A Texas man is trying to overturn legal same-sex marriage by suing for the right to marry his laptop computer, according to a story from the Midland Reporter-Telegram published on RawStory.com.ChrisSevier has filed a lawsuit against the Harris County district clerk, Gov ... “This is about who is on the right side of reality....
NASA’s Dawn space probe has captured new images of bright craters on Ceres, the dwarf planet that lies between Jupiter and Mars, according to a published report Tuesday.The images were taken 240 miles from Ceres, the closest the spacecraft has come to the celestial body. At its lowest altitude yet, the probe has captured photos of the dwarf planet's strange bright spots....
Hamas officials are minimizing news of Israel’s discovery of an attack tunnel reaching into Israeli territory that was destroyed by the military, Breitbart Jerusalem reported Tuesday. “The Israeli statements are motivated by domestic politics ... Since its discovery, the military has destroyed the tunnel’s openings on both sides of the border fence....
The FBI’s decision to pay hackers for information contained on one of the San Bernardino terrorist’s iPhone’s recovered in the aftermath produced data the FBI didn’t have before and has helped investigators answer some remaining questions in the ongoing probe, U.S ... 2, 2015, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik attacked Farook's office holiday party, killing 14 and wounding 22, in what officials believe was an act of terrorism....
No age restrictions. New canal side Jazz Jam with JazzTrio with Boris Latinov on guitar, Jamie Murray on drums and Rio Kai on double bass ...Jazz jam on Wed 20th April 2016. Join us at GROW for our first Jazz Jam and experience good vibes with our Jazz Trio, Boris Latinov on guitar, Jamie Murray on drums and Rio Kai on double bass ... Their repertoire consists of traditional and modern jazz ... ....
It goes without saying that there are spoilers in this review, so don't end up looking like one of Slippin' Jimmy's marks ... But we start with Jimmy sitting worried by a hospital bed. You might at first suspect he's hovering near an ailing Chuck after the latter fell and bashed his head last week, but it's all a fake-out, albeit one you could figure out from Jimmy's clothes ... As Jimmy waits for him, Kim arrives....
But the fact of the matter is while Jimmy (Bob Odenkirk, displaying depths that you would not think him capable of) has been showing off bits and pieces of Saul Goodman, there is still a lot of the humanity that we saw in him ...Chuck (Michael McKean, continuing to demonstrate Emmy worthy growth) has always been convinced that Jimmy helped drive their father to an early grave, swindling him out of money....
Spaceheads formed in Manchester back in 1990, taking their influences from the free jazz scene and combining it with the electronics of the pop charts and the new “baggy” Manchester beats ... Diagram and Harrison fuse jazz improvisation and post-techno angular rhythms with tripped-out electronic techniques to create funky, electro-jazz soundscapes with an underlying dance beat and harmonious live loops....
This is one Broadway show that’s bound to have a very large costume budget. “Cher. The Musical.” ... All went quiet, until this week ... They get rewritten.’ ” ... Her breakthrough on that front came from when she appeared on Broadway in 1982’s “Come Back to the 5 and Dime, JimmyDean, Jimmy Dean.” Mike Nichols saw her and cast her in “Silkwood,” which began the next phase of her career ... “Jimmy Dean” was the only time Cher appeared on Broadway....
Editor's note. The Oklahoman will publish free birth and adoption announcements as space permits. The Oklahoman has stopped publishing birth announcements received that do not include full names of parents, sex of child, and hospital or county of adoption. You can mail the information to The Oklahoman, P.O. Box 25125, Oklahoma City, OK 73125. BIRTHS ...Jimmy and TaraFreeman, a boy. MARRIAGES ... JimmyMack....