At least once a year, Erie CountyDepartment of Health officials inspect all restaurants and stores that sell unpackaged food ... 30 through Wednesday. 3 CRITICAL VIOLATIONS ... Wednesday ... Wendy's, 9175 Ridge Road, Girard.
Noting that county supervisors had on Jan. 28 asked Gov ...County supervisors agreed during a special meeting on Friday to send the response letter, which was authored by staff and signed by county board chairwoman Wendy Root Askew Monday, according to County Counsel Les Girard ... Sens ... .
The new officers are Michael Gaskill, Chair; CherieHarbour, Vice Chair; Carol Shenk, Secretary and Wendy Girard, Treasurer... She has also worked at the U.S ... After beginning a career in banking, Wendy Girard trained as a cosmetologist and was a partner in a Bend, Oregon salon while also managing her family’s trucking ad brokerage business ... ....
19, 2021 ... They moved to Etowah in 2003. In addition to his wife, he is survived by his mother, LoisBjork of Etowah; his sister, Wendy S. Havern of Girard, Pa.; three stepchildren, Jason (Leslie) Fugitt of Illinois, Heather Fugitt of Ohio, and Tiffanie (Kevin) Pike of Decatur; four step-grandchildren; and several aunts, uncles and cousins ... Cloud, Minn.
GIRARD ... In Girard, Wendy Hyde, regional director with the Preventing TobaccoAddictionFoundation, said there was a 31 percent violation rate for retailers selling tobacco and vape products to people under the age of 18 in the city ... King, Girard resident, for being the 2019 AthenaAward recipient.