- published: 16 Feb 2016
- views: 571
Coordinates: 21°30′N 80°00′W / 21.500°N 80.000°W / 21.500; -80.000
Cuba, officially the Republic of Cuba (Spanish: República de Cuba ), is a country comprising the islands of Cuba, Isla de la Juventud and several archipelagos in the Caribbean Sea. The capital and largest city Havana is 365 km (227 mi) from Miami, Florida. Geographically, Cuba is considered part of North America. Culturally, it is considered part of Latin America.
Prior to Spanish colonization in the late 15th century, Cuba was inhabited by Amerindian tribes. It remained a colony of Spain until the Spanish–American War of 1898, which led to nominal independence as a de facto U.S. protectorate in 1902. As a fragile republic, Cuba attempted to strengthen its democratic system, but mounting political radicalization and social strife culminated in the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista in 1952. Further unrest and instability led to Batista's ousting in January 1959 by the July 26 movement, which afterwards established a government under the leadership of Fidel Castro. Since 1965, the country has been governed by the Communist Party of Cuba.
The Whore of Babylon or The Great Prostitute or Babylon the Great is a Christian figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is given as "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth." (Greek: Βαβυλὼν ἡ μεγάλη, ἡ μήτηρ τῶν πορνῶν καὶ τῶν βδελυγμάτων τῆς γῆς; transliterated Babylōn hē megalē, hē mētēr tōn pornōn kai tōn bdelygmatōn tēs gēs.) She likely symbolizes Sin and also represents an empire in the real world of the time, with similarities to the Roman or Egyptian empires of the past, including having great military strength and the use of slavery in the construction of the empire. She rides the first beast which is likely Death (see The Beast (Revelation)), and symbolizes Sin leading to Death. Like all empires of the past, it will fall, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation chapter 18. The Bible reads in portions "Let one with understanding solve the meaning".
White trash is a derogatory American English racial slur referring to poor white people, especially in the rural South of the United States, suggesting lower social class and degraded standards of living. The term suggests outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order, who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether it be political, legal, or moral. The term is usually a racial slur, but may also be used self-referentially by working-class whites to jokingly describe their origins or lifestyle.
In common usage, "White trash" overlaps in meaning with "cracker" (regarding Georgia and Florida), "hillbilly" (regarding Appalachia), "Okie" (regarding Oklahoma origins), and "redneck". The main difference is that "redneck," "cracker", "Okie", and "hillbilly" emphasize that a person is poor and uneducated and comes from the backwoods with little awareness of the modern world, while "White trash" emphasizes the person's moral failings.
The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine is a non-fiction book by Michael Lewis about the build-up of the housing and credit bubble during the 2000s. The book was released on March 15, 2010, by W. W. Norton & Company. It spent 28 weeks on The New York Times best-seller list.
The Big Short describes several of the key players in the creation of the credit default swap market that sought to bet against the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) bubble and thus ended up profiting from the financial crisis of 2007–10. The book also highlights the eccentric nature of the type of person who bets against the market or goes against the grain.
The work follows people who believed the bubble was going to burst, like Meredith Whitney, who predicted the demise of Citigroup and Bear Stearns; Steve Eisman, an outspoken hedge fund manager; Greg Lippmann, a Deutsche Bank trader; Eugene Xu, a quantitative analyst who created the first CDO market by matching buyers and sellers; the founders of Cornwall Capital, who started a hedge fund in their garage with $110,000 and built it into $120 million when the market crashed; and Michael Burry, an ex-neurologist who created Scion Capital despite losing an eye in childhood and suffering from Asperger's syndrome.
Story of a Junkie - Full Movie
#GTAM2014 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (100%) by JustShanz
The Big Short
Pain and Gain
Как есть сладкое и не толстеть? Понятие гликемического индекса продукта
Жим лежа 192,5 кг Чемпионат Одесской области по жиму лежа RAW 2016
Как раскачать огромные руки?
Что такое кортизол? Факторы, влияющие на выработку гормона кортизола
Можно ли тренироваться каждый день?
Сколько можно скинуть (похудеть) на кефирной диете?
2 Hour Mainstream House Mix - DJ José Zapata
The Korea приглашает на CYBERTRON FEST
Mystery Babylon Study - Part 1 - Intro - Rev 17: 3
Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com Gringo, a young man hoping to find great fortune in New York, falls into heroin addiction.
Official page: http://www.twitch.tv/gtamarathon http://www.speedrun.com/gtamarathon/schedule Runner(s): http://www.twitch.tv/justshanz Official Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AscWW6qzLaWIdGxSa1VNQkx5b1hZcGFBcXVrZEVoVWc#gid=7 Leaderboard: http://www.speedrunrecords.com/grand_theft_auto On September 10th 2014, the GTA community will get together to celebrate all things Grand Theft Auto with its own marathon. It will include all of your favorite GTA games and runners, as well races, crazy categories and maybe one or two things they want to keep a surprise. Of course, they won't forget about all the other games that are GTA-like. Don't worry, there is room for them there. I try and upload the runs as quickly as possible for those who missed them. That means some runs ...
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything. Based on the true story and best-selling book by Michael Lewis (The Blind Side, Moneyball), and directed by Adam Mckay (Anchorman, Step Brothers) The Big Short stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt.
When an ambitious group of personal trainers go after the American Dream, they get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes horribly wrong. Now, living large will take everything they've got in this unbelievable and outrageous true story.
