Polycystic Kidney Disease - Treatment, Symptoms & Causes
Polycystic kidney disease is a disorder of the kidneys, the waste filters of the body, where fluid filled cysts form in clusters and can lead to the kidneys becoming enlarged
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Heal Kidneys
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These cysts are not only confined to the kidneys but can form in other areas in the body also such as the heart, liver and brain once the disease progresses.
It is a painful condition because these cysts get bigger as they develop over time causing the kidneys themselves to expand and impact on the surrounding area causing pain in the sides or back.
They can actually take over the kidneys completely and hinder their
function bringing about kidney failure in advanced stages. It is estimated that around half of those diagnosed with
PKD will have severe renal problems or renal failure in their sixties with most requiring dialysis and transplantation.
What Causes PKD
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder with about 90% of people having autosomal dominant
PDK which is the most common form.
The other type is autosomal recessive PKD or
ARPKD which is a much rarer disorder affecting around 1 in 20,
The symptoms of autosomal dominant PKD do not usually appear until after the age of 30, similar to other types of kidney disease where the symptoms can be advanced before being detected.
Symptoms Include
High Blood Pressure
Blood in urine
Pain in the back and sides
Urinary tract infections
Kidney stones
Swollen tummy
Excessive urination at night
The Kidney
Disease Solution is a complete guide to better kidney health - find out about it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhtzjTNO_54
There is no cure for polycystic kidney disease but tackling the symptoms is important in impeding the development of the disease and avoiding dialysis or having a kidney transplant.
Reducing high blood pressure is vital in avoiding other complications and can also limit the damage done to the kidneys. The cysts themselves could be drained and antibiotics can be used for urinary tract infections.
There are many natural therapies that can help to prevent damage to the kidneys and improve kidney function in polycystic kidneys including herbal and other nutritional supplements as well as changes to the diet and other lifestyle changes.
Click below to watch a free video by
Duncan Capicchiano, a qualified Naturopath who specializes in kidney disease and who has helped hundreds of people around the world improve their kidney function and avoid dialysis.
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Information on
Polycystic Kidney Disease - check out