Since You’ve Been Gone: Christie Returns to Iowa Still Mired in Scandal and Sinking Approval Ratings (Iowa ...

Edit Public Technologies 29 Dec 2015
DES MOINES-It's been more than three weeks since Chris Christie has spent time in Iowa, so the IDP thought it would be helpful to provide Iowans with a rundown of what he's been up to since he's been gone ... Original Document. http.//

Child Actor From ‘Since You’ve Been Gone’ Killed In Dirt Bike Crash, Twin Brother Charged

Edit Inquisitr 28 Sep 2015
Ross Grskovic was killed after a dirt bike crash, and the twin brother of the former child actor is now facing murder charges. The 19-year-old Grskovic was killed on Friday while riding a dirt bike in Wilmington, Illinois, with his twin brother, Casey Grskovic. Police claim that Casey had been drinking and slammed into his... ....

Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson - review

Edit The Guardian 11 Sep 2014
Enter Sloane, social tornado and the best kind of best friend — someone who yanks you out of your shell. But right before what should have been an epic summer, Sloane just … disappears ... One thing that was ever so slightly cliched was the fact that Frank's parents were splitting up but hey, you can't have everything ... Want to tell the world about a book you've read? Join the site and send us your review!....

Since You've Been Gone

Edit Huffington Post 22 Aug 2014
It's been over a year since you've been gone... I have been out of myself and into my thoughts since you've been gone ... I still am because of you ... You are still here ... Are you there? ... The possessions you've left behind are not enough to sustain my needs ... You would have been proud ... With so many questions left unanswered, so many reasons to explain why and so many reasons to understand why not -- I am still carrying on since you've been gone....