- published: 15 Nov 2017
- views: 5
Dario Argento (Italian: [ˈdaːrjo arˈdʒɛnto]; born 7 September 1940) is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as giallo, and for his influence on modern horror movies.
Argento was born in Rome, the son of film producer and executive Salvatore Argento and Brazilian-born photographer Elda Luxardo. He began his career in film as a critic, writing for various magazines while still attending high school.
Argento did not attend college, electing rather to take a job as a columnist at the newspaper Paese Sera. While working at the newspaper, Argento also began working as a screenwriter. His most notable work was for Sergio Leone; he and Bernardo Bertolucci collaborated on the story for the spaghetti western classic Once Upon a Time in the West. Soon after that film's 1969 release, Argento began working on his directorial debut, the giallo film The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, which was released in 1970 and was a major hit in Italy. Argento continued to concentrate largely on the giallo genre, directing two more successful thrillers, The Cat o' Nine Tails (1971) and Four Flies on Grey Velvet (1972). Along with The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, these three films are frequently referred to as Argento's "animal trilogy". The director then turned his attention away from giallo movies, filming two Italian TV dramas and a period comedy (The Five Days) in 1973. Argento returned to thrillers with 1975's Deep Red, frequently cited by many critics as the best giallo ever made. The film made Argento famous internationally and inspired a number of other directors to work in the genre (John Carpenter has frequently referred to the influence Argento's early work had on Halloween).
William Mangion (born 24 August 1958 in Naxxar) is a Maltese singer, best known for presenting Malta in the Eurovision Song Contest 1993 and placing 8th out of 25 countries with This Time. He is one of Malta's leading vocalist musician. Mangion took part in the semi-final of the Malta Song for Europe 2007 for Eurovision with the song Forerver Mine, but failed to qualify for the final.
In early 2011, William emigrated to the USA , but still makes frequent visits back to Malta. He is a popular singer at weddings in Malta.
Lamberto Bava (born 3 April 1944) is an Italian film director. Born in Rome, Bava began worked as an assistant director on the film's of his father Mario Bava. Bava co-directed the television film La Venere d'Ille with his father and in 1980 directed his first solo feature film Macabre.
Bava continued work in the 1980s and collaborated with Dario Argento on films such as Demons. After 1990, Bava's work was predominantly involved with television, such as the Fantaghirò series.
Lamberto Bava was born in Rome, Italy on 3 April 1944. Lamberto's father Mario Bava was a film director was primarily known as a director of horror films. Lamberto's film career began working as an assistant director on his father's film Planet of the Vampires. Lamberto would collaborate with his father on several of his projects including Danger: Diabolik (1966), Twitch of the Death Nerve (1971) and Shock (1977) On Shock, Lamberto Bava was credited as a screenwriter as well as an assistant director. Lamberto Bava had a co-direction credit with his father Mario on the television film La Venere d'Ille, which was a film in the Il Giorno del Diavolo film series. Outside the work with his father, Lamberto also contributed to the story for films of Italian director Ruggero Deodato on his films Ultimo mondo cannibale (1977) and Cannibal Holocaust (1979).
Sor Dario tedesco
Il nuovo canale youtube DARIO TEDESCO
G. Castagnoli - dal Tedesco - D. Destefano
Dario drive
Testimonianza di un ragazzo italo-tedesco
Trailer - Sleepless by Dario Argento (2001)
Isabella Tedesco video
William Mangion & Dario Mifsud Bonnici - This Time on Xarabank (MESC 2016)
Recensione - Victorinox dotazione Esercito Tedesco
insegnando l'italiano ad un tedesco all'oktober fest...
Demons II 1986. Lamberto Bava. Dario Argento. HD - Langosto
accento tedesco
Tedesco Blues for Rosa&more;
Traduzione simultanea dal tedesco
Volcano continues to erupt
Masters of Horror: Pelts (Trailer Tedesco)
Il Leghista Buonanno: ''Non voglio morire tedesco"
Economia: Il Modello Tedesco
THE MAGIC BOTTLES crowd funding
Durante la registrazione ci sono stati alcuni problemi tecnici
Silvio un ragazzo dato in affidamento (in Germania) all'età di 13 anni, racconta come lo JUGENDAMT lo COSTRINSE a scrivere al padre (italiano) che non voleva più tornare a casa. A 18 anni e una settimana, quando gli affidatari non ricevettero più soldi dallo Stato, lo buttarono fuori di casa. Anche i due fratellini di Silvio furono sottratti ai genitori otto anni fa. Silvio vuole evitare loro la sorte che è toccata a lui, e racconta tutto ciò che è venuto a sapere della famiglia affidataria dei suoi fratelli, dell'ambiente violento e del consumo di alcol. E' solo con i loro genitori che Angela e Dario potranno finalmente smettere di avere paura, AIUTIAMOLI, DIFFONDIAMO QUESTO VIDEO !!!
