News Corp Denies Killing Story That Could Have Prevented the Crash of Metrojet Flight 9268

Last week, Nick Parker of The Sun exposed the shoddy security standards at Egypt’s Sharm El-Sheik International Airport, from which Metrojet Flight 9268 departed on October 31 before mysteriously crashing on the Sinai Peninsula. The airport’s security is so lax, Parker reported, that British tourists have been able to…



Pollsters Agree: Donald Trump Voters Who Hate Donald Trump May Exist, Probably Don't, Who Knows, Anything's Possible

The Politico today introduces us to a few (potential) Donald Trump protest voters who are motivated not by actual affection for the nativist cartoon plutocrat, but by contempt for the entire institution of electoral politics. These “Haters For Trump,” as The Politico dubs them, consider Trump to be a grotesque, racist…