- published: 15 Jan 2016
- views: 7388
Stepan Timofeyevich Razin (Russian: Степа́н Тимофе́евич Ра́зин, Russian pronunciation: [sʲtʲɪˈpan (ˈsʲtʲenʲkə) tʲɪmɐˈfʲeɪvʲɪtɕ ˈrazʲɪn]; 1630 – June 16 [O.S. June 6] 1671), known as Stenka Razin (Стенька), was a Cossack leader who led a major uprising against the nobility and tsarist bureaucracy in southern Russia in 1670-1671.
Razin's parents are from the village of Usman Sobakina, 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) outside of Voronezh. He is first noted by history in 1661, as part of a diplomatic mission from the Don Cossacks to the Kalmyks. That same year Razin went on a long-distance pilgrimage to the great Solovetsky Monastery on the White Sea for the benefit of his soul. After that, all trace of him is lost for six years, when he reappears as the leader of a robber community established at Panshinskoye, among the marshes between the rivers Tishina and Ilovlya, from whence he levied tribute from all vessels passing up and down the Volga.
A long war with Poland in 1654-1667 and Sweden in 1656-1658 put heavy demands upon the people of Russia. Taxes increased, as did conscription. Many peasants, hoping to escape these burdens, fled south and joined bands of Razin's marauding Cossacks. They were also joined by many others who were disaffected with the Russian government, including people of the lower classes, as well as representatives of non-Russian ethnic groups, such as Kalmyks, that were, at the time, being oppressed.
A bag (also known regionally as a sack) is a common tool in the form of a non-rigid container. The use of bags predates recorded history, with the earliest bags being no more than lengths of animal skin, cotton, or woven plant fibers, folded up at the edges and secured in that shape with strings of the same material.
Despite their simplicity, bags have been fundamental for the development of human civilization, as they allow people to easily collect loose materials such as berries or food grains, and to transport more items than could readily be carried in the hands. The word probably has its origins in the Norse word baggi, from the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European bʰak, but is also comparable to the Welsh baich (load, bundle), and the Greek βάσταγμα (bástagma, load).
Cheap disposable paper bags and plastic shopping bags are very common in the retail trade as a convenience for shoppers, and are often supplied by the shop for free or for a small fee. Customers may also take their own shopping bags to some shops. Although paper had been used for purposes of wrapping and padding in ancient China since the 2nd century BC, the first use of paper bags (for preserving the flavor of tea) in China came during the later Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD).
Good may refer to:
ITS, its or it's may refer to:
The going-to future is a grammatical construction used in English to refer to various types of future occurrences. It is made using appropriate forms of the expression to be going to. It is an alternative to other ways of referring to the future in English, such as the future construction formed with will (or shall) – in some contexts the different constructions are interchangeable, while in others they carry somewhat different implications.
Constructions analogous to the English going-to future are found in some other languages, including French and Spanish.
The going-to future originated by the extension of the spatial sense of the verb go to a temporal sense (a common change, the same phenomenon can be seen in the preposition before). The original construction involved physical movement with an intention, such as "I am going [outside] to harvest the crop." The location later became unnecessary, and the expression was reinterpreted to represent a near future.
The colloquial form gonna and the other variations of it as mentioned in the following section result from a relaxed pronunciation of going to. They can provide a distinction between the spatial and temporal senses of the expression: "I'm gonna swim" clearly carries the temporal meaning of futurity, as opposed to the spatial meaning of "I'm going [in order] to swim".
