- published: 30 Jan 2017
- views: 44317
A sugar substitute is a food additive that provides a sweet taste like that of sugar while containing significantly less food energy. Some sugar substitutes are natural and some are synthetic. Those that are not natural are, in general, called artificial sweeteners.
An important class of sugar substitutes is known as high-intensity sweeteners. These are compounds with many times the sweetness of sucrose, common table sugar. As a result, much less sweetener is required and energy contribution is often negligible. The sensation of sweetness caused by these compounds (the "sweetness profile") is sometimes notably different from sucrose, so they are often used in complex mixtures that achieve the most natural sweet sensation.
If the sucrose (or other sugar) that is replaced has contributed to the texture of the product, then a bulking agent is often also needed. This may be seen in soft drinks or sweet tea that are labeled as "diet" or "light" that contain artificial sweeteners and often have notably different mouthfeel, or in table sugar replacements that mix maltodextrins with an intense sweetener to achieve satisfactory texture sensation.
A home is a dwelling-place used as a permanent or semi-permanent residence for an individual, family, household or several families in a tribe. It is often a house, apartment, or other building, or alternatively a mobile home, houseboat, yurt or any other portable shelter. Homes typically provide areas and facilities for sleeping, preparing food, eating and hygiene. Larger groups may live in a nursing home, children's home, convent or any similar institution. A homestead also includes agricultural land and facilities for domesticated animals. Where more secure dwellings are not available, people may live in the informal and sometimes illegal shacks found in slums and shanty towns. More generally, "home" may be considered to be a geographic area, such as a town, village, suburb, city, or country.
Transitory accommodation in a treatment facility for a few weeks is not normally considered permanent enough to replace a more stable location as 'home'. In 2005, 100 million people worldwide were estimated to be homeless.
The heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients, and also assists in the removal of metabolic wastes. The heart is located in the middle compartment of the mediastinum in the chest.
In humans, other mammals, and birds, the heart is divided into four chambers: upper left and right atria; and lower left and right ventricles. Commonly the right atrium and ventricle are referred together as the right heart and their left counterparts as the left heart. Fish in contrast have two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, while reptiles have three chambers. In a healthy heart blood flows one way through the heart due to heart valves, which prevent backflow. The heart is enclosed in a protective sac, the pericardium, which also contains a small amount of fluid. The wall of the heart is made up of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium.
The Dunmore Pineapple, a folly ranked "as the most bizarre building in Scotland", stands in Dunmore Park, near Airth in Stirlingshire, Scotland.
Dunmore Park, the ancestral home of the Earls of Dunmore, includes a large country mansion, Dunmore House, and grounds which contain, among other things, two large walled gardens. Walled gardens were a necessity for any great house in a northern climate in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, as a high wall of stone or brick helped to shelter the garden from wind and frost, and could create a microclimate in which the ambient temperature could be raised several degrees above that of the surrounding landscape. This allowed the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, and also of ornamental plants, which could not otherwise survive that far north.
The larger of the two gardens covers about six acres, located on a gentle south-facing slope. South-facing slopes are the ideal spot for walled gardens and for the cultivation of frost-sensitive plants. Along the north edge of the garden, the slope had probably originally been more steep. To allow both the upper and lower parts of the garden to be flat and level at different heights, it was necessary to bank up the earth on the higher northern side (away from the main house), behind a retaining wall about 16 feet high, and a solid 3 feet, 3 inches thick, which runs the entire length of the north side of the garden.
Michael Herschel Greger (born 25 October 1972) is an American physician, author, and professional speaker on public health issues. He is a graduate of the Cornell University School of Agriculture and the Tufts University School of Medicine. He started eating a plant-based diet in 1990. He is currently the Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Humane Society International. Greger is the author of several books and various scholarly publications on animal agriculture, nutrition, and human health. In 2011, he founded the website NutritionFacts.org. He also is a founding member and Fellow of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.
Greger's promotion of veganism has been criticized for including exaggerated claims of health benefits and for cherry-picking research.
Greger is licensed as a general practitioner specializing in clinical nutrition. Greger contributes to the HSUS's efforts to shape public policy on agriculture and nutrition.
Top 8 Natural Sweeteners and Sugar Alternatives
How to make STEVIA sweetener for diabetics at home (dry method
What's Worse For Your Health : Sugar or Salt?
