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الأحزاب السياسية ومسألة الهوية في الأردن: Shame on Those Who Try to Justify Giulio Regeni’s Assassination أرواح النكبة تُبعث من جديد The 'Taharrush' Connection: Xenophobia, Islamophobia, and Sexual Violence in Germany and Beyond Attacking the Right to Freedom of Movement: How the Racist Visa Waiver Bill Targeting Iranians, Syrians, Iraqis, and Sudanese Can Prompt Deeper Solidarities with the Migrant Justice Movement

March 2016 Culture Bouquet

Jadaliyya’s monthly culture bouquet returns after a hiatus. In our March offerings Öykü Tekten translates Selim Temo’s poignant essay about the late Yashar Kemal (1923-2015). Maymanah Farhat interviews Syrian artist Safwan Dahoul. ...

[Detail of Safwan Dahoul's 'Dream 96' (2015). Image copyright the artist. Courtesy of Ayyam Gallery.]

The Origins of Dreams: An Interview with Safwan Dahoul

Safwan Dahoul’s recent paintings indicate several new developments in his ongoing Dream series, the influential body of work that has distinguished his career. Although the psychologically laden paintings are widely exhibited and ...

[صورة لسجن تزمامارت. المصدر موقع فليكر]

الأبعاد البنيوية والرمزية للعنف

حوار مع أحمد المرزوقي، سجين سابق في تزمامارت منذ خمس وعشرين سنة، بدا كما لو أن المغرب يقوم بمحاولة جدية لمواجهة انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان السابقة وتطبيق حكم القانون. فقد تعهّد الملك الحسن الثاني بطي صفحة “سنوات الرصاص”، كما تُدْعى فترة ...

[Egyptian medical doctors gather in front of the Medical Doctors Syndicate building in February 2016 to protest police abuse against medical professionals. Photo from]

Hope without Illusion: Ten Signs of Change in Egypt

Egyptians occupying streets, blocking traffic, and chanting patriotic slogans: Contrary to conventional wisdom, these images became part of Egypt’s contemporary political arena well before the January 2011 Revolution. We saw them on ...

Syria Media Roundup (March 16)

[Image of arranged demonstrations in Daryya. Image by Dimashqi Lens via Flickr]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]       Inside Syria With Volunteer Help, Residents Rebuild Kafer Shalaya Village Volunteers work to rebuild Idleb’s embattled villages by providing shelter, education and medical services to locals. Russia’s Exit from Syria Highlights Assad’s Limitations Hassan Hassan provides a detailed assessment on where things stand on the ground ...

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Arabian Peninsula Media Roundup (March 15)

[Kuwait cityscape during the sunset: Image from]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]   Regional and International Relations Will currency volatility boost GCC remittances? Workers in Saudi Arabia alone send back over forty billion dollars in remittances to South Asian countries. Tensions with GCC could adversely impact Lebanon’s banking sector Moody’s reevaluates Lebanon’s credit ratings amid news of the ...

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 15)

[Cizre, 15 March 2016. Image by Fatih Pinar.]

English Crackdown on Journalism After Seizing Zaman Newspaper, What's Next for Turkey? Mustafa Akyol argues that all of Turkish media, not just a few newspapers like Zaman, is under threat by the current regime in Turkey. Tightening The Grip: Turkey's Media Takeover Al Jazeera’s “The Listening Post” examines the fallout from the government seizure of Zaman newspaper and interviews journalist Can Dündar on the state of media freedom in Turkey. A Risky Acceleration in Turkish Politics Murat Yetkin suggests that the takeover of Zaman is the latest in Erdoğan’s plan to consolidate power and quash opposition. Kurdish Reporter Faces Jail Time in Turkey for Twitter and ...

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Last Week on Jadaliyya (March 7-13)

This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya last week. It also includes a list of the most read articles and roundups. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our "Last Week on Jadaliyya" series. Giulio Regeni: Scattered Facts Kamel Daoud: Sexual Demonization and the Secularist Select The Fantasies of Kamel Daoud Humanism and Its Others Libya: Military Intervention Would Only Strengthen the Islamic State How the West Undermined Women’s Rights in the Arab World Oil: The Stuff of Mass Delusion The Science of Form: An Interview with Samia Halaby Persian Translation ...