Как есть сладкое и не толстеть? Понятие гликемического индекса продукта Best Muay Thai camps in Thailand by Sergey Badyuk Part 3 Боевое карате Федоришена О бое на взвешивании Реальная КачалкаПрезентация журнала Боец Инфо SBadyuk Планета Шанти с Сергеем Бадюком Фильм 2 Секреты силы хвата_СергейЧемпионат Мира 2014_СергейВиталий Минаков спортивного САМБО в ММА_SBadyuk Упражнения с партнером от Андрея Шидловского Субботняя практика с Боевыми ботаниками 1 серия Кубок России 2015АКА THAILANDПхукет Топ Тим Бой с Лупало Анатолием Сокиринским Андреем Как Бадюк готовился к соревнованиям спортпит Тренировка для девушек Ноги и попа Дмитрий Яшанькин Упражнения при грыжах и протрузиях позвоночника В Максюта М Кокляев Превью к новому видео о стероидах Турнир по жиму лежа и становой тяге в тюрьме ИК-15 г ...
Жим лежа 192,5 кг Чемпионат Одесской области по жиму лежа RAW 2016. Результат 192,5 кг при собственном весе 97 кг. Этот результат в жиме лежа в данной федерации пауэрлифтинга, является нормативом МСМК для весовой категории до 100 кг без экипировочного девизиона. Жим лежа выполнен технично с учетом всех правил, без отрыва таза, с паузой со всеми командами, кроме того, без моста и без экипировки Жим лежа 192,5 кг Чемпионат Одесской области по жиму лежа RAW 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффективные тренировочные программы, лучшие упражнения в тренажерном зале и фитнес методики силовых и кардио тренировок для набора и роста сухой мышечной массы, максимально быстрого и эффективного избавления от подкожного жира и сжигания...
В этом видео вы узнаете о том, как раскачать огромные, гигантские лапища (руки)? Какой стратегии тренинга нужно придерживаться, чтобы накачать клешни халка? Влияние базовых упражнений на рост мышечной массы рук. Факторы роста, анаболические гормоны, креатинфосфат и ионы водорода. Влияние приседаний (!), становой тяги, подтягиваний с отягощениями, тяги штанги в наклоне, отжимания на брусьях с дополнительным отягощением и армейского жима на рост силы рук и набор качественной мышечной массы рук. Как раскачать предплечья как у моряка Папая? Ебашить базу до отказу на массонаборе - эффективная ли это стратегия? Пампинг и многовопторные упражнения для роста массы лап в бодибилдинге и культуризме https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффе...
В этом видео вы узнаете что такое гормон кортизол? Глюкокортикоидные гормоны разрушители. Правда ли, что кортизол - основной враг культуриста номер 1, и вообще, любого спортсмена силовика (бодибилдера, или пауэрлифтера)? Катаболическая природа гормона кортизола. Кортизол способствует набору жировой ткани и разрушающие действует на мышечные ткани и белковые структуры организма. Стресс, голод, низкокалорийное питание, диета, отрицательный энергетический дефицит и другие факторы, стимулирующие выработку катаболического гормона кортизола. Тестостерон и кортизол - гормоны антагонисты. Анаболические стероиды, инсулин, гормон роста, углеводы, бцаа (BCAA), белок (протеин), чеснок, чай и другие вещества, снижающие выработку кортизола https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4...
Можно ли тренироваться каждый день? ¿Puedo entrenar todos los días? В этом видео вы узнаете можно ли и вообще стоит ли тренироваться каждый день? Могут ли ежедневные тренировки улучшить эффективность и результативность в спортивной подготовке атлетов? Восстановительные способности человеческого организма и центральной нервной системы, связок, сухожилий и другие факторы, лимитирующие скорость восстановления после силовых тренировок. Почему некоторые бодибилдеры занимаются силовыми упражнениями ежедневно и при этом получают впечатляющие результаты? Можно ли тренироваться в лифтерском режиме ежедневно? Суперкомпенсация и сверхвосстановление после занятий в тренажерном зале. Семидневный сплит. #Можно_ли_тренироваться_каждый_день #тренироваться_каждый_день #Можно_ли_тренироваться #Тренировка_к...
В этом видео вы узнаете на сколько килограмм возможно похудеть за месяц применения кефиной диеты. Недостаток белка, омега 3 жирных кислот, некоторых микроэлементов и микронутриентов (витаминов и минералов). Эффективность использования монодиеты на основе кефира, каких результатов реально добиться в сжигании лишнего веса, подкожно жировых отложений за неделю применения кефирной диеты? Монодиеты для жиросжигания и избавления от подкожного жира. Как избежать проблем со здоровьем и других побочных эффектов (побочек) применения диет? Недостатки кефирной диеты https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффективные тренировочные программы, лучшие упражнения в тренажерном зале и фитнес методики силовых и кардио тренировок для набора и роста су...
2 hour long commercial house mix straight from Norway - DJ José Zapata. More mixes are coming, but withing different sub-genres :-) www.myspace.com/djjosezapata Become a fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Jose-Zapata/325788708528?ref=ts Enjoy =) Tracklist: 1. Muse - Undisclosed Desires (Thin White Duke Remix) 2. Miike Snow - Animal (Fred Falke Remix) 3. Donkeyboy - Ambitions (Cosmic Dawn Remix) 4. Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow (DJ Will.I.Am Remix) 5. Ke$ha - Tik Tok (Love At First Sight) (S.I.R. Mashup) 7. Kanye West - Homecoming (DiscoTech Remix) 8. Armand Van Helden feat. Dizzee Rascall - Bonkers 9. David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi - Memories 10. Junior Caldera - What You Get 11. Flo Rida - Right Round (Benny Benassi Remix) 12. Lady Gaga - Poker Face (JDB Remix) 13. Eric Prydz - P...
www.axisboutique.com Production AXIS Boutique Réalisation TYPHOON media INTERVIEWEURS Scott Reeves Phil Chouinard Dom Gauthier (JF Pelchat) INTERVIEWÉS Martin Boulais Christian Dufour Maude Raymond Laurent-Olivier Martin Dan Mavrey Phil Chouinard Yan Dofin Jérémy Cloutier Seb Desmarais Alex Bellemare Dom Laporte Reno Belisle Matts Kulisek Mat Dano Vincent Dorion Fred Lamarche Phil Poirier Frank Raymond Gaston Lefebvre Charles Reid Hugo Pelletier Scott Reeves JF Pelchat IMAGES ADDITIONNELLES Typhoon media Olivier Faubert Phil Chouinard Fred Lamarche Fred Paré Greg Weaver M-A Sauvageau Shakedown (Dizzle) Merci Martin Gagné CRÉDITS FILMS Session 1242 - Oakley 13 - PBP Happy Dayz - PBP Frozen Yorgourt - NSF After Dark - Level1 Education of Style - Inspired media On se touche - Mystic...