Which Sweetener Is Best For Health ? | Dr Michael Greger
The Miracle Sugar of Life for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Heart Pathologies- Dr. Mandell
Safe Natural Sweeteners
Do Not Throw The Pineapple Peels Anymore, This Is The Reason Why
Honey, High Fructose Corn Syrup, and the Problems with Nutrition Research
The American Heart Association has recommended in their heart-healthy guidelines that you should not consume more than 100 to 150 calories from added sugars. Added sugars are considered the sugar and syrups that are added to food either during processing or preparation. Sugar affects each and every part of your body, from head to toe. It can cause diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, heart disease, cancer and poor cognitive functioning. A form of sugar that should be especially avoided is refined sugar. It is instead recommended that you choose natural sweeteners when you are craving something sweet. Natural sweeteners are substitutes for sugar that are healthier than the processed table sugar, or other artificial sugars. Fruit is high in natural sugar and can easily satisfy your s...
This training video shows one method to make a stevia sweetener This product can be cosafely used by diabetics, but keep in mind it causes its own problems. The few spoons a day you will consume in coffee or tea are save though. This is the dry method of doing this sweetener, if is less sweet than the white stevia powder, it is more or less as sweet as cafe sugar.
What's Worse For Your Health : Sugar or Salt? For a long time, salt was considered as the biggest evil for peoples’ health, guilty for high blood pressure, and unhealthy heart. But, the question is, which is more harmful - Salt, or Sugar? Honestly, both are bad for your health. However, lately, research disapproves that salt is worse. The scientists claim that sugar is the bigger evil, because, it can MAGNIFY the dangerous effects of salt. The researchers from Montefiore Medical Center, along with colleagues from St. Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute, reviewed the issue about which is the real enemy between salt and sugar. They assessed the following: 1. Fructose has a big effect on high blood pressure and cardiac disease. 2. Fructose plays a stronger role in the creating of hypertensi...
Dr Michael Greger :.which sweetener is best for health ? There are two sweeteners that are actually good for you. __________________________________ Doctor Michael Greger is an American physician, professional speaker on public health issues, He is creator site about #nutrition facts and every aspect of healthy eating site http://www.NutritionFacts.org
For natural ways to reverse diabetes, click here: http://bit.ly/dbreversal" Hi Friends, Watch More Top Five Health Care Videos Click here: https://goo.gl/UnZvu8 Today I am Going To Show You , DANGEROUS FOODS FOR DIABETIC PATIENTS Think Twice Before Eating These Foods. At Diabetic Living, we believe that eating with diabetes doesn't have to mean deprivation, starvation, or bland and boring foods. ... Nachos. ... Coffee Drinks. ... Biscuits and Sausage Gravy. Battered Fish Dinners. Fruit Juice Beverages. Deep-Fried Chinese Entrees. Cinnamon Rolls. Follow us On Facebook: http://bit.ly/2efL8yd Twitter: http://bit.ly/2dVauOw Google + : http://bit.ly/2emBENF Blogger: http://bit.ly/2ewTzF5 Wordpress: http://bit.ly/2emxZzu ================================= Thank you for watching Our video...
Read the full blog post at http://www.liveto110.com/safe-natural-sweeteners/ Let's illustrate the pros and cons of Stevia, Xylitol, and Lakanto, the safest natural sweeteners. These zero to low calorie sweetners have been shown to be safe, but you must be careful about GMO stevia and GMO ingredients, which I reveal in the video. I recommend the best brands of each safe artificial sweetener, and the brands to avoid, namely Truvia, Purevia, and Stevia in the Raw. Download my FREE Modern Paleo Survival Guides and my 35-page Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide and get email updates. http://www.liveto110.com/sign-up
Do Not Throw The Pineapple Peels Anymore, This Is The Reason Why Pineapple is a tropical fruit that belongs to the group of fruits known as “Bromeliad”. It is formed by a grid of different individual berries marched together and every individual scale is the end and the beginning of another berry. You probably did not know that besides berries you can use the whole fruit together with its peel. So, today we will reveal how to do this. But first, let me tell you more about this delicious and sweet fruit and the many health benefits that it can provide. Pineapple is a great source of manganese, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and an enzyme known as bromelain. The manganese is responsible for the defense of antioxidants while the vitamin B and Thiamine which are also found in this fruit have th...