Russian Cossack's folk song "Stepan Razin's Dream" (Oy, to ne vecher)
Günter Wewel (basso profundo) - Stenka Razin
Fedor Emelianenko Dan Henderson interview (duel views) NEW VIDEO
"The Carnival Is Over" - "Stenka Razin" - Seekers Time Capsule
Stenka Razin (Carnival is Over)
Interview with Syrian rebel officer on ISIS and Russian strikes
1997 Interview with The Seekers
Интервью Леонида Харитонова для BBC Radio 3
Mikhail Zlatopolsky Radio Interview, "Lullaby" - English Subtitles
Visit RI website! http://russia-insider.com/en Oy, to ne vecher (Ой, то не вечер) is the incipit of a Russian folk song, also known as "The Cossack's Parable" (Казачья Притча) or as "Stepan Razin's Dream" (Сон Степана Разина). The character of the song is dreaming about his horse ‘playing and dancing’ all of a sudden and the winds taking the hat out of his head. The esaul (close to an adjutant) of the main hero believes that this dream means loosing of the head (or other words – death). Keep us alive: http://russia-insider.com/support Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RussiaInsider?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Follow us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+RussiaInsider Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RussiaInsider Subscribe to RI You Tube channel! https://www.youtube.com/u...
Basso profundo Gunter Wewel performs this Russian folk song in German, down to a contra B flat at the end.
July 31 in Chicago will be a duel between the Russian to Fedor Emelianenko (32-3-0) and American Dan Henderson (27-8-0). Balance under Theodore recorded 101.1 kg (223 pounds) and his opponent was much better - 93, 8 kg (207 pounds). Fedor Emelianenko (32-3-0) and American Dan Henderson (27-8-0) will go to fight in the T-shirt company Clinch Gear. It is expected that Fedor will be dressed in red T-shirt, and Henderson - in black Strikeforce stars Fedor Emelianenko, Dan Henderson, and Miesha Tate discuss their upcoming bouts at Strikeforce and M-1 Global Present: Fedor vs. Henderson. Russian fighter mixed martial Fedor Emelianenko (32-3-0) for the first time in the past few years, decided to change the composition, under which he goes into the ring. Recall that for a long time Fedor was ...
Most all fans of The Seekers know that when Tom Springfield wrote "The Carnival Is Over" he set his lyrics to an old Russian folk song, "Senka Razin". I've done a time capsule for Carnival before, but I wanted to make another one including some of that old folk song. It starts out with the Russian song and is followed by several "Carnival" performances by The Seekers over the years.
First Russian film. Charles Aznavour chante LA LEGENDE DE STENKA RAZINE A loccasion de lAnnée de la France en Russie et de lAnnée de la Russie en France nous présentons la chanson « Légende de Stenka Razine » interprété par Charles Aznavour et les Compagnons de la chanson. Les images sont prises du premier film russe «PONIZOVAYA VOLNITSA » tourné en 1908 avec les acteurs russes et consacré à Stenka Razine. Nous avons essayé de contacter lentourage de Monsieur Charles Aznavour pour lui remettre ce film comme cadeau pour l'An 2010 et lui demander la permission de montrer ce film en YOUTUBE. Juste et seulement pendant lAnnée 2010 ! Notre E-mail : sweeta45@mail.ru Nikolay Lentement le longs des îles Souffle le vent roulent les flots Glissent les barques agiles De Ra...
Visit RI website! http://russia-insider.com/en RT’s Murad Gazdiev speaks with a former Syrian military officer who joined the opposition back in 2011 Keep us alive: http://russia-insider.com/support Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RussiaInsider?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Follow us on Google+ https://plus.google.com/+RussiaInsider Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/RussiaInsider Subscribe to RI You Tube channel! https://www.youtube.com/user/RussiaInsiderTV Source RT America https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCczrL-2b-gYK3l4yDld4XlQ
4 декабря 2011 года на английском радиоканале Би-Би-Си Радио 3 (BBC Radio 3) вышла передача под названием «Хор Красной Армии» (на английском языке), посвященная хоровому творчеству Краснознаменного Ансамбля Песни и Пляски Советской Армии им. Александрова. Незадолго до этого к Леониду Харитонову, певцу и Народному Артисту России, обратились представители компании BBC с просьбой рассказать о его воспоминаниях своего первого сольного выступления в Кремлевском Доме Союзов с песней «Есть на Волге Утес» вместе с ансамблем им. Александрова, а также помочь в формировании плэйлиста предстоящей программы. Представляем Вашему вниманию видеозапись этого интервью, которое состоялось по международной телефонной связи. Прослушать саму радиопередачу можно на официальном сайте артиста по этой ссылке - h...
