- published: 28 Mar 2014
- views: 51750
A lepton is an elementary, half-integer spin (spin 1⁄2) particle that does not undergo strong interactions. Two main classes of leptons exist: charged leptons (also known as the electron-like leptons), and neutral leptons (better known as neutrinos). Charged leptons can combine with other particles to form various composite particles such as atoms and positronium, while neutrinos rarely interact with anything, and are consequently rarely observed. The best known of all leptons is the electron.
There are six types of leptons, known as flavours, forming three generations. The first generation is the electronic leptons, comprising the electron (e−) and electron neutrino (ν
e); the second is the muonic leptons, comprising the muon (μ−) and muon neutrino (ν
μ); and the third is the tauonic leptons, comprising the tau (τ−) and the tau neutrino (ν
τ). Electrons have the least mass of all the charged leptons. The heavier muons and taus will rapidly change into electrons through a process of particle decay: the transformation from a higher mass state to a lower mass state. Thus electrons are stable and the most common charged lepton in the universe, whereas muons and taus can only be produced in high energy collisions (such as those involving cosmic rays and those carried out in particle accelerators).
An explanation of the range of particles in the families of quarks and leptons and an introduction to the way quarks exist together to make up other particles such as hadrons. Free notes can be copied from here: http://www.fizzics.org/Pages/Atoms-and-Radioactivity-notes.aspx A prequel video Bosons and Fermions for beginners is here https://youtu.be/xNrTry27lC4
Este sistema tiene como objetivo aprovechar al máximo la utilización de la materia prima. Aplicable a diversos materiales, tales como planchas de vidrio, madera, acrílico, policarbonato, chapas metálicas, perfiles de aluminio, tubos, etc. El software entrega planos de corte detallados indicando la forma óptima de cortar las piezas. Permite aprovechar sobrantes almacenados, imprimir etiquetas auto adhesivas con códigos de barra, modificar los planos de corte en forma manual, definir piezas de relleno, enlaces CNC, importar y exportar información, etc.
Buy yours here: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/13233 Google Group Forum: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/flir-lepton Github Repo for Example Code: https://github.com/PureEngineering/LeptonModule This is the FLiR Dev Kit, a small and easy to assemble breakout for the Lepton® longwave infrared (LWIR) imager. With this kit you will be able to be able to bring FLiR’s thermal imaging reliability and power to your Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or any ARM based development tool all in an easy to access breadboard friendly package. All you need to do to get this kit set up, simply attach the Lepton® imager module into the provided breakout, connect the headers, and you will be seeing in full darkness in no time!
In this video I compare the three FLIR Lepton thermal imaging cameras. ˅˅Links to these products˅˅ 50° FOV FLIR Lepton Thermal Imager with Shutter: https://groupgets.com/campaigns/121-flir-lepton-thermal-imager-with-shutter-round-5 25° FOV FLIR Lepton Thermal Imager: https://groupgets.com/campaigns/129-25-flir-lepton-thermal-imager-round-4 50° FOV FLIR Lepton Thermal Imager: https://groupgets.com/campaigns/120-flir-lepton-thermal-imager-round-10 GroupGets.com is a crowdfunding website dedicated to organizing secure group buys online for existing goods and services. Check out GroupGets.com here: https://GroupGets.com .
Lepton Sistemas - Definición del sistema constructivo para generar la impresión de planos de mecanizados pieza por pieza. Sistema de diseño 3D Cocinas, Closets, Armarios, Centros Entretenimiento. comercial@leptonmexico.com // www.leptonmexico.com
Donate here: http://www.aklectures.com/donate.php Website video link: http://www.aklectures.com/lecture/conservation-of-lepton-number-examples Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/aklectures Website link: http://www.aklectures.com
A followup on the FLIR TG165 Visual Thermometer / Thermal Camera teardown. A look at the micro-shutter and some thermal chamber experiments and scope measurements on the SPI data from the Lepton sensor used. Forum: http://www.eevblog.com/forum/blog/eevblog-670-flir-tg165-lepton-sensor-followup/ EEVblog Main Web Site: http://www.eevblog.com The 2nd EEVblog Channel: http://www.youtube.com/EEVblog2 Support the EEVblog through Patreon! http://www.patreon.com/eevblog EEVblog Amazon Store (Dave gets a cut): http://astore.amazon.com/eevblogstore-20 Donations: http://www.eevblog.com/donations/ Projects: http://www.eevblog.com/projects/ Electronics Info Wiki: http://www.eevblog.com/wiki/
Otkad te sretoh ja nemam mira
lepota tvoja mene opija
a ti ne zelis da vidis to
jer imas ljubavi sto
Ref. 2x
Zbog takvog zivota tvog
moji se snovi ruse
i mrzim lepotu tvoju
jer nemas srca, jer nemas duse
Tebi je lako kada te vole
sada te mnoge za ljubav mole
a znaj ti dobro doci ce dan
kada ces ostati sam
Ref. 2x
Ti nisi nikad zaljubljen bio
ti nisi nikad suzu prolio
ti ne znas sta je ljubavni bol
prazan je zivot moj