Just a few weeks ago, a study was published in the Journal of Nutrition that many reports in the news media said proved that honey was no better than sucrose as a sweetener, and that high-fructose corn syrup was no worse. But did it? This study, and what it says about nutrition research in general, are the topics of this week's Healthcare Triage. This is based on a column Aaron wrote for the Upshot. References can all be found in links there: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/upshot/surprising-honey-study-shows-woes-of-nutrition-research.html Episode references: Weight Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdY-NJq6zVQ Dietary Guidelines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhEwfaFLrd0 Exercise and Weight Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCtn4Ap8kDM Coffee: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Learn exactly how to make belly fat burning tea at home. This easy fat burning green tea drink is proven effective & safe to use daily. Try making this homemade detox belly fat burner today! Simple DIY 5 ingredient recipes like this will help you achieve awesome weight loss results, in conjunction with proper exercise & clean eating. HOT WATER - Always use filtered water & stay hydrated! GREEN TEA - The magic for fat loss is the polyphenols in green tea. Specifically the polyphenol know as EGCG, which stands for Epigallocatechin Gallate. It's a powerful antioxidant that naturally boosts metabolism & increase our body's ability to break down fat. There's also a synergistic affect along with the caffeine found in green tea. This killer combo blunts your appetite & allows us to workout hard...
The American Heart Association has recommended in their heart-healthy guidelines that you should not consume more than 100 to 150 calories from added sugars. Added sugars are considered the sugar and syrups that are added to food either during processing or preparation. Sugar affects each and every part of your body, from head to toe. It can cause diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, heart disease, cancer and poor cognitive functioning. A form of sugar that should be especially avoided is refined sugar. It is instead recommended that you choose natural sweeteners when you are craving something sweet. Natural sweeteners are substitutes for sugar that are healthier than the processed table sugar, or other artificial sugars. Fruit is high in natural sugar and can easily satisfy your s...
This training video shows one method to make a stevia sweetener This product can be cosafely used by diabetics, but keep in mind it causes its own problems. The few spoons a day you will consume in coffee or tea are save though. This is the dry method of doing this sweetener, if is less sweet than the white stevia powder, it is more or less as sweet as cafe sugar.
What's Worse For Your Health : Sugar or Salt? For a long time, salt was considered as the biggest evil for peoples’ health, guilty for high blood pressure, and unhealthy heart. But, the question is, which is more harmful - Salt, or Sugar? Honestly, both are bad for your health. However, lately, research disapproves that salt is worse. The scientists claim that sugar is the bigger evil, because, it can MAGNIFY the dangerous effects of salt. The researchers from Montefiore Medical Center, along with colleagues from St. Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute, reviewed the issue about which is the real enemy between salt and sugar. They assessed the following: 1. Fructose has a big effect on high blood pressure and cardiac disease. 2. Fructose plays a stronger role in the creating of hypertensi...
Dr Michael Greger :.which sweetener is best for health ? There are two sweeteners that are actually good for you. __________________________________ Doctor Michael Greger is an American physician, professional speaker on public health issues, He is creator site about #nutrition facts and every aspect of healthy eating site http://www.NutritionFacts.org
For natural ways to reverse diabetes, click here: http://bit.ly/dbreversal" Hi Friends, Watch More Top Five Health Care Videos Click here: https://goo.gl/UnZvu8 Today I am Going To Show You , DANGEROUS FOODS FOR DIABETIC PATIENTS Think Twice Before Eating These Foods. At Diabetic Living, we believe that eating with diabetes doesn't have to mean deprivation, starvation, or bland and boring foods. ... Nachos. ... Coffee Drinks. ... Biscuits and Sausage Gravy. Battered Fish Dinners. Fruit Juice Beverages. Deep-Fried Chinese Entrees. Cinnamon Rolls. Follow us On Facebook: http://bit.ly/2efL8yd Twitter: http://bit.ly/2dVauOw Google + : http://bit.ly/2emBENF Blogger: http://bit.ly/2ewTzF5 Wordpress: http://bit.ly/2emxZzu ================================= Thank you for watching Our video...
