- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 229748
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A cherry is the fruit of many plants of the genus Prunus, and is a fleshy drupe (stone fruit).
The cherry fruits of commerce usually are obtained from a limited number of species such as cultivars of the sweet cherry, Prunus avium. The name 'cherry' also refers to the cherry tree, and is sometimes applied to almonds and visually similar flowering trees in the genus Prunus, as in "ornamental cherry", "cherry blossom", etc. Wild Cherry may refer to any of the cherry species growing outside of cultivation, although Prunus avium is often referred to specifically by the name "wild cherry" in the British Isles.
Many cherries are members of the subgenus Cerasus, which is distinguished by having the flowers in small corymbs of several together (not singly, nor in racemes), and by having smooth fruit with only a weak groove along one side, or no groove. The subgenus is native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, with two species in America, three in Europe, and the remainder in Asia. Other cherry fruits are members of subgenus Padus. Cherry trees with low exposure to light tend to have a bigger leaf size so they can intercept all light possible. Cherry trees with high exposure to light tend to have thicker leaves to concentrate light and have a higher photosynthetic capacity.
A ballad /ˈbæləd/ is a form of verse, often a narrative set to music. Ballads derive from the medieval French chanson balladée or ballade, which were originally "dancing songs". Ballads were particularly characteristic of the popular poetry and song of the British Isles from the later medieval period until the 19th century and used extensively across Europe and later the Americas, Australia and North Africa.
Many ballads were written and sold as single sheet broadsides. The form was often used by poets and composers from the 18th century onwards to produce lyrical ballads. In the later 19th century the term took on the meaning of a slow form of popular love song and is now often used for any love song, particularly the pop or rock sentimental ballad.
The ballad derives its name from medieval French dance songs or "ballares" (L: ballare, to dance), from which 'ballet' is also derived, as did the alternative rival form that became the French ballade. As a narrative song, their theme and function may originate from Scandinavian and Germanic traditions of storytelling that can be seen in poems such as Beowulf. Musically they were influenced by the Minnesinger. The earliest example of a recognisable ballad in form in England is "Judas" in a 13th-century manuscript.
In mathematics, certain kinds of mistaken proof are often exhibited, and sometimes collected, as illustrations of a concept of mathematical fallacy. There is a distinction between a simple mistake and a mathematical fallacy in a proof: a mistake in a proof leads to an invalid proof just in the same way, but in the best-known examples of mathematical fallacies, there is some concealment in the presentation of the proof. For example, the reason validity fails may be a division by zero that is hidden by algebraic notation. There is a striking quality of the mathematical fallacy: as typically presented, it leads not only to an absurd result, but does so in a crafty or clever way. Therefore, these fallacies, for pedagogic reasons, usually take the form of spurious proofs of obvious contradictions. Although the proofs are flawed, the errors, usually by design, are comparatively subtle, or designed to show that certain steps are conditional, and should not be applied in the cases that are the exceptions to the rules.
濱崎步-BALLAD 二胡版 by 永安 ayumi hamasaki - BALLAD (Erhu Cover by YungAn) http://blog.xuite.net/wangan/njb/54145546 ===================== CLAIM ===================== All I own is my Erhu melody only. All rights of the song and karaoke music are reserved by ayumi hamasaki and Avex Trax. ===================== CLAIM ===================== 『You were... / BALLAD』是日本歌手『濱崎步』發行的第47張單曲,2009年12月29日於日本發售。今天介紹的是單曲中的第二首歌:『BALLAD』,它同時也是NHK連戲劇『蒼穹之昴』的主題曲。 會認識這首歌,其實是YouTube網友KissMeLOLxxx推薦的。我原本就很喜歡濱崎步,看了YouTube上的BALLAD舞台劇後,對這首歌更是驚為天人。 YouTube的影片中,舞者非常的投入,加上濱崎步如泣如訴的歌聲,真的是讓我感動與震撼。我聽到了BALLAD悲壯的旋律、絢麗的配器,也因此對於D.A.I的作曲功力相當地佩服。 這首歌是B調,B調我不是很熟,所以我偷懶把二胡內外弦調降了一個半音,這樣就可以用C調指法來拉囉。這首歌的旋律簡單,重複也很多,但是要表達演奏者的情感,卻是很不容易的。所以拉不好的地方,還請多多包涵囉!讓我們一起看著下面的簡譜來拉『BALLAD』吧~ ======================== 濱崎步-BALLAD 二胡版 原唱:濱崎步(浜崎あゆみ/ayumi h...
