- published: 19 Jun 2017
- views: 312
Ivan Janez Janša (Slovene pronunciation: [ˈíːʋan ˈjàːnʃa]; born 17 September 1958), baptized and best known as Janez Janša,[ˈjàːnɛs ˈjàːnʃa] is a Slovenian politician who was Prime Minister of Slovenia from 2004 to 2008 and again from 2012 to 2013. He has led the Slovenian Democratic Party since 1993. Janša was Minister of Defence from 1990 to 1994, holding that post during the Slovenian War of Independence (June–July 1991).
Janša became Prime Minister again in 2012, following an early election in December 2011. On 27 February 2013, Janša's second government was ousted in a vote of non-confidence, and Positive Slovenia's Alenka Bratušek was tasked to form a new government. On 5 June 2013, Janša was sentenced to two years in prison on corruption charges. The ruling was confirmed by Slovenia's higher court on 28 April 2014 and unanimously overturned by the Constitutional Court of Slovenia on 23 April 2015.
Born to a Roman Catholic working-class family of Grosuplje, he was called Janez (a version of the same name, known as John in English) since childhood. His father was a member of the Slovenian Home Guard from Dobrova near Ljubljana who had escaped Communist retaliation due to his young age. Janez graduated from the University of Ljubljana with a degree in Defence Studies in 1982, and became a trainee in the Defence Secretariate of the Socialist Republic of Slovenia. In his younger years, when being a communist was advantageous for career, he was a member of the League of Communists and one of the leaders of its youth wing. He became president of the Committee for Basic People's Defence and Social Self-Protection of the Alliance of Socialist Youth of Slovenia (ZSMS).
Aktualno: pogovor Janez Janša (19. 6. 2017)
Janez Janša na srečanju odborov SDS, Bovec, 22. 7. 2017
Predsednik SDS Janez Janša o izvolitvi Donalda Trumpa za predsednika ZDA
Janez Jansa 1988 - 2015 Preverjeno 23. 06. 2015 POPTV
[Video Hobotnica] 15.03.2017 Nova24TV: Ekskluzivni intervju s predsednikom SDS Janezom Janšo
Ta teden: Janez Janša je postal reper
Ta Teden: Janez Janša in Svinjske planine
Klemen Slakonja - JJ Style (Gangnam Style Parody)
Nagovor predsednika SDS Janeza Janše na tradicionalnem srečanju odborov SDS pred začetkom letnega tabora SDS v Bovcu, 22. 7. 2017.
Stranka SDS je imela letni zbor in s 666 glasovi za, je novi predsednik postal Janez Janša oz. Jay-J, jo. Deli video s prijatelji!
Janez Janša je na shodu SDS nagovoril udeležence. Bojda so imeli tudi neke igre. Deli video s prijatelji!
Klemen Slakonja impersonating Janez Janša, former Prime Minister of Slovenia. Parody, Zadetek v petek, 22.2.2013 http://www.klemenslakonja.com http://www.facebook.com/klemenslakonja https://twitter.com/KlemenSlakonja http://vimeo.com/filmservis JJ Style To je JJ Style! JJ Style! Vlada mi razpada, ampak jaz sem vaš predsednik. Čeprav me vsi zapuščate, vztrajam, nisem bednik. Ačiha, vidte res je, sori, žal ne gre drugače, kot da režem vaše plače. Jaz sem moški, ki ljubi rastline in živali in vse ljudi. Razumte, da za naše gospodarstvo me skrbi. Varčevat je treba, ovčice moje, dnarja ni, ne, dnarja ni! Kdor se upira, me čist znervira, tožim ga, če se mi da. Ma vsi ste isti, levi fašisti, bojite se Princa Teme. Uspešno vladam, vi pa protestirate! To pač je JJ Style. Hop, hop v galop, ...
Prime minister of Slovenia, Janez Jansa has been heading the EU presidency since January. His government has successfully adopted the Euro, being the first ex-communist state to do so. As Slovenia shows Europe its political skills, many analysts expect a low profile presidency.
Janez Jansa führt seit 15 Jahren die liberal-konservative Partei in Slowenien. Er war maßgeblich an ihrer Ausrichtung auf marktwirtschaftliche und prowestliche Standpunkten beteiligt. Vor drei Monaten hat sein Land als erstes der neuen Mitgliedsländer die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft übernommen.
Im Frühjahr 2008 übernimmt Slowenien zum ersten Mal die Verantwortung der Ratspräsidentschaft Von Lissabon nach Ljubljana: Nach Portugal übernimmt Slowenien ab Januar 2008 die Ratspräsidentschaft der EU und ist damit das erste und kleinste der Neuländer (neuen Mitglieder), das dem Europäischen Rat sechs Monate lang vorsitzt. Über die Vorbereitungen auf die Präsidentschaft und über die Ziele, die erreicht werden sollen, spricht der slowenische Regierungs-Chef Janez Jansa im Interview auf DW-TV.
(28 Sep 2012) ++PLEASE USE THIS EDIT, WHICH CORRECTS THE AUDIO++ 1. Wide of Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa talking 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Janez Jansa, Prime Minister of Slovenia: "First, I cannot comment on concrete actions of the police and other state authorities. It would be unfair. Second, freedom of speech has nothing to do with corruption." 3. Wide of Jansa listening 4. SOUNDBITE: (English) Janez Jansa, Prime Minister of Slovenia: "The governmental coalition is determined to do everything what's possible to prevent such a situation so Slovenia is not currently in the situation to ask for foreign help. We can come to this situation if we continue with the politics which has been implementing, implemented during the last three years when the necessary reforms the necess...
An Interview with Janez Jansa, Former Priminister of Slovenia A World Without Walls 2010 Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Berlin, November 2010) Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies Publication Institute for Cultural Diplomacy www.ccds-berlin.de www.culturaldiplomacy.org
Janez Janša pravi, da ni kopiral svojega govora od Tonya Blaira