Thursday, January 21, 2016

Feds Fail on New Relationship with Algongquins of Barriere Lake, Health Canada Response Disappoints Community


(Rapid Lake/Ottawa) The Algoqnuins of Barriere Lake are deeply disappointed with Health Canada’s response to a recent protest against the department’s medical transportation procedures that put community members’ health at risk (see last Thursday press release here). Barriere Lake is an Algonquin Anishnaabe community located in western Quebec, 3 ½ hours north of Ottawa.

“While we appreciated the opportunity to dialogue with Health Canada, the paternalistic attitude of Health Canada bureaucrats has left the community infuriated” said Chief Ratt. “Health Canada has failed to respect the community’s authority to administer medical transportation services that are culturally appropriate and ensure the health, safety and security of community members.”

Health Canada acted unilaterally once again imposing discriminatory rules that make it difficult for community members on the reserve to follow up their regular medical appointments, which could result in serious consequences for the vulnerable including children. Since December, the imposed rules by Health Canada have resulted in community members missing over 20 medical appointments.

Currently, Health Canada gives their nurses working in the community the liberty of calling taxis for emergencies and dialysis patients. As for other community members to access transportation services to meet their medical needs there is still a 48-hour pre-authorization required by the regional Health Canada bureaucrats. Continuing with the use of taxis for medical transportation would cost Health Canada approximately $15,000-$20,000 for a two-week period whereas, community drivers would receive a fraction of that amount for the month to provide essential services to eligible beneficiaries under the funding agreement signed between Third Party Managers (TPM) and Health Canada.

“Health Canada makes up rules as they go which clearly confirms that both TPM and the regional office have not implemented the national medical transportation framework policy since 2006. We have not heard from other First Nations complaining about medical transportation services. Why is our community being treated this way as we are the most vulnerable from all other nine Algonquin First Nation communities? The nearest health facilities are located 160km north, in Val-D'or, or 150km south, in Mont Laurier and Maniwaki.” stated Jessica Thusky, Health Coordinator at Barriere Lake.

Given violence against Native women in the region, women in the community are uneasy taking a taxi a long distance on a fairly isolated highway with a stranger. The community-contracted drivers ensure those traveling to appointments feel comfortable as the drivers are known, speak Algonquin and are respectful of their passengers’ needs. By exclusively relying on taxis from neighbouring towns rather than drivers from the community, Health Canada’s imposition is contrary to the goal of the Liberal government for a new relationship with First Nations particularly through reconciliation and the national inquiry on the missing and murdered Indigenous women.

Barriere Lake demands that authorization for all medical transportation be returned to the community and that the services from the community-contracted drivers is immediately restored.


Media Contacts:

Casey Ratt, Chief: 819-441-8002
Tony Wawatie, Interim Director General, English & French Spokesperson: 819-355-3662
Jessica Thusky, Health Coordinator: 819-651-2904
Michel Thusky, French Spokesperson: 819-215-0591

For background on the Algonquins of Barriere Lake:

Members of Algonquins of Barriere Lake hold signs in protest in front of a Health Canada building in Ottawa (Photo Credit:

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Health Canada Red Tape Puts Community Members’ Health at Risk: Algonquins of Barriere Lake

For Immediate Release

(Ottawa/January 14, 2016) Representatives from the Algonquins of Barriere Lake are in Ottawa today, protesting bureaucratic and obstructionist practices of Health Canada. Recent changes to the administration of medical transportation services in the community are leading to delays, loss of access to transportation and gross inefficiencies in the use of funds. The community is angered and frustrated that the Ministry’s red tape is putting some of their most vulnerable community members at risk and are demanding they be given back the authority to manage their own transportation budget.

As part of the health services provided to this and other Indigenous communities across Canada, Health Canada pays for transportation to medical appointments outside of the community, which is 3 hours north of Ottawa and which is serviced with a basic health clinic staffed by Health Canada nurses. Until recently, the travel expenses were efficiently managed by community-level health centre staff using drivers contracted from the community.

Starting in the New Year, Health Canada is requiring pre-authorizations by federal bureaucrats for transportation to medical appointments, and is withholding payments to the contractual drivers. These unilateral changes are creating unnecessary delays, leading to people missing appointments, and putting their health at risk. In one case a newborn requiring urgent attention in Maniwaki, QC was delayed departure from the community by over 4 hours while waiting for approval for the trip. Fortunately the baby was fine on this instance, but the waits, delays and missed appointments are creating a tremendous amount of stress for the community.

