- published: 20 Jul 2017
- views: 4153
Eik may refer to :
EIK may refer to:
EiK - Palju ilusam [instrumentaalil Luurel Varas] (Muusikavideo)
EiK - Falsett [kaasas Erik Joonas juhandi, instrumentaalil Kuera] (Muusikavideo)
EiK - KuuNST (Muusikavideo)
EiK - Õnn (Prod. Kuera) [MUUSIKAVIDEO] (EIXD)
Vlog 1: (서울 스토리 타임) EiK 초기 이야기!
Reik - Ya Me Enteré (Official Video)
2 BARAI Cololo ir Vyšniukas EIK Į BARĄ 2017
eik siena grebt
eik nx lazauskiene
eik iš čia, eik iš čia, katinukai eik iš čia ! ;D
Rokfeleriai - Jei eini tai ir eik
"Speglun" by Eik (Iceland, 1976)
Eik - Speglun - 1976 (Full Album) Iceland
Eik - Hrislan Og Straumurinn (1977) (full album)
EIK Engineering, Malaysia Production Failed In Turkey
EIK ep 6 : เมื่อแอฟฟริกันลองมาม่าไทยครั้งแรก Africans try Thai ramens for the first time
EiK 어휘 늘리기 2
Kelkis ir eik (KVJK)clip.mpg
EIK picture show
eike no faustao
Actors: Ingvar Þórðarson (actor), Ingvar Þórðarson (producer), Júlíus Kemp (producer), Þorsteinn Bachmann (actor), Sveinn Ólafur Gunnarsson (actor), Hera Hilmar (actress), Baldvin Zophoníasson (director), Birna Paulina Einarsdottir (producer), Margrét Einarsdóttir (costume designer), Sigurbjorg Jonsdottir (editor), Bergþóra Ólöf Björnsdóttir (miscellaneous crew), Sunna Guðrún Pétursdóttir (miscellaneous crew), Hrefna Hagalin (miscellaneous crew), Sophie Mahlo (miscellaneous crew), Thor Kristjansson (actor),
Genres: Drama,Õpi siis refrään ilusasti pähe. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6xnQRl... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eikluuletab/pa... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eikluuletab/ Bandcamp: https://eikluuletab.bandcamp.com/ "Palju ilusam" Sõnad: EiK Taust, mix ja master: Luurel Varas Režissöör: Markus Vedler Fotograaf: Alina Maria Viik Montaaž: Eik Erik Sikk Osades: Iris Pähn, Christopher Lilleorg, Elle Maria Viies, Kirke Kaur, Katarina Pullisaar, Markus Muide, Triinu Malv, Robert Samuel Roos, Marta Vunš, Mattias Tirmaste, Mattias Hallismaa Assistendid: Susanna-Reti Räim ja Mattias Hallismaa Täname: Hesburger, Ylle Rajasaar Sõnad: Maailmas on palju ilusaid tüdrukuid, Palju kauneid neide, Ei, need räpparid on kõigist juba lood vist t...
Lugu on pärit sel kevadel ilmuvalt albumilt “uinak”, lisainfo peagi kõigis suhtlusvõrgustikes. Mängult on päriselt. Viibutades oranžiotsalise revolvriga sinu soovidest sõltumatute sündmuste suunas. - Lugu saab kuulata ning alla laadida siin: https://soundcloud.com/eixd/falsett-vestlus-iseendaga-kaasas-erikud-instrumentaalil-kuera Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7EFUzXHv3U2VQbmz6lbPXU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etilutsedaxd... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ - Sõnad: EiK ja Erik Joonas Juhandi Taust: Kuera Skit: Erik Toomet-Björck Režissöör: Franz Malmsten Operaator: Rauni Saagim Peaosas: Egert Kadastu - Sõnad: Ma istun porgandis, Kesk naeratavaid kurttummi vanainimesi, Kell on 7:26, vaevalt hilinengi. Ruuged sinisiluetid puudel Hõbetäppidega p...
