- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 834035
Lilium (members of which are true lilies) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends into the northern subtropics. Many other plants have "lily" in their common name but are not related to true lilies.
Lilies are tall perennials ranging in height from 2–6 ft (60–180 cm). They form naked or tunicless scaly underground bulbs which are their overwintering organs. In some North American species the base of the bulb develops into rhizomes, on which numerous small bulbs are found. Some species develop stolons. Most bulbs are deeply buried, but a few species form bulbs near the soil surface. Many species form stem-roots. With these, the bulb grows naturally at some depth in the soil, and each year the new stem puts out adventitious roots above the bulb as it emerges from the soil. These roots are in addition to the basal roots that develop at the base of the bulb.
Hatsune Miku (Japanese: 初音ミク), sometimes referred to as Miku Hatsune, is a humanoid persona voiced by a singing synthesizer application developed by Crypton Future Media. Hatsune Miku is portrayed as a 16-year-old girl with long turquoise twintails. She uses Yamaha Corporation's Vocaloid 2 and Vocaloid 3 singing synthesizing technologies. She also uses Crypton Future Media's Piapro Studio, a singing synthesizer VSTi Plugin. She was the second Vocaloid sold using the Vocaloid 2 engine, and the first Japanese Vocaloid to use the Japanese version of the Vocaloid 2 engine. Her voice is sampled from Japanese voice actress Saki Fujita. Hatsune Miku has performed at her concerts onstage as an animated projection.
The name of the character comes from merging the Japanese words for first (初, hatsu), sound (音, ne) and future (ミク, miku), thus meaning "the first sound from the future," referring to her position as the first of Crypton's "Character Vocal Series."
Hatsune Miku was the first Vocaloid developed by Crypton Future Media after they handled the release of the Yamaha vocal Meiko and Kaito. She was built using Yamaha's Vocaloid 2 technology, and later updated over time to newer engine versions. She was created by taking vocal samples from voice actress Saki Fujita at a controlled pitch and tone and those different samples all contain a single Japanese or English phonic which, when strung together, create full lyrics and phrases. The pitch of the samples was to be altered by the synthesizer engine itself, and was constructed into a keyboard style instrument within the Vocaloid software.
Gumi - Clean Freak (ケッペキショウ)
【○ミヤビ】ケッペキショウ Clean Freak【踊ってみた】
ケッペキショウ 歌ってみた リミット
【作業用BGM】聞くとテンションが上がる ボカロ神曲メドレー50曲
Gumi, Lily, Kamui Gakupo - Straying Rhapsody (迷走ラプソディ)
English Ver. 「Crimson and White Spider Lily Song」 英語で歌ってみた ✿ham 「●ω●」
-ケッペキショウ-Fastidiousness Show- Cover.
【Re: and Lily】Synchronicity~第二章 光と影の楽園~ 多重録音してみました
FACE 歌ってみた 【ぶん】
The story of a clean freak in a dirty world Little things that were too hard to subtitle: - The book he's reading throughout the song is: A Theory on Modern-Day Humanity - Stack of books at 0:39 - Radical Anthropology (A reference to A Radical Man and Woman's Song) Inwards and Outwards (A reference to...Outwards and Inwards) A Liar's Communication (A reference to A Liar's World) Irony Syndrome I Irony Syndrome II (A reference to Irony) - At 2:53 - Irony-chan! Music and Lyrics: Scop (すこっぷ) Movie: Avogado6 (アボガド6) Author Comment: A dirty me in this dirty world. Original Video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19595505 ~ i dont own anything in this video aside from the english translation, all rights go to the niconico uploaders ~
\(^o^)/ Watch in HD ○ Miyabi's dance cover ! (^∇^) I try dancing Clean Freak ! I hope you'll like it ! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ At the end we can't see my eyes. Haha, Stupid mask ! Special guest : Hamano 【はまの♀】 ! (≧ω≦) Twitter : https://twitter.com/MaruMiiya https://twitter.com/Hamano7 Nico nico Douga : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21221576 マイリスト: mylist/37350501 Original Song: 【GUMI】ケッペキショウ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19595505 This version sung by きじねこ http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19690536 Choreography reference ダンドル ( Dancing Dolls ) http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20284590
| ‾◒◝)ノRemember to watch at the original first and mylisting the video at nico douga to help your fav singers in the nico rankings!! ★Title: Keppekishou ★Singer: LIMIT ★ニコ link:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19672840 MP3: http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm19672840 ・‥...━━━━━━━━━★ (Find & click "MP3 を抽出") Original video description:
1.Redial (0:00) 2.Tell Your World (4:43) 3.Packaged (8:54) 4.積乱雲グラフティ(13:49) 5.Dear(17:23) 6.モノクロ∞ブルースカイ(21:47) 7.深海少女(25:28) 8.鎖の少女(29:02) 9.ワールドイズマイン(33:26) 10.メルト(37:40) 11.恋は戦争(41:56) 12.ハッピーシンサセイザ(45:51) 13.*ハロー、プラネット。(49:44) 14.Fire◎flower(54:45) 15.ハロ/ハワユ(56:04) 16.@アイロニ(1:03:48) 17.心拍数#0822(1:07:57) 18.Reboot(1:13:12) 19.from Y to Y(1:17:38) 20.初めての恋が終わる時(1:23:09) 21.愛言葉(1:28:29) 22.弱虫モンブラン(1:32:54) 23.おちゃめ機能(1:36:54) 24.白い雪のプリンセスは(1:41:01) 25.言葉欠乏(1:45:23) 26.ハウトゥー世界征服(1:49:49) 27.天楽(1:53:23) 28.ローリンガール(1:57:54) 29.ケッペキショウ(2:01:04) 30.延命治療(2:04:43) 31.ロストワンの号哭(2:15:52) 32.千本桜(2:11:48) 33.エレクトロトレイン(2:15:52) 34.エレクトロサチュレイタ(2:20:06) 35.ヒカレルサテライト(2:25:14) 36.どういうことなの!?(2:30:00) 37.Do You & So You(2:34:00) 38.ファインダー(2:38:00) 39.39(2:43:11) 40.FREELY TOMORROW(2:46:50) 41.タイムマシン(2:50:49)...
