (Destrage) Jacobi Gunter (Independent)
Ludwig Afonso (Spyra Gyra, Joshua Redman, Richard Bona)
Mert Alkaya (Aylin Aslım, Joe Lynn Turner, Cem Köksal, Yaya, Nemrud) Robert Mehmet Sinan İkiz (Independent)
Roberto Pirami (Vinnie Moore, Michael Angelo Batio, TM Stevens, Blaze Bayley, Nathalie)
Ryuga Uchida (Independent)
Soner Doğanca (Acil Servis, Bertuğ Cemil)
Turgut Alp Bekoğlu (Telvin, İstanbul Sessions, Wax Poetix İstanbul, Gloria Gaynor,
Marcus Miller, Joe Lovano, Chris Potter)
Volkan Öktem (Tarkan, John Scofield, Dienne Rivees, Aydın Esen, Aşkın Arsunan, Bendik Hofseth, Laço Tayfa, İlhan Erşahin, Okan Ersan)
"Drum Experiment" ;
1 song, 19 drummers, 19 different approaches.
"Drum Experiment" brought together 19 drummers from all around the world.
"Drum Experiment" is a project where participating drummers record their performances on a song consisting only of a keyboard and a piano without any instructions from producers or hearing other drummers, where they play the way they feel.
Drummers who take part in vary from jazz to rock, from fusion to death metal in their styles.
"Drum Experiment" is a universal project. We'll be able to watch drummers from different countries and cultural backgrounds such as Turkey, Italy, Japan, Cuba and United States meet at the same song!
Also a fun experiment and an instructional one at the same time. Up and coming young drummers will have a chance to hear drummers, who are masters in their own styles.
Music lovers will witness the diverse world of drummers.
The work which we call “Drum Experiment” will be broadcast for 4 weeks with 5 videos each week.
"Drum Experiment" will air on Wednesday, March 4, 2015
The song of the project is called "Yaya", composed by Ata Akdag from the band Yaya.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Bir de Benden Dinle" ;
1 parça, 19 farklı davulcu, 19 farklı yorum!
Dünyanın dört bir yanından 19 farklı davulcu aynı projede buluştu.
“Bir de Benden Dinle” , projeye katılan davulcuların, sadece klavye ve piyanodan oluşan bir müzik parçasını, hiçbir prodüktörün etkisi ve yönlendirmesi olmadan, diğer davulcuları dinlemeden, sadece kendi hisleriyle, kendi tarzlarıyla yorumlayıp, kaydettikleri bir projedir.
Projeye katılan davulcular tarz olarak caz'dan rock'a, fusion'dan death metal'e kadar uzanıyor.
Bir de Benden Dinle evrensel bir projedir. Türkiye'den Japonya'ya, İtalya'dan Küba ve Amerika'ya, farklı coğrafya ve kültürden davulcuların, aynı müzik eseri altında buluşmalarının güzelliğini hep beraber izleyeceğiz.
Eğlenceli bir deney olmanın yanı sıra, eğitici ve öğretici bir proje. Genç davulcu adayları, tarzlarında usta davulcuların yorumlarını inceleme fırsatı elde edecekler.
Bu deney ile müzikseverler, davulcuların farklı dünyasına konuk olacaklar.
“Bir Davul Deneyi” olarak tanımladığımız çalışma, 4 hafta boyunca, haftada 5 video gösterimi ile internetten yayınlanacaktır.
"Bir de Benden Dinle" 4 Mart 2015 Çarşamba yayında!
Yorumlanan parça Yaya grubundan Ata Akdağ'ın "Yaya" adlı bestesidir.
Projede yer alan davulcular:
Alen Konakoğlu(Nil Karaibrahimgil, İlhan İrem)
Arbak Dal(DörtxDört, Demir Demirkan, Haluk Levent)
Ari Hoenig (Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Mike Stern, Kenny Werner, Chris Potter )
Burak Gürpınar (Kurban, Melis Danişmend)
Cem Aksel (Bülent Ortaçgil)
Daru Jones (Jack White)
Ediz Hafızoğlu (Independent)
Engin Kaan Günaydın (New York Gypsy All Stars)
Enzo Augello (Independent)
Federico Paulovich (Destrage) Jacobi Gunter (Independent)
Ludwig Afonso (Spyra Gyra, Joshua Redman, Richard Bona)
Mert Alkaya (Aylin Aslım, Joe Lynn Turner, Cem Köksal, Yaya, Nemrud) Robert Mehmet Sinan İkiz (Independent)
Roberto Pirami (Vinnie Moore, Michael Angelo Batio, TM Stevens, Blaze Bayley, Nathalie)
Ryuga Uchida (Independent)
Soner Doğanca (Acil Servis, Bertuğ Cemil)
Turgut Alp Bekoğlu (Telvin, İstanbul Sessions, Wax Poetix İstanbul, Gloria Gaynor,
Marcus Miller, Joe Lovano, Chris Potter)
Volkan Öktem (Tarkan, John Scofield, Dienne Rivees, Aydın Esen, Aşkın Arsunan, Bendik Hofseth, Laço Tayfa, İlhan Erşahin, Okan Ersan)
Federico Cantú Garza (3 de mayo de 1907, Cadereyta Jiménez, México - 29 de enero de 1989, Ciudad de México) fue un pintor, grabador Muralista y escultor mexi...