Kõik saab niikuinii ju otsa ükskord. - Videos nähtud särke saab peagi soetada, täpsem info selgub EiKi lehtedel. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eikluuletab/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eikluuletab Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3U0NdaCegcpzmmrIFradRB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ Bandcamp: https://eikluuletab.bandcamp.com/ - Sõnad: EiK Taust: Kolmnurk Mix/master: Kuera Operaatorid: Maria Tõnisberg ja Eik Erik Sikk Fotograaf: Alina Maria Viik Osades: Hele-Riin Palumaa, Mattias Hallismaa, Roosi Nõgisto, Erik Joonas Juhandi, Laura Maria Tõru, Ekke Pukk, Heliis Taal, Taavet Tenno, Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa Täname: Saskia Rohtmets, Tallinna Botaanikaaed, Roland Liive - Sõnad: Vahetevahel tunne nagu Meursault’l, Kahetsen, kahtlen ja ükskõikselt võõrastu...
LOO KÄRPIMATA VERSIOON: https://soundcloud.com/eixd/onn/s-pxHSJ NÜÜDSEKS VALMINUD ALBUM “MELOMANIAKK”, SELLE SOETAMISEKS VÕTA ÜHENDUST EIXD FACEBOOKILEHEL: https://www.facebook.com/EIXD13/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ - Sõnad: Eixd Instrumentaaltaust: Kuera ( https://soundcloud.com/kueramusic ) Operaatorid: Markus Mikk, Mattias Hallismaa, Eik Erik Sikk, Laura Maala, Mattias Tirmaste Montaaž: Markus Mikk/Eik Erik Sikk Näitlejad: Hanna Maria Saar, Taavet Tenno, Mattias Hallismaa - VIDEO VALMISTAS: Markus Mikk - Videograafia & Fotograafia - Gmail - markusmikk96@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkusMikkVideograafia/?fref=ts
제 크리스마스 선물로 힘든 6년 만에 드디어 구독자 10만 명 돌파할 수 있도록 도와주세요! ㅎㅎ 이 페이지를 새로 구독하신 분을 위해서 다시 제 무료 유튜브 채널을 공유합니다! 2010년부터 시작해서 현재 무료 강의 350편 넘는 강의를 만들어서 올렸습니다. ^^ www.YouTube.com/englishinkorean 오늘부터 새로운 연재를 올려봅니다! 이번 동영상은 (EiK 역사상 처음으로ㅎㅎ) 영어 교육 방송 아니라 서울에 사는 외국인들의 삶을 들여다보고 제 서울 추억도 떠올려 보는 방송입니다. 사실 2012년에 ‘5분 과외’를 시작했을 때 ‘영어 일기장’이라는 이름도 붙이고 그러한 개념으로 출발했는데 점차 그냥 교육 방송 쪽으로 갔어요. 이번에 올린 첫 편에서 ‘EiK’ 초기 이야기도 하고 길거리에서 즉석 인터뷰도 했습니다 ~
Lista Oficial Spotify: http://smarturl.it/reikspot Consigue Ya Me Enteré en: Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmorAm iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmor VEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/reikVEVO Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmorDz Sitio Oficial: https://reik.tv/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reik Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReikMx Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reikmx/ Más de REIK Creo En Ti: http://smarturl.it/reikcreovi Te Fuiste de Aquí: http://smarturl.it/reiktefuistevid Con la Cara En Alto: http://smarturl.it/reikcaravid Reik- Ya me enteré Ya me enteré que hay alguien nuevo acariciando tu piel Algún idiota al que quieres convencer Que tú y yo somos pasado Ya me enteré que soy el malo y todo el mundo te cree Que estás mejor desde que ya no me ...
