- published: 30 Jan 2012
- views: 246

Emotional contagion
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: Fradbordio
Emotional contagion
- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 347
- author: Fradbordio

emotional contagion-desktop.m4v
Jeremy explains the phenomenon of positive and negative emotional contagions in the contex...
published: 04 Oct 2010
emotional contagion-desktop.m4v
Jeremy explains the phenomenon of positive and negative emotional contagions in the context of leadership.
- published: 04 Oct 2010
- views: 935

Fixing Motivation Mistakes: How to Inspire Emotional Contagion
Motivation Techniques: Part of our ongoing series, this...
published: 29 Dec 2010
Fixing Motivation Mistakes: How to Inspire Emotional Contagion
Motivation Techniques: Part of our ongoing series, this video focuses on a motivation technique you can you use when you're communicating with passion, and trying to figure out the difference between showing too little and showing too much.
It draws on an article on our site about titled "Overcoming Motivation Mistakes: Emotional Overdrive" where you can find even more tools and techniques and see his video.
For more tools and strategies for self-motivation, employee motivation and team motivation, visit us at http://www.MotivationRules.com where if you sign up for the newsletter you'll get immediately a free copy of my "Motivation DNA Decoded" document to help you quickly understand your the motivational DNA of yourself and others, to improve performance and satisfaction. For even more content on how to motivate and influence yourself and others, please "like" our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/MotivationRules Thank you!
- published: 29 Dec 2010
- views: 755

"I Catch Other People's Bad Moods."
http://www.happiness-project.com I'm not a very smile-y person, and lately I've noticed th...
published: 24 Jul 2012
author: GretchenRubinNY
"I Catch Other People's Bad Moods."
http://www.happiness-project.com I'm not a very smile-y person, and lately I've noticed that when I do smile, my face sometimes feels like I haven't smiled i...
- published: 24 Jul 2012
- views: 4861
- author: GretchenRubinNY

'Emotional contagion'... art journaling
A time lapse video of my week 59 journal on Monday Image credit: Photo by Ruven Afanador M...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: france papillon
'Emotional contagion'... art journaling
A time lapse video of my week 59 journal on Monday Image credit: Photo by Ruven Afanador More on my blog: www.france-papillon.com Thanks for watching and sub...
- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 1530
- author: france papillon

Helping a Cagemate in Need
Description: Rats can experience "emotional contagion": when one rat is distressed, anothe...
published: 07 Sep 2012
Helping a Cagemate in Need
Description: Rats can experience "emotional contagion": when one rat is distressed, another acts the same way. But can a rat show a more nuanced form of empathy in which it acts to alleviate the suffering of another? To find out, Bartal et al. tested whether rats would rescue a trapped cagemate, without any obvious reward. The group found that rats would release trapped cagemates from restrainers, but ignored empty restrainers or those containing only a toy rat. In some trials, the rats would free their trapped cagemate before opening a restrainer containing chocolate, a preferred rat treat. In the accompanying video, paper author Peggy Mason narrates several runs of the experiment.
Science (www.sciencemag.org) is the world's leading journal of original scientific research, global news, and commentary. For more original videos, check out the Science Video Portal (video.sciencemag.org).
- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 889

Dream Telepathy
Emotional Contagion http://blogs.psychologytoday.com/blog/anger-in-the-age-entitlement/200...
published: 25 May 2009
author: StarshineQuinn
Dream Telepathy
Emotional Contagion http://blogs.psychologytoday.com/blog/anger-in-the-age-entitlement/200805/engines-emotional-pollution Twin telepathy http://science.howst...
- published: 25 May 2009
- views: 2709
- author: StarshineQuinn

Jennifer Aaker: Case Study: Coca-Cola's Global Campaign
In their quest for an authentic viral campaign, the global soft drink giant gave $50000 to...
published: 29 Nov 2010
author: ecorner
Jennifer Aaker: Case Study: Coca-Cola's Global Campaign
In their quest for an authentic viral campaign, the global soft drink giant gave $50000 to seven teams worldwide, one of whom created the Coke Happiness Mac...
- published: 29 Nov 2010
- views: 1239
- author: ecorner

contagious emotions and what to do about it
Psychologist Gemma Stone talks about how our emotions are contagious and what to do about ...
published: 16 Aug 2012
author: Gemma Stone
contagious emotions and what to do about it
Psychologist Gemma Stone talks about how our emotions are contagious and what to do about it. www.gemmastone.org.
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 150
- author: Gemma Stone