William Mangion & Dario Mifsud Bonnici - This Time (Jesmond Tedesco / William Mangion) on Xarabank (MESC 2016) - Copyright 2016 W E Media Limited/PBS Malta Limited/TVM/Authors. All Rights Reserved.
[GÉNERO]: Terror | Gore. Sobrenatural. Monstruos. Secuela. [AUDIO]: Español. [SUBS]: SI (Ver lista en descripción) Un moderno y vanguardista edificio inteligente se convierte en una trampa mortal cuando una criatura demoniaca surge de un televisor. El ente convierte a sus habitantes en una horda de zombies sanguinarios, que se dedican, sin motivo, a devorar y descuartizar a todos los que tienen la mala suerte de cruzarse en su camino. (FILMAFFINITY) Título original: Demoni 2... L'incubo ritorna (Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns). Año -1986. Duración - 91 min. País - Italia Director - Lamberto Bava Guion - Dario Argento, Lamberto Bava, Franco Ferrini, Dardando Sacchetti Música - Simon Boswell, Dead Can Dance Fotografía - Gianlorenzo Battaglia Reparto - David Edwin Knight, Nancy Brilli,...
L'inizio del primo canto della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri parlata da un sintetizzatore vocale in Italiano, Francese, Tedesco, Giapponese, Russo, Cinese, Svedese e Coreano (ovviamente il testo è sempre in italiano, ma con gli accenti delle diverse lingue).
ALESSANDRO TEDESCO “HARMOZEIN” qui un Blues dedicato a Marcello Rosa più un pezzone ! Alessandro Tedesco, Trombone , live electronic Giovanni Francesca, El. Guitar, live electronic Dario Miranda, El. Bass, live electronic Giampiero Franco, Drums, live electronic www.28divino.com www.alessandrotedesco.com
ALL TOKO MATERIAL 1. Wideshot Volcano Research Centre in Goma 2. Cutaway of sign reading 'Volcanic Observatory - Goma' 3. Interior of centre with group of experts 4. Cutaway of seismic graph 5. SOUNDBITE (English) Professor Dario Tedesco, Vulcanologist, University of Napoli, Department of Science "In general these eruptions are not dangerous, there is no threats for local populations, usually the city of Goma and Sake are not under threat. On the other hand heavy damages occur at the National Park, probably some local villages might have some problems if the lava goes next to the road axis Goma - Rutshuru." 6. Daylight shots of Nyamulagira volcano spewing lava 7. Various shots of Mutoyi village near volcano 8. Nightshots of lava spewing from Nyamulagira volcano STORYLINE: ...
Per conquistare il cuore di una donna Jake Feldman prova a creare la più bella pelliccia di sempre... ma dato che questo è un episodio della serie MASTERS OF HORROR, gli eventi non prenderanno una bella piega bel la coppia. Le pelli usate da Feldman sono in grado di scatenare il male e tanta violenza.
L'europarlamentare della Lega Gianluca Buonanno ha di nuovo messo alla prova i nervi del presidente del Parlamento Martin Schulz. Durante l'ultima seduta plenaria a Strasburgo, Buonanno ha preso la parola e ha attaccato il presidente della Commissione Ue Jean-Claude Juncker con uno dei suoi interventi teatrali. Il leghista ha mostrato la bandiera della Germania e poi un rotolo di carta igienica dicendo: "Non voglio morire tedesco".