02.01.13 - CYBERTRON FEST , Арктика Официальная встреча - http://vk.com/cybertron_fest_in_spb Билеты в продаже в WHITE TRASH, FAB STORE, КАССЕ КЛУБА, CASTLE ROCK, КАМЕННОЕ СОЛНЦЕ, CONCERT.RU И САЛОНАХ "ЕВРОСЕТЬ" ✦ Участники фестиваля: • THE KOREA http://www.thekoreaband.ru http://vk.com/thekoreaband • OUTOFCHANNEL outofchannel.bandcamp.com http://vk.com/outofchannel http://www.facebook.com/outofchannel • JACK THE FLIPPER http://vk.com/jacktheflipper http://www.facebook.com/JackTheFlipperBand • Your Lucky Number http://vk.com/yourluckynumber
http://versebyversebibleteaching.com This will be a multi-week study on Revelation Chapter 17-18, widely considered to be some of the most difficult chapters in Revelation. I hope that you will make an effort to go through the whole study, which is available in multiple formats, such as video, mp3, or text, all available at the website versebyversebibleteaching.com Why do such an in depth study on this issue? In addition to the study of “The Woman that Rides the Beast”, we will also be studying the beast itself in depth, which is widely considered to be the Anti-Christ. This section of Scripture offers so many opportunities to study other events in prophecy, such as Daniel and the timing of the events in the Book of Revelation. Therefore, it’s a great study of all things prophecy. Th...
"Diner en blanc" (translation: dinner in white) started 25 years ago in Paris when a group of friends decided to get together for an impromptu picnic. The leader of the group suggested they all wear white in order to be able to find each other more easily. Over the years, the diner en blanc became an annual tradition, with thousands of friends gathering together, dressed entirely in white, for a spontaneous night out. Membership is available by invitation only, and has grown to over 11,000 people. However, only a very small handful of "heads of tables" know the location in advance. Members gather at various meeting points, oblivious to their final destination until they arrive. There are no permits, no blockades, no security lines, and no prior planning. The members simply show up, ...
*-If you want to preview or to read from this video, use pause//play button. Fore more detailed view, visit the source of this video capture, go directly to: Yes, I'm saying that it's all lies http://gagnauga.is/index.php?Fl=Greinar&ID;=169 01.09.2011 Yes. You heard what I said. All of it. It's all a bunch of lies. I know that it is a shocking claim to many, that our trusted officials in concert with our reliable mass media actually participated in deliberate deception designed to get us to accept war, but deal with it. I'm making it. Our biggest moral obligation is ensuring that wars are not waged against people under false pretenses. War is the most disgusting and horrible thing you can inflict on any person. As you read this article I am sure you will find there are a number of thi...
Previous study: http://versebyversebibleteaching.com/?p=288 This is part two of our multi week study of Mystery Babylon, where we will be going verse by verse through Revelation chapter 17-18If you have not seen part one yet I highly recommend watching or listening to this study in chronological order as each one will build upon the other. There should be a link wherever you found this video or podcast to the previous study in the notes that accompany it. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Ok this is a loaded verse and there is a lot to cover, so let’s get started. Arrayed in purple and scarlet colour: This particul...
THE NEW HYPES AND FAVOURITES OF INDIE.BRITPOP.NEWRAVE.ELECTRO.ROCK Seit über 5 Jahren sorgen Dj Fab & Montgomery Scott für Furore auf dem deutschen Indie-Tanzparkett und unterstützen bereits „The Editors“ , „Blood Red Shoes“, „I Heart Sharks“, „F*** Art Let's Dance“ und weitere Bands nach ihren Konzerten. Jetzt gehen sie gemeinsam auf "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN TOUR" um dem blank polierten Chart-Karussel Einhalt zu gebieten. Tour Dates: Fr, 12.10.12 Hamburg - Haus 73 Sa, 13.10.12 Berlin - White Trash Fr, 19.10.12 Halle - Upperclub - Klub Drushba im Exil Sa, 20.10.12 Kiel - Weltruf Fr, 26.10.12 Erfurt - Egabox / w Choirs (Live) Sa, 27.10.12 München - Atomic Cafe / w Innocent Boys Fr, 02.11.12 Chemnitz - Südbahnhof Sa, 03.11.12 Dresden - altes Wettbuero Fr, 09.11.12. Stuttgart - Keller Klub Sa,...
