- published: 12 Mar 2012
- views: 382
The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) was set up by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in 1955. 21 states are designated to provide scientists to serve as members of the committee which holds formal meetings (sessions) annually and submits a report to the General Assembly. The organisation has no power to set radiation standards nor to make recommendations in regard to nuclear testing. It was established solely to "define precisely the present exposure of the population of the world to ionizing radiation."
Less frequently major public reports on Sources and Effects of Ionizing Radiation are issued. As of July 2011, there have been 20 major publications from 1958 to 2010. The reports are all available from the UNSCEAR website. These works are very highly regarded as sources of authoritative information and are used throughout the world as a scientific basis for evaluation of radiation risk. The publications review studies undertaken separately from a range of sources. Reports from UN member states and other international organisations on data from survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Chernobyl disaster, accidental, occupational, and medical exposure to ionizing radiation.
Ionizing (or ionising in British English) radiation is radiation that carries enough energy to free electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby ionizing them. Ionizing radiation is made up of energetic subatomic particles, ions or atoms moving at high speeds (usually greater than 1% of the speed of light), and electromagnetic waves on the high-energy end of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Gamma rays, X-rays, and the higher ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum are ionizing, whereas the lower ultraviolet part of the electromagnetic spectrum, and also the lower part of the spectrum below UV, including visible light (including nearly all types of laser light), infrared, microwaves, and radio waves are all considered non-ionizing radiation. The boundary between ionizing and non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that occurs in the ultraviolet is not sharply defined, since different molecules and atoms ionize at different energies. Conventional definition places the boundary at a photon energy between 10 eV and 33 eV in the ultraviolet (see definition boundary section below).
One Year after Fukushima - UNSCEAR Perspective by Professor Wolfgang Weiss
UNSCEAR Press Briefing on Fukushima - 31 May 2013
Chernobyl: The World's Worst Nuclear Disaster
Google hides Flamaville nuclear radiation issues #IAEA #UNSCEAR #CRIIRAD
Radioactive Steel
Clickbait Culture, VTEC Mini, Norway Driving, Is That Even Legal? [UNICORN CIRCUIT EP27]
カール=マグナス・ラーソン 原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)議長 2014.5.30
Keith Baverstock: "2013 UNSCEAR Report on Fukushima: A Critical Appraisal"
Chernobyl la Storia DOCUMENTARIO
Fukushima and Chernobyl: Myth versus Reality
UNSCEAR Press Briefing on Fukushima - 31 May 2013
Download Sources Effects and Risks of Ionizing Radiation UNSCEAR 2013 Report Volume II Book
Fukushima Secret Exposed By UN/UNSCEAR and IPPNW's Dr.Alex Rosen Report
Download Sources Effects And Risks Of Ionizing Radiation Unscear 2013 Report Part I Levels And Effec
One year after Fukushima - the CTBTO's contributions to mitigating natural and nuclear disasters. The UNSCEAR perspective by Prof. Wolfgang Weiss, Chair of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Radiation (UNSCEAR)\ This event is part of the Tim Hampton Lecture Series, in commemoration of one of our most beloved and dedicated staff members. Tim was always willing to enthusiastically share all the knowledge he had, with anyone and everyone.
Subscribe! http://bitly.com/1iLOHml In 1986, the world’s worst nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine. So, what happened at Chernobyl, and how bad is it now? Learn More: Maps of radionuclide deposition http://www.unscear.org/unscear/en/chernobylmaps.html Ten years after Chernobyl: What do we really know? http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/28/058/28058918.pdf “Few names around the world are better recognized than ‘CHERNOBYL.’” What is Chernobyl? http://chernobylgallery.com/chernobyl-disaster/what-is-chernobyl/ “Chernobyl, or Chornobyl, is the name of a city situated in northern Ukraine near the border with Belarus.” Chernobyl Disaster Is Still Creating Radioactive Animals http://allday.com/post/733-the-c...
This video is relating to this article concerning todays explosion at Flamaville nuclear power plant and EDF hiding radiation data from the public. The winds are heading to the Channel Islands; The full censored article can be seen here; https://nuclear-news.net/2017/02/09/flamaville-in-flames-radiation-report-and-hidden-spike-heading-towards-the-channel-islands/ and the main stream ersion can be read here; https://nuclear-news.net/2017/02/09/explosion-at-flamanville-nuclear-power-plant-in-france-there-may-be-injuries/
Since the beginning of atomic testing steel has become weakly radioactive making it useless for applications sensitive to radiation such as in the manufacture of Giger Counters. Follow me on twitter: twitter.com/soliloquy084 Like the FaceBook page: www.facebook.com/soliloquy084 References: Sources of ionizing radiation: http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/2008/09-86753_Report_2008_GA_Report_corr2.pdf Number of nuclear explosions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLCF7vPanrY&ab;_channel=aConcernedHuman Steel from start to finish https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9l7JqonyoKA&ab;_channel=AllianceforAmericanManufacturing Music credit: "Hitman" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Erratum: I mispronounced...
