- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 9205
Montserrat (/mɒntsəˈræt/) is a Caribbean island—specifically in the Leeward Islands, which is part of the chain known as the Lesser Antilles, in the British West Indies. It is a British Overseas Territory. Montserrat measures approximately 16 km (10 mi) long and 11 km (7 mi) wide, with approximately 40 km (25 mi) of coastline. Montserrat is nicknamed The Emerald Isle of the Caribbean both for its resemblance to coastal Ireland and for the Irish ancestry of many of its inhabitants.
On 18 July 1995, the previously dormant Soufrière Hills volcano, in the southern part of the island, became active. Eruptions destroyed Montserrat's Georgian era capital city of Plymouth. Between 1995 and 2000, two-thirds of the island's population was forced to flee, primarily to the United Kingdom. The volcanic activity continues, mostly affecting the vicinity of Plymouth, including its docking facilities, and the eastern side of the island around the former W. H. Bramble Airport, the remnants of which were buried by flows from volcanic activity on 11 February 2010.
Lipolaser: la lipoescultura definitiva por la Dra Montserrat Salvador
Entrevista amb Montserrat Salvador, advocada de Franki
CRISTO SALVADOR | María Montserrat
Ermita de SANT SALVADOR · 11/16 Ruta de las Ermitas en Montserrat
Doellman i Hernández visiten el CEIP Montserrat de St. Salvador de Guardiola
Casament Gegants Montserrat i Salvador
Salvador Escamilla, Montserrat Alavedra I Chor Alleluia - Cantem I Juguem - EP 1962
Lo que la Vida Me Robó - ¡ Montserrat sufrió un accidente de coche!
Amanecer Montserrat, San Salvador
El Festín de Baltasar, poema sinfónico. Salvador Giner
El lipolaser es una liposucción con una nueva técnica basada en láser que tiene la gran ventaja del tratamiento de la flacidez cutánea y conseguir un resultado definitivo en la lipoescultura del cuerpo que dura 10 años. La Dra Montserrat Salvador es experta en lipoláser, otoplastia y mastopexia, entre otros. Más información en http://www.topdoctors.es/doctor/montserrat-salvador-lopez
Entrevista amb Montserrat Salvador, advocada de Francesc Argemí, Franki, el jove de Terrassa tancat a la presó condemnat a més de dos anys de presó per ultratge a la bandera espanyola.
"Cristo salvador de nuestras vidas", interpretado por María Montserrat Pradas.
La imagen de esta ermita, una cueva en la pared de la roca del “Elefante”, más bien parece un OJO que todo lo ve. Un enorme precipicio rodea el acceso a la ermita, salvaguardando su intimidad. Como lugar de poder y meditación, dos asientos tallados en la misma pared del Elefante, ante un paisaje infinito que llega hasta al mismo mar mediterraneo. Alejada de todo y de todos, se la considera la ermita espiritualmente más elevada de todas, pues está dedicada a aquel Galileo que pasó de Jesús a Cristo. En siglos anteriores, los visitantes de Montserrat acudían a esta ermita porque existía una lámpara de luz eterna, custodiada día y noche por el ermitaño que la habitaba. Hoy, es básicamente un refugio para escaladores, y pocos los visitantes que conocen el camino para llegar hasta aquí. Un luga...
Álex Hernandez i Justin Doellman han visitat els alumnes del CEIP Montserrat, de Sant Salvador de Guardiola
Final de la cerimònia del casament entre la Montserrat i el Salvador.
Aquesta és una divulgació amb finalitats únicament educatives i no es pretén cap infracció dels drets d'autor. Intèrpret: Salvador Escamilla, Montserrat Alavedra I Chor Alleluia Títol: Cantem I Juguem (4 Cançons Tradicionals Catalanes Per A Infants) Format: EP 45 RPM Segell: Ediphone (Sèrie Especial Edigsa) Número de Catàleg: CI 1 Any: 1962 Direcció: Antoni Ros-Marbà Harmonització i Instrumentació: Joan Bernet i Sala A1: Margarideta [Tradicional Catalana] 0:00 A2: El Burriquet [Tradicional Catalana] 2:41 B1: El Gat I La Rata [Tradicional Catalana] 4:39 B2: La Masovera [Tradicional Catalana] 6:13 http://vinilissim.blogspot.com
Timelapse de un amanecer en San Salvador, con vista a la colonia montserrat y el cerro de San Jacinto
Banda Sinfónica de la SIUM de Montserrat (Valencia), director Manuel Godoy. Concierto de Fiestas 2015.
