Richard Goyder vows to keep cutting prices even it if lands Wesfarmers in court

Livid big business leaders have blasted the federal government's backing of a new effects test, siding with small business in its long-running battle with Australia's retail giants over competition policy.

Designed to prevent big businesses from behaving in a way that has "the purpose, effect or likely effect of substantially reducing competition" the so-called effects test was the most controversial proposal in the Harper review of Australia's competition law.

'Effects test' win for small business

Malcolm Turnbull announces changes to competition law to protect small business from uncompetitive behaviour by big firms.

A defiant Wesfarmers chief executive Richard Goyder slammed the move promising the changes to Australia's competition law would have no impact on pricing at its dominant retail brands, Coles, Bunnings or Kmart and it was prepared to fight for this right in court.

Mr Goyder described his reaction as "disappointment, to a degree disillusionment.

"I think it's just bad policy," he said. 

"I think the winners will be lawyers...but we'll get on with things," Mr Goyder told the Australian Financial Review summit on Wednesday. "I've got three sons who studied law."

Mr Goyder said Wesfarmers would not be changing course. "We'll keep doing what we do," he said, signalling he was ready for a battle with government and regulators.

"We will continue to do what we have always done, which is compete aggressively and provide consumers with great outcomes and if that for some reason gets us in hot water then we will deal with that down the track," he said.

Wesfarmers chief Richard Goyder has signalled he is ready for a fight over competition laws.
Wesfarmers chief Richard Goyder has signalled he is ready for a fight over competition laws. Photo: Paul Jeffers

"If we want to make pricing decisions that we can justify in our business, then I think we should be able to do that.

"Everyone assumes Coles or Bunnings or Woolworths are the big players in all of this but as I continually say, if we want businesses to grow and thrive in Australia, we need a regulatory environment which encourages that.

"Google and Amazon, those guys they don't care less about this and they're the people we need to compete against and we need the appropriate regulatory freedom to be able to do that."

Mr Goyder indicated a threat of legal action would not deter the company. "We'd be doing the wrong thing by our shareholders to say we'd stop investing and stop reducing our prices and if we end up in court we'll deal with it then."

Reform was 'unnecessary'

Mr Goyder said the effects test was just another "unnecessary step" done more for political reasons than for the right economic reasons, driven by the National party and a misguided notion that we would all be better off if we went back to the way things were in the 1960s.

"People assume that as a result of this that they won't have to compete, that we will have to pay farmers more, it's so misguided," Mr Goyder said. 

"Protectionism doesn't work."

Wesfarmers has been in lockstep with the Business Council of Australia over the effects test and its work to counter support for the effects test from groups including the Council of Small Business Australia and shore up support among coalition politicians.

Anti-effects test lobbyists warned consumer anger over price rises triggered by the effects test could cost politicians their seat.

BCA 'disappointed'

Speaking at the Australian Financial Review's Business Summit 2016, Business Council of Australia president Catherine Livingstone was scathing of the government's decision to support an effects test, claiming lawyers would be the only economic beneficiaries.

"We are extremely's our view that it's anti-competitive not just for large business but for small business as well," Ms Livingstone said.

"In regional markets it will involve small businesses,  we are very disappointed but we will work with the government in terms of the drafting process to pre-empt any unintended consequences.

"Our role is to focus on good policy, not the politics of it but what's very clear in our view is it's anti competitive."

Both the BCA and Wesfarmers are hopeful they can work with the federal government to draft the new law.