Vienici a trovare su http://versusgiornale.it Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/versusgiornale Twitter: https://twitter.com/VersusITA Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/1/106345971707780698977 Instagram: http://instagram.com/versusita Tumblr: http://versusita.tumblr.com/ E-mail: redazioneversus@gmail.com Il video è tratto dall'articolo di Dario Luciani, "Di Europa si deve parlare: la falsa superiorità del modello tedesco" http://bit.ly/1m8y8Z1 Il video contiene materiale di terzi, usato esclusivamente a scopo educativo. Non deteniamo i diritti di tale materiale. Estratti video Agenda 2010 (RTL Television): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3kR5nyAw_w; Agenda 2010 (WDR): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IciM5dQge4; Domanda esterna (arte): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6rxx...
A documentary that explores Argento's film career. Dario Argento is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the Horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as Giallo, and for his influence on modern horror movies. Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership rights in the text, images, video, sounds or other materials in this video.
INFERNO (1980) di Dario Argento - Film Completo ITA (Dvd Rip) Iscriviti al canale: Donazioni: Facebook: . La terrificante notte del demonio Film Completo by FilmvesvesClips LA TERRIFICANTE NOTTE DEL DEMONIO Titolo originale: Plus Longue Nuit Du Diable (La) . Italia, 1988 - Regia di Lamberto bava.
With Argento's trademark visual style, linked with one of his more coherent plots, Tenebrae follows a writer who arrives to Rome only to find somebody is using his novels as the inspiration (and, occasionally, the means) of committing murder. As the death toll mounts the police are ever baffled, and the writer becomes more closely linked to the case than is comfortable.
[GENERO] Terror. Intriga | Sobrenatural. Gore. Secuela [AUDIO] Ingles [SUBS] Español (Incrustados). La joven poetisa Rose Elliot adquiere un antiguo diario escrito en latín. En él descubre la existencia de las Tres Madres del Mal y empieza a creer que en su apartamento habita una de ellas. Llena de temor, busca la ayuda de su hermano Mark. (FILMAFFINITY) Título original Inferno Año 1980 Duración 83 min. País Italia Director Dario Argento Guion Dario Argento Música Keith Emerson Fotografía Romano Albani Reparto Leigh McCloskey, Irene Miracle, Eleonora Giorgi, Daria Nicolodi, Sacha Pitoeff, Alida Valli, Veronica Lazar, Feodor Chaliapin Productora Produzioni Intersound Grupos Las Tres Madres Novedad https://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film780437.html --------...
The sequel to the horror classic Suspiria with Mater Tenebrarum as the main antagonist. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not own any copyrights. Story, screenplay & direction by: Dario Argento Production by: Claudio Argento / Salvatore Argento / Guglielmo Garroni Starring: Irene Miracle / Leigh McCloskey / Eleonora Giorgi / Daria Nicolodi / Alida Valli / Veronica Lazar / Ania Pieroni / etc. Soundtrack by: Keith Emerson Cinematography by: Romano Albani Editing by: Franco Fraticelli Distribution by: 20th Century Fox Release date: 7 February 1980
Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Zombi (Dawn of the Dead) è un film del 1978, diretto dal George A. Romero. È la seconda pellicola horror della serie dei morti viventi. Il film, le cui riprese sono durate circa quattro mesi fra la fine del 1977 e l'inizio del 1978, è stato prodotto con un budget relativamente limitato di 1,5 milioni di dollari. Il film è stato girato nel Monroeville Mall di Monroeville, Pennsylvania USA, e fu possibile fare le riprese solamente quando il centro commerciale chiudeva, approssimativamente fra le 10:00 di sera e le 8:00 del mattino. A mio avviso IL FILM sugli zombi. Il migliore in assoluto. recensione approfondita: http://www.horror.it/a/2012/04/zombi-1978/
Directed by Lamberto Bava and produced/co-written by Dario Argento A group of people are trapped in a large movie theater in West Berlin that is infected by ravenous demons who proceed to kill and possess the humans one-by-one, thereby multiplying their numbers. (English dubbed) Category Film & Animation Licence Standard YouTube Licence Music "Walking on the Edge" by Rick Springfield (Google Play • iTunes)
[GÉNERO]: Terror | Gore. Sobrenatural. Monstruos. Secuela. [AUDIO]: Español. [SUBS]: SI (Ver lista en descripción) Un moderno y vanguardista edificio inteligente se convierte en una trampa mortal cuando una criatura demoniaca surge de un televisor. El ente convierte a sus habitantes en una horda de zombies sanguinarios, que se dedican, sin motivo, a devorar y descuartizar a todos los que tienen la mala suerte de cruzarse en su camino. (FILMAFFINITY) Título original: Demoni 2... L'incubo ritorna (Demons 2: The Nightmare Returns). Año -1986. Duración - 91 min. País - Italia Director - Lamberto Bava Guion - Dario Argento, Lamberto Bava, Franco Ferrini, Dardando Sacchetti Música - Simon Boswell, Dead Can Dance Fotografía - Gianlorenzo Battaglia Reparto - David Edwin Knight, Nancy Brilli,...
