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Syria Media Roundup (March 16)

[Image of arranged demonstrations in Daryya. Image by Dimashqi Lens via Flickr] [Image of arranged demonstrations in Daryya. Image by Dimashqi Lens via Flickr]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]    


Inside Syria

With Volunteer Help, Residents Rebuild Kafer Shalaya Village Volunteers work to rebuild Idleb’s embattled villages by providing shelter, education and medical services to locals.

Russia’s Exit from Syria Highlights Assad’s Limitations Hassan Hassan provides a detailed assessment on where things stand on the ground in Syria as Russia begins to reduce its military role.

Syrian pro-democracy protesters attacked by Jabhat al-Nusra rebels as they return to streets during ceasefire Demonstrations have been returning to the streets amid a lull in fighting but the al-Qaeda linked group is cracking down.

A Year in Review: The Worst Year of Conflict Yet The past year has been exceptionally brutal for Syrians. When looking at the numbers from the past year, this has been the worst period yet in the five-year conflict, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions.

Islamic State greatly expands control in Libya: U.N. report “IS has greatly expanded its control over territory in Libya and the militants are claiming to be the key defense for the North African state against foreign military intervention, UN sanctions monitors said.”

Meet the Doctors Keeping Aleppo Alive For the past four years, a small team of dedicated medical professionals has held together a skeletal network of bombed out and underground hospitals across opposition-held Aleppo, providing life-saving treatment to the civilians caught in Syria's deadly war.

Syria conflict: Opposition HNC to attend peace talks The main Syrian opposition group has said it will attend the next round of peace talks scheduled to start in Geneva on Monday 14 March. 

First Russian Jets Leave Syria After Putin’s Withdrawal Order The first group of Russian fighter jets left Syria on Tuesday 15 March, the Defense Ministry said, a day after President Vladimir V. Putin ordered the withdrawal of the “main part” of his country’s forces. 

U.S. confirms death of ISIS operative Omar al-Shishani Shishani was killed along with 12 additional ISIS fighters in a wave of strikes by drones and manned aircraft. He has had a reputation as one of ISIS' most capable commanders. 


Regional and International Perspectives

Turkey’s misconceived approach to the Syrian war Hassan Hassan assesses Turkey’s role in the Syrian conflict, especially as relevant to recent projects obstructed by Turkey.

Truce Tests Relations Between Islamist Giants The U.S.-Russian brokered truce remains deeply controversial among rebels. Hardline jihadis have condemned the peace process, while more pragmatic Islamists have endorsed it. Now, a jihadi crackdown on demonstrators in rebel-held Idlib is testing the alliance between two of the insurgency’s most powerful factions.

The Guardian view on Syria: the people return to the streets against Assad All attention has been on ISIS. But the moment a truce gave Syrians scope to protest, they remind the world that this is a war that began with a dictator. 

Signs of Hope Five Years After Start of Syria’s War The partial ceasefire in Syria has proved more effective and durable than expected, significantly reducing the violence since it began on Feb. 27.

The biggest surprise about Syria diplomacy David Ignatius writes that "The biggest surprise about Syria diplomacy isn’t its success — there’s still precious little of that — but that it continues at all. That’s due chiefly to the persistence of Kerry and his team—and the exhaustion of the combatants."

My Arab Spring: Syria's revolution betrayed Activists did not know how to find a common ground, ultimately harming the uprising.

The Syrian conflict does not end here Samer Abboud writes "as we enter the sixth year of the conflict, we are further away from a sustainable solution than at any other point." 

How the Syrian revolt went so horribly, tragically wrong Liz Sly writes: "Nowhere have the consequences of the failure been so profound or the costs so high as in Syria."


Policy and Reports

Interpreting the Russian withdrawal from Syria Aron Lund discusses why Russia is retreating from Syria, and if Russia is bluffing. Putin could be “making a preliminary play to open up new options, allowing him to sit back and watch the reactions before he decides on the proper way forward.” 

Salvaging Syria’s Economy While any meaningful reconstruction programme will require considerable external financial support, the reluctance of Western powers to challenge Assad has left his regime in a strong position to dictate terms, writes David Butter

More Than 6524 Barrel Bombs Dropped On Syria since the Russian Military Intervention 1286 Barrel Bombs Killed Two Civilians, including a Woman in February 2016.

Syria: Justice Needed for 5 Years of Abuses Human Rights Watch states that justice for Syrian victims and accountability for those who have committed grave abuses should be on the agenda at United Nations-mediated peace talks in Geneva.

An Arabic version of this article is available here: يجب تحقيق العدالة بعد 5 سنوات من الانتهاكات في سوريا

A Look at How the Syrian Conflict Has Changed the World The Syrian conflict has had outsized impact on global politics. This article overviews five ways the world has changed. 

شمال شرق سوريا: من التهميش إلى التطرف.. ماذا بعد؟ Abd Nasser Al-Ayed examines the historical, political, and economic context of marginalization in North-East Syria and proposes possible solution to end the current crisis there.


Documentaries, Special Reports, and Other Media

Light on the Sea A short film about one woman's story from the front lines of the refugee crisis.

CNN Exclusive: Undercover in Syria CNN’s Clarissa Ward reflects on what she experienced during an undercover assignment in Syria. 

Syria's allies and enemies after five years of war Amid shifting military strategies, the people of Syria have paid the heaviest price.

The story of the Syrian conflict in pictures In pictures, this article reviews five years of Syrian conflict until Russian decision of withdrawing troops


Arabic Links:

أية خلفيات تقف وراء سحب القوات الروسية من سوريا؟ Sami Klip comments on Russian unexpected withdrawal of troops from Syria and what does that mean for Russia's allies and foes.

النظام وداعش والنصرة Fatima Yassin analyzes the media behaviors of ISIS, al-Nusra Front, and the Syrian regime. 

النموذج السوري تحت شبح النماذج الفاشلة Omar Kaddour reflects on the regional and international failed politics that affected the 5-years failing struggle of the Syrian uprising. 

سوريا: حول «التظاهرات العائدة» وجدواها Wared Kasouhh comments on the return of Syrian demonstrations in opposition-held regions.

 توتر بين "النصرة" والمعارضة شمال سورية عقب أحداث المعرة Rami Swid comments on the recent tensions between Syrian armed opposition and al-Nusra Front in Maarrat al-Nu'man south of Idlib.

الأزمة المضاعفة لجبهة النصرة Ali Melhem discusses the rise of al-Nusra Front since 2012 and its attack against the Syrian Free Army throughout the past four years.

الفدرالية أم اللامركزية الإدارية؟ Amar Daioub discusses the debates and options regarding the next form of state in Syria. 

"داعش" يعدم الشاعر بشير العاني وابنه بتهمة "الردة" ISIS group executed Syrian poet Bashir al-Ani and his son on charges of "apostasy." 

"العمل": ترحيل السوري العامل دون تصريح لمخيمات اللجوء Ministry of Labor in Jordan will start to deport all Syrians without work permits to the refugee camps. 

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