http://www.discogs.com/Pussy-Galore-Maximum-Penetration/release/2464609 Pussy Galore - Maximum Penetration Live 1987 1. Pig Sweat 2. White Noise 3. Just Wanna Die 4. Nothing Can Bring Me Down 5. Biker Rock Loser 6. Constant Pain 7. Rope Legend 8. Pussy Stomp 9. NYC: 1999! 10. Cunt Tease 11. When I Get Off 12. Get Out 13. Pretty Fuck Look 14. Trash Can 15. Die Bitch 16. Spin Out 17. Kill Yourself 18. No Count 19. Fuck You, Man 20. Alright [Cut] Jon Spencer - Guitar, Vocals Julie Cafritz - Guitar, Vocals Kurt Wolf - Guitar Neil Hagerty - Guitar Bob Bert - Drums
It’s only 93 miles from Florida, and just 13 from the Bahamas, but like the smoke that coils from its legendary cigars, The Republic of Cuba exists in a time and space all its own. Few cities can stir the imagination like Cuba’s capital, Havana, a city preserved by forts, a five-mile seawall, and an imposed embargo, which held back the excesses of the 20th century for over 50 years. Havana’s lure can be hard to resist, but Cuba offers so much more beyond the seductive lights of its capital. In Cuba, a long sandy beach is never far away. Just 12 miles from Havana’s downtown, the Eastern Beaches unroll toward the town of Matanzas, the birthplace of the rumba, and Cárdenas, where the Cuban Flag flew for the very first time. From here, follow the scent of fresh lime, rum and suntan lot...
Jonny here, right now I'm in Havana, and in this short film I'm going to explain a little about tourism in Cuba. Most cultural holidays to Cuba will start in Havana, a city of magnificent decaying colonial architecture, monuments and parks, museums and galleries, music and bars and large old American cars. But the first thing you'll probably notice wandering around Havana is the near total lack of consumerism. Cuba is still a communist country with no commercial influence from America, and as such there's almost no evidence at all of the large multinationals we're used to in the West; you won't find any Starbucks or McDonalds here. There are no billboards advertising Coca Cola, there are no glass fronted shopping malls. Which is actually really quite refreshing. The whole city gives you ...
In this travel lecture, Rick Steves describes his experience traveling through Cuba as the US began easing decades of travel restrictions for American tourists. Expand your travel horizons and learn about the time-passed elegance of Havana, Cuba's classic American cars, fine $5 rum, the best Cuban cigars, and the idealistic charms of this remarkable island and its people. (Produced by Seattle's KCTS 9.)
Every year millions of people travel to this city in hopes of finding Tupac Shakur. DISCLAIMER: My audio equipment was confiscated at the Havana Airport within the first hour that I arrived in the city, so though I was not able to do interviews, so I thought creating a cool travel guide on Havana, Cuba would be a great alternative! FOLLOW ME: My Travel Adventures From Around The World: www.instagram.com/yafafly My attempts to make funny puns & jokes: Follow Yafa on Twitter : http://bit.ly/139ailr Stalk me on my page: Like The Yafa Show on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/17D0TlP
I visited Cuba in July 2016 and after 18 days touring the island I made up a list of information I wish I had before my holiday. This is my collection of advice and suggestions I've made to try and help anyone travelling to Cuba. I looked up help videos before my own trip, and what I learnt while there was really not covered in most of the videos I watched on youtube. I guess I'm trying to bring more tips all together in one video (albeit a slightly long video haha). There is a lot more to know, I'm sure... but this is a decent list that will give you hopefully more direction to research when planning your holiday. Useful links: **Map link to the first American Car tour location... https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/23%C2%B008'30.4%22N+82%C2%B021'02.2%22W/@23.1417652,-82.3511712,19z/...
Travel video about destination Cuba. Basking in the Caribbean sun, the island of Cuba lies between sun and socialism, rumba and revolution. Havana is the capital. In 1553, the Spanish conquerors designated Havana’s harbour as a collection point for ships loaded with gold and silver from the new Spanish colonies and named the settlement, San Cristobal De La Habana.La Bodeguita Del Medio was once Hemmingway`s local and nowhere else is the ‘Mojito’ mixed better: three year old white rum, lime juice, soda, sugar, ice and mint. Whether it be the Teatro Marti, the Old Tobacco Factory, the famous Bacardi house, or the Floridita Bar, everywhere there is a feeling of nostalgia. When the Daiquiri is served, one almost expects Fidel Castro to be sitting at the next table. Pinar Del Rio is a small but...
Are you traveling to Cuba in 2017, and need some travel tips? This list will give you great information about saving money and traveling more like a local Cuban. Explore the wonderful culture and learn from some of my mistakes in Cuba. You will find out some nifty travel tips and hacks to make your next vacation to Cuba much more enjoyable! Be a part of where you go. Subscribe to follow my vlogs and travel smarter. We post at least one video weekly. SUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/2ddsVMs AMERICAN IN CUBA Playlist (all vlogs and tips videos from the series) : http://bit.ly/2iezWDe Real Havana: Explore Cuba Like A Local And Save Money: http://amzn.to/2jt4ayb (affiliate link, it supports this channel) How Do I Learn Spanish (The Video): http://bit.ly/2jLKIxJ Rosetta Stone: http://amzn....
Are you excited to visit Cuba but not sure what to do and how to plan your trip? Then enjoy my list of 20 amazing things to do in Havana, Cuba! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE http://goo.gl/7n7QOW I booked my trip through Cuba Travel Adventures Group and cannot say enough wonderful things about my experience! I planned this trip extremely last minute and they went above and beyond to create a tailor made trip just for me! They also allowed for flexibility and helped me add some off the beaten track experiences once I arrived. Whether you are interested in art, dance, architecture, history, or cuisine, Cuba has it all! My favorite experiences were my interactions with the wonderful Cuban people and first-hand opportunities to learn about the history and culture of Cuba and the Cuban "mind set" an...
Cuba Travel Guide. How is Cuba? In this 2016 Cuba video Guide, see the Real Cuba by following our Cuba travel adventure. READ MORE ON OUR BLOG!!!: http://bit.ly/1ncQRUL Top attractions of the country with Salsa, mojito, old American Cars and wonderful Cuban people … Read more on our blog: http://bit.ly/1ncQRUL This is a video vlog of our incredible trip to Cuba, a 20 day tour from Havana to Varadero, through the most beautiful places of this magic island. Discover what Cuba looks like! Many American stars visited Cuba this year, most recent trips include Conan in Cuba and Rihanna photoshoot in Havana. Subscribe to our channel! After a 12 hours bumpy flight from UK we finally landed in Havana where we spent 8 days, then we took a local bus to Viñales and explored for 3 days the stu...