全曲知ってたらすごいです、ボカロ厨です あくまで作業用BGMなので、画像が曲にあっていない等のコメントは自重していただけるとありがたいです 主はあまりボカロを聞きませんが、MMDなどでよく聞くので、好きなものもあります 画像はこのためだけにがんばりました・・・曲を飛ばす時にわかりやすいと思いまして 主はこれらの楽曲を制作された、プロデューサーの皆様を尊敬しております 主と元主ともう一人で作った最新作です→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hx71MP7c0Y よかったらこちらも見てください 企画-Alen 選曲-Alen 素材収集-Alen 動画制作-えーた この先ネタバレ注意です! 01) [0:00:00] Carry Me Off - 八王子P (HachiojiP) aka 8#Prince // 初音ミク (Miku Hatsune) 02) [0:03:35] ODDS&ENDS - ryo (supercell) // 初音ミク (Miku Hatsune) 03) [0:09:22] WAVE - niki // Lily 04) [0:12:38] オレンジ (Orange) - トーマ (Tohma) // 初音ミク (Miku Hatsune) 05) [0:16:50] カミサマネジマキ (Kamisama Neji Maki/Wind-Up God) - kemu // GUMI 06) [0:20:30] からくりピエロ (Karakuri Pierrot/Clockwork Clown) - 40㍍P (40mP) // 初音ミク (Miku Hatsune) 07) [0:25:25] ケッペキショウ (Keppekishou/Clean Freak) - すこっぷ (...
this video was uploaded by 'dme ch190', with the person behind the lyrics and music unknown. the objective is to guess who you think may have created this song. AUTHOR COMMENT: This song is, a new song by a very popular producer! but who that was, is a secret. Please, go ahead and try to guess whom it is! well then, who is it? --some popular opinions were; Last Note, YuchaP, and Hitoshizuku. SO, the final result is... (ta-tatata-ta-taaaaaa) Hitoshizuku x Yama△ Illust: 鈴ノ助 (Suzunosuke) Movie: とさお (TSO) Original Video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1346842013 ~ i dont own anything in this video aside from the english translation, all rights go to the niconico uploaders ~
"Let's get started then~! ♥" (Please read on for my interpretation of the song) Instrumental pitched down 2 semitones~ ♊ ☽ ♊ ☾ ♊ Donate: http://www.patreon.com/feedtheham Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ham/157805584367930?ref=hl Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/hamxham Tumblr: https://hamface101.tumblr.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/hampotato1 mp3: http://www.mediafire.com/download/scyk7yvtd4tpvvr/Crimson%20and%20White%20Spider%20Lily%20Song%20(English)%20-%20ham.mp3 or https://app.box.com/s/xqu8kncru1slppneh4te Lyrics: http://bit.ly/1meYke8 ♊ ☽ ♊ ☾ ♊ Happy March! God how has it already been so much time-- Since people have been asking, here is my explanation for what's going on: Len and Rin are twin geishas, and their parents abandoned them a long time ago. They ha...
First Cooperation by Gumi and Nysander, will have a lot of things going on pretty soon.
In the end I will not upload any covers of part 1 of the Synchronicity because do remember the song has started from just being a prologue voiced by vocaloids in the first palce but do view it here in the link below: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6256856 | ‾◒◝)ノRemember to watch at the original first and mylisting the video at nico douga to help your fav singers in the nico rankings!! ★Title: Synchronicity~Part 2 Hikari to Kage no Rakuen~ ★Singer: Re: and Lily ★ニコ link:http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12400123 MP3: http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm12400123 ・‥...━━━━━━━━━★ (Find & click "MP3 を抽出") Original video description: れ「サムネは絶対にこのシーンで投稿してくれたまえ、リリィ君。」 り「かしこまりました、殿。」 *各所の声の震えはブルガリアンボイスを見様見真似で取り入れようと奮闘歌唱して撃沈した結果です(´・ω:;.:... *歌唱法参考音源【sm10955661】 *1番は全てリリィ・2番は全てRe:さんによる多重コーラスです...
Title: FACE Singer: Bun (ぶん) ニコニコ動画 Link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19900357 MP3: http://nicosound.anyap.info/sound/sm19900357 (Find & click "MP3 を抽出") Follow me on Twitter!: https://twitter.com/SyreneSiren Original Video Description: ねぇ?貴方を殺して私を眠らせてよ nikiさんのFACEを歌わせていただきました ◆本家様:【sm16164600】 ◆Vocal&Mix:ぶん【mylist/32970413】【co1435280】@buxun ※声をガッツリ加工してます、苦手な方は恐る恐る聴いてください。キーは+3です。 「ケッペキショウ」【sm19751395】←前作 | 次作→ -You want more? Then, subscribe!- -I do not own the video or song. All credit goes to the original creator(s)!-