Fish-hooking is the act of inserting a finger or fingers of one or both hands into the mouth, nostrils or other orifices of a person, and pulling away from the centerline of the body; in most cases with the intention of pulling, tearing, or lacerating the surrounding tissue. Forceful fish-hooking involves a high risk of permanent facial or orifice damage. Sometimes, the term fish hooking refers to a type of eye gouging.
Fish-hooking techniques are disallowed in modern combat sports, mixed martial arts, and martial arts competitions due to the risk of permanent injury. This technique however, is occasionally taught as part of self-defense curricula in some martial arts such as Krav Maga and Gōjū-ryū.
Fight! Almost rips guys nose off! Fish-hooking guys nose
SNAPPER FISHING on lures - triple hook-up 14.5kg giants!
How to remove a fish hook - Guide sticks 4 hooks in arm to demonstrate!
How to tie on a fish hook (the quickest, easiest, and best knot you can use)
fish hook emergency
#3 My favorite fishing knot | How to tie a fishing hook to a line
SHARK FISHING - Hooking Up With A Monster Delaware Bay Shark!!!
Fish Hooking 101
Friends . Fish-hooking
How To Hook Live Bait
Fish Hooking Lance
Fish Hooking With YorkshireBoyStudios.
Dumb describes his weekly routine of "fish-hooking" out his backed up feces
Fish hook removal - Guide sticks 5 hooks in himself to demonstrate!
Fight! Almost rips guys nose off! Fish-hooking guys nose
SNAPPER FISHING on lures - triple hook-up 14.5kg giants!
How to remove a fish hook - Guide sticks 4 hooks in arm to demonstrate!
How to tie on a fish hook (the quickest, easiest, and best knot you can use)
fish hook emergency
#3 My favorite fishing knot | How to tie a fishing hook to a line
SHARK FISHING - Hooking Up With A Monster Delaware Bay Shark!!!
Fish Hooking 101
Friends . Fish-hooking
How To Hook Live Bait
Fish Hooking Lance
Fish Hooking With YorkshireBoyStudios.
Dumb describes his weekly routine of "fish-hooking" out his backed up feces
Fish hook removal - Guide sticks 5 hooks in himself to demonstrate!
Angler Sticks Hook in Arm to Demonstrate Amazing Hook Removal Technique
Tom Hill's Karate Dojo; Combat Fish hooking techniques
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How To Set Up A Fishing Line
Big game Fishing - Hooking a Swordfish HD
How to Fly Fish: Setting the Hook and Fighting the Fish
#1 The Easiest and Reliable Fishing Knot Full HD
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Bass Eats Lure in Ultra Clear Underwater Gopro Footage
Hooked Monster Fish Thailand
Fishing with Greenbacks
UFC Fight Night Henderson vs. Khabilov 6th round
Agony Outdoors: How to-Surf Fishing/ Sandy Hook New Jersey
Nick Burrage Social - Carp Fishing
How To Fish Lake Monduaran
Fishing with Shrimp
Pike on Dead Bait - Fishing Britain
Albacore Tuna Fishing Live Bait Stop Westport, WA 9/23/12
Snake River Sturgeon Fishing
How To Catch Squid - Hooked Up Tv Episode 1
Ice Fishing for Lake Trout in Cold Lake Alberta
Skeena Tributary Steelhead - BC Outdoors Sport Fishing S01E07
ULTIMATE FISHING - Marlin on a Jetski
Hooked With Dave Butfield Beach Worms, Bream & Whiting
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River Monsters S04E03 - Invisible Executioner - HD 720p
Hooked with Paul Young - Itchen For Trout...
Key West Sharks and Sails ITB12008
Pike fishing tips - Live Baiting by TAFishing Show
Fish Mavericks hooking up more Tuna on Pre-fish Day
Spotting, Hooking, Fighting, and Landing Fish
Lets Talk Freddy Fish Farts Hooking up Duhop
Hooking into Kings in the far North of NZ with Fish Whisperer
trying to catch snapper, hooking a shark, loosing the fish and playing around with chum
Hooking big fish on Jarvis walker rods
Jippy de-hooking her fish
Un hooking a giant fish (part 1)
Un hooking a giant fish (part 2)
Hooking a Big Snook Inshore fishing off of the Mixed Bag Offshore Adventures Charters
Aidan hooking a whopper blue fish
Fish Hooking simple
Instructional Closed Syllable Fish Hooking
SHARK FISHING Hooking Up With A Monster Delaware Bay Shark!!!
Stone Cold Fishing Ep.5 "Minnow Hooking"
Un hooking a fish at Brigham fishing
Marlin Sinks Fishing Boat. Vessel Capsizes After Hooking Huge Fish [Reuploaded]
Olallie Lake Hooking Fish #3 - 09-2013
Olallie Lake Hooking Fish #4 - 09-2013
Olallie Lake Hooking Fish #5 - 09-2013
Olallie Lake Hooking Fish #6