2 BARAI Cololo ir Vyšniukas EIK Į BARĄ 2017 Aš čia Vėl žvaigždėtas dangus virš manęs Aš į barą varau, aš į barą varau Palinkėsiu ir tau, palinkėsiu ir tau Aš čia Kur saulėtoji Palanga Aš bare gyvenu, aš bare gyvenu Čia yra daug draugų, čia yra daug draugų Pilnas baras traukia dainą Čia linksmybės nepraeina Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Vos tik nusileis naktis Baras vėl atsidarys Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Kai mėnulis saulę gina (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gerą nuotaiką dalina (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gal sutiksi čia merginą (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gal sutiksi čia vaikiną (eik į barą, eik į barą) Čia kur meilė ir aistra Skamba juokas ir daina Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Skruostu ašara riedės Lig šeštadienio nakties Čia sm...
kaip darbo liaudis bendrauja per pertrauka :D
Lithuanian funk. Just another face of Kontrabanda.
https://www.facebook.com/prognotfrog One of the highest regarded symphonic bands from Iceland. Surprisingly, there is little information available about them. The membership was consistent with Magnus Finnur Johannsson on flute and vocals, Thorsteinn Magnusson on guitar, mini moog and vocals, Petur Hjaltested on keyboards, Asgeir Oskarsson on drums, Haraldur Thorsteinsson on bass, percussion and vocals, and ryggvi Julius Hubner on guitar, percussion and vocals. Their career started in 1971, and lasted till 1978. In that time they only managed to release two albums, 1976's "Spelgun" and 1977's "Hrislan Og Straumurinn" They have a predominantly symphonic style, with elements of rock, blues, jazz, and even a bit of funk. Very much in the school of their '70's contemporaries, but infused with ...
Tracks 01. Stormy Monday 0:00 02. Memories 3:29 03. Funky Beat 7:10 04. Lullaby 10:05 05. Hugssin 19:36 06. Speglun 27:39 Line-up / Musicians - Magnus Finnur Johannsson / vocals, flute - Thorsteinn Magnusson / guitar, Mini Moog, vocals - Petur Hjaltested / keyboards - Asgeir Oskarsson / drums - Haraldur Thorsteinsson / bass, percussion, vocals - Tryggvi Julius Hubner / guitar, percussion, vocals Releases information LP Steinar Records EIK 001 (1976)
Excelent prog rock from Iceland: 01. hrislan og straumurinn 02. eitthvad almennnilegt 14:23 03. diskosnudurinn 18:25 04. i dvala 20:24 05. atthagar 22:44 06. funk 25:56 07. fjoll 30:09 08. i stuttu mali 34:33
EIK Engineering, Malaysia Production Failed In Turkey
เมื่อเรียกพี่ๆแอฟฟริกันในเกาหลี มาลองกินมาม่าไทยทั้ง4 รส จะชอบหรือไม่ รีแอคชั่นจะเป็นอย่างไรตามไปชมค่าา ปล.เนื่องจากเราอยู่เกาหลีกันพี่ๆเขาอาจหลุดพูดเกาหลีมาบ้างไม่ต้องตกใจนะค้า FB page: https://www.facebook.com/earninkorea/ Twitter: EarnInKorea IG: EarnA sound credit: Bensound *ไม่อนุญาตให้นำวีดีโอไปลงซ้ำในยูทูป**
www.EnglishinKorean.com 중급 1. Litter: (쓰레기를) 무단 투기하다, (명사형) 쓰레기 이 단어의 첫 음절에 들어가는 모음 소리가 한글로 표현하기 힘든 짧은 E (ih) 소리립니다. 긴 'E' 소리인 '이'하고 다릅니다. I think many people would rather not litter but there is such a scarcity of trash cans in Korea, that they finally just give up. I enjoyed my trip to the ski resort, but was really disappointed to see so much litter on the mountain. 2. Transaction: 거래 Under the cash-less cabin policy, a credit card card transaction is now the only way to purchase snacks and drinks onboard many planes. The automated ticketing machines at light rail stations are convenient but change for all cash transactions is returned in dollar coins and not bills. 3. Notorious: 악명 높은 A notorious drug dealer was finally nabbed by police last weekend in Baja, Mexic...
