A Brickfilm is a film made using LEGO, or other similar plastic construction toys resembling LEGO toys. They are usually created with stop motion animation, though CGI, traditional animation, and live action films featuring plastic construction toys (or representations of them) are also usually considered brickfilms. The term 'brickfilm"' was coined by Jason Rowoldt, founder of Brickfilms.com.
The first known brickfilm was made between 1980 and 1989 in Perth, Western Australia by Lindsay Fleay, called The Magic Portal. It is considered the forerunner of modern brickfilms, and mixes both stop motion animation and live action. It was captured on 16 mm film and features animated LEGO, plasticine, and cardboard characters and objects.
The first DVD of the film Monty Python and the Holy Grail contained an extra in the form of a brickfilm of the "Camelot Song", produced by Spite Your Face Productions. Since then, there have been several times when brickfilms have been placed on DVDs along with the films which they emulate, such when Revenge of the Brick was featured on the second DVD volume of Star Wars: Clone Wars TV series.