Read the full blog post at http://www.liveto110.com/safe-natural-sweeteners/ Let's illustrate the pros and cons of Stevia, Xylitol, and Lakanto, the safest natural sweeteners. These zero to low calorie sweetners have been shown to be safe, but you must be careful about GMO stevia and GMO ingredients, which I reveal in the video. I recommend the best brands of each safe artificial sweetener, and the brands to avoid, namely Truvia, Purevia, and Stevia in the Raw. Download my FREE Modern Paleo Survival Guides and my 35-page Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide and get email updates. http://www.liveto110.com/sign-up
Do Not Throw The Pineapple Peels Anymore, This Is The Reason Why Pineapple is a tropical fruit that belongs to the group of fruits known as “Bromeliad”. It is formed by a grid of different individual berries marched together and every individual scale is the end and the beginning of another berry. You probably did not know that besides berries you can use the whole fruit together with its peel. So, today we will reveal how to do this. But first, let me tell you more about this delicious and sweet fruit and the many health benefits that it can provide. Pineapple is a great source of manganese, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and an enzyme known as bromelain. The manganese is responsible for the defense of antioxidants while the vitamin B and Thiamine which are also found in this fruit have th...
Just a few weeks ago, a study was published in the Journal of Nutrition that many reports in the news media said proved that honey was no better than sucrose as a sweetener, and that high-fructose corn syrup was no worse. But did it? This study, and what it says about nutrition research in general, are the topics of this week's Healthcare Triage. This is based on a column Aaron wrote for the Upshot. References can all be found in links there: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/upshot/surprising-honey-study-shows-woes-of-nutrition-research.html Episode references: Weight Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdY-NJq6zVQ Dietary Guidelines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhEwfaFLrd0 Exercise and Weight Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCtn4Ap8kDM Coffee: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Learn exactly how to make belly fat burning tea at home. This easy fat burning green tea drink is proven effective & safe to use daily. Try making this homemade detox belly fat burner today! Simple DIY 5 ingredient recipes like this will help you achieve awesome weight loss results, in conjunction with proper exercise & clean eating. HOT WATER - Always use filtered water & stay hydrated! GREEN TEA - The magic for fat loss is the polyphenols in green tea. Specifically the polyphenol know as EGCG, which stands for Epigallocatechin Gallate. It's a powerful antioxidant that naturally boosts metabolism & increase our body's ability to break down fat. There's also a synergistic affect along with the caffeine found in green tea. This killer combo blunts your appetite & allows us to workout hard...
We've compiled our videos about sugar and sweetness here. Enjoy the rush! Hosted by: Hank Green ---------- Support SciShow by becoming a patron on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/scishow ---------- Dooblydoo thanks go to the following Patreon supporters -- we couldn't make SciShow without them! Shout out to Justin Ove, Andreas Heydeck, Justin Lentz, Will and Sonja Marple, Benny, Chris Peters, Tim Curwick, Philippe von Bergen, Patrick, Fatima Iqbal, Lucy McGlasson, Mark Terrio-Cameron, Accalia Elementia, Kathy & Tim Philip, charles george, Kevin Bealer, Thomas J., and Patrick D. Ashmore. ---------- Like SciShow? Want to help support us, and also get things to put on your walls, cover your torso and hold your liquids? Check out our awesome products over at DFTBA Records: http://dftba.com/s...
Watch "The Skinny on Obesity" with Dr. Lustig: http://www.uctv.tv/skinny-on-obesity Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717] More UCTV videos about sugar: http://www.uctv.tv/sugar Dr. Lustig's book (comes out Dec 27, 2012), "Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease": http://www.amazon.com/Fat-Chance-Beating-Against-Processed/dp/159463100X Thank you to Centar dr Gifing for providing the Serbian subtitles for Sugar the Bitter Trut...
Learn more about meal replacement shakes on my website here: https://draxe.com/meal-replacement-shakes/?utm_campaign=Live-Mar-2017&utm;_medium=social&utm;_source=youtube&utm;_term=mealreplacementshakes Ideally, we’d all have the time to prepare healthy, homemade meals and sit down to eat them mindfully, but given how busy we are today, it’s not surprising that meal replacement shakes, bars and snacks have grown in popularity exponentially over the past several decades. Unfortunately, most conventional meal replacement shakes contain many dangerous additives. In this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, I share the 6 dangers of conventional meal replacement shakes, such as synthetic vitamins, artificial sweeteners and more, as well as how these toxic ingredients affect your body and a few bett...