Lietuvos jaunimo dienų himnas
Et lille diasshow med EIK billeder inklusive EIK sang: " Going for gold " Yellow Forever !! :D
Õpi siis refrään ilusasti pähe. Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/6xnQRl... Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eikluuletab/pa... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eikluuletab/ Bandcamp: https://eikluuletab.bandcamp.com/ "Palju ilusam" Sõnad: EiK Taust, mix ja master: Luurel Varas Režissöör: Markus Vedler Fotograaf: Alina Maria Viik Montaaž: Eik Erik Sikk Osades: Iris Pähn, Christopher Lilleorg, Elle Maria Viies, Kirke Kaur, Katarina Pullisaar, Markus Muide, Triinu Malv, Robert Samuel Roos, Marta Vunš, Mattias Tirmaste, Mattias Hallismaa Assistendid: Susanna-Reti Räim ja Mattias Hallismaa Täname: Hesburger, Ylle Rajasaar Sõnad: Maailmas on palju ilusaid tüdrukuid, Palju kauneid neide, Ei, need räpparid on kõigist juba lood vist t...
Lugu on pärit sel kevadel ilmuvalt albumilt “uinak”, lisainfo peagi kõigis suhtlusvõrgustikes. Mängult on päriselt. Viibutades oranžiotsalise revolvriga sinu soovidest sõltumatute sündmuste suunas. - Lugu saab kuulata ning alla laadida siin: https://soundcloud.com/eixd/falsett-vestlus-iseendaga-kaasas-erikud-instrumentaalil-kuera Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/7EFUzXHv3U2VQbmz6lbPXU Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/etilutsedaxd... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ - Sõnad: EiK ja Erik Joonas Juhandi Taust: Kuera Skit: Erik Toomet-Björck Režissöör: Franz Malmsten Operaator: Rauni Saagim Peaosas: Egert Kadastu - Sõnad: Ma istun porgandis, Kesk naeratavaid kurttummi vanainimesi, Kell on 7:26, vaevalt hilinengi. Ruuged sinisiluetid puudel Hõbetäppidega p...
Kõik saab niikuinii ju otsa ükskord. - Videos nähtud särke saab peagi soetada, täpsem info selgub EiKi lehtedel. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eikluuletab/ Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/eikluuletab Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3U0NdaCegcpzmmrIFradRB Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ Bandcamp: https://eikluuletab.bandcamp.com/ - Sõnad: EiK Taust: Kolmnurk Mix/master: Kuera Operaatorid: Maria Tõnisberg ja Eik Erik Sikk Fotograaf: Alina Maria Viik Osades: Hele-Riin Palumaa, Mattias Hallismaa, Roosi Nõgisto, Erik Joonas Juhandi, Laura Maria Tõru, Ekke Pukk, Heliis Taal, Taavet Tenno, Maryn-Liis Rüütelmaa Täname: Saskia Rohtmets, Tallinna Botaanikaaed, Roland Liive - Sõnad: Vahetevahel tunne nagu Meursault’l, Kahetsen, kahtlen ja ükskõikselt võõrastu...