With Cuba’s guarded openness to private enterprise grabbing hold, classic American cars and salsa singers now share the cityscape with new and inventive offerings in food, culture and nightlife. Grab the embed code for this video at Times Video: http://nyti.ms/1RqizKc Produced by: MAX CANTOR, CHRIS CARMICHAEL, DAMIEN CAVE, ALEXANDRA GARCIA AND WILL LLOYD Read the story here: http://nyti.ms/1lesMLD Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter Subscribe on YouTube: http://bit.ly/U8Ys7n Watch more videos at: http://nytimes.com/video --------------------------------------------------------------- Want more from The New York Times? Twitter: https://twitter....
This is a film we made for the amazing Intrepid Travel. http://intrepidtravel.com/ Our Cuba trip was beyond wonderful! We hope this film gives you a glimpse into the fun! We had never done a tour before of any kind and to be honest I was worried it would be annoying to be on a plan with someone else leading things. ;) However it was the most relaxing way to travel!!... We just rolled up and things were sorted for us! Local knowledge and tips on money and what and where to buy were wonderful!! We did things we probably wouldn't have without the guide and I loved being stretched and trying new things... It was super interesting to hear history of different places and about building and plants and people... it just made the trip super well rounded and I loved my kids hearing all the storie...
On December 12th 2014 we began our one week long journey to the land of Cuba. Witnessing history in Havana, walking through remnants of a once vibrant city and talking to the people who have suffered the most, this trip is one I will never forget. Here is just a glimpse into what we saw during our brief time in this changing country. Here are some descriptions of the people featured: 03:09 - This man was the grounds keeper of a cemetery near Matanzas. He showed us the grave of an eight year old boy who was killed by thieves when he tried to protect his mother and grandmother. 03:14 - This woman saw us walking down the street and offered to show us to the small theatre across the street. 03:20 - This woman, Diana (with her husband Jorge, in the background) offered to walk us all the way t...
http://www.expedia.com/Wellington-and-vicinity.d6127327.Destination-Travel-Guides Wellington is the political, cultural and culinary capital of Aotearoa as the Māori call New Zealand. The compact city spills out of the mountains and overlooks Cook Strait. In the world's southernmost capital fresh ocean winds seem to bring in waves of creativity. Civic Square is an eclectic mix of artworks and houses the elegant Town Hall, while Cuba Street is the place to go for shopping. The waterfront is dotted with craft beer bars and restaurants. The country's cultural heritage is explained in the beloved Te Papa National Museum. Other good museums in Wellington are the Carter Observatory and the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. On the Miramar Peninsula, the Weta Workshop shows paraphernalia of fa...
The best snorkeling in Cuba is found in Cayo Santa Maria. Basecampers Troy, Rodrigo and Liz go to Marina Cayo Santa Maria, just a 15 minute ride from Melia Cayo Santa Maria, to meet with Freddy, guide and boat captain for the day. While the snorkeling is amazing with countless fish, the scooter ride itself is a cool way to enjoy the scenery! Powered by transatholidays.com/ *** *** *** Check our hotels at transatholidays.com/ Go check our music - soundcloud.com/travelbasecamp Like us on Facebook - facebook.com/TravelBasecamp Follow us on Twitter - twitter.com/travelbasecamp ABOUT BASECAMP: Basecamp is a reality documentary series about a bunch of friends travelling around the world seeking alternative experiences in popular travel destinations. Booking stereotypical resort packages for t...
Discover Havana’s beauty and secrets on this 3-hour tour. On this popular tour, an expert guide takes you to the most interesting cultural and historical sites in the capital, including Old Havana, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982.
We revisit Cuba taking a tour of several towns with a local tour guide. You can check our more of our adventures on my gay travel blog at www.staywithfamily.com/blog #gaycuba #gaybeaches
https://www.expedia.com/explore/caribbean/cuba.d44 It’s only 93 miles from Florida, and just 13 from the Bahamas, but like the smoke that coils from its legendary cigars, The Republic of Cuba exists in a time and space all its own. Few cities can stir the imagination like Cuba’s capital, Havana, a city preserved by forts, a five-mile seawall, and an imposed embargo, which held back the excesses of the 20th century for over 50 years. Havana’s lure can be hard to resist, but Cuba offers so much more beyond the seductive lights of its capital. In Cuba, a long sandy beach is never far away. Just 12 miles from Havana’s downtown, the Eastern Beaches unroll toward the town of Matanzas, the birthplace of the rumba, and Cárdenas, where the Cuban Flag flew for the very first time. From here...
Cuba wakes to the lilt of acoustic guitars and retires to the tap of bongos, and all day long, its historic buildings and city streets burst with colorful art and creative energy. Indeed, music and art are the heart and soul of this seductive, charismatic island. Enjoy both at their best on our nine-day Cuban Music & Art Tour, where your Cuban guide will immerse you in the cultural scenes of Havana and Santiago de Cuba, the country’s biggest urban hubs. This tour is a true people-to-people travel experience, full of meaningful conversation and opportunities to get to know lifelong Cuban residents who live and breathe artistic expression.
With SAIL Magazine and Waterways Guide writer, Wally Moran As a bill ending travel restrictions on U.S. citizens visiting Cuba wends its way through Congress, it's likely that this forbidden Caribbean isle maybe the next great destination for U.S. cruising sailors. "Varadero and Santa Marta were my first taste of large, urban civilization since I'd arrived in Cuba. There are good restaurants, pubs, artists' markets, a sense of history, friendly people eager to meet you…" -- Wally Moran Wally Moran, a sailing writer and professional charter skipper, has cruised to Cuba and speaks about his experiences at boat shows and sailing seminars. Read his article, Cuba: The Next Cruising Ground? in the Sail Magazine. Wally also writes for Waterway Guides and is an expert on cruising the ICW. In thi...