☆ミ Title: 二人で歩いた帰り道 (Meaning "The Way Home We Walked Together".) ☆ミ Album: REAL WORLD -to the beginning 01- ☆ミ Circle: Akatsuki Records 「暁Records」 ★彡 Original Titles: 1—) 厄神様の通り道 ~ Dark Road (Meaning "The Road of the Misfortune God ~ Dark Road".) / Stage 2 Theme 2—) 明日ハレの日、ケの昨日 (Meaning "Tomorrow will be Special; Yesterday was not".) / Extra stage Theme ★彡 Source: 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith (Touhou Fuujinroku, meaning "Eastern Wind God Chronicles".) ♬♪♫ ミ Vocal: Stack ♬♪♫ ミ Lyrics: ACTRock ♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement: Neko☆Manjyu 「ねこ☆まんじゅう」 ♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」 ✧彡 Event: Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai 10 「博麗神社例大祭10」 ✧彡 Release Date: May 26, 2013 ✧彡 Website: http://akatsuki-records.com/drcd0003.html ✧彡 Album Genre: Ballad, Rock&Storytelling — Touhou Vocal Arrange Album. ✿彡 Picture Art...
♪ミ Tracklist: 1—) 0:00 ー 2:09 / KARUHA 2—) 2:09 ー 5:38 / Reverberation ☆ミ Album: Fluster Escape ☆ミ Circle: FELT ★彡 Original Title: シンデレラケージ ~ Kagome-Kagome (Meaning "Cinderella Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome".) / Stage 5 Theme ★彡 Source: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night (Touhou Eiyashou, meaning "Eastern Eternal Night Vignette".) ♬♪♫ ミ Vocal/Lyrics: Mika 「美歌」 ♬♪♫ ミ Arrangement: NAGI☆ ♬♪♫ ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」 ✧彡 Event: Comic Market 91 「コミックマーケット91」 ✧彡 Release Date: Dec 29, 2016 ✧彡 Website: http://feltmusic.net/FELT021/ ✧彡 Album Genre: Pop, Electro-House, Dance&Rock — Touhou Vocal Arrangement Album. ✿彡 Picture Artist: 1—) 吉岡よしこ (Yoshioka Yoshiko) 2—) スギユウ(Sugiyuu) ✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page: 1—) http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=277982 2—) http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=97799 ✿彡 Illus...
☆ミ Title: I Sing A Love Song For You ☆ミ Album: Lovely Faith -to the beginning 02- ☆ミ Circle: Akatsuki Records 「暁Records」 ★彡 Track Origins: 1—) 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom (Touhou Youyoumu, meaning "Bewitching Eastern Dream") / Ghostly Band ~ Phantom Ensemble 「幽霊楽団 ~ Phantom Ensemble」 2—) 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night (Touhou Eiyashou, meaning "Eternal Night Vignette from the East") / Deaf to all but the Song 「もう歌しか聞こえない」 ☆ミ Vocal: Stack ☆ミ Arrangement/Lyrics: ACTRock ☆ミ Original Composer: ZUN 「上海アリス幻樂団」 ☆ミ Website: http://akatsuki-records.com/drcd0006.html ☆彡 Event: Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai 11 「博麗神社例大祭11」 ☆彡 Release Date: May 11, 2014 ☆彡 Album Genre: Pop&Rock — Touhou Vocal Arrange Album. ☆彡 Picture Artist: FLX / http://nazr.in/ts7/ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ↓I ...
✪ 曲名 / Title: 繰りかえす四季模様 ~ Remember View / Endless Cycle of the Four Seasons ~ Remember View ✪ 原曲 / Original by ZUN: 東方妖々夢 ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom さくらさくら ~ Japanize Dream Sakura, Sakura ~ Japanize Dream ✪ Translation: Tewifying, Akyuun ✪ 歌 / Vocal: 小峠 舞 ~ Mai Kotoge ✪ 作詞 / Lyrics: W*M ✪ 編曲 / Arrangement: W*M ✪ サークル / Circle: K2 SOUND / C-CLAYS ✪ アルバム / Album: (C77) 麗鳴 RAY-MEI ✪ HP: http://www.c-clays.com/ ✪ イラスト / Illustration: ぬぬっこ (Pixiv ID 1030312) / nunucco (Danbooru) :: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust;_id=24918070
Title: 月と再生 (The Moon and Regeneration) Vocals: YUKI Artist: False&Trues; Circle: False&Trues; Album: テクマトリクス It's funny, I had a pretty good video making/image finding vibe here when I was creating these. Then SUDDENLY this song comes along and I just can't find anything for it. I wish the setting of it was at night personally, but I think this image works out fine.
Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2009 My Precious Songs. Seiko Matsuda Live 1998 FOREVER. Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2009 My Precious Songs. Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2009 My Precious Songs. Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2007 Baby's breath.
【-TorNADo- 2017】 We Translate And We Make. We Are -TorNADo- Animation. 日本語翻譯、影像後期製作,我們是 -TNAD- -Translate, Newest, Animation, Do our best- Facebook:https://facebook.com/TorNADo.Animation.Translation.Subtitles/ ※皆不允許「複製、轉載、重製上傳、轉傳至其他平台」等。 ※商用利用、再配布はご遠慮下さい。 ※DO NOT COPY, RE-UPLOAD, AND RE-MAKE OURS VIDEO. ■概要|歌曲資訊|Introduction■ 0:00 - Vagueness 1:23 - JOURNEY ■オリジナル|原曲|Original■ 東方緋想天 ~ Scarlet Weather Rhapsody. 有頂天変 ~ Wonderful Heaven ■アルバム|專輯|Album■ 2017-08-11(C92)FELT|Rising Nebula http://feltmusic.net/FELT023/ ■ヴォーカル/歌手/Vocal■ 舞花 ■アレンジ|編曲|Arrange■ NAGI☆ ■リリック|作詞|Lyric■ 美歌 ■合唱|合音|Chorus■ 舞花 ■イラスト|繪師|Illustration■ dairi https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=4920496 ■動画|動畫|Animation■ -TorNADo-|LATEα* ■翻訳者|翻譯|Chinese Translator■ -TorNADo-|夢夢 (Myon)
斉藤和義、デビュー20周年第2弾シングル「Always」を9/18にリリース! シングル「Always」に収録される「カーラジオ」のミュージックビデオが完成。 ラジオステーションのFM NORTH WAVE(北海道)、J-WAVE(東京)、ZIP-FM(名古屋)、FM802(大阪)、cross fm(福岡)によるJFL(JAPAN FM LEAGUE) が、2013年10月に結成20周年を迎え、その20周年アニバーサリーソングを斉藤和義がラジオへの想いを込めて書き下ろした新曲。 ディレクターは新進気鋭の若手クリエーター、オオクボリュウ。 幼少期をアメリカ・ルイジアナ州で過ごす。ビデオテープのノイズやインク跡など、アナログな質感を残した細密でクセのあるペン画表現を持ち味に、イラストレーションや映像作品を発表。近作についてはオフィシャルサイトhttp://dddddragon.infoをチェック。 斉藤和義 20周年特設サイト: http://www.ks20.net
•Title: 描いた夏をもう一度 [リマスタリング] •Arranged by: ねこ☆まんじゅう (neko☆manjyu) •Vocals: Stack •Lyrics: 佐倉 (Sakura) •Published by: 暁Records (Akatsuki Records) •Album: REAL WORLD -to the beginning 01- •Original: 稲田姫様に叱られるから (Because Princess Inada Is Scolding Me) 神々が恋した幻想郷 (The Gensokyo the Gods Loved) •Website: http://akatsuki-records.com/ Image: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust;_id=35661717
♫ Title : Necro-Line ♫ Arranger : 八神 将義 ( Masayoshi Yagami ) ♫ Circle : efs ♫ Album : JOKER & ♫ Event : Hakurei jinja reitaisai 10 (May 25, 2013 ) ♫ website : http://efs.holy.jp/REI10/efs_joker&.htm ♪ Original : ネクロファンタジア / Necrofantasia from Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom Picture by pepeo -------------------------------------- This song is not my own property and belongs to its original author.
■希望の灯/the Untrue 1.優しい時計 2.灯 3.月の下、明ける夜 4.雨に咲く花 5.くすりゆび 6.無色透明 ■2015.8.8 Release ■THUE-001/¥1,000(tax in) トレーラー制作:Ozaki Jun ●the Untrue(ジ・アントゥルー) 2012年、岐阜県可児市にて結成。生活の中で起こる葛藤や希望を軸に、想いを込めて歌を紡ぐ3ピースバンド。彼らがステージで訴えかけるもの、それは「希望」である。擦り切れるほど強く叫ぶその中には、光を掴みとる意志と力がある。満を持して発売する2nd Mini Album「希望の灯(ともしび)」は、あなたの心の中の希望をそっと照らし出し、あたためてくれる光になるだろう。岐阜県から放たれる渾身の1枚。 theuntrue.com
☆ミ Title: 蘇る綺麗な真実 (Meaning "A Resurrected Beautiful Truth".) ☆ミ Album: Everlasting Moment 「瞬間エヴァーラスティング」 ☆ミ Circle: Yuuhei Satellite 「幽閉サテライト」 ★彡 Original Title: Fujiwara no Mokou's Image Song 「藤原妹紅イメージ曲」 / This is original (オリジナル) song in the album. ★彡 Source: Touhou Project (東方プロジェクト "Touhou Purojekuto" meaning "Project Shrine Maiden"), abbreviated as "Touhou" (東方 Touhou) ♬♪♫ ミ Vocal: Senya ♬♪♫ ミ Composer/Lyrics: Namari Okuyama 「奥山ナマリ」 ✧彡 Event: Comic Market 92 「コミックマーケット92」 ✧彡 Release Date: Aug 11, 2017 ✧彡 Website: http://www.yuuhei-satellite.jp/9480 ✧彡 Album Genre: Techno, Electronic, Trance, Rock&Pop — Touhou Vocal Arrangement Album. ✿彡 Picture Artist: 肱川 嵐 (Hijikawa Arashi) ✿彡 Artist's Pixiv Page: https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2153142 ✿彡 Illustration Source: https://www.pix...