LOO KÄRPIMATA VERSIOON: https://soundcloud.com/eixd/onn/s-pxHSJ NÜÜDSEKS VALMINUD ALBUM “MELOMANIAKK”, SELLE SOETAMISEKS VÕTA ÜHENDUST EIXD FACEBOOKILEHEL: https://www.facebook.com/EIXD13/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/luuletaja/ - Sõnad: Eixd Instrumentaaltaust: Kuera ( https://soundcloud.com/kueramusic ) Operaatorid: Markus Mikk, Mattias Hallismaa, Eik Erik Sikk, Laura Maala, Mattias Tirmaste Montaaž: Markus Mikk/Eik Erik Sikk Näitlejad: Hanna Maria Saar, Taavet Tenno, Mattias Hallismaa - VIDEO VALMISTAS: Markus Mikk - Videograafia & Fotograafia - Gmail - markusmikk96@gmail.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkusMikkVideograafia/?fref=ts
제 크리스마스 선물로 힘든 6년 만에 드디어 구독자 10만 명 돌파할 수 있도록 도와주세요! ㅎㅎ 이 페이지를 새로 구독하신 분을 위해서 다시 제 무료 유튜브 채널을 공유합니다! 2010년부터 시작해서 현재 무료 강의 350편 넘는 강의를 만들어서 올렸습니다. ^^ www.YouTube.com/englishinkorean 오늘부터 새로운 연재를 올려봅니다! 이번 동영상은 (EiK 역사상 처음으로ㅎㅎ) 영어 교육 방송 아니라 서울에 사는 외국인들의 삶을 들여다보고 제 서울 추억도 떠올려 보는 방송입니다. 사실 2012년에 ‘5분 과외’를 시작했을 때 ‘영어 일기장’이라는 이름도 붙이고 그러한 개념으로 출발했는데 점차 그냥 교육 방송 쪽으로 갔어요. 이번에 올린 첫 편에서 ‘EiK’ 초기 이야기도 하고 길거리에서 즉석 인터뷰도 했습니다 ~
Lista Oficial Spotify: http://smarturl.it/reikspot Consigue Ya Me Enteré en: Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmorAm iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmor VEVO: https://www.youtube.com/user/reikVEVO Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ReikDesAmorDz Sitio Oficial: https://reik.tv/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Reik Twitter: https://twitter.com/ReikMx Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/reikmx/ Más de REIK Creo En Ti: http://smarturl.it/reikcreovi Te Fuiste de Aquí: http://smarturl.it/reiktefuistevid Con la Cara En Alto: http://smarturl.it/reikcaravid Reik- Ya me enteré Ya me enteré que hay alguien nuevo acariciando tu piel Algún idiota al que quieres convencer Que tú y yo somos pasado Ya me enteré que soy el malo y todo el mundo te cree Que estás mejor desde que ya no me ...
2 BARAI Cololo ir Vyšniukas EIK Į BARĄ 2017 Aš čia Vėl žvaigždėtas dangus virš manęs Aš į barą varau, aš į barą varau Palinkėsiu ir tau, palinkėsiu ir tau Aš čia Kur saulėtoji Palanga Aš bare gyvenu, aš bare gyvenu Čia yra daug draugų, čia yra daug draugų Pilnas baras traukia dainą Čia linksmybės nepraeina Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Vos tik nusileis naktis Baras vėl atsidarys Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Kai mėnulis saulę gina (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gerą nuotaiką dalina (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gal sutiksi čia merginą (eik į barą, eik į barą) Gal sutiksi čia vaikiną (eik į barą, eik į barą) Čia kur meilė ir aistra Skamba juokas ir daina Čia smagu (čia smagu) Ateik ir tu (ateik ir tu) Skruostu ašara riedės Lig šeštadienio nakties Čia sm...
kaip darbo liaudis bendrauja per pertrauka :D
Lithuanian funk. Just another face of Kontrabanda.
https://www.facebook.com/prognotfrog One of the highest regarded symphonic bands from Iceland. Surprisingly, there is little information available about them. The membership was consistent with Magnus Finnur Johannsson on flute and vocals, Thorsteinn Magnusson on guitar, mini moog and vocals, Petur Hjaltested on keyboards, Asgeir Oskarsson on drums, Haraldur Thorsteinsson on bass, percussion and vocals, and ryggvi Julius Hubner on guitar, percussion and vocals. Their career started in 1971, and lasted till 1978. In that time they only managed to release two albums, 1976's "Spelgun" and 1977's "Hrislan Og Straumurinn" They have a predominantly symphonic style, with elements of rock, blues, jazz, and even a bit of funk. Very much in the school of their '70's contemporaries, but infused with ...