Manuel Ponce, Manuel María Ponce Cuéllar (1882- 1948), Preludio, basado en una suite del laudista y compositor alemán Silvius Leopold Weiss (1687- 1750). Mar...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Conoce al equipo de canidatos a regidores y síndicos que acompañan a Othón Ruiz Montemayor en su proyecto por San Pedro Garza García. Los candidatos: Regidor...
Esta pieza corresponde al final de la telenovela Muchachitas que produjo Emilio Larrosa para Televisa. se desarrolla el despertar de Elena, personaje de Tiar...
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion - (A.Piazzolla) Federico Díaz y Pablo Woizinski
Oblivion de A. Piazzolla, en versión del dúo, Federico Díaz (guitarra) y Pablo Woizinski (piano) Grabado en Berlín, 2012 MC Producciones y BLUMEN Studio www....
Federico Fellini is being interviewed by Stud Terkel during the actual editing of his masterpiece '8 1/2' !
The director gives insight into his works, his credo, and his faith in man. Terkel probes into the recurring theme of all his films and delves into Fellini’s creation of the character of Steiner from La Dolce Vita. Along with this interview, excerpts from conversations with the following people are included: Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni, French actor Alain Cuny, the writer Nelson Algren, and Fellini’s associate Mario Del Vecchio. All provide their interpretations as to why the character of Steiner did what he did in La Dolce Vita.
F.C. Københavns nye nummer 19 er Federico Santander, der nu har bestået sit lægetjek og un...
published:14 Jun 2015
Federico Santander: Se det første FCK-interview
Federico Santander: Se det første FCK-interview
F.C. Københavns nye nummer 19 er Federico Santander, der nu har bestået sit lægetjek og underskrevet kontrakten med løverne. Se FCK TVs første interview med den 24-årige angriber fra Paraguay her: Velkommen til, Federico!
Vær den første til at se eksklusive spillerinterviews, highlights, konceptvideoer, nyheder og optakt til kampe.
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published:14 Jun 2015
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
In our series "Interviews with the Movers & Shakers in the 3D Realm" we are excited to tal...
published:26 May 2015
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
Interview with Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl
In our series "Interviews with the Movers & Shakers in the 3D Realm" we are excited to talk Federico Musto, CEO of Arduino srl about the device that has become ubiquitous with present day Makers, Inventors, and product developers, and set the stage for a great amount of openness in other large tech companies like Intel and Google.
We are also going to talk about the controversy around the Arduino name and the legal disputes on who really owns the rights to the name and products that continues to this day.
published:26 May 2015
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Une des rares interviews du maestro. Ici avec Christian Defaye, au moment de la sortie du ...
published:24 May 2013
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Interview de Federico Fellini par Christian Defaye en 1987 Part 1
Une des rares interviews du maestro. Ici avec Christian Defaye, au moment de la sortie du film "Intervista" en 1987
I interviewed the author of "Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK: How to survive the economic collapse and be happy." The book is available for free on...
The Ubuntu Server Project Manager at Canonical sits down for an interview at the 2014 O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Watch more from OSCON: http://goo.gl/H...
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
On October 3, 2014 I delivered a Keynote in front of 700 young students at the Economics a...
published:13 Oct 2014
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
Federico Pistono Interview Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen
On October 3, 2014 I delivered a Keynote in front of 700 young students at the Economics and Business student Faculty, University of Groningen, the Netherlands (EBF Conference). This is an interview right after my speech.
My startup, Konoz: http://konozlearning.com
My book: http://robotswillstealyourjob.com
Read my blog: http://federicopistono.org
Find me on facebook: http://fb.me/federicopistono.page
Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/federicopistono
Add me on Google+: http://gplus.to/federicopistono
published:13 Oct 2014
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
SCEGLIERE HD 1080p per guardare il video alla massima QUALITA') Prima parte dell'intervist...
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
Intervista Federico Malaman (parte 1) - di Mauro Catellani
SCEGLIERE HD 1080p per guardare il video alla massima QUALITA') Prima parte dell'intervista con l'amico Federico Malaman! Ci racconterà delle sue esperienze...