Karen Bella
By: KB cc
Fat blonde lady
With two kids and husband
Eating after school
She's depressed
Obsessively discontent
With each ounce of food
Can I take your order
Anything you want
I'm your waitress
I'm sorry if your food don't come out hot
I'm your waitress
I'll take it over
Do anything for you
I'm your waitress
Your waitress
Your waitress
A Nasty man who smells of
Liquor bottle
Foaming up with drool
He checks me down
While my boss yells at me
Looking like a fool
Can I take your order
Anything you want
I'm your waitress
I'm sorry if your food don't come out hot
I'm your waitress
I'll take it over
Do anything for you
I'm your waitress
Your waitress
Your waitress
Does it have to be so hard?
Yes we accept credit cards
Reality kicks in
I work my ass off for a tip or two
I take an order after order
Repeating a Déjà Déjà vu
Can I take your order
Anything you want
I'm your waitress
I'm sorry if your food don't come out hot
I'm your waitress
I'll take it over
Do anything for you
I'm your waitress
Your waitress