Tracks 01. Stormy Monday 0:00 02. Memories 3:29 03. Funky Beat 7:10 04. Lullaby 10:05 05. Hugssin 19:36 06. Speglun 27:39 Line-up / Musicians - Magnus Finnur Johannsson / vocals, flute - Thorsteinn Magnusson / guitar, Mini Moog, vocals - Petur Hjaltested / keyboards - Asgeir Oskarsson / drums - Haraldur Thorsteinsson / bass, percussion, vocals - Tryggvi Julius Hubner / guitar, percussion, vocals Releases information LP Steinar Records EIK 001 (1976)
Excelent prog rock from Iceland: 01. hrislan og straumurinn 02. eitthvad almennnilegt 14:23 03. diskosnudurinn 18:25 04. i dvala 20:24 05. atthagar 22:44 06. funk 25:56 07. fjoll 30:09 08. i stuttu mali 34:33
EIK Engineering, Malaysia Production Failed In Turkey
เมื่อเรียกพี่ๆแอฟฟริกันในเกาหลี มาลองกินมาม่าไทยทั้ง4 รส จะชอบหรือไม่ รีแอคชั่นจะเป็นอย่างไรตามไปชมค่าา ปล.เนื่องจากเราอยู่เกาหลีกันพี่ๆเขาอาจหลุดพูดเกาหลีมาบ้างไม่ต้องตกใจนะค้า FB page: https://www.facebook.com/earninkorea/ Twitter: EarnInKorea IG: EarnA sound credit: Bensound *ไม่อนุญาตให้นำวีดีโอไปลงซ้ำในยูทูป**
www.EnglishinKorean.com 중급 1. Litter: (쓰레기를) 무단 투기하다, (명사형) 쓰레기 이 단어의 첫 음절에 들어가는 모음 소리가 한글로 표현하기 힘든 짧은 E (ih) 소리립니다. 긴 'E' 소리인 '이'하고 다릅니다. I think many people would rather not litter but there is such a scarcity of trash cans in Korea, that they finally just give up. I enjoyed my trip to the ski resort, but was really disappointed to see so much litter on the mountain. 2. Transaction: 거래 Under the cash-less cabin policy, a credit card card transaction is now the only way to purchase snacks and drinks onboard many planes. The automated ticketing machines at light rail stations are convenient but change for all cash transactions is returned in dollar coins and not bills. 3. Notorious: 악명 높은 A notorious drug dealer was finally nabbed by police last weekend in Baja, Mexic...
Lietuvos jaunimo dienų himnas
Et lille diasshow med EIK billeder inklusive EIK sang: " Going for gold " Yellow Forever !! :D
Excelent prog rock from Iceland: 01. hrislan og straumurinn 02. eitthvad almennnilegt 14:23 03. diskosnudurinn 18:25 04. i dvala 20:24 05. atthagar 22:44 06. funk 25:56 07. fjoll 30:09 08. i stuttu mali 34:33
www.EnglishinKorean.com 중급 1. Litter: (쓰레기를) 무단 투기하다, (명사형) 쓰레기 이 단어의 첫 음절에 들어가는 모음 소리가 한글로 표현하기 힘든 짧은 E (ih) 소리립니다. 긴 'E' 소리인 '이'하고 다릅니다. I think many people would rather not litter but there is such a scarcity of trash cans in Korea, that they finally just give up. I enjoyed my trip to the ski resort, but was really disappointed to see so much litter on the mountain. 2. Transaction: 거래 Under the cash-less cabin policy, a credit card card transaction is now the only way to purchase snacks and drinks onboard many planes. The automated ticketing machines at light rail stations are convenient but change for all cash transactions is returned in dollar coins and not bills. 3. Notorious: 악명 높은 A notorious drug dealer was finally nabbed by police last weekend in Baja, Mexic...
