Water charges counter motion on Cabinet agenda

Edit RTE 24 May 2016
Ministers will also agree the wording of a counter motion to the one tabled by Sinn Féin in the Dáil to abolish water charges and Irish Water.  ... Fiannail is also tabling a counter motion which underpins the agreement between ......

Korean Bonds Lose Appeal as U.S. Rate Hike Nears; Won Declines

Edit Bloomberg 24 May 2016
South Korea’s bonds are losing their appeal among foreign investors amid rising odds of a U.S ... Governor Lee Ju Yeol said after the most recent meeting that the benchmark rate is “not insufficient to support the economy,” but cautioned against interpreting his comments as a signal for future policy decisions ... in Seoul ... Finance Minister Yoo Il Ho said last week that the momentum of the recovery “isn’t steady,” though it’s improving ... ....

All 25 Stan Lee Marvel Movie Cameos Ranked (Videos)

Edit The Wrap 24 May 2016
25.) “Spiderman 2” — The bottom of this list consists of Lee’s “blink and you’ll miss it cameos ... Lee gets a freeze frame shot during one of the big fight scenes. This was before Stan Lee cameos became a major part of the Marvel moviegoing experience, so not that much thought was put into them. 23.) Iron Man 3 — You can catch Lee for a split second as a beauty pageant judge in this film....

Like Lee Kuan Yew, Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte Reveals Self Through Humble Home

Edit Inquisitr 24 May 2016
Like Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew before him, Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte goes home to a nondescript house, sized moderately to his taste, where the comforts of family life sustain him. Lee lived in an old two-storey house on the fringe of Singapore’s glitzy ultra-modern shopping belt while Duterte maintains his own old two-storey house at the edge of a well-manicured golf course of Davao’s trendy set....

Politicians Gather for Anniversary of Roh Moo-hun's Death

Edit Chosun Ilbo 24 May 2016
A ceremony in Gimhae, South Gyeongsang Province on Monday marked the seventh anniversary of the death of former president Roh Moo-hyun ... Roh's former confidants toned down their criticism of the Park Geun-hye administration this year ... ....

Austin district renames campus with ties to Confederacy

Edit Austin American Statesman 24 May 2016
Lee Elementary, the first time the district has changed the name of a school because of its ties to the Confederacy. In an 8 to 1 vote, trustees chose Russell Lee Elementary, the name favored among the school’s parents and teachers ... Some community members voiced support for the name because the school already is referred to as just Lee ... Lee Elementary School in Austin ... Lee has been Austin’s only campus to request a name change....

Hyundai Motor Recruits World-Renowned Luxury Car Designer SangYup Lee (Hyundai Motor Company)

Edit Public Technologies 24 May 2016
Hyundai Motor Company) World famous luxury car and sports car designer SangYup Lee will play a leading role in design strategy, direction and innovation The most successful Korean designer in the global automotive industry will help the GENESIS brand establish its own design identity and enhance design competitiveness ... 'Vice President Lee has proven himself as one of the world's best automobile designers in the global platform....

Ex-Oxy Chief Questioned Over Deaths

Edit Chosun Ilbo 24 May 2016
Former Oxy Korea CEO John Lee, now the head of Google Korea, was questioned by prosecutors on Monday afternoon over the germicide scandal. Lee is the first foreign executive ......

City Approves Letter of Intent for Purchase of Highland Park Theater (City of Highland Park, IL)

Edit Public Technologies 24 May 2016
City of Highland Park, IL). On May 23, 2016, at the Regular Meeting of the Highland Park City Council, the Mayor and City Council unanimously approved a Letter of Intent (LOI) with The Canel Companies of Highland Park, IL to purchase and redevelop the Highland Park Theater and a portion of the Ori South Parking Lot (441-447 Central Avenue, Highland Park, IL)....

More Hot Days Expected This Summer

Edit Chosun Ilbo 24 May 2016
Korea faces the prospect of historic high summer temperatures this year after the hottest May in history ... Satellite images taken by the U.S ... Kim Hyun-kyung at KMA said, "We project a La Nina phenomenon in the latter part of this summer where ocean temperatures in the east and central Pacific rise ... ....

Wadsworth Traffic Crash Involving Critical Injuries (Lake County, IL)

Edit Public Technologies 24 May 2016
(Source. Lake County, IL) ... When sheriff's deputies arrived, they located a 2014 Harley Davidson Motorcycle and 2005 Toyota Corolla, which were involved in a collision ... Lake County, IL published this content on 23 May 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein ... (noodl. 33758312) ....

Yoon Bitgaram Returns - Call ups for Spain and Czech Republic (KFA - Korea Football Association)

Edit Public Technologies 24 May 2016
Park Jooho (Borussia Dortmund), Kim Jinsu (Hoffenheim), and Lee Chungyong (Crystal Palace) were players who had previously been involved with the national team, but this time were left off due to lack of playing time with their club teams. A number of players who hadn't been called up to the national team in a long time like Yun Sukyoung (Charton Athletic), Lee Yong (Sangju Sangmu), and Yoon Bitgaram were given chances....

Lee Min-ho's Chinese Debut Film to Hit Theaters in July

Edit Chosun Ilbo 24 May 2016
Actor Lee Min-ho's debut film in China will hit local theaters there in July ... Lee, one of the most-followed Korean stars on Weibo, the most ......