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Hope without Illusion: Ten Signs of Change in Egypt

[Egyptian medical doctors gather in front of the Medical Doctors Syndicate building in February 2016 to protest police abuse against medical professionals. Photo from]

Egyptians occupying streets, blocking traffic, and chanting patriotic slogans: Contrary to conventional wisdom, these images became part of Egypt’s contemporary political arena well before the January 2011 Revolution. We saw them on multiple occasions in 2006, 2008, and even in 2010, when Egypt’s national football team won the Africa Cup of Nations. Those are but a few examples of the intense mobilization that took place during the lead up to the revolution. The tide of that mobilization is what yielded the Kefaya movement, the Youth of April 6 and of the Muslim Brotherhood, bloggers’ activism, the independent students’ union, the famous Facebook groups such as “We Are ...

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الآثار الشعرية الكاملة للشاعر الإيطالي: دينو كامبانا في اللغة العربية

[المصدر موقع تدوين]

صدرت حديثاً عن دار التَّكوين في دمشق، وبترجمة وتقديم الشَّاعر السُّوري أمارجي، الآثار الشِّعريَّة الكاملة للشَّاعر الإيطالي دينو كامبانا الذي ينتمي إلى الجيل الحداثي الأوَّل في إيطاليا، وذلك في كتابٍ واحدٍ من القطع المتوسِّط، جاء في 295 صفحة، وتضمَّن مجموعتين: "أناشيد أورفيَّة"، وهي الدِّيوان اليتيم الذي أعِدَّ للنَّشر من قِبل كامبانا نفسه؛ و"قصائد غير منشورة"، وتضمُّ القصائد التي عُثر عليها بعد موت الشَّاعر ولم تُنشر إبَّان حياته. وُلِدَ دينو كامبانا في مارَّادي، في العشرين من آب/ أغسطس عام 1885م. كان مصاباً بنوعٍ من العنف الاعتلاليِّ الذي قادَه إلى مصافِّ المرضى العقليين، وقد ولَّدَ في محيطه ثورةً ضدَّه، ضدَّ جنونه وخروجه عن الاعتياديِّ والمألوف. ...

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Four Poems by Mahmud Al-Braykan

[Portraiat of Mahmud al-Braykan. Image from al-Quds al-Arabi]

Four Poems Mahmud al-Braykan  Tr. Sinan Antoon   Behind the Glass The sound is inaudible inside But the scene is clear through the window A man and a child The man is tired and troubled His hair almost gray The child, less than ten, stands, stone-faced gazing at a fixed point The man speaks gently and points fervently drawing arches in the air His whole body leans toward the child again and again   The child doesn’t move Barely says anything When the man puts his hand on his shoulder He is startled, his look terrified The man speaks with hopelessness Is it an admission of a mistake? Seeking forgiveness? Elucidating a situation ...

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Meditations From The Shadows of History: Reflections on Paintings from the series “Shadow of the Shadow” by Bashar Khalaf

[Detail of Bashar Khalaf's

Palestinian visual artists have consistently used their art as instruments of political resistance and cultural survival. Whether living under the severe restrictions and brutal manipulations of an extended colonial military occupation, or drifting in the constant uncertainties of exile, the great majority of Palestinian visual artists have taken up the cause of liberation, as well as the experiences of displacement and occupation, as the central themes of their work.  Over the course of four generations, the visual arts of Palestine have burst into life like germinating seeds that had been widely scattered after pounding storms. With a sense of tremendous creative ...

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Academia and Social Justice: Asfari Institute for Civil Society and Citizenship & Arab Studies Institute Second Annual Conference (11 – 13 March 2016)

Faculty and students at institutions of higher learning have always been engaged in the issues of their times. They have often played an important galvanizing and sometimes game-changing role in their societies’ demands for equity, equality, and social and political justice. They have done so both in their academic and research production as well as their direct social and political activism within the community beyond academia, sometimes paying a heaving price for this activism. Historically, the choice to focus scholarship and engagement with the community on social justice issues has not always been an easy one for those in academia.  This conference aims to ...