John from http://www.okraw.com/ shows you how to make the best raw vegan (dairy free) vanilla ice cream made with just 3 ingredients: coconuts, dates and vanilla bean. In this episode, John will share with you his special whole-food, plant based, dairy-free, tree-nut free ice cream recipe that tastes just like the real thing. You will discover the three simple ingredients you can use to make your own vegan ice cream. You will discover the tools that John uses to remove the coconut meat out of the coconut, and how to make a rich coconut milk that will serve as the basis of his ice cream recipe. You will discover the best raw vanilla beans to use in your recipes as well as why John uses dates instead of agave or other "raw" sweetener. After watching this episode, you will know how to ma...
C'mon over to http://www.marieforleo.com/2013/09/healthy-or-not-health-foods/ where the main discussion happens after the episode! Healthy or not? It may surprise you to learn that there are 5 "health foods" that are actually not healthy at all. In this video you'll learn the 5 surprising health foods you shouldn't be eating, and some healthier alternatives to eat instead. **Of course -- as you know -- what you choose to eat and consume is your choice and responsibility. For more info, and our official disclaimer, visit http://www.marieforleo.com/legal-disclaimer/. 1. Whole Wheat Bread. Healthy or not? In most cases, not. Why? Whole wheat bread contains a chemical that's banned in numerous other countries. Instead, eat Ezekiel Bread, which is flourless and whole grain, and is digestible...
Talks at Google hosted nutrition coach Jason Phillips, author of Macros Explained, and co-founder of Driven Performance Labs for a talk on February 2nd, 2017. Phillips uses audience questions and his science based approach to debunk popular dietary myths and de-mystify the concept of healthy eating. Jason’s journey began in a battle with anorexia, and has landed him in a position today where he has helped thousands of people achieve their goals. His formal background comes from Florida State University where he majored in exercise science with a concentration in fitness and nutrition. He has consulted for reality weight loss shows, traveled with the PGA tour, and has helped several functional fitness athletes improve performance. He currently owns Jason Phillips Nutrition, The Driven L...
Learn more about avoiding the worst ingredients on my website here: https://draxe.com/worst-ingredients/?utm_campaign=Live-Feb-2017&utm;_medium=social&utm;_source=youtube&utm;_term=worstingredients Exercising and keeping an eye on calories go a long way in keeping you healthy, but to truly protect your well-being, you need to start actively avoiding the worst ingredients hiding out in the food system. In this episode of Ancient Medicine Today, Jordan Rubin and I discuss the top 10 ingredients destroying your health. We're going to unlock some common myths about foods that you may even have in your kitchen cabinet and think are healthy. With all of the confusion surrounding labeling and advertising, buzzwords like “sugar-free,” “all-natural” and even “organic” can be really confusing. From a...
Joel Therien had a thriving career as a personal trainer and he started his second professional career right out of University as a Pulmonary and Cardiac Rehabilitation Specialist at the Montford Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Although he had an amazing boss, great working colleagues and a pretty good salary of $52,000 a year, Joel wanted more. He wanted to provide a better future for himself and his family. So... the thought of doing stress testing at a hospital for the next 40 years started to lose its appeal. Hence he quit after eight months into it. However, at 27 years of age he started to lose his health and became a "medical mystery", as he referred to his health problem. He had been misdiagnosed with either Lou Gehrig's disease, multiple sclerosis, or brain cancer. ...
visit channel Igor Kryan : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ4-X0GcZhNIUBkCyi7Zisg Predictions made on our site were scarily accurate. Trump victory, wave of terror in European capitals, crumbling of European Union. So many of you asked why if we have real time machine not to bring the cancer cure. So we did. It was not easy because in the future Clintons people are still in power and they don't want you to know about it. But in 100 years we will have a cancer free world. And they achieved it by combining 9 factors together. Number one. Leading cancer causing factor is RF radiation. RF radiation or radiofrequency radiation is emitted by your house smart meters, Cell phone towers, Mobile phones, antennas, Microwaves, WiFi routers, Security scanners. Number two. Chemicgally processed foo...