Click CC for English subtitles. Video credit goes to user, "Ir An"--subscribe to his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOIqCNq8sIUiL_F5R-Sgpfw He originally uploaded this, and I appreciate him letting me post it with English subtitles for non-Russian speaking audiences.
Anatoly Lochak, Bass - Russian State Symphonic Capella - Valery Polyansky, Russian State Symphony Orchestra
Song of Stepan Razin Male Choir of the Pustyn Monastery Soloist: Vladimir Miller (Basso Profondo) "Из-за острова на стрежень" Мужской Хор "Оптина Пустынь" Солист - Владимир Миллер (бас-профундо)
Dmitri Shostakovich The Execution of Stepan Razin op.119 Vitaly Gromadski Russian State Choral Chapel (dir. Alexandre Yurlov) Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra Kirill Kondrashin Studio recording, Moscow, 1965
Донской казак Степан Разин поклялся отомстить боярам за своих замученных пытками друзей. Возглавив восставших крестьян, он становится предводителем целого войска. Со всей земли русской стекаются к нему униженные и оскорбленные. Царь Алексей обеспокоен растущей силой атамана. Церковь предает анафеме Степана, собравшегося в поход на Москву. Регулярным царским войскам удается остановить отряды повстанцев у стен Симбирска. Сподвижники гибнут, а сам атаман схвачен. Тяжелые пытки не сломили волю Разина. Мы знаем, как получить от видео максимальный доход. Подключайтесь к партнерской программе RVISION на YouTube https://rvision.tv Вступайте в нашу группу в ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/rvision Подписывайтесь на нашу страницу в Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rvisionchannel/ Подписывайтесь на канал...
Ой, то не вечер, то не вечер. Ой, мне малым-мало спалось. Мне малым-мало спалось, Ой, да во сне привиделось... Ой,мне во сне привиделось, Будто конь мой вороной Разыгрался, расплясался, Ой да разрезвился подо мной. Ой, налетали ветры злые. Да с восточной стороны Да сорвали чёрну шапку Ой, да с моей буйной головы. А есаул догадлив был, Он сумел сон мой разгадать. Ой, пропадёт, он говорил, Твоя буйна голова. Ой, то не вечер, то не вечер... Ой, мне малым-мало спалось, Мне малым-мало спалось, Ой, да во сне привиделось.
Краткая история о Стеньке Разине и персиянке здесь: http://www.sovsekretno.ru/magazines/article/2836 The folk song of Stenka Razin is very popular in Russia. Boris Shtokolov performes it with great feeling & expressiveness. Folk songs incarnate the voice, history & soul of the people whove created them, glorifying human feelings & aspirations. Folk songs arising from the necessity of man to give vent to his intermost feelings pertine to the most lively, versafile & emotional form of popular art. Whose heart can remain cold to the sounds of a slow Russian song with its stern grandeur & broadness of melody? These characteristics are true of "Song of Stepan Razin". In this video you can also see the pictures of Volga-river, which I've taken for this song in I-net & piece...
Old Russian Ballad "Stenka Razin" has the distinction of being the first Russian dramatic silent film production — a tribute to the determination of its producer, Aleksandr Drankov. When his first seventeen actualities failed to win serious attention in early 1908, he answered the widespread call for Russian-made films with Stenka Razin. This account of the popular brigand leader who dallied with a captured Persian princess was adapted from a traditional ballad "From the Island to the Deep Stream" and Drankov commissioned original music to accompany his film from no less than Ippolitov-lvanov, then head of the Moscow Conservatoire. Energetic promotion ensured the film's commercial success and launched Drankov's career as a producer. The Ballad of Stenka Razin From beyond the wooded isla...