Le migliori colonne sonore tratte dai film del Maestro del Terrore Dario Argento, composte da Ennio Morricone, Goblin, Pino Donaggio. Piume di cristallo 00:00:05 Non rimane più nessuno 00:05:19 Quattro mosche di velluto grigio 00:08:36 Come un madrigale 00:11:54 Profondo rosso 00:15:31 Death dies 00:19:13 Suspiria 00:23:56 Markos 00:29:53 Inferno 00:34:02 Taxi ride Rome 00:36:58 Mater tenebrarum 00:39:12 Tenebre 00:41:48 Waiting death 00:46:17 Phenomena 00:50:32 Sleepwalking 00:54:58 The Church 00:58:52 La chiesa 01:02:47 La setta 01:08:08 Metro 01:12:19 Ruby rain 01:14:27 Non ho sonno 01:20:05 Death farm 01:24:11 Peeping eyes 01:28:17 Look down the street 01:29:57
Se puede ver en pantalla completa en mi blog http://peliculasdealucard.blogspot.com/
Profondo rosso è un film del 1975 diretto da Dario Argento.
Un célèbre écrivain, Peter Neal, auteur de romans policiers est invité à Rome à l'occasion de la sortie de son best-seller, Ténèbres. C'est alors qu'une série de . Dans un college suisse, une jeune fille capable de communiquer avec les insectes retrouve la trace d'un assassin monstrueux. Une jeune femme qui vient d'amenager dans un luxueux immeuble new-yorkais apprend que l'architecte l'a concu pour les trois divinites malefiques qui . Paul Marsh est hanté depuis toujours par des cauchemars où il plonge dans les profondeurs de l'océan. Il va à la rencontre d'un puits abyssal dont l'entrée est .
Sinopse: Susan (Harper) é uma jovem americana que viaja para a Europa para estudar numa prestigiada escola de Balé. Desde o primeiro dia, porém, ela começa a se assustar com estranhas situações que ocorrem no local que a fazem crer que há bruxas por todas a parte.
Dans un college suisse, une jeune fille capable de communiquer avec les insectes retrouve la trace d'un assassin monstrueux. Un célèbre écrivain, Peter Neal, auteur de romans policiers est invité à Rome à l'occasion de la sortie de son best-seller, Ténèbres. C'est alors qu'une série de .
1. Suspiria 2. Witch 3. Opening To The Sighs 4. Sighs 5. Markos 6. Black Forest 7. Blind Concert 8. Death Valzer 9. Suspiria (Narration) 10. Markos (Alternate Version) 11. Suspiria (Intro) 12. Suspiria (Daemonia version) The soundtrack to the film Suspiria was composed and performed by the Italian band Goblin. A single version of the title track, "Suspiria", was released with the B-side "Blind Concert". The title song from the soundtrack was featured in the trailer for the 2011 film Jane Eyre. Goblin's score to Dario Argento's Suspiria is a timeless, horrifying ride into crazed vibes and buzzing progressive rock. Billed as The Complete Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, this edition goes a bit overboard in its four redundant extra tracks. Before those final additions, Goblin kicks out ...
An amazing panel, part of the Texas Frightmare convention. This discussion of the classic horror film SUSPIRIA features co-writer/director Dario Argento, composer (with GOBLIN) Claudio Simonetti, and actors Udo Keir, Barbara Magnolfi, and Stefania Casini. Bless him, Mr. Argento's english is not perfect, and he's a little hard to understand at times, but overall, this was a hugely memorable experience.
A documentary that explores Argento's film career. Dario Argento is an Italian film director, producer and screenwriter. He is best known for his work in the Horror film genre, particularly in the subgenre known as Giallo, and for his influence on modern horror movies. Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership rights in the text, images, video, sounds or other materials in this video.
Dario Argento interviewed at the 1990 Toronto International Film Festival where he was presenting "The Church" and "Two Evil Eyes" as part of the Midnight Madness Program.