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Palestine Media Roundup (March 3-9)

[The ruins of Herodium in the Palestinian Territories: Image from]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Palestine and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Palestine Page Co-Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each roundup to] The Occupation Forces Home Demolitions Displace 330 Palestinians in Single Month Israeli forces demolished over two hundred Palestinian homes and buildings in the month of February. This is the highest amount of demolitions that Israel has performed in over seven years. IOF Attack Weekly Nonviolent Protests in the Occupied West Bank Israeli forces attacked a ...

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Turkey Media Roundup (March 9)

[Cizre, 2 March 2016. Image by Fatih Pinar.]

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Turkey and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Turkey Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every week.]   English Crackdown on Journalists Keep Reading »

Oil: The Stuff of Mass Delusion

[President Obama meets Saudi King Salman. Image from creativecommons/]

Military primacy, and the routine use of deadly military force, remains the cornerstone of US foreign policy in the Middle East. The 2015 nuclear non-proliferation accord with Iran represents a rare yet fleeting bright moment for diplomacy in a region where wars—in Libya, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen—and the mass displacement of peoples continue unchecked. The United States has done much to precipitate the violence through its unjustifiable and destructive 2003 invasion of Iraq. Today the Obama administration abets the devastation from the air and by arming, directly or indirectly, its weak and embattled client governments. These include Iraq, the Saudi-backed forces seeking ...

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Hasan al-Turabi and Contemporary Islam

The passing of Dr. Hasan al-Turabi on 5 March 2016 marks the ending of important eras in Muslim political and ideological history. He is hailed by some as a significant articulator of necessary Muslim intellectual renewal and vigorously opposed by others who see him as important in shaping authoritarian dimensions of what many identify as Political Islam. His long career as both a political activist and a modernist religious intellectual reflected and shaped major trends in the Muslim world for more than ...

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Jadaliyya Monthly Edition (February 2016)

This is a selection of what you might have missed on Jadaliyya during the month of February 2016. It also includes the most recent roundups, editors picks, and most-read articles. Progressively, we will be featuring more content on our Monthly Edition series. Hollow Words: Egypt, Italy, and Justice for Giulio The Fantasies of Kamel Daoud How the West Undermined Women’s Rights in the Arab World قصة نافخ الدواليب لسميرة عزام الأردن وعقدة الدور الوظيفي ...

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March 2016 Culture Bouquet

Jadaliyya’s monthly culture bouquet returns after a hiatus. In our March offerings Öykü Tekten translates Selim Temo’s poignant essay about the late Yashar Kemal (1923-2015). Maymanah Farhat interviews Syrian artist Safwan Dahoul. John Halaka reviews Bashar Khalaf’s latest work, and Sinan Antoon translates four poems by the Iraqi poet Mahmud al-Braykan (1931-2002). Selim Temo, "On a Day of a March. . ."  Maymanah Farhat, "The Origins of Dreams: An Interview with Safwan ...

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Egypt Media Roundup (March 14)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Egypt and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Egypt Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Sunday night of every week.]  Political Rights For the women of Egypt, today is not like yesterday Dalia Abdel Hamid reflects on the current position of the radical feminist movement in Egypt, paying particular ...

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الأبعاد البنيوية والرمزية للعنف

حوار مع أحمد المرزوقي، سجين سابق في تزمامارت منذ خمس وعشرين سنة، بدا كما لو أن المغرب يقوم بمحاولة جدية لمواجهة انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان السابقة وتطبيق حكم القانون. فقد تعهّد الملك الحسن الثاني بطي صفحة “سنوات الرصاص”، كما تُدْعى فترة القمع السياسي في المغرب، وتطبيق معايير حقوق الإنسان الدولية في البلاد. وفي أوائل التسعينيات، أطْلقت السلطات سراح السجناء السياسيين، وأغلقت سجن تزمامارت السري سيء الصيت، وعقدت جلسات استماع علنية حول أربعين عاماً من انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان الفاضحة. لكن التغير المفاجئ عكس ضعف ...

