- published: 15 Feb 2010
- views: 3939514
Jorge Luis Velosa Ruiz, better known as Jorge Velosa (born October 8, 1949), is a Colombian veterinary physician and singer-songwriter born in the small town of Ráquira in the Boyacá Department, widely famous in his country for being the creator of the folk musical genre known as carranga.
Velosa is the sixth of seven siblings. After completing his elementary education, he had to move to Bogotá to complete his secondary education, as there were no schools in his hometown. In the 1970s Velosa was admitted to National University of Colombia in Bogota, where he obtained a degree as a veterinary physician. There he met Javier Moreno, who made him the proposal to rescue and spread the traditional folkloric music from the Andes region in Colombia. After creating a band with Moreno and others, called "Los Hermanos Rodríguez," they jumped to fame after an invitation to the festival Guitarra de Plata Campesina (Farmer Silver Guitar), organized by the local radio station Radio Furatena in Chiquinquirá. With this success they were invited to create a radio program for the station, which was to be called “Canta el Pueblo” (People Sing) with the idea of interacting with the locals and thus learning from them the traditions and folk knowledge. Because of this Velosa never actually practiced veterinary medicine, and rather engaged in acting, radio hosting, Costumbrismo poetry, and, particularly, to music. With the group he managed to gather he created a new musical genre called carranga which has become one of the most outstanding examples of Colombian folk music.
Jorge Velosa - La Pirinola (Video Lyric) [HD]
Mi Caballito de Acero Jorge Velosa
7. La Gallina - Jorge Velosa y Los Carrangueros de Ráquira - Concierto SONIDO EN VIVO
Caetano Veloso - Sozinho
Humanity and AI will be inseparable
Jorge Velosa Te digo Adiós
Jorge Velosa - la cucharita.mp4
JORGE VELOSA - LA CUCHARITA . MUSICA CAMPESINA FLOCKLORE COLOMBIANO - CARRANGA Cantante Músico y Compositor - Colombiano Grupo Velosa y los Carrangueros DE COLOMBIA - - Jorge Velosa (nacio en el año . 1949) es un médico veterinario y cantautor colombiano nacido en el municipio de Ráquira (Boyacá) que adquirió fama por ser el co-iniciador del género musical conocido como carranga. - EN SUS INICIOS - En los años setenta ingresó a la Universidad Nacional, donde se graduó como médico veterinario. Allí conoció a Javier Moreno que le propuso rescatar y difundir la música del interior colombiano. Para empezar crearon un programa en la emisora chiquinquireña Radio Furatena, junto con Javier Apráez y Ramiro Zambrano para interactuar con los habitantes de la región y aprender de ellos las...
Una bella canción del maestro Jorge Velosa Ruiz, le canta a nuestros campesinos colombianos, que siguen luchando por un mejor pais, a pesar de tantas dificualtades.....como dice la letra "por tener una esperanza pa vivir y a sabiendas que los sueños, sueños son" ... para ellos un saludo. el video es de darck9214
Jorge Luis Velosa Ruiz es un cantautor colombiano que adquirió reconocimiento por ser el co-iniciador del género musical conocido como carranga. Sígueme en mi segundo canal (GamePlays) http://www.youtube.com/c/ComandonatorOzCoZ Sígueme en Facebook https://www.facebook.com/comandonatorOz
Mi caballito de acero Jorge Velosa Genero: Carranga Un homenaje a Nairo Quintana, Rigoberto Urán y Julián Arredondo, Los campeones del giro de Italia 2014. Nairo Quintana Campeón del giro y de los jóvenes, Rigoberto Urán subcampeón del giro y Julián Arredondo Campeón de la montaña. Grandes Ciclistas, bien por Colombia y latinoamérica. Primera vez en la historia que se gana el giro de Italia un colombiano y un latinoamericano. Gloria al ciclismo colombiano.
SONIDO EN VIVO presenta el cierre del Festival Latinoamericano de la Canción Infantil con el legendario carranguero Jorge Velosa y su agrupación, quienes cerraron con broche de oro este concierto al son de las canciones incluidas dentro de su producción infantil Lero Lero Candelero. Más información en nuestra web: http://sonidoenvivo.org
Music video by Caetano Veloso performing Sozinho. (C) 2011 Universal Music Ltda
Carnegie Mellon University's head of machine learning, Manuela Veloso, talks about the challenge AI presents for humanity — and what Siri and Alexa might look like in 2021. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/G5RXGs Check out our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/lfcGfq Visit our playlists: http://goo.gl/94XbKx Like The Verge on Facebook: http://goo.gl/2P1aGc Follow on Instagram: http://goo.gl/7ZeLvX Read More: http://www.theverge.com
Orgullosamente Boyacense!!!!!!!!!
Baile la Gallina saraviada - Jorge Velosa (Gallina mellicera) Mi gallina saraviada, hace días puso un huevito y del huevito nacieron dos pollitos chiquiticos (BIS)... Video presentación Juli - Cecil Reddie 2014
Entrevista a Monsieur Periné para canalrcn.com, grabado a dos camaras; sony N5 y DSLR Canon 5Ti, editado en Avid Media. Pagina oficial de Monsieur Periné: https://www.youtube.com/user/monsieurperine/videos http://www.mperine.com/ https://instagram.com/monsieurperine/ https://twitter.com/monsieurperine
http://tunesalive.com/AmeliaRomano/ Amelia and Misha on why 'music is life' Hernando interviews Amelia Romano and Misha Khalikulov of StringQuake Filmed in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco
Taita Jojoa sings to mother Ayahuasca. Contact: english@innermastery.es All our retreats in Europe: http://www.albertojosevarela.com/en/lp/english-retreats/ Our trip to the colombian jungle every month: http://www.ayahuascatravels.com/en/ Our blog for consciousness: http://www.albertojosevarela.com/en/
Produced by GuitarCoop Interviewer - Paulo Martelli Images | Editing: Eduardo Sardinha Sound Engineering: Ricardo Marui Sound Assistant: Henrique Caldas Musical Producer: Thiago Abdalla Production Assistants: Lilah Kuhn | Maria Cajas Translator: David G. Molina Location: Unibes Cultural - São Paulo - SP Date: June/2016 The Art of Duo Siqueira Lima www.guitarcooop.com.br/duosiqueiralima GuitarCoop www.guitarcooop.com.br
You were the sunshine, baby Whenever you smiled But I
call you Stormy todayAll of a sudden That ole rain's
fallin' down And my world is cloudy and gray You've gone
awayOh Stormy, Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Bring back that
sunny dayYesterday's love Was like a warm summer breeze
But, just like the weather you changed Now things are
dreary, baby And it's windy and cold And I stand alone in
the rain And I'm callin' your nameYeah Stormy, Stormy,
Stormy, Stormy Bring back that sunny dayOh, my storm Come
on back and storm Come on back and bring back that sun
againI need you Stormy, Stormy, Stormy Stormy Bring it
back, bring that sunny day, bring that sunny day Bring