Jim Jones takes on A Boogie's "Bag On Me" for a ReVamp. Download "The Kitchen" here on iTunes: https://goo.gl/W22YGu Directed by Kid Art. SUBSCRIBE to the Official WorldStarHipHop Channel for more original WorldStar material, music video premieres, and more: http://goo.gl/jl4las More WorldStarHipHop: http://worldstarhiphop.com https://twitter.com/worldstar (Follow) https://fb.com/worldstarhiphop (Like) http://instagram.com/worldstar (Photos) http://shop.worldstarhiphop.com (Shop)
Music from A Boogie Featuring Upcoming Label Mate Don Q HighBridge The Label: @Q_flee @BabyDubai_ @a_boogie_wit_da_hoodie @don_q165 For Bookings of A Boogie email us at: HighbridgetheLabel19@gmail.com Download A Boogie "Artist" on DatPiff !!! http://www.datpiff.com/A-Boogie-Artist-mixtape.766440.html#
Welcome to Blind Bag Marathon 28! I have 21 different awesome blind bags/boxes to open on camera with you guys. I will divide them into 3 equal parts and upload them in 3 hours increments. Hope you guys will enjoy~! :D Disney Lego Minifigures Blind Bags - Target Ever After High Shuffle Bobble Head - Target Despicable Me 2 Minion Finger Puppet - Barns & Noble Num Noms - Sent from MGA Shopkins Season3 Blind Basket - Toys-R-Us Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT Stackable Mystery Figure - Target Cardcaptor Sakura - Newbury Comics Disney Beauty and the Beast Vinylmation - Disney Store Online Tokidoki Unicorno Mermicorno - Hot Topic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNT - Hot Topic My Little Pony Minifigure - Target Disney Tsum Tsum Stackable Series2 - Target Marvel Tsum Tsum Stackable Sereis1 - Ta...
The website ill be using to pick the random comments for the epic goodie bag will be this one : http://www.randomcommentpicker.com/ Friends Chat : Elite Win Biggest Drop party done in Runescape's History (20b) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-GfVFtd4H0 Twitch channel of our Elite Staking clan used for Massive Giveaways : https://www.twitch.tv/eliteranksfc 50m Weekly Oldschool giveaway : https://gleam.io/rPFSp/50m-oldschool-runescscape-weekly-giveaway Swap Runescape Gold Here Best Rates! ► http://oakdice.com/ ► Buy Cheap Games & RS Membership : https://www.g2a.com/r/oakdice ►Oldschool Runescape Avilable Free here : http://www.oldschool.runescape.com ►Runescape 3 Available free here : https://www.runescape.com Twitter @ Oakdice
Welcome to another episode of Simon's Blind Bag Treasure Chest. Today we have Lil' Woodzeez, Unicornos, Shopkins & Pusheen Surprise Plush series 2 Ornaments. We also have Frozen Fashems Mashems, Splashlings, Strawberry Shortcake and other fun surprises. Let's check out what is inside the chest today. **************************************************************************************************** Welcome to PSToyReviews where Paul, Shannon & Simon the cat open all kinds of fun toys. We love blind bags here including Shopkins, Disney, My Little Pony MLP, Tokidoki Moofia, Unicornos, Lego & tons of others. We also love hidden surprise eggs & mystery toys. You will find us opening unboxing toys, playsets and all sorts of kids toys including reviews, play & arts & crafts fun. Don’t ...
Wow, check out today's episode of the Blind Bag Treehouse. We have a super cute Play-Doh Surprise Egg Snowman, Shopkins Halloween Pumpkin, Num Noms & Splashlings Collector Cards. We also have Tokidoki Unicornos, Marvel Super Heroes, Minecraft & Kidrobot Yummy World vinyl figures. Let's see what else is hiding in the treehouse today. **************************************************************************************************** Welcome to PSToyReviews where Paul, Shannon & Simon the cat open all kinds of fun toys. We love blind bags here including Shopkins, Disney, My Little Pony MLP, Tokidoki Moofia, Unicornos, Lego & tons of others. We also love hidden surprise eggs & mystery toys. You will find us opening unboxing toys, playsets and all sorts of kids toys including reviews, ...