Tracks 01. Stormy Monday 0:00 02. Memories 3:29 03. Funky Beat 7:10 04. Lullaby 10:05 05. Hugssin 19:36 06. Speglun 27:39 Line-up / Musicians - Magnus Finnur Johannsson / vocals, flute - Thorsteinn Magnusson / guitar, Mini Moog, vocals - Petur Hjaltested / keyboards - Asgeir Oskarsson / drums - Haraldur Thorsteinsson / bass, percussion, vocals - Tryggvi Julius Hubner / guitar, percussion, vocals Releases information LP Steinar Records EIK 001 (1976)
De afgørende kampe om DM - blandt andet kampen i Frederikshavn der afgjorde DM.
De circa 35 jaar oude boom is gekapt vanwege een plakoksel, dat wil zeggen een dubbele hoofdtop die in de splitsing niet goed is vergroeid. Deze boom heeft hier ook duidelijk op gereageerd door het vormen van veel reactiehout, zogeheten olifantsoren. Ook was er een torsiescheur ontstaan als gevolg van eenzijdige windbelasting, doordat aan één kant geen bomen staan was aan die zijde veel meer takhout gevormd waardoor de boom bij harde wind op zijn stam draaide (torsie).
Winterconcert De Wijze Eik Casierlaan 14/12/2013 onder leiding van juf Bea
Jeg laget denne videoen med YouTube Videoredigerer (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
Brewday with John Palmer at Eik og Tid in Oslo, Norway. https://www.facebook.com/eiktid/ Http://howtobrew.com
Unfortunately no one was around to play with, so I did a quick solo game. EIK deal 10 discard 3 (10-3). What are some of your best solo game scores? -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/play_agricola
Jeg laget denne videoen med YouTube Videoredigerer (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
1 periode fra U17 DM finalekampen
"Subscribe to EMI Pakistan Now"" : https://goo.gl/CJjUhS Zia Mohiuddin (Zia Mohyeddin) is a Pakistani actor, producer, director and television broadcaster. Listen to Zia Mohyeddin's readings from the album Zia Mohyeddin Ke Saath Eik Shaam Vol 7 , on EMI Pakistan. Album : Zia Mohyeddin Ke Saath Eik Shaam Vol 7 Artist Name : Zia Mohyeddin Recording Artist : Iqbal Asif Label : EMI Pakistan Track List: Aab e Gham Se Ek Tukra - 0:01 Ghazal - 7:54 Ghazal - 1 - 9:35 Ghazal - 2 - 10:43 Patras Bhukari - 11:39 Raza Ali Ka Mazmoon - 32:52 Sureh Fateha - 39:36 Umrao Jaan - 43:23 Zia Sahib Ka Mazmoon - 52:17 You can also Follow us on : Official Website : http://www.emipakistan.com Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/emipakistanl... Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/#!/emipakistan Google + : http...
영어와 한국어의 비슷한 표현을 정리해서 글을 쓰는 것은 정말 오랜만입니다. 이 연재의 첫 글에서 설명했듯이 두 가지 다른 언어에 비슷한 표현이 생길 수 있는 이유는 크게 두 가지가 있습니다. 하나는 사람들이 어느 나라에 살든 같은 인류이니까 드는 생각과 표현 방식이 크게 다를 수 없다는 거죠. 이러한 예를 들면 '일석이조' 같은 말들이 있습니다. 이런 개념을 비슷한 방식으로 표현하는 숙어는 거의 전세계 모든 언어에서 찾을 수 있을 것입니다. 또 한 가지 이유는 세계화되면서 전세계 사람들 사이에서 표현을 수입/수출하는 것이 활성화돼서 원래 없었던 표현이 탄생되는 겁니다. 냉정하게 말하면 주로 일방적으로 영어 표현들을 다른 언어에서 도입하는 것이고, 다른 나라의 말들이 영어에 들어오는 경우는 비교적 드뭅니다. 아래 표현들은 이 두 부류에 속합니다. 영어에서 온 것 같은 표현 (제 짐작) 1. 독점적으로 말하다 To monopolize the conversation (누군가 한 명 계속 말할 때) That new guy in our study group is so full of hot air. Yeah, I wish he wouldn't always monopolize the conversation like that. 2. 장난 아냐 It's no joke (이 표현은 몇 년 전까지만 해도 없었던 것 같은데 이제 한국어에서도 생겼어요) I'm thinking about moving to China to teach English. How much do yo...
