Poli, the Robocar, also known as Robocar Poli, is an animated children's television series produced by RoiVisual. The series released its first episode in 2009 through on EBS, Korean Educational Broadcasting System, and finished in 2011. Now the films can be seen on VOD. The series consists of 52 eleven-minute episodes.
In the latter half of 2011, the films were exported from Korea to France and Spain, with a new title for export, Piyo Piyo Friends.
In Broom's Town, a small town with a strong rescue team, there are always accidents and troubles such as a car sliding off a cliff in the rain, a car crash, a child locked in a firehouse and so on. In every episode the town's rescue team saves characters. At the end of each episode, the rescue team strongly advises the characters who were in danger and children.
This series was a big hit in Korea, and became the chief rival of Pororo the Little Penguin which had been the number one in the industry. Related merchandise includes a cake, toys, books and apparel. In Korea, Poli is frequently called Pol-chong-ri which means minister of children, following Pororo which is famously known as Po-tong-ryeong meaning the president of children.