Time to have Bubble Ball Battle and the winner gets to open up Harry Potter Blind Boxes! For more awesome toys and toy unboxing SUBSCRIBE ► http://bit.ly/1h0nkKG Click here for some of my best toy reviews and toy unboxing videos! ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHjcLg7tbDE&list;=PL678CDD45E55C1F90&index;=1 I also do sketch comedy, click here if you want to LOL ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMYafdRL-vA&list;=PLNgDNV3C0rsSqEgg080BkYBvI1HKEnAdx Harry Potter Blind Box: Hermione Granger, Hagrid , Scabbers the rat (Peter Pettigrew) , Mrs. Norris the cat Bubble Ball Bubble Ball is the most fun a person can have, just climb in and let the fun begin. The Bubble Ball surrounds you in a cloud of protection for tons of "bumping" fun. FOLLOW MY SOCIAL Konas2002 Official Shirts: http://1005528...
Watch in HD. Aku tau mukaku lagi breakout jadi please abaikan aja WKWK.. *RULES GIVEAWAY : 1.FOLLOW INSTAGRAM AKU & SUBSCRIBE KE CHANNEL YOUTUBE AKU. 2.TAG DAN FOTO BEAUTY THINGS YANG PALING KAMU SUKA DAN KAMU BAWA SETIAP HARI. 3.TULIS CERITA MENARIK DI BALIK BENDA ITU. 4.SERTAKAN HASHTAG #HANGGINI100KSUBS 5.GIVEAWAY BERLAKU SAMPAI TANGGAL 2 OKTOBER 2016. DI TUNGGU YAAAA :D THANK YOU FOR WATCHING xx. - My Link's - Instagram : http://instagram.com/Hanggini Twitter : http://twitter.com/Hanggini SnapChat : AkuHanggini AskFm : Hangginii ( double i ) QnA : Pake kamera apa? : Canon G7X Edit video pake apa? : Final cut pro X Umur kamu berapa sih? 17 ———————————————— Video ini berkolaborasi dengan Jar Of Beauty.
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GOOD (Young Lex & Awkarin 'BAD' Parody) by Young Ldi and AwJasmine. 2016. Behind the scene: http://www.youthmanual.com/post/fun/laugh-out-loud/ketika-video-klip-bad-nya-younglex-dan-awkarin-perlu-direvisi-hadirlah-good **Disclaimer: BAD is originally performed by Young Lex & Awkarin. This parody version is performed by Aldi and Jasmine. [LYRICS] Mereka bilang diriku itu jenius Aku hapal semua rumus matkul Kalkulus Belajar sepenuh hati Buku Erlangga setiap hari Dari SD gue berprestasi Menang cerdas cermat di tingkat provinsi 2011 mereka bertanya Ini soal fisika, kamu bisa engga? Ini sih gampang cuma ngitung gaya Percepatan kali massa benda Masukin rumus dan variabelnya Lima Newton itu jawabannya Memang gue anak baik, nilai gue selalu saik, Satu kelas pada sirik Kuliah pun gue tetep oke L...
Kevin & Lizzie whip up the ultimate meal replacement smoothie, Alex & Mike live like Cavemen for a day, and the whole crew commit their ugliest mugs to film. Watch the Meal Replacement episode: https://goo.gl/TDh0Vn Watch the Time Warp episode: https://goo.gl/TPWUsx Watch Ugly Faces episode: https://goo.gl/iJicMV Follow Rhett & Link: Facebook: http://facebook.com/rhettandlink Twitter: http://twitter.com/rhettandlink Tumblr: http://rhettandlink.tumblr.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/rhettandlink Google+: https://plus.google.com/+rhettandlink Other Rhett & Link Channels: Main Channel: https://youtube.com/rhettandlink Good Mythical MORE: https://youtube.com/user/rhettandlink3 Rhett & Link EXTRAS: https://youtube.com/user/rhettandlink4 GMM Merch: Poster, T-shirt & More: http://bit.ly/RL...
