Piersanti Mattarella (May 24, 1935 - January 6, 1980) was an Italian politician. He was assassinated by the Mafia while he held the position of President of the Regional Government of Sicily.
Mattarella was born in Castellammare del Golfo, in the province of Trapani, Sicily. He was the son of Bernardo Mattarella, a member of Christian Democracy (DC), and a leading political boss in Sicily in the 1950s. The power network his father had created benefited his initial political career.
He received a Catholic-oriented education by the Jesuits. In 1960 he became a national leader of the Azione Cattolica, and subsequently became an important regional member of DC. Inspired by the politics of Giorgio La Pira, he adhered to the more progressive approach of national leader Aldo Moro. In 1967 he became deputy to the Regional Parliament of Sicily, a position he held until 1978, when he was elected President of Sicily.
Two years later, on January 6, 1980, he was killed by the Mafia in Palermo. Initially believed to be an act of neo-fascist terrorism, his assassination was spurred by his strong commitment against the relationships of numerous Sicilian politicians (mostly members of DC itself) with the Mafia. While in office, Mattarella had decided to launch a moral renewal of the Sicilian Christan Democracy. He wanted to clean up the government’s public contracts racket that benefited Cosa Nostra, passing a law enforcing the same building standards used in the rest of Italy, thereby making the Mafia's building schemes illegal.
Raffaele Lombardo (born on 29 October 1950 in Catania) is an Italian politician, President of Sicily and former Member of the European Parliament for Islands with the Movement for Autonomies and has sat on the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
He is a substitute for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, a member of the Delegation for relations with the Maghreb countries and the Arab Maghreb Union (including Libya) and a substitute for the Delegation for relations with Canada.
In 2005 he split off from the Union of Christian and Centre Democrats (UDC) to form the autonomist Sicilian-based Movement for Autonomy, after he had accused the UDC leadership of being too centralist. On 2008 he was elected as President of Sicily, obtaining over 65% of the regional votes and defeating Anna Finocchiaro.
See also: European Parliament election, 2004 (Italy)
Mafia terzo stadio TG2 Dossier 1980-Palermo-Piersanti Mattarella.
06 01 14 - 34 anni fa l'assassinio di Piersanti Mattarella
Piersanti Mattarella a 35 anni dall'omicidio di mafia
Piersanti Mattarella
Piersanti Mattarella
La "Via" per il nostro Futuro - Via Pier Santi Mattarella - Agrigento
Bar Mariposa in Via Piersanti Mattarella n.9 Agrigento
Bar Mariposa in Via Piersanti Mattarella n.9 Agrigento
commemorazione Piersanti Mattarella
piersanti mattarella uno mattina giovanni grasso
Pericoli sul viadotto Imera: le operazioni in via Piersanti Mattarella
Accadde oggi - Anni '80 - 06/01/1980 Piersanti Mattarella ucciso da Cosa Nostra
Mafia terzo stadio TG2 Dossier 1980-Palermo-Piersanti Mattarella.
06 01 14 - 34 anni fa l'assassinio di Piersanti Mattarella
Piersanti Mattarella a 35 anni dall'omicidio di mafia
Piersanti Mattarella
Piersanti Mattarella
La "Via" per il nostro Futuro - Via Pier Santi Mattarella - Agrigento
Bar Mariposa in Via Piersanti Mattarella n.9 Agrigento
Bar Mariposa in Via Piersanti Mattarella n.9 Agrigento
commemorazione Piersanti Mattarella
piersanti mattarella uno mattina giovanni grasso
Pericoli sul viadotto Imera: le operazioni in via Piersanti Mattarella
Accadde oggi - Anni '80 - 06/01/1980 Piersanti Mattarella ucciso da Cosa Nostra
Passeggiando per Palermo - Piersanti Mattarella
35 anni fa l'omicidio: ricordato Piersanti Mattarella [TGMed 06/01/2015]
Uomini che uccidono le donne - I.C.S Piersanti Mattarella
Raffaele Lombardo ricorda Piersanti Mattarella, ucciso dalla mafia 30 anni fa
www.siciliatv.org -Favara. Chiusa al traffico la Via Piersanti Mattarella a Favara
Appartamento in Vendita, via Pier Santi Mattarella, 305/A - Agrigento
TgWeb 8/1/10: "Piersanti Mattarella, trent'anni dopo"
Appartamento in Vendita, via Piersanti Mattarella - Fabriano
Appartamento in Vendita, via Piersanti Mattarella - Riposto
Centrocampo, personaggio della settimana: Autoeuropa Telimar
Presentazione dell'IISS Mattarella
Intervista a Sergio Mattarella
Ruoppolo Teleacras - Anniversario Omicidio Mattarella
Intervista Bernardo Mattarella
Intervista a La Torre-Mattarella - cave Romentino
Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella - Politicamente Scorretto 2010
Palermo, commemorazione Mattarella: intervista al procuratore nazionale antimafia Grasso
Palermo, commemorazione Mattarella: intervista al Presidente della Regione Siciliana
Mafia - Stato e il papello di Riina: "dovete cercare a Milano" (da Il Caffè - seconda parte)
La storia siamo noi: Pio La Torre
Le Vittime della Mafia, esecuzioni ordinate dalla Mafia Politica al Potere