Are Rats are More Empathetic than Republicans?
A budget deficit isn't the REAL problem with Congress - it's an empathy deficit. Luckily -...
published: 12 Dec 2011
Are Rats are More Empathetic than Republicans?
A budget deficit isn't the REAL problem with Congress - it's an empathy deficit. Luckily - researchers at the University of Chicago may have just discovered a solution to that problem. According to a new study published this month in Science magazine - the latest animal discovered to be able to empathize with others is...rats! That's right - rats are empathetic. The experiment went like this: two rats that normally share a cage were placed in a new cage in which one of the rats were restrained in a tube that could only be opened from the outside of the cage. Once the rat that was roaming free in the cage - was let out of the cage and completely free - it time-and-time-again went back to let his cage buddy free as well. Think about that for a second - the rat was free - but wasn't satisfied until his cage-mate was free too. Researchers said that the free rat acted far more agitated when its fellow rat was restrained nearby - a sign of what researchers call "emotional contagion" - which is often only observed in humans and more developed animals. Even when the free rat was given a choice between freeing his cage mate or eating chocolate - the rat freed his buddy just as often. As one researcher said, "There was no other reason to take this action, except to terminate the distress of the trapped rats...In the rat model world, seeing the same behavior repeated over and over basically means that this action is rewarding to the rat." As in - rats got pleasure out of helping other rats - they found it rewarding. There's more...
- published: 12 Dec 2011
- views: 1319

What is empathy?
Help us caption and translate this video on Amara.org: http://www.amara.org/en/v/BAzY/ The...
published: 05 Jun 2012
author: CogSai
What is empathy?
Help us caption and translate this video on Amara.org: http://www.amara.org/en/v/BAzY/ The first CogSai LIVE is this Thursday, June 7th at 11am PDT / 2pm EDT...
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 26976
- author: CogSai

Voting Rights: America's Crippling Legacy of Bigotry & Injustice Must Be Overcome!
The Confederacy Making a Comeback in the South? KKK Grand Wizard Glorified, Civil Rights H...
published: 16 Mar 2013
Voting Rights: America's Crippling Legacy of Bigotry & Injustice Must Be Overcome!
The Confederacy Making a Comeback in the South? KKK Grand Wizard Glorified, Civil Rights Heroes Ignored: http://www.afroarticles.com/article-dashboard/Article/The-Confederacy-Making-a-Comeback-in-the-South--KKK-Grand-Wizard-Glorified--Civil-Rights-Heroes-Ignored/256834
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- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 74
Vimeo results:

My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Tears, Joy, and Oxytocin
WE'D booked the venue, chosen the bridesmaids' dresses and even decided on the colours of ...
published: 19 Feb 2010
author: Center for Neuroeconomic Studies
My Big Fat Greek Wedding - Tears, Joy, and Oxytocin
WE'D booked the venue, chosen the bridesmaids' dresses and even decided on the colours of the table decorations. But finding a refrigerated centrifuge and a ready supply of dry ice in rural south-west England was proving tricky. Then there were the worries about getting blood on my silk wedding dress, and what to do if someone fainted.
Organising a wedding can be stressful enough, but we had a whole extra dimension to consider. We were turning it into a science experiment to probe what happens in our bodies when we say the words "I do".
Our focus was the hormone oxytocin, sometimes dubbed the "cuddle chemical" for its role in promoting bonding, trust and generosity. The usual setting for investigating its effects is a lab where volunteers may be asked to play games that involve trust and generosity, for example. But how well do these contrived tests reflect what happens in real life?
I had written several articles about this hormone before, so my wedding last July seemed the perfect chance to see if it would surge in the ultimate public display of affection. I contacted leading oxytocin researcher Paul Zak, head of the Center for Neuroeconomics Studies in Claremont, California, and he leapt at the opportunity to translate his lab studies into real life.
The plan was to measure blood levels of oxytocin in the bride, groom, three close members of our families and eight friends both before and after the ceremony. OK, it was a small sample size, but Zak (pictured above) saw this as a pilot study that might point the way for future research, and perhaps even shed some light on why people stage public weddings in the first place.
Oxytocin is released from the pituitary gland in the brain, on the command of specialised nerve cells. It has long been known to help trigger childbirth as well as the release of milk during breastfeeding. And in the 1980s it transpired that, in American prairie voles at least, the hormone promotes pair-bonding between mates. Zak and other research groups have since found oxytocin at work in a range of human social interactions, including strengthening the bond between mother and child and fostering closeness after sex. How the brain translates mental processes into signals to release oxytocin, however, remains mysterious.
Last year, Zak suggested a new role for oxytocin. The hormone rises in people watching a sad film clip; those who reported the greatest emotion experienced the biggest spike (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, vol 1167, p 182). What if oxytocin is the empathy chemical as well as the cuddle chemical? My wedding would be the perfect place to find out, I thought. If oxytocin really is the empathy chemical, those close to us might have a hormone surge as they witness our public pair-bonding.
Oxytocin may have a dark side, however. Work published last year hinted that oxytocin may also promote envy and the desire to gloat. Volunteers were asked to play a game of chance, in which people could win various sums of money. Those who inhaled a dose of oxytocin before playing the game felt more like gloating when they won the most money, and more envy when their opponent was ahead Biological Psychiatry, vol 66, p 864).
One possibility is that oxytocin makes people more sensitive to social cues, says Salomon Israel, who studies decision-making at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. "If you get a social cue to be more trusting, you're more trusting. But if you get a social cue that's threatening, you feel more threatened."
Whatever the answer, it is clearly difficult to measure complex emotions with simple games in the lab. For one thing, volunteers know their actions are being recorded, which may alter their behaviour. For example, people who share more money with other players are usually seen as more altruistic, but maybe they just care more about what people think of them. In reality, they might be quite selfish.
"We're not sure of the motivation that drives behaviour," says Richard Ebstein, also at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who studies the genetics of human behaviour. That is why scientists need to start looking at hormones such as oxytocin in real-life situations, he says. Like weddings.
That's where I came in. Once Nic, my husband-to-be, had resigned himself to turning the most romantic day of our lives into a science experiment, I realised there were several additional hormones we could check at the same time (see "Hormones gathered here today"). The obvious first choice was vasopressin, a hormone structurally related to oxytocin, which has been implicated in mate-guarding and jealousy in animals. You could say it's oxytocin's ugly cousin.
As the stress hormones cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) can affect the release of oxytocin, they went on the list, as did testosterone. A study in 2004 by neuroscientist Donatella Marazziti at the University of Pisa in Italy, and colleagues, had shown that levels of the male sex hormo