Jack Trout Fly Fishing International will now be offering trips to Cuba for Americans. see this broadcast and learn how he will get Americans into the country for the first time legally through the People to People program initiated by both the American and Cuban Governments for aqua marine studies for fish and the oceans of Cuba. www.cubaflyfishguide.com * www.jacktrout.com * www.mtshasta.com * http://www.krcrtv.com/news/local/link-to-cuba-fly-fishing-guide/35490852
Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com Gringo, a young man hoping to find great fortune in New York, falls into heroin addiction.
Official page: http://www.twitch.tv/gtamarathon http://www.speedrun.com/gtamarathon/schedule Runner(s): http://www.twitch.tv/justshanz Official Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AscWW6qzLaWIdGxSa1VNQkx5b1hZcGFBcXVrZEVoVWc#gid=7 Leaderboard: http://www.speedrunrecords.com/grand_theft_auto On September 10th 2014, the GTA community will get together to celebrate all things Grand Theft Auto with its own marathon. It will include all of your favorite GTA games and runners, as well races, crazy categories and maybe one or two things they want to keep a surprise. Of course, they won't forget about all the other games that are GTA-like. Don't worry, there is room for them there. I try and upload the runs as quickly as possible for those who missed them. That means some runs ...
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything. Based on the true story and best-selling book by Michael Lewis (The Blind Side, Moneyball), and directed by Adam Mckay (Anchorman, Step Brothers) The Big Short stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt.
When an ambitious group of personal trainers go after the American Dream, they get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes horribly wrong. Now, living large will take everything they've got in this unbelievable and outrageous true story.
Как есть сладкое и не толстеть? Понятие гликемического индекса продукта Best Muay Thai camps in Thailand by Sergey Badyuk Part 3 Боевое карате Федоришена О бое на взвешивании Реальная КачалкаПрезентация журнала Боец Инфо SBadyuk Планета Шанти с Сергеем Бадюком Фильм 2 Секреты силы хвата_СергейЧемпионат Мира 2014_СергейВиталий Минаков спортивного САМБО в ММА_SBadyuk Упражнения с партнером от Андрея Шидловского Субботняя практика с Боевыми ботаниками 1 серия Кубок России 2015АКА THAILANDПхукет Топ Тим Бой с Лупало Анатолием Сокиринским Андреем Как Бадюк готовился к соревнованиям спортпит Тренировка для девушек Ноги и попа Дмитрий Яшанькин Упражнения при грыжах и протрузиях позвоночника В Максюта М Кокляев Превью к новому видео о стероидах Турнир по жиму лежа и становой тяге в тюрьме ИК-15 г ...
Жим лежа 192,5 кг Чемпионат Одесской области по жиму лежа RAW 2016. Результат 192,5 кг при собственном весе 97 кг. Этот результат в жиме лежа в данной федерации пауэрлифтинга, является нормативом МСМК для весовой категории до 100 кг без экипировочного девизиона. Жим лежа выполнен технично с учетом всех правил, без отрыва таза, с паузой со всеми командами, кроме того, без моста и без экипировки Жим лежа 192,5 кг Чемпионат Одесской области по жиму лежа RAW 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффективные тренировочные программы, лучшие упражнения в тренажерном зале и фитнес методики силовых и кардио тренировок для набора и роста сухой мышечной массы, максимально быстрого и эффективного избавления от подкожного жира и сжигания...
В этом видео вы узнаете о том, как раскачать огромные, гигантские лапища (руки)? Какой стратегии тренинга нужно придерживаться, чтобы накачать клешни халка? Влияние базовых упражнений на рост мышечной массы рук. Факторы роста, анаболические гормоны, креатинфосфат и ионы водорода. Влияние приседаний (!), становой тяги, подтягиваний с отягощениями, тяги штанги в наклоне, отжимания на брусьях с дополнительным отягощением и армейского жима на рост силы рук и набор качественной мышечной массы рук. Как раскачать предплечья как у моряка Папая? Ебашить базу до отказу на массонаборе - эффективная ли это стратегия? Пампинг и многовопторные упражнения для роста массы лап в бодибилдинге и культуризме https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффе...
В этом видео вы узнаете что такое гормон кортизол? Глюкокортикоидные гормоны разрушители. Правда ли, что кортизол - основной враг культуриста номер 1, и вообще, любого спортсмена силовика (бодибилдера, или пауэрлифтера)? Катаболическая природа гормона кортизола. Кортизол способствует набору жировой ткани и разрушающие действует на мышечные ткани и белковые структуры организма. Стресс, голод, низкокалорийное питание, диета, отрицательный энергетический дефицит и другие факторы, стимулирующие выработку катаболического гормона кортизола. Тестостерон и кортизол - гормоны антагонисты. Анаболические стероиды, инсулин, гормон роста, углеводы, бцаа (BCAA), белок (протеин), чеснок, чай и другие вещества, снижающие выработку кортизола https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4...
Можно ли тренироваться каждый день? ¿Puedo entrenar todos los días? В этом видео вы узнаете можно ли и вообще стоит ли тренироваться каждый день? Могут ли ежедневные тренировки улучшить эффективность и результативность в спортивной подготовке атлетов? Восстановительные способности человеческого организма и центральной нервной системы, связок, сухожилий и другие факторы, лимитирующие скорость восстановления после силовых тренировок. Почему некоторые бодибилдеры занимаются силовыми упражнениями ежедневно и при этом получают впечатляющие результаты? Можно ли тренироваться в лифтерском режиме ежедневно? Суперкомпенсация и сверхвосстановление после занятий в тренажерном зале. Семидневный сплит. #Можно_ли_тренироваться_каждый_день #тренироваться_каждый_день #Можно_ли_тренироваться #Тренировка_к...
