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Spirit of Contradiction

offsite link Wailings about Left Unity Sat Feb 13, 2016 01:13 | James O'Brien

offsite link The Bern Manifesto: Why I am Voting for Bernie Sanders Wed Jan 27, 2016 23:59 | Jerome Nikolai Warren

offsite link Kautsky – The crisis of capitalism and the shortening of working time Mon Nov 09, 2015 22:34 | James O'Brien

offsite link How to do better things with words Fri Oct 23, 2015 07:38 | modulus

offsite link Syriza and Israel: Syriza’s response Thu Aug 20, 2015 18:10 | yeksmesh

Spirit of Contradiction >>

Public Inquiry
Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link Editing letters to the Irish Times

offsite link Stephen Collins: An enemy of my country Anthony

offsite link Elaine Byrne: Suffering from chronic naivety Anthony

offsite link Free speech under state attack in Ireland Anthony

offsite link Denis O’Brien: Are the sharks moving in for the kill? Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

The Saker
A bird's eye view of the vineyard

offsite link International Military Review & Analysis ? Withdrawal of Russian Military from Syria Tue Mar 15, 2016 17:15 | The Saker

offsite link Europeans Staring at Total Failure in Ukraine Tue Mar 15, 2016 02:22 | The Saker
by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider Increasingly frantic diplomatic efforts by European leaders show growing desperation to settle Ukrainian crisis before failure of sanctions policy becomes obvious. As the political

offsite link CrossTalk: Bullhorns unplugged Tue Mar 15, 2016 01:03 | The Saker

offsite link International Military Review ? Syria ? Iraq, Mar. 14, 2016 Tue Mar 15, 2016 00:48 | The Saker
If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

offsite link Foreign Policy Diary ? Arms and Drug Trafficking in Africa Mon Mar 14, 2016 23:21 | The Saker
If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

The Saker >>

Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Call for Contributions & Engagement #directprovision16: Direct Provision 16 years on, and on, and on... Tue Mar 15, 2016 13:08 | Liam Thornton

offsite link GSOC, the legislative process, and the privacy rights of citizens: what is the law?   Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:14 | admin

offsite link Remembering the Magdalene Women on International Womens? Day Tue Mar 08, 2016 12:40 | admin

offsite link Michelle Farrell on Freedom from Fear Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:47 | GuestPost

offsite link Brian Farrell on Freedom from Want Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:46 | GuestPost

Human Rights in Ireland >>

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