We check out a fans V8 vehicle, the MCM Mini is finished, we talk autonomous trucks plus share your Fanking photos, visit Norway and eat some of Martys nuts. The video where we got pulled over: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OomM-F6w6So The Unicorn Circuit: Marty and Moog from Mighty Car Mods discuss car news, weird stuff from the internet, Fanking, random stories pulled from a hairy hat and eat strange snacks bought online. Send us a video of your town: mytown@theunicorncircuit.com Send us a video of your crap car: mycrapcar@theunicorncircuit.com ►THE UNICORN CIRCUIT https://www.facebook.com/theunicornci... ►FANKING https://www.facebook.com/FankingDaily/ Episodes of The Unicorn Circuit, including graphics, images, quoted information and all other materials are provided for ente...
Carl-Magnus Larsson, Chair for the sixtieth and sixty-first sessions of UNSCEAR 原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会(UNSCEAR)のラーソン議長が、本年4月に発表した報告書「2011年東日本大震災後の原子力事故による放射線被ばくのレベルとその影響」の概要を説明し、低線量被ばくとがんの発生との因果関係などの質問に答えた。 ◆なお、この会見について、国連科学委員会から以下の指摘がありました。 ============== 初期避難と被ばく量に関する質問に対しての議長の回答が、意味合いが異なって訳されています。 議長が伝えたかったのは以下の内容です。 「最も影響を受けた地域から早期に避難した人々は,被ばく量が25(%),5分の1から10分の1にも減った可能性があると考える」 ============== 司会 星浩 日本記者クラブ企画委員(朝日新聞) 通訳 池田薫(サイマル・インターナショナル) 日本記者クラブのページ http://www.jnpc.or.jp/activities/news/report/2014/05/r00027380/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 記者による会見リポート(日本記者クラブ会報2014年7月号に掲載) 健康影響は少ない 被災者と意見交換する機会も 「放射線の健康影響は極めて小さく、理論上のがん発症リスクも低い」。東京電力福島第一原発事故の健康影響に関する報告書の邦訳版を携えて来日した議長は、趣旨をこう述べた。 委員会はチェルノブイリ原発事故でも放射線の健康影響を調べており、歴史や経験がある。作成には世界の専門家80人以上が参加した。「われわれは科学的に分析する機関で、政策面には関与しない」とするが、報告書は日本政府が関連政策...
Keith Baverstock: Former Regional Advisor for Radiation and Public Health at WHO's Regional Office for Europe
CHERNOBYL, Il disastro avvenne il 26 aprile 1986 alle ore 1.23 circa, presso la centrale nucleare V.I. Lenin, situata in Ucraina settentrionale (all'epoca parte dell'URSS), a 3 km dalla città di Pryp'jat' e 18 km da quella di Černobyl', 16 km a sud del confine con la Bielorussia. Le cause furono indicate variamente in gravi mancanze da parte del personale, sia tecnico sia dirigente, in problemi relativi alla struttura e alla progettazione dell'impianto stesso e nella sua errata gestione economica e amministrativa. Nel corso di un test definito "di sicurezza" (già eseguito senza problemi di sorta sul reattore n. 3), il personale si rese responsabile della violazione di svariate norme di sicurezza e di buon senso, portando a un brusco e incontrollato aumento della potenza (e quindi della tem...
This film, commissioned by the World Nuclear Association, examines the radiation effects of the Chernobyl accident and speculates on the likely impact of the Fukushima accident. It draws on the report of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) on the radiological consequences of the Chernobyl accident, which can be found at: http://www.unscear.org/docs/reports/2008/11-80076_Report_2008_Annex_D.pdf. UNSCEAR is still developing its findings on the Fukushima accident See also: http://world-nuclear.org/fukushima http://www.facebook.com/worldnuclearassociation
Fukushima Secret exposed by UN and others
Every single day, I got a heartache comin' my way I don't wanna say goodbye Baby but look at the tears in my eye I don't wanna say goodbye Mama but look at the way you made me cry Every way that's nice You show you've got a heart that's made of ice
and I know
Fire and water must have made you their daughter You've got what it takes, to make a poor man's heart break A poor mans heart break
Baby you turn me on But as quick as a flash your love is gone Baby I'm gonna leave you now But I'm gonna try to make you grieve somehow
Fire and water must have made you their daughter You've got what it takes to make a poor man's heart break A poor man's heart break And my heart is breakin' too
(ahh yeah)
I don't wanna say goodbye baby But look at the tears you made me cry Every way that's nice You show you've got a heart that's made of ice And I know
Fire and water must have made you their daughter You've got what it takes to make a poor mans heart break
Fire, fire and water must have made you their daughter Baby you've got what it takes to make a poor man's heart break Heart break