В этом видео вы узнаете на сколько килограмм возможно похудеть за месяц применения кефиной диеты. Недостаток белка, омега 3 жирных кислот, некоторых микроэлементов и микронутриентов (витаминов и минералов). Эффективность использования монодиеты на основе кефира, каких результатов реально добиться в сжигании лишнего веса, подкожно жировых отложений за неделю применения кефирной диеты? Монодиеты для жиросжигания и избавления от подкожного жира. Как избежать проблем со здоровьем и других побочных эффектов (побочек) применения диет? Недостатки кефирной диеты https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6MvH22L2kU&index;=1&list;=PL3HL2q4nbz-WM0aQE_ZwvZRvjIGMgX4du Самые эффективные тренировочные программы, лучшие упражнения в тренажерном зале и фитнес методики силовых и кардио тренировок для набора и роста су...
2 hour long commercial house mix straight from Norway - DJ José Zapata. More mixes are coming, but withing different sub-genres :-) www.myspace.com/djjosezapata Become a fan: http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJ-Jose-Zapata/325788708528?ref=ts Enjoy =) Tracklist: 1. Muse - Undisclosed Desires (Thin White Duke Remix) 2. Miike Snow - Animal (Fred Falke Remix) 3. Donkeyboy - Ambitions (Cosmic Dawn Remix) 4. Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow (DJ Will.I.Am Remix) 5. Ke$ha - Tik Tok (Love At First Sight) (S.I.R. Mashup) 7. Kanye West - Homecoming (DiscoTech Remix) 8. Armand Van Helden feat. Dizzee Rascall - Bonkers 9. David Guetta feat. Kid Cudi - Memories 10. Junior Caldera - What You Get 11. Flo Rida - Right Round (Benny Benassi Remix) 12. Lady Gaga - Poker Face (JDB Remix) 13. Eric Prydz - P...
www.axisboutique.com Production AXIS Boutique Réalisation TYPHOON media INTERVIEWEURS Scott Reeves Phil Chouinard Dom Gauthier (JF Pelchat) INTERVIEWÉS Martin Boulais Christian Dufour Maude Raymond Laurent-Olivier Martin Dan Mavrey Phil Chouinard Yan Dofin Jérémy Cloutier Seb Desmarais Alex Bellemare Dom Laporte Reno Belisle Matts Kulisek Mat Dano Vincent Dorion Fred Lamarche Phil Poirier Frank Raymond Gaston Lefebvre Charles Reid Hugo Pelletier Scott Reeves JF Pelchat IMAGES ADDITIONNELLES Typhoon media Olivier Faubert Phil Chouinard Fred Lamarche Fred Paré Greg Weaver M-A Sauvageau Shakedown (Dizzle) Merci Martin Gagné CRÉDITS FILMS Session 1242 - Oakley 13 - PBP Happy Dayz - PBP Frozen Yorgourt - NSF After Dark - Level1 Education of Style - Inspired media On se touche - Mystic...
02.01.13 - CYBERTRON FEST , Арктика Официальная встреча - http://vk.com/cybertron_fest_in_spb Билеты в продаже в WHITE TRASH, FAB STORE, КАССЕ КЛУБА, CASTLE ROCK, КАМЕННОЕ СОЛНЦЕ, CONCERT.RU И САЛОНАХ "ЕВРОСЕТЬ" ✦ Участники фестиваля: • THE KOREA http://www.thekoreaband.ru http://vk.com/thekoreaband • OUTOFCHANNEL outofchannel.bandcamp.com http://vk.com/outofchannel http://www.facebook.com/outofchannel • JACK THE FLIPPER http://vk.com/jacktheflipper http://www.facebook.com/JackTheFlipperBand • Your Lucky Number http://vk.com/yourluckynumber
http://versebyversebibleteaching.com This will be a multi-week study on Revelation Chapter 17-18, widely considered to be some of the most difficult chapters in Revelation. I hope that you will make an effort to go through the whole study, which is available in multiple formats, such as video, mp3, or text, all available at the website versebyversebibleteaching.com Why do such an in depth study on this issue? In addition to the study of “The Woman that Rides the Beast”, we will also be studying the beast itself in depth, which is widely considered to be the Anti-Christ. This section of Scripture offers so many opportunities to study other events in prophecy, such as Daniel and the timing of the events in the Book of Revelation. Therefore, it’s a great study of all things prophecy. Th...
"Diner en blanc" (translation: dinner in white) started 25 years ago in Paris when a group of friends decided to get together for an impromptu picnic. The leader of the group suggested they all wear white in order to be able to find each other more easily. Over the years, the diner en blanc became an annual tradition, with thousands of friends gathering together, dressed entirely in white, for a spontaneous night out. Membership is available by invitation only, and has grown to over 11,000 people. However, only a very small handful of "heads of tables" know the location in advance. Members gather at various meeting points, oblivious to their final destination until they arrive. There are no permits, no blockades, no security lines, and no prior planning. The members simply show up, ...
*-If you want to preview or to read from this video, use pause//play button. Fore more detailed view, visit the source of this video capture, go directly to: Yes, I'm saying that it's all lies http://gagnauga.is/index.php?Fl=Greinar&ID;=169 01.09.2011 Yes. You heard what I said. All of it. It's all a bunch of lies. I know that it is a shocking claim to many, that our trusted officials in concert with our reliable mass media actually participated in deliberate deception designed to get us to accept war, but deal with it. I'm making it. Our biggest moral obligation is ensuring that wars are not waged against people under false pretenses. War is the most disgusting and horrible thing you can inflict on any person. As you read this article I am sure you will find there are a number of thi...
