Archipelagos in
Matthew Dodkins Bluefruit
Software @bluefruit
Interactive workshop (no computer)
Anyone who has attempted to cope with the creation and distribution of large quantities of code knows how complex a problem it can become.
Git helps, but doesn’t solve all the issues and the blessed repository in the sky approach starts to break down with many developers all working together on the same codebase.
Archipelagos are a concept invented by Matthew @Bluefruit to help teams not go completely insane as they try to maintain the quality and habitability of their code.
Anyone who has attempted to cope with the creation and distribution of large quantities of code knows how complex a problem it can become.
Git helps, but doesn’t solve all the issues for you and the blessed repository approach starts to break down with many developers all working together on very similar, inter-dependent products across multiple teams. Of course, people willing to review and merge code almost full-time helps, but no-one really wants to do that, and it isn’t right anyway; you need to practise coding to be good at coding, and reviewing code well requires a high level of programming skill.
Git archipelagos are the way we have solved this problem at Bluefruit. It is a concept I created which helps everyone understand what’s going on and share code which leads to a release, even when huge rafts of code changes are flying around.
The goal of this session will be to provide a concept and set of guidelines for the organisation of semi-disparate groups
of individuals who :-
Need to share
Desire protection from the uninhabitable and non-functional
* Value creative/productive energy over an abundance of rules and regulations, which only impede you
Hmm, that sounds like a familiar problem, doesn’t it?
I believe there are parallels between this and the problem of co-operation between communities in general.
Large/multiple teams of programmers who need to learn to share nicely have an opportunity to explore some of the potential solutions without invoking the wrath of those who hold us in thrall 😉
You will be taken on a short journey of the history of humanity, given an overview of the problems we face and how they relate to software engineering, and together we will discuss some ideas about how we might overcome them.
Matthew is a very experienced programmer (coding since he was 6) having a lot of fun leading an
Agile team of embedded software engineers in
Cornwall, England.
He uses
C, C++, C# and
Assembly, and works on lots of different projects, including wireless systems, an electric bike, safe/banking systems, a medical grade water purifier, time code encryption system and many others.
Matthew is currently programming low-power
ARM Cortex MCUs and solving complex technical and social problems all day long.
A two day conference on the
Cornish coast with a beach party in between, perfect to evoke creative and technical thinking, enjoy time with the UKs leading thinkers in agile adoption and evolution.
Agile on the Beach is a leading annual conference in
Falmouth, Cornwall. Exploring the latest agile and lean thinking in software craftmanship, teams and business. Including ample networking opportunities such as the beach party this conference brings together
300 people to explore, evolve and find out what it means to be truely agile in business, from its culture to product development practices
Software Craftsmanship: For the professionals, there’s plenty of technical innovations on offer.
Software developers will be guided through the latest techniques, for two days
Cornwall will be the epicentre of global Agile technology.
Teams: The Agile approach is not just about the business of software.
It’s about the business of your approach. The conference will ask managers, directors, or indeed anyone leading a team to re-assess the way they work. Learn about high performing and innovative teams and find out what they do differently and how to create and manage your own. Agile on the Beach is the perfect environment to take some time to re-design the approach you take to your team.
The business stream will explore how a business can adopt agile beyond software development and its impact on wider business activities. Including the latest models for product development and agile marketing.
Product: The product stream explores developing agile products and how
Product Development align with UX and other practices and how these can be improved.
September 2016
Cornwall UK
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 26