Belgian DSU Intervention Unit Compilation 2015/2016
Directorate of special units (
DSU) (
Dutch: Directie van de speciale eenheden;
Direction des unités spéciales;
German: Direktion der Sondereinheiten) is the
Belgian Federal Police's Counter-Terrorism and
SWAT unit. In total, DSU consists of about
500 highly trained police officers. The centralized 50
operator small assault team of the intervention unit of the DSU is deployed in cases of terrorism, kidnappings, hostage taking and other forms of serious crime. DSU performs emergency responses, high-risk arrests and searches, obeservation operations, undercover operations and more.
Chief commissioner Eric Liévin, one of the DSU's former commanders, states that "a criminal dealing with the DSU, has a better chance of surviving than another; they try to use a minimal level of violen