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The Origins of Dreams: An Interview with Safwan Dahoul

Safwan Dahoul’s recent paintings indicate several new developments in his ongoing Dream series, the influential body of work that has distinguished his career. Although the psychologically laden paintings are widely exhibited and collected, little is known about the origins of the series other than the fact that it began as an autobiographical reflection of time but has since grown to represent the mounting devastation and desolation of the Syrian crisis. While I have written extensively on Dahoul’s ...

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On a Day of a March…

“In his eyes was the sorrow of an Arab horse that has lost the race.” Yaşar Kemal On a day of a March… The three of us are sitting in a hotel garden right above a park. A jovial giant, a cheerful exile, a lucky me... Beneath a sky full of birds… The wind is blowing like a forgotten whisper; the smell of moss is arriving from distant seas. The jovial giant’s phone rings. “Only three people know my phone number: Mehmed, Selim, and the other is…” says the giant as he answers his ...

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معجمُ النّظام العالمي الجديد

يجب أن يكون هذا المعجم موجوداً دائماً في حقيبة جميع السيدات وجيوب جميع الرجال: التمييز العنصري: نظام متأصل في أفريقيا الجنوبية يهدف إلى منع السود من العودة إلى أراضيهم. يحرص النظام العالمي الجديد على تطبيق هذا النظام على جميع الفقراء في العالم، أياً كان لونهم. العلم: قماشة تحتوي على العديد من النجوم، بحيث لا يوجد مساحة لأي شيء آخر. تدرس حكومتا ألمانيا واليابان تصاميم بديلة. حرية التجارة: المخدرات والعقاقير المحظورة في الدول الغنية تباع إلى الدول الفقيرة. المجتمع المستهلك: مكبُّ نفاياتٍ ضخم ...

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Foreign Policies In The Middle East (January-March)

This is a monthly roundup of news articles and other materials related to other countries' foreign policies toward the Middle East. It does not reflect the views of the Foreign Polices Roundup Editors of Jadaliyya. You may send recommendations for inclusion in the Foreign Policies Media Roundup to, mentioning "Foreign Policies Roundup" in the subject line. United States: US Barrels Towards Lifting Iran Sanctions (9 January 2016) Following a ...

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تشارلز سيميك: أربع قصائد

تشارلز سيميك أربع قصائد  أيّها الربيع أيهاّ الربيع، لو كان عليّ أن أواجه فرقة إعدام في يومٍ كهذا لوضعت واحدة من زهورك من جانب الطريق خلف أذني ولرفعت رأسي عالياً كطبّاخ حلويات يقف بجانب كعكة عرس فازت بمسابقة ولابتسمتُ كحلّاق يفرك شعر كاميرون دياز بالشامبو أيها اليوم البهيّ، مررت بالمدينة كموكب في عيد ماردي غرا سيدات يضعن الريش الملوّن على رؤوسهن ويقفن فوق العربات تركتَ القمر في السماء ليكون حارسنا الليلي ويتفحّص بفانوسه آخر بقعة من الثلج قد تكون مختبئة في الغابة  ...

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Syria Media Roundup (March 9)

[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week's roundup to by Monday night of every week.]             Inside Syria Assad: a monster and dictator but he’s the best option for peace in Syria Janine Di Giovanni suggests that the ...

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New Texts Out Now: Abir Saksouk-Sasso, Making Spaces for Communal Sovereignty: The Story of Beirut's Dalieh

AbirSaksouk-Sasso, “Making Spaces for Communal Sovereignty: The Story of Beirut's Dalieh,” in Arab Studies Journal(Vol. XXIII No. 1), Fall 2015: 296-319. Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this article? AbirSaksouk-Sasso(AS): When I started working on this article back in 2012, I had just finished a collaborative project entitled “This Sea Is Mine” about the coast of Beirut. The project had triggered a series of questions in relation to the coast and public space in Beirut. In fact, in a debate ...

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