Casey Ratt, Chief of the Alognquins of Barriere Lake, insists that the community can manage the medical transportation funds. “We can handle this issue locally, do it more efficiently, be more responsive and have it cost a lot less than the current mess created by Health Canada” stated Chief Ratt.

Health Canada’s approval requirements include 48 hours’ notice, and disclosure of personal medical information, information that the community’s nursing staff do not want to provide, fearing a breach of their obligations to protect privacy.

“This issue has led to a real loss of trust between us and Health Canada” said Chief Ratt “We have heard some encouraging words from Prime Minister Trudeau these last few months, and appreciate his statement that for his government there is no relationship more important than the one with Indigenous peoples. Well it’s time for the Prime Minister and Ministers Philpott and Bennet to live up to these commitments”

Time and Location of Rally:
12 PM, January 14, 2016
70 Columbine Drive, Ottawa ON  

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Communiqué: PayPal Refunds Money, Victory for the Algonquins of Barriere Lake in Fiscal Warfare with Canada

On Monday February 23, PayPal confirmed to Barriere Lake Solidarity (BLS) that the group’s account and funds had been restored. The news comes only four days after BLS activists learned that their PayPal account was under investigation due to complaints made by a member of the Canadian government.

This victory can be credited to a successful social media campaign by BLS activists, community members and supporters, and to the strong support of the Quebec Public Interest Research group, who manage BLS’s finances. PayPal cited this successful social media campaign in their phone conversation with solidarity activists.

For several weeks, BLS and the Algonquins of Barriere Lake (ABL) have been unable to access their PayPal account, containing funds raised for 23 ABL families going hungry just before Christmas due to non-payment of social assistance funds by a third party subcontracted by Aboriginal Affairs to manage distribution.

For Barriere Lake, this represents a small victory in a long struggle for justice. The community recently filed a lawsuit against BDO Canada LLP and Hartel Financial Management and the Canadian government for harms incurred over 8 and a half years of Third Party (Mis)Management. Both companies have withheld or failed to collect information needed by Barriere Lake in order to get out of deficit and comply with federal regulations. ABL have subsequently been unable to comply with the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, since they assert that they cannot be held financially liable for funds over which they’ve had no control for years.

Members of the First Nation consider the exorbitant number of families cut off from social assistance late last year as further evidence of federal indifference to community needs.

In the face of ongoing oppression and colonial fiscal relations with the Crown, Barriere Lake Solidarity and the Algonquins of Barriere Lake are celebrating this victory and preparing for the struggle ahead.



Barriere Lake Solidarity -

Tony Wawatie (Interim Director General) - Algonquins of Barriere Lake: 819-355-3662 and 819-435-2181

Monday, February 23, 2015

Communiqué: Barriere Lake Solidarity PayPal Account Frozen Due to Harper Government

On Thursday, February 21, 2015, a PayPal employee confirmed to a Barriere Lake Solidarity activist that the Barriere Lake Solidarity (BLS) account was being investigated due to a complaint made by a member of the Canadian Government. As a result of the complaint, Barriere Lake Solidarity’s account was frozen and the group has been unable to access funds raised for 23 families who were going hungry just before Christmas, because of non-payment of social assistance by a third party organizaition under contract with the federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs.

The Algonquins of Barriere Lake have a 80-90% unmemployment rate and depend on social assistance for basic survival. The PayPal account involved a few thousand dollars to help support the Algonquins of Barriere Lake in their struggle.

The BLS PayPal account was created as a non-profit business/organization. It is a Working-Group under the Qubec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) who have registered non-profit status. Despite repeated attempts to prove that BLS is not a separate legal entity, PayPal gave BLS no other choice but to shut down the account, refunding all the moneys raised.

PayPal will no longer confirm the identity of the party who issued the complaint, but will verify that they received the call one day afer the fundraising campaign was launched.

BLS member Shiri Pasternak stated: “It is outrageous that the federal government sought fit to intervene in a fundraising campaign to provide stopgap funding for families who were going hungry due to the negligence of Aboriginal Affairs. Barriere Lake council members had been petitioning the government for months to resolve the missing social assistance issues. When we launched our fundraising campaign, hundreds of people reached out, but the government’s panicked response was to shut down this support and let the community starve.”



Barriere Lake Solidarity

Tony Wawatie (Interim Director General, Algonquins of Barriere Lake: 819-355-3662 and 819-435-2181