Contagion Sneeze - inhouse edit
Inhouse edit of the Contagion sneeze project. It was for DVD material for Contagion movie....
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: NoEmotion.Net
Contagion Sneeze - inhouse edit
Inhouse edit of the Contagion sneeze project. It was for DVD material for Contagion movie.
We have basically added all the disgusting elements :)
Music: ©Prago union, www.pragounion.cz

17th Meeting of ESCOP (2011) - Gün R. Semin - Towards Socially Grounded Embodiment: The Case of Emotional Contagion
A Plenary Symposium on Embodiment at the 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitiv...
published: 23 Jan 2012
author: Psych Science
17th Meeting of ESCOP (2011) - Gün R. Semin - Towards Socially Grounded Embodiment: The Case of Emotional Contagion
A Plenary Symposium on Embodiment at the 17th Meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP):
Where is Embodiment Going?
"Towards Socially Grounded Embodiment: The Case of Emotional Contagion"
Gün R. Semin
Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
September 30, 2011
Sponsored by APS and ESCOP
Youtube results:

Honor Among Rats
In an unusual example of empathy in animals other than primates, new research shows that r...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: wwwAAASorg
Honor Among Rats
In an unusual example of empathy in animals other than primates, new research shows that rats will liberate their distressed cagemates from a trap, even when...
- published: 08 Dec 2011
- views: 21336
- author: wwwAAASorg

Boston Bombers In Pictures? Possible Navy Seals, Craft, Blackwater Nearby
I believe this is the man with the bag that has been pictured as the bomb bag. Please don'...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: Killuminati B.
Boston Bombers In Pictures? Possible Navy Seals, Craft, Blackwater Nearby
I believe this is the man with the bag that has been pictured as the bomb bag. Please don't bash me for showing this. I have 2 videos on here with pics only ...
- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 50193
- author: Killuminati B.

TUF 18 Tryouts, Miesha Tate Injured, WSOF Update & More on MMA Newsmakers
http://fightnetwork.com/ - Fight Network's John Ramdeen and Robin Black go over the latest...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: TheFightNetwork
TUF 18 Tryouts, Miesha Tate Injured, WSOF Update & More on MMA Newsmakers
http://fightnetwork.com/ - Fight Network's John Ramdeen and Robin Black go over the latest headlines in MMA including The Ultimate Fighter 18 tryouts date se...
- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 2615
- author: TheFightNetwork

Gary Busey Tells A Dirty Joke + Gary Busey Win All-Star Celebrity Apprentice!!
All-Star Celebrity Apprentice Star, Gary Busey Tells A Dirty Joke....
published: 31 Mar 2013
author: Beer Drank Shawty
Gary Busey Tells A Dirty Joke + Gary Busey Win All-Star Celebrity Apprentice!!
All-Star Celebrity Apprentice Star, Gary Busey Tells A Dirty Joke.
- published: 31 Mar 2013
- views: 89
- author: Beer Drank Shawty