► Help me to 500,000 Subscribers! http://bit.ly/2ahHoqk ► Follow me on Instagram NOW! https://www.instagram.com/itstehjames ► Comment what I should do next! 15,000 likes and i'll show the rest of the dm's ;) Follow me on Social Medias: https://twitter.com/itstehjames https://www.instagram.com/itstehjames/ https://www.snapchat.com/add/itstehjames Conor Maynard- Too Good Cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-u1wHZLezc *Girl in thumbnail is not the actual person*
Rihanna stepped out in some big sweats and of course she looked flawless.
레이블 AOMG와 크루 VV:D(비비드)에서 따로, 또 같이 오랜 시간을 함께한 로꼬, 그레이 두 사람이 호흡을 맞춘 트랙 ‘GOOD’을 발표한다. 로꼬는 ‘감아’를 비롯 다양한 곡들로 대중들의 큰 사랑을 받으며 참가자로 출연해 우승을 거두었던 프로그램인 Mnet 'Show Me The Money 4'에 프로듀서로 출연하는 등 꾸준히 자신의 영역과 음악적 입지를 넓혀왔다. 또한 2012년 ‘깜빡’으로 본격 데뷔 후 꾸준한 작업을 통해 자신의 음악적 스펙트럼을 입증한 바 있는 그레이는 ‘꿈이 뭐야’, ‘하기나 해’ 등 본인의 곡 이외에도 박재범 - ‘몸매’, 사이먼 도미닉 – ‘사이먼 도미닉’, 로꼬 – ‘감아’ 등의 히트 넘버를 끊임없이 탄생시키며 힙합씬 내 가장 주목 받는 프로듀서로 입지를 굳게 다졌다. 다양한 장르를 아우르며 수많은 아티스트들에게 꾸준한 러브콜을 받는 프로듀서 그레이는 현재 사이먼 도미닉과 함께 ‘Show Me The Money 5’에 프로듀서로 출연하기도 하며 본인의 무대를 확장하는 중이다. 이미 수차례 여러 트랙에서 환상적인 호흡을 보여준 바 있는 로꼬와 그레이 두 사람이 함께 발표하는 신곡 ‘GOOD’은 헤어진 연인에 대한 감정의 변화를 솔직하게 담아낸 곡으로 로꼬, 그레이, 자이언티, 크러쉬와 함께 크루 VV:D(비비드)로 활동하고 있는 아티스트 ELO(엘로)가 목소리를 더해 완벽한 호흡을 자랑하는 세 사람의 조화가 곡의 완성도를 한층 더 높여주고 있다. CJ E&M; Music은 아시아 No.1 엔터테인먼트 기업인 CJ E&M;의 음악사업 브랜드로 음원/음반의 투자/제작/유...
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-hi so i prank several youtubers over text using song lyrics to "Too Good" by Drake & Rihanna haha enjoy! -subscribe for new videos every sunday & wednesday: https://www.youtube.com/user/pickleandbanana?sub_confirmation=1 -PREVIOUS VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsIxFoWx7zI -buy and/or stream trevor's new song "get me through the night": iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/get-me-through-night-single/id1154617576?app=itunes spotify: http://smarturl.it/GMTTNspotify -song used in text prank was "too good" by drake & rihanna: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/views/id1108737195 -got this video idea from Collins Key: https://www.youtube.com/user/CollinsKey -a lot of you in the comments told me that Mike Fox created this trend so credit to him as well: https://www.youtube.com/...