OFFICAL HP:http://rhythmzone.net/koda/ facebook:http://www.facebook.com/KodaKumiOfficial twitter:https://twitter.com/KODAKUMINET/ 倖田來未「WINTER of LOVE」 2016.1.20 on sale AL ¥2,400 (tax out) RZCD-86048 AL+DVD ¥3,000 (tax out) RZCD-86046/B AL+Blu-ray ¥3,500 (tax out) RZCD-86047/B AL+LIVE DVD (ファンクラブ限定盤) ¥4,500(tax out)RZC1-86049/B いつだって一人じゃない、 あなたがいたから今の私がいる。 倖田來未が彩る冬のバラードコレクションアルバム「WINTER of LOVE」 新曲「On And On」、「NO ME WITHOUT YOU」に加え、「愛のうた」、「好きで、好きで、好きで。」をはじめ、倖田來未を代表する珠玉のバラード集が遂に発売。DVD/Blu-rayには新曲2曲含む全17曲のミュージックビデオに加え、メイキング映像も収録。 倖田來未初となる全形態スマプラ付の豪華パッケージをスペシャルプライスでリリース! ■収録曲 [AL]※全形態共通 01 On And On ※new 02 奇跡 03 hands 04 Promise 05 you 06 夢のうた 07 運命 08 愛証 09 愛のうた 10 Moon Crying 11 stay with me 12 好きで、好きで、好きで。 13 あなただけが 14 愛を止めないで 15 恋しくて 16 Dance In The Rain 17 NO ME WITHOUT YOU ※new [D...
Title: CRYSTAL SIGN Vocal: Stack Lyrics: ACTRock Arrangement: kaztora & ねこ☆まんじゅう Circle: 暁Records×Liz Triangle http://akatsuki-records.com/ Album: First Memory/Next Memory Release Date: May 8 2016 例大祭13 Original: 無何有の郷~Deep Mountain (Paradise ~ Deep Mountain) 「東方妖々夢~Perfect Cherry Blossom, Stage 1 theme」 Illustration: 葉山茶也様 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust;_id=54952334
25th Anniversary Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2005 fairy. 裸足の季節~青い珊瑚礁~風は秋色~渚のバルコニー~Rock'n Rouge~チェリーブラッサム~夏の扉~Only My Love Seiko Matsuda 25th Anniversary Concert Tour. 25th Anniversary Seiko Matsuda Concert Tour 2005 fairy. Seiko Matsuda LIVE 1992 Nouvelle Vague. 青い珊瑚礁~天国のキッス~時間の国のアリス~天使のウィンク Seiko Matsuda LIVE 1992 Nouvelle Vague.
Smooth Jazz Instrumental Full Album "Portrait of Alfonzo" by #1 charting Billboard saxophonist Alfonzo Blackwell. Download available on iTunes and Amazon. https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/alfonzo-blackwell/id70211533 http://alfonzoblackwell.com 1.Freight Train 2.Human nature 3.Portrait of Alfonzo 4.New York Cafe 5.Pulsar 6.M.J. 7.Evolution (interlude) 8.Lighthouse 9.Impressions 10.Quintet 11.Pulsar (15mins later)
I will gather stars out of the blue,
For you, for you . . .
I'll make a string of pearls out of the dew,
For you, for you . . .
Over the highway and over the street,
Carpets of clover I'll lay at your feet . . .
Oh, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do,
For you, for you . . .
< instrumental verse >
Over the highway and over the street,
Carpets of clover I will lay at your feet . . .
Oh, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do,
For you, for you . . .
Music by Joe Burke
with lyrics by Al Dubin, 1933