Irregular Verbs in English – Group 3
Irregular verbs can be difficult to learn, but
I'll teach you the easy way to remember them! Irregular verbs are very common parts of the
English language, so it's important that you learn how to use them correctly. I'll teach you the base form, simple past, and past participle. To make things even easier, read, download, and print our list of irregular verbs in the EngVid Resources section at:
Memorizing irregular verbs can be hard to do by yourself, so watch this video so you can finally understand and remember group 3 of the irregular verbs. If you haven't already seen it, check out my video on irregular verbs groups
1 & 2 at:
Test your understanding of this lesson with my quiz, at
Hi. I'm
Ronnie. Do you have a problem? I do. [Laughs] I got loads of problems, but maybe a problem that you have, I can help you with. So, one of the most difficult things about learning
English is how to conjugate the verbs. In English, we have millions
... Not millions. We have a lot of verbs-42-and we need to know, you need to know the present tense, the simple past tense, and something that's called the past participle.
So, the simple present tense we use for things that we do every day. For example: I eat breakfast,
I go to the bathroom;
I am a human. The simple past we use for things that we talk about in the past: I ate breakfast, I went to the bathroom.
Yes. I was a human. The most difficult one, and the one that frustrates everyone so much is the past participle. Now, instead of me saying past participle all the time, I'm going to tell you p.p.
It's kind of like having to go to the bathroom; p.p.
So, what I'm going to do is I'm going to teach you the past simple and the past participles. But the problem is there are so many of them, and they have very different structures or styles. If your life was easy, we would just have one or two different ways to conjugate the verbs, but no.
Learning English is going to be difficult for you, but not when I'm here. I can help you out with this. So, if you are frustrated or you just don't know how you are going to learn the past participle of irregular verbs: Sit back, relax, and do some mind mapping. If your verb is a regular verb, so it ends in "ed", you have no worries because it's going to be simple past, it's going to be "ed", and the past participle is going to be "ed". So we're not doing that. These are all going to be irregular verbs.
So, what
I've done is I've tried very diligently to put these into groups for you to help you remember them when it comes time for a test. So if you're learning grammar, if you're learning passive voice, or if you have to do present perfect or past perfect, you have to know the past participles of the verbs.
So, what I've done is I've tried to split the verbs, the irregular verbs into three different groupings, because there are so many of them. So, this video is the most difficult-bear with-and also, the last one in our group. So, if you go to the resources section on, we have all of these groups in a list for you to make your learning easier. What we're going to go over today is group three. You probably have seen the videos I've done on group one and two. This is the follow-up for group three; brace yourself, the most difficult. So, let's dive right in.
The first group has one verb change.
Sorry, one vowel change. So, if you guys look at all of these words, we've got an "i" running through them. So, we have: "begin", "drink", "sing", and "swim". When we change this group to the past tense, the only thing that we have to change here is we're changing the vowel "i" to an "a". So, "begin" becomes "began".
And then when we make the p.p.-I have to go pee-pee, never ends-we're going to make it a "u". So, it's going to be: "begin", "began", and "begun".
All of this... All of these verbs in this group follow the exact same pattern.
The present tense has an "i", the past tense has an "a", and the past participle has a "u". You.
So, let's look at the next example: "drink", "drank", "drunk". "i", "a", "u". "
Drink, drank, drunk", it's also a song. The next one we have is-la, la, la, la-"sing". So, if you follow my pattern, what vowel would I put here? "a". Oh, good answer, it is an "a". So we're going to say: "sing", "sang", "sung". Now, "sang", "sung" is very similar to
Samsung, so you can remember the electronics' company Samsung.
Please give money, Samsung, for mentioning you. In this... It'll help you remember it. "
Sing", "sang", "sung", "sing", "Samsung".
Good. But be careful. It's not "Samsung", it's "sang", "sung".
Don't mess that up.
Remember the rule: "i", "a", "u".