The ELF/ALF Arrests


Fifth Estate # 372, Spring 2006

On December 7, the sudden arrest of six individuals rocked the activist community. All were accused of arsons claimed by the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and/or Animal Liberation Front (ALF). Since then, the cases have taken many twists and turns:

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Remaining ELF Defendants Plead Guilty


Fifth Estate # 374, Winter 2007

A surprise plea bargain was announced at a November pre-trial hearing for four environmental activists charged with a variety of Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and Animal Liberation Front (ALF) actions which had been carried out since the late 1990s. The

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Ten ELF/ALF Activists Sentenced


Fifth Estate # 376, Halloween, 2007

In late May and early June 2007, sentences were handed down for ten activists who pled guilty to a series of Earth Liberation Front/Animal Liberation Front (ELF/ALF) actions.

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Periodical Round-Up


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

Send your publication for review.

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Green Scare Continues


Fifth Estate # 378, Summer 2008

Developments in what is being called the “Green Scare” continue at a fast pace as the government increases its attack on forest, animal, and earth defenders.

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