This is a drama series that comes up with a new story and characters in every episode. Every new story describes the issues that can turn your life around, but you can make it heaven by dealing them with your head. Cast: Faisal Rehman, Beenish Chohan, Kashif Mahmood, Aijaz Aslam, Imran Aslam, Natasha, Sajjal, Behroz Sabzwari, Naila Jafri, Sana, Maria Wasti, Noman Ejaz and Others. Directed By: Naian Maniar Written by Adeel Razzaq
Uh, yeah y'know, shit is wild he, heh
Can't complain though I'm alive
Healthy and all a that knahmsayin?
Just tryin' to do my thang, praise to all
Bust it that nigga Slick Rick said, I waited long time sweatin' it
I got jerked but now I'm gettin' it, hazy like asthma bizarre disaster
Stress almost held me down from bein' a master
The faster preacher, poet, a teacher, it's been so long like Monifah
Believe that I'm needed, in rappin', I breathe this
Some pick up a microphone and can't even achieve this
Oscar award winning your shit, I'm bored with it
Stop copy-catting son
'Cause your dog did it
Get your own lingo, make up your own jingle
Ten years later you be bitin' my single
Primo, take it downtown, swing it
Intervenin' on the board, sensimil steamin', yeah
Catch the vibe like a tribal dance
In the clubs on the low with the boy stance
Money rubbin' with a shorty got bumped by a chump
Tell him, step off, I'm doin' the hump, yeah
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way you bound to get dropped
Some wish that I was gone 'cause they know I'ma win
In a minute, I'll be makin' six G's times ten
I'm the computer, printin' out data take notes
Then analyze the information and press send
Freaky like porno, Ron Jeremy saw no
Obstacle or pussy to stop him from bonin' a hoe
Me and the mic double trouble
Chicks look at us like twins, all lovable and huggable
Prognosis, on the, mic I choke out
Had the same effects from coughin', blowin' smoke out
Architect, rap technician, man listen
It's no doubt you gonna pump this in your system
My skills ill and all of that above
Confidence, I'm not worried 'bout a street buzz
I'm O.C., who you? I never heard of ya
Get out my face 'fore I turn into a motherfuckin' murderer
I want the green like indo, a mansion, a car
A wife who's never been a bimbo
Too much to ask, well, to me that's simple
Wanna retire on a yacht called the S. S. Minnow
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
Top choice, this here nigga got poise
Ain't a man alive who could stop my noise
I snatch a star from the sky, spark up your lye
You stand astounded wonderin' how I did it
Now you're star struck, like I truck gold
Treatin' me like a nigga havin' a million records sold
Now a star child, phenomenon like the X-Files
Rappers know I'm comin' so they go in exile
Czar in this rap shit, comin' on your mattress
Microphone fiend, I make beats do back flips
Fear me like genocide, serious
How I do it through your stereo, mysterious
O.C. do demolition, nil competition
Like robot Kong on a destroy mission
A matter of life and death you try to fight for breath
I snatch your heart from a slice through your chest
Who the best from New York to Bogota?
Who got face thinkin' they scare me with a scar, shit?
What I be bringin' is a terrible sight
A performance never again performed on the mic
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped
I say it's my world and I won't stop
And if you stand in my way, you bound to get dropped