Previous study: http://versebyversebibleteaching.com/?p=288 This is part two of our multi week study of Mystery Babylon, where we will be going verse by verse through Revelation chapter 17-18If you have not seen part one yet I highly recommend watching or listening to this study in chronological order as each one will build upon the other. There should be a link wherever you found this video or podcast to the previous study in the notes that accompany it. Rev 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: Ok this is a loaded verse and there is a lot to cover, so let’s get started. Arrayed in purple and scarlet colour: This particul...
THE NEW HYPES AND FAVOURITES OF INDIE.BRITPOP.NEWRAVE.ELECTRO.ROCK Seit über 5 Jahren sorgen Dj Fab & Montgomery Scott für Furore auf dem deutschen Indie-Tanzparkett und unterstützen bereits „The Editors“ , „Blood Red Shoes“, „I Heart Sharks“, „F*** Art Let's Dance“ und weitere Bands nach ihren Konzerten. Jetzt gehen sie gemeinsam auf "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN TOUR" um dem blank polierten Chart-Karussel Einhalt zu gebieten. Tour Dates: Fr, 12.10.12 Hamburg - Haus 73 Sa, 13.10.12 Berlin - White Trash Fr, 19.10.12 Halle - Upperclub - Klub Drushba im Exil Sa, 20.10.12 Kiel - Weltruf Fr, 26.10.12 Erfurt - Egabox / w Choirs (Live) Sa, 27.10.12 München - Atomic Cafe / w Innocent Boys Fr, 02.11.12 Chemnitz - Südbahnhof Sa, 03.11.12 Dresden - altes Wettbuero Fr, 09.11.12. Stuttgart - Keller Klub Sa,...
http://www.discogs.com/Pussy-Galore-Maximum-Penetration/release/2464609 Pussy Galore - Maximum Penetration Live 1987 1. Pig Sweat 2. White Noise 3. Just Wanna Die 4. Nothing Can Bring Me Down 5. Biker Rock Loser 6. Constant Pain 7. Rope Legend 8. Pussy Stomp 9. NYC: 1999! 10. Cunt Tease 11. When I Get Off 12. Get Out 13. Pretty Fuck Look 14. Trash Can 15. Die Bitch 16. Spin Out 17. Kill Yourself 18. No Count 19. Fuck You, Man 20. Alright [Cut] Jon Spencer - Guitar, Vocals Julie Cafritz - Guitar, Vocals Kurt Wolf - Guitar Neil Hagerty - Guitar Bob Bert - Drums
Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com Gringo, a young man hoping to find great fortune in New York, falls into heroin addiction.
Official page: http://www.twitch.tv/gtamarathon http://www.speedrun.com/gtamarathon/schedule Runner(s): http://www.twitch.tv/justshanz Official Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AscWW6qzLaWIdGxSa1VNQkx5b1hZcGFBcXVrZEVoVWc#gid=7 Leaderboard: http://www.speedrunrecords.com/grand_theft_auto On September 10th 2014, the GTA community will get together to celebrate all things Grand Theft Auto with its own marathon. It will include all of your favorite GTA games and runners, as well races, crazy categories and maybe one or two things they want to keep a surprise. Of course, they won't forget about all the other games that are GTA-like. Don't worry, there is room for them there. I try and upload the runs as quickly as possible for those who missed them. That means some runs ...
When four outsiders saw what the big banks, media and government refused to, the global collapse of the economy, they had an idea: The Big Short. Their bold investment leads them into the dark underbelly of modern banking where they must question everyone and everything. Based on the true story and best-selling book by Michael Lewis (The Blind Side, Moneyball), and directed by Adam Mckay (Anchorman, Step Brothers) The Big Short stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt.
When an ambitious group of personal trainers go after the American Dream, they get caught up in a criminal enterprise that goes horribly wrong. Now, living large will take everything they've got in this unbelievable and outrageous true story.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and Mark Wahlberg star in Martin Scorsese's new crime drama "The Departed." "The Departed" is set in South Boston where the state police force is waging an all-out war to take down the city's top organized crime ring. The key is to end the reign of powerful mob boss Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) from the inside. A young rookie, Billy Costigan (Leonardo DiCaprio) is assigned to infiltrate Costello's mob. While Billy is working to gain Costello's trust, another young cop, Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) is among a handful of elite officers whose mission is to bring Costello down. But what his superiors don't know is that Colin is working for Costello, keeping the crime boss one step ahead of the police. Each man becomes deeply consumed by his doubl...
Official page: http://www.twitch.tv/gtamarathon http://www.speedrun.com/gtamarathon/schedule Runner(s): http://www.twitch.tv/aces__high https://www.youtube.com/user/TheVennM Official Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AscWW6qzLaWIdGxSa1VNQkx5b1hZcGFBcXVrZEVoVWc#gid=7 Leaderboard: http://www.speedrunrecords.com/grand_theft_auto On September 10th 2014, the GTA community will get together to celebrate all things Grand Theft Auto with its own marathon. It will include all of your favorite GTA games and runners, as well races, crazy categories and maybe one or two things they want to keep a surprise. Of course, they won't forget about all the other games that are GTA-like. Don't worry, there is room for them there. I try and upload the runs as quickly as possible for those...
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RgBT4gtznI Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWwXDa4o9nc Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhpD5Oz4CCg Part 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kte2v-CoBNw Part 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjnMFdnB7mM Part 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r22hnukweAw
I'm going to get you
for the lies you've been telling
and I'm going to tell all
the people you call your friends
I'm going to break
every bone in you your body
that perfect little body
that's been so close to mine
We've been together
just as long as I remember
but your mouth is a weapon