Shot on August 21, 2008. The video begins as we drive away from Barcelona toward Montserrat. Montserrat is a mountain in Catalonia, in Spain. It is the site of a Benedictine abbey, Santa Maria de Montserrat, which hosts the Virgin of Montserrat sanctuary and which is identified by some with the location of the Holy Grail in Arthurian myth. "Montserrat" literally means "jagged (serrated) mountain" in Catalan. It describes the peculiar aspect of the rock formation, which is visible from a great distance. The mountain is composed of strikingly pink conglomerate, a form of sedimentary rock, popular with climbers. Upon our arrival we were treated with a beautiful concert of the church's bells. Durring my visit I ride the Sant Joan funicular to the summit for great views of the area. Full len...
http://socialbubble.global Planning to visit Montserrat? Check out our Montserrat Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Montserrat. Top Places to visit in Montserrat: Soufriere Hills Volcano, Scuba Montserrat, Rendezvous Beach, Montserrat Volcano Observatory, National Museum of Montserrat, Montserrat Cultural Centre, Woodlands Bay, Little Bay Beach, Oriole Walkway Trail, Runaway Ghaut Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/socialbubble Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@Soci...
Montserrat, Catalonia – Spain please read more: http://blog.myvideomedia.com Montserrat Montserrat is about 40 km north-west of Barcelona. Montserrat is at the same time name of the monastery and of sand stone mountains. It is one of the landmarks of Catalonia. The highest peak, Sant Jeroni is 1,236 m high. From Barcelona we go by train in about 30 minutes to the lower cableway station, built 1930 by the Leipzig company Adolf Bleichert & Co. A cable car takes us up to the monastery of Montserrat, which is located at an altitude of 720 m. Montserrat liegt ca. 40 km nordwestlich von Barcelona. Es ist zugleich der Name des Klosters und des Sandsteingebirges und eines der Wahrzeichen Kataloniens. Der höchste Gipfel, der Sant Jeroni ist 1236 m hoch. Von Barcelona fahren wir mit dem Zug in ca...
The creative spirit of Spain's Catalunya — the land of Picasso, Gaudí, and Salvador Dalí — is on a roll. We'll get caught up in the festivity of Barcelona, enjoying the vibrant street scenes, tasty tapas, and pedestrian-friendly Gothic Quarter. Then we'll take a scenic side trip to mountaintop Montserrat, and finish with an artist's pilgrimage along the Costa Brava to Salvador Dalí country. In seaside Cadaques, we'll visit Dalí's home, and in nearby Figueres, we'll experience his playfully surreal mausoleum/museum. © 2008 Rick Steves' Europe
This episode written, directed, hosted, and edited by Shane Reynolds (aka Shane O) takes us on Royal Caribbean's Voyager of the Seas to Barcelona Spain port and a day trip excursion to the mountainous Monserrat!! 480i only (sorry). Check my website and YouTube channel for more recent adventure in HD www.colorearth.tv www.facebook.com/ColorEarth
Beautiful Montserrat Landscape - hotels accommodation yacht charter guide http://www.hotels-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Montserrat/ Montserrat hotels Montserrat accommodation Montserrat Landscapes Montserrat http://www.cityapartmentsforrent.info/en/Montserrat/ guest houses Montserrat lodging Montserrat hotelsflights Montserrat flight Montserrat cruises http://www.yachtcharter-aroundtheglobe.info/en/Montserrat/ Montserrat locations Montserrat motels Montserrat vacations http://www.newsbases.info/en/Travel/Montserrat/ Montserrat bed and breakfast Montserrat hostel Montserrat travel Montserrat, tourism, hotels, accommodation, Landscape, guest houses, lodging, hotelsflights, cheap, flight, cruises, locations, motels, vacations, bed and breakfast, yacht, charter, guide, travel
http://www.barcelonaguidebureau.com/index.php A nice video from our trips to the Montserrat Mountain on the afternoon. Really dynamic video!
With its dramatic mountaintop monastery and spiritual connection with the Catalan people and their struggles, Montserrat is a rewarding day trip from Barcelona. It's been Catalunya's most important pilgrimage site for a thousand years. For more information on the Rick Steves' Europe TV series — including episode descriptions, scripts, participating stations, travel information on destinations and more — visit http://www.ricksteves.com.
Scenic boat trip from Antigua to Montserrat (Caribbean)! Let me take you through the wonderful experience of boarding a boat at St John's (the capital of Antigua) and then travelling all the way to one of the most beautiful islands in the world, Montserrat. Vic Stefanu, vstefanu@yahoo.com. Montserrat is a mountainous Caribbean island, part of the Lesser Antilles chain and a British Overseas Territory. Its Soufrière Hills volcano erupted in the 1990s, causing significant damage to the south of the island and leading to the creation of an exclusion zone. The north of the island is largely unaffected, and has black-sand beaches, coral reefs, cliffs and shoreline caves