Fabien Delage interviews Dario Argento at the 2011 Fantastic'Arts Film Festival in France.
Retrouvez l'interview de Dario Argento, l'invité d'honneur de la neuvième édition du Festival Européen du Film Fantastique de Strasbourg. www.strasbourgfestival.com Journaliste / programmateur : Greg Lauert Equipe technique : Marilyne Bouton, Kevin Chomienne, Quentin Courapied, Quentin Fracchiolla, Lucas Leclerc, Jeanne Mai, Aline Pano Coordinateur vidéo : Julien Ditsch
Interview between two masters of Italian horror, added to "The Demons Collection" DVD. "Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
Jamie Graham, Deputy Editor of Total Film talked to Italian horror legend Dario Argento in his first UK interview in 15 years as part of the Film4 FrightFest on Friday 24th August 2012. They discussed his latest film Dracula 3D, his past films and influences and finally Dario Argento answered questions from the audience.
Reporter Esther Þorvalds Cinematographers Sunneva Thomsen Halldórsdóttir Dagur Benedikt Reynisson Hjördís Nína Egilsdóttir Editor Esther Þorvalds Soundtrack Hrafnkell Örn Guðjónsson Þórarinn Guðnason Produced By Reykjavík International Film Festival In Collabration With Borgarholtsskóli Háskóli Íslands Kvikmyndaskóli Íslands MBL.is Festival TV Producers Lárus Ý. Óskarsson Pétur Kjærnested Special thanks to Guðni Elísson
Video tribute for Dario Argento that was played before his on-stage interview at FrightFest The 13th - August 2012.
Entretien exclusif accordé par le "Maître de l'Horreur" : le célèbre cinéaste italien évoque sa carrière, son parcours, son travail, ses méthodes, ses goûts (notamment en matière de cinéma de genre), ses influences, et livre quelques secrets sur les plans les plus mythiques de ses films.
Intervista a Dario Argento durante la lavorazione in sala missaggio del film Suspiria, 1977. Formato HD 720p; peccato che la registrazione originale in VHS non sia stata effettuata con una buona ricezione del canale.
This is an interview with Dario Argento discussing THE CARD PLAYER. Be sure to visit our website at http://www.revok.com to check out more rare and hard-to-find DVDs and movie memorabilia. Any questions or comments? contact us direct at revok@revok.com
An amazing panel, part of the Texas Frightmare convention. This discussion of the classic horror film SUSPIRIA features co-writer/director Dario Argento, composer (with GOBLIN) Claudio Simonetti, and actors Udo Keir, Barbara Magnolfi, and Stefania Casini. Bless him, Mr. Argento's english is not perfect, and he's a little hard to understand at times, but overall, this was a hugely memorable experience.
Dario Argento Interview FrightFest 2012 - Horror & Dreams
Dario Argento Interview IN ENGLISH! ---------------------------------------------------- Behind the Scenes of 'Dèmoni' Enjoy, and check out the interview with Sergio Stivaletti, Argento's special effects artist as well!
Interview with Stefania Casini of Suspiria from Texas Frightmare Weekend! www.WithoutYourHead.com Find us on facebook and the web Neal Jones - http://www.facebook.com/Neal.Jones.WYH Annabelle Lecter - http://www.facebook.com/Dear.Annabelle.Lecter Without Your Head community group page - http://www.facebook.com/groups/withoutyourheadhorror Dinner & A Movie - http://www.facebook.com/DinnerAndAMovieWYH Website with podcast, links, live show and more - http://www.withoutyourhead.com Podcast for Mp3 - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyh/id212039902 RSS Feed - http://feeds.feedburner.com/Wyh Subscribe in iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/wyh/id212039902 For more information on future episodes, getting your product or site mentioned on the show etc please email - withoutyo...
In this short interview, famed Italian horror writer/ director Dario Argento (Susperia, The Stendhal Syndrome, Tenebre) talks a little about his films and his influences! Visit the Troma Website: http://www.troma.com Visite the Troma Tumblr: http://tromapast.tumblr.com/ Buy Troma Merch: https://www.tromashop.com/ Visit Lloyd Kaufman's Website: http://www.lloydkaufman.com/ Follow Lloyd Kaufman on Twitter: https://twitter.com/lloydkaufman